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Software Project 
Management Tool - 
November 07, 2020 

Final Course Project Report For Homemade Food Products 

Software Project Management - CO417 

Submitted to: 
Mahendra Pratap Singh, Asst. Prof. , CSE dept. , NITK 

Chethan - 171CO113 

Vasudev B M - 171CO150 

S Sai Girish - 16CO244 


Overview  3  

Objectives  4 

Set Goal and Scope  5-6 

Select Lifecycle Selection  6-7 

Set Org./team form  8 

Start Team selection  8-9 

Risks Management  10 

Work Breakdown Structure  11 

Identify Tasks  12-13 

Size Estimation  14 

Efforts Estimation  15 

Identify task dependencies  16-21 

Resources assigned  16-21 

Scheduled work  22 

References  23 

Trello ​is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you what's being 
worked on, who's working on what, and where something is in a process. 
Imagine a whiteboard, filled with lists of sticky notes, with each note as a task for you and your team, including 
photos, attachments from various data sources, documents, and a place to comment and collaborate with your 
teammates. Where Trello shines lies in the fact that you can take that whiteboard anywhere you go right on your 
smartphone and can access it from any computer through the web. 
Teams can organize work through a system of boards, lists, and cards, and use the platform either for work or a 
side project. It is easy to collaborate and work on the details by adding comments, attachments, and due dates, 
among others. The interface is intuitive and makes it simple to use, and simultaneously allows it to be flexible to 
let users work in their best-known way. Without much effort, it can bring other people into their circle to work on 
various types of projects. 
A lot of times, people are using their communications system as their collaboration system. We are still in a 
period right now where there is a lot of growth for Trello. But the true competitor to tools like Trello is E-mails. 
Similar software-based alternatives include Asana, Workfront, Smartsheet, Planview and Projectplace, and 
Microsoft’s own Trello rival, Planner. They differ from full-featured project management tools such as Atlassian’s 
own Jira software or Microsoft Project, however. Instead, they prioritize lightweight functionality and 
accessibility over a broad feature set. Trello’s initial use case has been for small teams of up to 10 people, or 
even for personal use. 

Trello supports the following Software Development Life Cycle models:  

1. Waterfall Model 
2. Agile model  
3. Spiral Model  
4. Iterative Model 
5. RAD Model 



The following Reports to be generated using Trello: 

1. Set Goal and Scope 

2. Select Lifecycle 
3. Set Organization/Team form 
4. Start Team Selection 
5. Determine Risks 
6. Create WBS 
7. Identify Tasks 
8. Estimate Size 
9. Estimate Efforts 
10. Identify Task Dependencies 
11. Assign Resources 
12. Schedule Work 



1. Set Goal and Scope 

  Home-made  food products app is a Food ​is the best-in-class food ordering app.
With interactive UI/UX and simple call to actions, the fast delivery, live order tracking,
and the fact that there is no minimum order have made the Homemade food app the
best. The offers and discounts the app offers, and the number of restaurants to choose from are some
other factors. Mass order and Subscription features in this app make it special. Different payment
methods, including COD and online payment using debit and credit cards, are integrated for user’s
convenience. The thought the makers have put into developing the app is much appreciated as it
serves the purpose well.

Advantages of Home-made Food Delivery App : 

● Migrants miss their home food 

● Mass Order for functions not available in other apps. 

● Subscription of food for more than one month is available. 

● People find it difficult to cook. 

● Add and settle transactions. 
● Doorstep Delivery 
● Login credentials system 
● User-friendly user interface 
● Real-time notification 
● Delete account feature 
● Profile update system 

2. Software development Life cycle 

When  the  Agile  software  development  model  entered  the  scene,  it  generated  controversy  in  the 
community.  Agile  evangelists  believe  that  the  methodology  helps  deliver  software  faster  and  manage 
customers’  priorities  better  than  the  other  approaches.  Their  opponents  claim  that  Agile  undermines 
the existing good software development practices. 

For  a  customer,  it  may  be  hard  to  understand  if  their  project  needs  Agile.  In  our  article,  we  aim  to 
explore  Agile  software  development  from  a  customer’s  point  of  view,  highlighting  its  benefits  and 
pitfalls for a project. 

Basics of Agile Development Model: 

The  core  values  and  principles  of  Agile  are  defined  in  the  ​Manifesto  for  Agile  Software  Development 
published in 2001. 

● Individuals  and  interaction  over  processes  and  tools.  ​In  Agile,  developers’  interaction  is 
encouraged  as  much  as  their  skills.  A  good  team  of  developers  who  communicate  and 
collaborate well may produce better results than a team of experts each operating in isolation. 
● Responding  to  change  over  following  a  plan.  ​In  Agile,  developers welcome changes even at the 
late  stages  of  the  project.  As  the  development  process  is  split  into  cycles,  new  features  can  be 

● Customer  collaboration  over  contract  negotiation.  ​It  is  rather  painstaking  to 
provide  all  the  requirements  at  the  start  of  the  project.  It  is  better  to  directly 
involve  the  customer  to  provide  more detailed requirements and update them 
in the course of the project. 
● Working  software  over  comprehensive  documentation.  ​Working  software 
indicates  the  project  progress  better  than  documents  presented  to clients in meetings. Besides, 
developers strive to keep documentation brief as it may quickly become outdated. 

Typical Agile software development process 

Let’s  consider  how  the  Agile  software  development  process  goes  and  what  role  the  customer  plays in 

An agile-based project is divided into the following stages: 

● Requirement Gathering:​ The customer shares with the developers their overall vision of the 
project and relevant details. 
● Iteration Condition:​ The software development process is split into several “iterations” (3-4 
weeks long each). The following actions take place within an iteration: 
● Iteration planning:​ The scope of work to be taken under an iteration is planned by the 
developers and discussed with the customer. 
● Features Implementation:​ The developers implement the features shortlisted for an 
● Product Assessment:​ The customer assesses the product and initiates some changes to be 
implemented in the next iteration. 
● Testing: T
​ esting is carried out after each iteration to ensure that the customer gets working 
software with all the features requested. 
● Product Delivery:​ The final version of the product is delivered to the customer. 

The  working  software is released after each iteration. This way, the product gets several releases. After 

each  release,  new  features  can  be  added,  and  the  software  gets  improved  until  it  fully  satisfies  the 
customer’s expectations. 


3. Set Organization / team form: 

The above screenshot of the team members from the projects page of Trello application clearly defines 
the teams form. 

4. Team Selection 

Team selection based on individual user performance in previous projects. 

The following graphs show individual and group performance of the team members. 


5. Risk Management  
We can create a project issue log in Trello, a collaboration tool that organizes projects into 
boards and cards. After setting up a Trello issue log, you can apply the same structure to 
track risks, approve change requests, and track action items by simply glancing at the 
respective board. While this acts like a walkaround method, there are no in-built features in Trello that support 
active Risk Management control.  
“Being able to identify potential risks associated with projects is an important component of project 
management software. Trello and Asana are yet to come up with risk management functionality to track and 
manage the likelihood of their occurrence.” 
Types of Risks: 

● Tools  risks:  Risks  that  assume  from  the  software  tools  and  other  support  software  used  to 
create the system. 

● Organizational  risks:  Those  risks  that  assume  from  the  organizational  environment  where  the 
softwares is being developed. 

● Requirement  risks:  Those  risks  that  assume  from  the changes to the customer requirement and 

the process of managing the requirements change. 

● Estimation  risks:  Those  risks  that  assume  from  the  management  estimates  of  the  resources 
required to build the system 

● Technology risks: Those risks that assume from the software or hardware technologies that are 
used to develop the system. 
● People risks: Those risks that are connected with the person in the development team. 

6. Create Work Breakdown Structure 

Work Breakdown Structure report is obtained using Breakdown Structure powerup 
available for Trello.​WBS​ is a hierarchical tree ​structure​ that outlines your ​project​ and 
breaks it down into smaller, more manageable portions. Using Breakdown Structure, 
you can build a ​WBS​ by dividing individual tasks into subtasks and adding the 
relevant fields like Efforts, Cost, Start and Due Dates. 


7. Identify Tasks   
The report to identify tasks is generated using the Bridge24 Power-Up available for 
Trello. The following report shows the list of tasks that has been added to the Trello 
board of Homemade Food Products. It also displays useful information such as 
Assignee, Status, Date it was assigned and whether the task is completed or not.  


The below report is generated using the Plus Google Chrome extension and is similar to the 
report generated above using Bridge24 Power-Up.  


8. Estimate size 
The report for estimate size is obtained using Reports by Screenful Power-Up available for 

9. Estimate effort 
The following reports for Estimate effort is generated using Plus for Trello Google 
Chrome extension.   


10. Identify task dependencies  

11. Assign resources 
The members avatar in each of the following cards (SG - Sai Girish, VB - Vasudev B M and CN - Chethan N) 
represents assignment of resources and tasks. 
Task dependencies are specified in the attachment section of cards.  
The following is a report generated by Card Dependencies by Screenful Power-Up available for Trello, which 
depicts the count of type of dependencies. 







12. Schedule Work 

The report for Schedule work is generated using the TeamGantt Power-Up available 
for Trello. The Gantt chart is a graphical representation of a project schedule and it 
shows the links between tasks. The tasks with dependencies are marked with an 
arrow connecting the two tasks (Red lines in the Gantt chart).  




1. Breakdown Structure -​. 
2. Breakdown Structure - h
​ ttps:// 
3. Bridge24 - h
​ ttps:// 
4. Reports by Screenful - ​ 
5. Plus for Trello (time track, reports) -
6. TeamGantt - h
​ ttps:// 
7. Agile Cards - print your board - 
8. Card dependencies by Screenful - 


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