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Carson V.

Social Science: History Teaching BT Started Fall 2017, Expected Completion May 2021
Winona State University, Winona, MN
Cumulative GPA: 3.76
Presidential Honor Scholarship
Teaching Experience
Field Experience:
Fall 2019
Winona Senior High School 20 Hours Split Between 9th and 11th Grade Equally
• Observed instructional methods while taking notes
• Interacted with students to build the student-teacher relationship
• Graded quizzes and other assignments done by students
• Assisted students in small groups and provided guidance
Kids First Mentor 30 Hours
• Worked with children from low income households from Elementary to Middle School
• Provided entertainment and safety to students that needed a safe space
• Successfully managed difficult and problematic scenarios that arose during experience
• Taught middle school students how to cook properly
• Used discipline fairly and appropriately when all other methods had been exhausted
Spring 2020
La Cresent-Hokah High School 18 Hours (Cut Short due to COVID-19) Split Equally between
8th Grade and 12th Grade
• Participated and assisted students/teacher in daily routines in a variety of classrooms
settings and grades
• Observed teacher interactions with students in small groups, one-on-one, and in the
• Assisted with instruction and guidance of small groups in multiple grade levels
Additional Experience with Youth
City of Prior Lake Recreation Leader-In Summers from May 2015 to June 2018 for a total of
955.75 hours
Sunday School Teacher-From 2014 to 2016 during Fall High School Semesters
Nursery Caretaker-On and off during Middle and High School
Vacation Bible School Leader-For two summers in High School
Miscellaneous Activities
Former Treasurer of Winona State University History Association Club
Former Event Coordinator of Winona State University Video Game Club

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