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Names Lorenz Yvan Bertrand

Benjamin Joel Berger

Craig Alan Kenneth Byrne

Student 60503641124


LESSON PLAN (A2 - Intermediate level)

I: Objectives

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:

1. Use adjectives correctly.

2. Describe objects.
3. Formulate grammatically correct sentences using appropriate adjectives.

Level – A2

Class Age – 7 to 11 years (25 students per class).

II: Subject Matter – Understanding spoken adjectives

III: Materials: Smartboard

Lesson of 1 period: 50 minutes

Timeframe Student does Teacher does

Pre-teaching Q/A define Adjective Play warm up song/video
10 minutes Give examples of adjectives Lead Q/A about adjectives
Guess the riddles Present example riddles
During teaching Students make their own Teacher goes around the class
25 minutes riddles describing an animal or helping with writing and
object spelling
Post teaching One or two students volunteer Teacher supervises and makes
15 minutes to present their riddle to the sure the students are
whole class. Then students practicing and not just playing
take turns reading their riddles around.
and guessing them in pairs

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