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1. If a mother is full term, and the child is lying transversely, what happens?

○ If a child is in in a transverse lie, especially if full term, the mother is usually

recommended to have a C-Section. Cord coiling is increased if the child is transverse.
2. Is there a surgery performed if the placenta is still inside the mother after delivery?
○ There are many issues, usually, when the placenta is still attached to the
uterine wall. This will lead to involuntary bleeding. The doctor will have a manual
vaginal exploration, and if not found, an ultrasound will happen. If found, an emergency
procedure will be conducted.
3. Theories of pregnancy:
○ uterine stretch
○ oxytocin
○ progesterone deprivation
○ prostaglandin
aging placenta

4. If the baby's head is delivered, but the legs/abdomen are wrapped by the coil?
○ The nurse will have palpated to see if there indeed is a coil wrapping.
If found that the cord is short, an emergency clamping and cutting of the cord will
need to be performed. ○ Ask mother to not bear down/push
§ Insert 1 Pean(?) forecep, and then another, followed by surgical
scissors The clamping must be done before complete delivery.

5. For breach position babies, what is the best way for delivery? And does it increase
the chance of C-Section?
○ Any breach position will be tantamount to CS-delivery, as per the
physician's decision To lessen any chances of complication

6. Is there a need to skin test a mother for anesthesia before being used?
○ Anesthetics are rarely used, due to how expensive they are
○ Usually, they're given pre-op meds
Phenergan (anti anaphylactic)

7. How does the doc know to get the placenta manually If the placenta isn't delivered
within 10 minutes, there is a chance of complication

In the cases of psychotic patients, especially without significant others, they will be
referred to the DSWD there will be someone in the DSWD who will stand by the patient
if grabe na, the waiver will be waived and there is no significant other
and walay musign sa waiver if the patient is buang2

Giving birth to a boy is much more painful than giving birth to a girl
there is no scientific bases on that, the gender does not have any effect on the pain
experienced by the mother.

Can the mother identify if she has a breech baby?

The mother can usually feel it because of the location of the kicks especially in the
second semister. As the baby kicks the location is different from the cephalic if you can
imagine the position of a cephalic baby, the upper abdomen
is the location, if her feeling sensations of the kicks is the lower part of the abdomen on
the pelvic region that will signify that the baby is on breech position.

You made mention about macrosomic baby a while ago, capus sucedaneum will the
presentation of the macrosomic baby
Capus sucedaneum is caused by prolonged labor because it is on the crowning stage, if
the mother is having hypotomic contraction this is the common cause for caput
sucedaneum and failure of descent because there is no progres in cervical
dilation. If the measurements are accurate for a macrosomic baby the mother can deliver.
But once the mother is identified as macrosomic, the doctor will not opt for nsvd because
of the higher chances of 4th degree lacerations. The doctor will opt for cd

If in the case if the initial mode of delivery is vaginal but due to reasons for the physician
to do it in cs, but the patient is not financially capable.
the government hospital will answer to that, the government hospital have free but not
totally free, the procedure is free they will only spend for the anesthetic around 700php or
around 1k+ less than 2. But in private hospital everything is payed so it is needed to be
done in a government hospital. If the patient is not financially capable, they will be
referred to the government hospital. In cs, the mother is always needed to prepare blood,
a standby blood in cases of bleeding there is a supply of blood, that is the challenge for
the patient since they are the ones to pay/supply their blood. Baseline bloods is neede to
be established, CBC, when the hemoglobin is below 12 they will always need a standby
donor or standby blood in the red cross they can ask if there are standby blood.

When the patient is not financially capable, the patient will be referred to a government hospital since
they are only to pay for some medications and anesthesia as to compare to a private hospital,
everything is charged. But they will be asked to have a stand by blood donor since the risk for
bleeding is higher.

What are the cause and effects and complications about abdominal pregnancy
That will not always push through, that will not prosper into a fetus. Chances are operahan man na
siya if abdominal, that will not prosper into a full term fetus because the normal environment the fetus
will grow is the uterus lang jud. Because it will cause a lot of pain and discomfort for a mother to have
abdominal pregnancy.

The mother is at risk for bleeding It is called ectopic pregnancy

Kanang sa mga gulang muingon gani sila pag ing ani para bayi ang anak or laki ang anak,
is it true if there is a sex position for a boy or a girl
I think there is no definit scientific explanation, it is only myths and beliefs. I have a
chinese friend for a postiion of a couple during sex to determine the gender of the fetus
but there is no evidence based practice on the different position will have different
Cases where the pregnant mother have STD how does it affect the baby and what are the
If the mother is identified to have STD, the mother will not be adviced to have NSVD it
will be always cs. Because it will past through the baby, muadto man na sa bata ang kuan,
kanang STD, from the mouth, eyes and skin, depende sa type of std so madaot ang baby,
the mother will have to be subjected for cs birth. The baby will be at risk if the baby will
past through the vaginal canal.
With regards to the chinese people, they eat placenta, does it provide macronutrients like
I can't validate because it is from beliefs especially from chinese. People from tribes they
have that belief that it can increase their lifespan but then it is not allowed anymore. The
relatives are allowed to claim the placenta because they have to burry it at home because
of their beliefs, so it is allowed before. But later it is not anymore allowed because
sanitary wise it is not healthy. Regarding the eating of the placenta to have the full
immunity to any certain diseases, it also does not have bases.

In ectopic pregnancies is ther a way to transfer the baby to the uterus or is it possible for the baby to
go down to the uterus itself without any help?
If you talk about the fetal development, during the implantation the one that pushes it towards the
uterine wall is the ampula, from the ovary mupapay siya to facilitate travel. From the ovary with the
help of the ampula muwork siya to move to the uterine environment, if inappropriate iya pagtravel,
chances are dili na jud na siya especially if mudevelop na ang placenta. If the placenta is already
attached, it is noy anymore possible.

Baby girls born preterm is it true to have a baby girl

THere is no bases on that. It depends again on the fetal development stage if kinsay pinakahealthy
nila, there is no bases that it is higher. It depends on the status of the baby or the status of fetus while it
is still in the uterus so it depends on the bioprofile

Risk for bleeding if the second baby is not coming out. Hypovelemia

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