Esperanza Rising Paper - DESMOND STELEA

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Esperanza Rising Paper

BY: Desmond Stelea

1 day later.

Esperanza and Hortensia were at the cabin making dinner and Miguel comes home running because he
got hired to be a worker at the railroad. Everyone was so excited for him. He was so happy. The next day
he went to work, so did Hortensia, Alfonso, Juan, and Josefina. Then when they came home they did
something special, they had a party for Miguel because it was his first time working at the railroad. They
had a great time.

2 days after that.

The owner of the railroad said that Miguel was fired because the owner thought that he was a part of
the strike and was in hiding but, Miguel wasn’t. Miguel went home sad, really, really, sad. So when he
got home he told everyone about today and how horrible it was. Everyone felt so sad for him so they
made a special for him, it kind of cheered him up but not a lot. Then the next day Miguel felt so sad
inside that he didn’t even want to get out of the cabin, and usually he is the first one out of the cabin. So
to try and make Miguel happier. They tried making his his favorite dish, acting silly, even throwing
another party but, it wouldn’t make him happy. So the next day they just left him there to rest and calm
down. When they came home they noticed that Miguel was missing so they went out to find him. They
found Miguel sitting by a tree and he was crying and was so sad. Everyone felt so bad for him that they
hugged him and brought him back to the cabin. When they asked Miguel why he was outside he told
them that he wanted to run away but couldn’t bare to leave. So that night they made Miguel’s favorite
dinner and dessert and went to bed.

The next morning.

Miguel woke up and everyone was awake and Hortensia had already made breakfast for him and the
rest of the family. But this time Miguel went out for work but did not do the best job. When they got
home Miguel realized that even though that he had wanted to work as a railroad worker and always
loved it, he learned that he wanted this job his whole life but his family needed him to get this through
so he got a job at the farm and was happy again.


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