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1. What would you do if you were invited to give a talk/speech before a group of
college students?

If I were invited to give a talk or speech to college students then I gotta make sure my
speech is not boring. College students are too fed up of long boring lectures and as
speakers, we don’t want our listeners to get bored. I should make sure that my speech
is very very relevant to them and is something that is new to them and trivial enough
to pique their attention. I think it should also be short and at the same time, straight to
the point.

2. List down five steps or ways (not necessarily in a logical order) prior to giving a
- Check out what kind are your audience gonna be
- Plan on what your speech is gonna be all about
- Research about the topic of your speech
- Make your speech, make sure that it is organized
- Practice practice practice


List down five essential points presented by the speaker.

- Write down every big message points you want your audience to know
- Them out of those points, come up with the top five and that should be your focus
- Provide a story to every points
- When using powerpoint, use images
- Have a single sheet of paper that contains your outline to use during your

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