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Lesson Plan

Topic area: Non-Linear Stage of Learner: Stage 5.2 - Syllabus Pages: 378-379
Relationships Year 9

Date: Tuesday, 17th March, Location Booked: Classroom Lesson Number: 2


Time: 60 minutes Total Number of students: 25 Printing/preparation

Outcomes Assessment Students learn about Students learn to

Syllabus outcomes  Non- linear  Solve simple
 Selects appropriate
 Formative graphs. related equations of
notations and conventions to
assessment (eg:  Parabolic parabolic relationships.
communicate mathematical
asking questions, relationship.  Stretch exponential
ideas and solutions
checking  Features of curves without the use
students’ exponential of digital technologies.
 Constructs arguments to
working curves.  Identify, compare
prove and justify results
progress) will be  Terminologies in and describe the main
used during exponential features of exponential
 Connects algebraic and
teaching session curves. curves.
graphical representations of
to assure  Describe
simple non-linear
students follow exponential in term of
relationships MA5.2-10NA
and understand what happens to the
the learning y-values as the x-values
content. become very large or
very small, and the
y-value for x = 0

Cross Curriculum themes & General capabilities Explicit subject specific concepts and skills
- Literacy - the concepts of non-linear relationships
- Numeracy - problem-solving skills
- Critical and creative thinking - team-work skills
- Sustainability
Quality Teaching Elements (lesson focus) Highlight the appropriate areas
Intellectual Quality 1.1 Deep knowledge 1.4 Higher-order thinking
This refers to pedagogy focused on producing deep understanding of important, 1.2 Deep understanding 1.5 Metalanguage
substantive concepts, skills and ideas. Such pedagogy treats knowledge as something 1.3 Problematic 1.6 Substantive
that requires active construction and requires students to engage in higher-order knowledge communication
thinking and to communicate substantively about what they are learning.
Quality Learning Environment 2.1 Explicit quality criteria 2.4 Social Support
This refers to pedagogy that creates classrooms where students and teachers work 2.2 Engagement 2.5 Students’ self regulation
productively in an environment clearly focused on learning. Such pedagogy sets high and 2.3 High Expectations 2.6 Student direction
explicit expectations and develops positive relationships between teacher and students
and among students.
Significance 3.1 Background 3.4 Inclusivity
This refers to pedagogy that helps make learning more meaningful and important to knowledge 3.5 Connectedness
students. Such pedagogy draws clear connections with students’ prior knowledge and 3.2 Cultural knowledge 3.6 Narrative
identities, with contexts outside of the classroom, and with multiple ways of knowing all 3.3 Knowledge
cultural perspective. integration

How are the quality teaching elements you have identified achieved within the lesson?
Teaching Indicators of presence in the lesson
1.4 Students learn to identify feature of non-linear relationships and how to solve related
1.2 equations.
Teacher uses mathematics terminologies in teaching such as exponential, always increasing,
1.5 always decreasing, y-intercepts etc…
Class discussion is essential to help students expand understanding on non-linear
1.6 relationships
2.2 Variety of activities during the lesson sustain students’ engagement and focus in class.
2.3 All students are encouraged and expected to participate in more challenging task.
2.6 Teacher should give students specific instruction and direction to reduce confusion with
learning content.
3.1 Teacher will assess on student background knowledge about parabolic relationship and its
terminologies before starting new learning content to assure every students are on the
same page. Teacher links all of students’ previous knowledge to strengthen and engage
students understanding
3.3 Students apply previous knowledge of parabolic relationship in solving more complicated
3.5 Investigation task involves with real life situation which every student can relate and be
interested in.
Time Teaching and learning actions Organisation Centred
Intro:  Teacher greets students. Teacher: prepare for lesson Teacher
5 mins content main points and
 Teacher briefly goes over the content of explain it to students
previous lesson to bring back students’
memories about non-linear relationship, Student: listen to teacher
parabola and its main features.
Resource: white board for
 Teacher briefly goes through the content teacher to write down the
that the lesson will be covered: main point of today lesson
- Application of quadratic equations
- Introduce exponential curves and its features

 Sketch, compare, interpret and describe

exponential curves with and without
15 mins Revision of parabolic relationship and solve Teacher: prepare Teacher
simple related equations worksheets questions and
Assign students to work in students
 Teacher hands out worksheets for pairs
students to complete in pairs.
Student: work in pairs to
 Teacher walks around classroom to check complete worksheet
on students progress, give feedback and
direction to guide students. Resources: printed
worksheets - Resource 4
 Teacher goes through the answer with the
whole class to ensure every students

10 mins Introduction of exponential relationship Teacher: explain the main Teacher

 The graph of an exponential concepts of exponential and
relationship is called an exponential curve. An relationship students
exponential curve is always decreasing or
always increasing. Student: listen to teacher
and ask questions to clear
 The general exponential equation is confusion
y = ax , where a > 0
Resources: sample work on
 Teacher show students how to white board - Resource 5
sketch a simple exponential curve and explain
its feature to students on the white board.
y = 2x
10 mins Sketch, compare and describe exponential Teacher: prepare questions Teacher
curve on exponential curves and
 Students are required to sketch Check on students work students
exponential and give feedback to guide
curves, find y-intercepts, compare and students
describe similarities and differences of the Encourage students to
graphs. participate in class
 Students answer questions on A4 paper
and hold it up. Teacher checks on students Student: answer question
work and give feedback to students on A4 papers
immediately. Participate in class
 Teacher asks a number of students to use
reasoning to describe similarities and Resources: A4 papers -
differences of the graphs of y = 3x , Resource 6
y = -3 , y = 3 , y= -3 , y= 3 + 1, y= 3 - 1
x -x -x x x

 Students are encouraged to share their

thoughts with the whole class. Students are
also welcome to add on other students ideas.

 Describe exponential in term of what

happens to the y-values as the x-values
become very large or very small, and the
y-value for x = 0

18 mins Investigation task Teacher: prepare questions Teacher

 Interpret graph of Total Coronavirus Cases upon Coronavirus graph and
in Australia. Use smart board to access students
graph of Total Coronavirus
 Students take a look at the graph and Cases in Australia at web
answer following questions. page
 The task includes questions with different
difficulties levels so it suitable with diverse /australia/
ability students.
Student: interpret the
 The task also has reasoning question to graph and answer the
allow students to justify their understanding in following questions.
class discussion. The question also has
multiple entries and open ended solutions Resources: resource 7
which will permit students to share their
thoughts freely.

 Teacher suggests students a number of

ways to protect themselves from coronavirus
such as washing hand frequently, not touching
your face, nose or eyes, improving immune
system by consuming more vitamin C
supplement, etc.. at the end of class

Conclusion  Sum up and conclude the lesson. Teacher: conclude the Teacher
2 mins  Teacher goes through the main points of lesson
exponential relationship and its features.
What have I learned about the teaching and learning process when preparing this

This lesson implemented an investigation task related to ongoing health issues in

Australia to engage students interest and also strengthen students’ knowledge. The
use of class discussion allows students to reinforce students communicating and
reasoning skills.

How am I measuring the outcomes of this lesson?

Learning Outcome Method of measurement and recording

Solve simple related parabolic Students successfully complete assigned tasks.
Sketch, compare, describe Students participate in class discussion.
exponential relationship and Students answer question correctly on A4 paper.
its features Students able to justify their answer with reasons and use
of mathematical terminologies.
Connect learning content with Students engage in the task.
real life application

Other considerations

Complete the table blow by inserting the AISTL graduate standards that you are
demonstrating and indicates the evidence from this lesson that should comply with
the standard.

Graduate Evidence within this lesson

1.2, 1.3, 1.5 In order to meet students diverse learning abilities and needs. A range of
different activities such as worksheet, class discussion, investigation task,
etc… have been implemented in this lesson.
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, Organise and develop learning content into effective teaching sequence to
2.5 allow students to build up on previous knowledge and strengthen their
knowledge in mathematics.
4.1, 4.2, 4.5 Students are encouraged to participate in class discussion. Teacher
organise and manages the class frequently to ensure students follow
learning content and stay on task.
5.1 Teacher checks on their progress during teaching session and asks question
to assess their understanding is in form of formative assessments.
7.1 Perform professional teaching standard to deliver effective and creative

What are the key risk issues that may appear for and need to be reduced/eliminated
in this lesson? Using your syllabus and support documents as well as other WHS
policy- Outline the key WHS considerations that are to be applied in this lesson?

References (In APA)

You must list all references that you have used for the content and resources of this
lesson in this space.

Resources Attached:
You must list all the resources that you have created or found in this space.

Resource 1:
Question 1: The graph below shows the heights of a tennis ball in y metres, as a
function of time in t seconds.

a) i) at what times is the ball at a height of 8m?

ii) explain why are there two different times when the ball at a height of 8m?
b) i) at what time is the ball at its greatest height? What is the greatest height?
ii) After how many seconds does the tennis ball land on the ground?

Question 2: A 540L tank of water begins to leak at a rate of 2L per day. A second
empty tank is being filled with water at a rate of 2L per hour. How long does it take
for the two tanks to have the same volume?
Resource 2:
Sketch y = 2x

y-intercept: (0,1)
The curve is always increasing

Resource 3:
In-class activity
Question 1: Sketch the following equation on the same set of axes on a piece of A4
paper. State y-intercept, describe the curve: always increasing or always decreasing.

a) y = 3x
b) y =-3x
c) y = 3-x
d) y= -3-x
e) y= 3x + 1
f) y= 3x - 1


Guess and predict what will happen to the y-values as the x-value become very large
or very small. Students are encourage to take a guess and we will check it next
Resource 4:

Investigation task
According to World Health Organization, Corona virus disease is also known as
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus originated from
Wuhan, China. People infected with COVID-19 can spread it to other through
droplets of saliva or discharge from nose when cough or sneezes. However, the
spread of the virus is now worldwide and Australia is not excepted. Updated at 15:10
GMT March 22, 2020 at Worldometers, Australia has 1,353 infected cases with
Corona virus. Your task is to explore the graph of Total Corona virus cases in
Australia, answer the following questions and discuss it with the whole class.

a) How many infected cases in 10th March, 2020?

b) Find the differences of infected cases between 10th March and 20th March.
c) Find the differences of infected cases between 20th March and 23rd March.
d) Can you forecast the number of infected cases Australia will have by 27th March?
e) By looking at the graph can you tell is it a linear or non-linear graph? If it is
non-linear, is the graph in form of a parabola or an exponential? Explain why with
clear reason and justification.

Discussion question for higher ability students or can use it in class discussion.
The graph looks like an exponential curve. As we know, exponential curve is either
always increasing or always decreasing. So will the number of infected cases always
increase? So is this graph really an exponential curve?

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