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The food industry accounts for not only a large percent of the U.

S economy’s income but

also the percent of employment. “in 2014, agriculture and related food industries contributed

5.7% to the total U.S. Gross Domestic Product (United States Department of Agriculture

Economic Research Service, 2014), and agriculture and food manufacturing accounted for 24%

of U.S. employment.” ​As the food industry is seen as a major part, there are factors that make the

economy gain money to be able to make the most amount of profit​.​ Additional factors, such as

livestock and diseases, that lead into the food industry can result in a decrease of the economy's

production rates of income. “Each year the productivity of livestock and poultry in the United

States is reduced by at least 20 percent because of diseases. This represents an estimated annual

economic loss of $14 billion.” Diseases are often not diagnosed early enough to save costly

animals, causing a dramatic economic decrease. Even with a large decrease there is enough food

to supply for the consumers and the companies that are supplying​.​ A​ccording to Delia Grace

from International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) the U.S economic growth is takes part in

reducing poverty. Due to dependence on other countries for resources the U.S is moving away

from being self-sufficient. “In 2001, over 70% of processed food in the United States was

purchased from other countries, representing almost 30% of final gross product”. As we get food

from other countries since the cost is less due to manufacturing and labor is less expensive

outside of the United States. This shows the economic decrease in the way that we pay for food

instead putting it back in our economy.

Due to the economy wanting to increase profits, industries will pay workers a small and

often unfair amount. In the article ​Fast-Food Unionization i​ t states, “The average hourly median

wage for fast-food workers is currently $8.94. In addition, the SEIU (Service Employees

International Union) reports that a majority of workers say they are the victims of “wage theft,”

which includes not being paid for overtime, being denied mandated breaks, and having hours

subtracted from their paychecks” (Beaver). Fast food workers are also not being guaranteed work

hours. They can be sent home when business is slow and called in whenever it is busy and more

workers are needed. When workers are sent home it lowers their paychecks because they do not

get enough hours in. Fast food industries are less worried about workers and rely on food that

can be served quickly and cheaply for an economic profit. To increase profit fast- foot industries

are also using healthier more organic food. “(Chipotle, for instance, tries to use only

antibiotic-free meat.) Perhaps as a result, their food tends to taste better. It's also more expensive.

The average McDonald's customer spends around five dollars a visit; the average Chipotle check

is more than twice that.” Consumers want to live a more healthy lifestyle and are willing to pay

more for it. Not only do the want tomaintain a balance they also want quality food and want to

know its orgin is of somewhere sanitary.

Words: 242

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