Enhanced School Improvement Plan Template

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Enhanced School Improvement Plan Template

Title Cover

I. Introduction
II. DepEd Vision, Mission and Core Values
III. School Organizational Structure
IV. The School Planning Team
V. SIP General Objectives and Targets
VI. School’s Current Situation (A narrative of Annex 1A results & based on
the School Report Cards)
VII. School Priority Improvement Areas (use Annexes 3 & 4)
VIII. Analysis of the School Priority Improvement Areas (use Annex 8)
IX. Solutions/lnterventions
X. The Annual Improvement Plan (attach Annex 9)
XI. The School Report Cards (attach Annex 12A)
XII. Pictures of School Activities (Annex 12)
Additional Reminders:

Font Size: 12
Font Style: Arial
Paper Size: A4
Line Spacing: 1.5
Table Spacing: Single
Page Margin:
Left – 1.5
Right – 1
Top – 1
Bottom - 1

Ring Orientation: Parallel with the given SIP Guidebook

All programs, projects and activities must be aligned with the SIP, AIP, PPMP
and APP

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