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1. Identify the parts of bony pelvis

o Pubis
o Ischium
o Ilium
o Sacrum
o Coccyx
o Linea terminalis
2. Identify true and false pelvis
3. Identify the shape of pelvic inlet (brown model: android; white model: gynecoid)
4. Measure the examining hand
5. Define diagonal, obstetric, and true pelvis
 Diagonal (12 cm) only measured clinically, Inf border of sy pubis to middle sacral
 Obstetric (10.5 cm) middle portion of sy pubis to middle sacral promontory
 True/Anatomical (11 cm) superior boder of sy pubis to middle sacral promontory
6. Evaluate pelvic inlet
o Sacral promontory is/not accessible
7. Evaluate midpelvis
o Sacral curvature (curved/straight)
Sacral width >3 fingerbreadths = wide sacrum
Sacral inclination – A/P inclined
o Measure sacrosciatic notch – 2 fingerbreadths
o Palpate Ischial spine – sharp/blunt prominence
o Bispinous diameter – 10 cm ADEQUATE (8 – contracted 9 – borderline)
o Assess sidewalls
8. Evaluate pelvic outlet
o Brings fist between ischial tuberosities
Bituberous diameter (can accommodate 4 knuckles or >8cm)
o Estimate subpubic angle (> or = 90 deg)
o Assess mobility of coccyx (movable / fixed)

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