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For Every Book

Book Title A Fresh Approach to Reasoning Test

Publisher Upkar Prakashan, Agra-2

Authors Dr. Lal, Mayura

Edition Revised & Enlarged Edition


Name of Board

Exam Names Banking, Civil, Defence Services, Specially Bank Probationary

Officers Exam.


Subjects Logical Reasoning

Type of Book Reference

Languages English

Chapter Number

Chapter Name Miscellaneous Exercise

Exercise Examples, Multiple Choice Questions

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 1.

Question Body: Which of the following statements is a fact?

Option A: Peacock is a beautiful bird.

Option B: There are seven stages of human life
Option C: There are seven days in a week
Option D: The thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Correct Answer: (C)


1) Fact refers to something that is true or real. Fact is verifiable. Fact is backed by
documentation, evidence etc.

2) Opinion is what a person believes. An opinion is a judgement based on one or more facts.

3) So, in the given question option A, option B and option D are opinions because they are
judgements given by the persons and option C is a fact because it is true.

Hence, “option C” is correct choice.

Page Number: 227

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 2

Question Body: How will the given block look like after rotarian?

Option A:
Option B:

Option C:

Option D :

Correct Answer: (D)


Question figure is not given so can’t be answered.

In questions 3 and 4 select the statement which is NOT based on the given

Page Number: 227

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 3

Question Body: Good mind, good find. Good health is above wealth.

Option A: Health is wealth.

Option B: Wealth is everything in life.

Option C: Sound mind is in a sound body.

Option D: If health is lost everything is lost

Correct Answer: (B)


1) “Good mind, good find” is a proverb. It means that “when our mind is positive, we get into
positive actions and will find good ways to move on”.

2) “Good health is above wealth”, because if a person is healthy even if he/she has no wealth,
he/she can be happy. As he/she is healthy, he/she can be good at studies and work and earn
his/her daily bread. If you are wealthy and not healthy, then you can get whatever you want but
you can’t perform your tasks and enjoy the things around you.

Option A: Health is wealth – it can be drawn from the given sentences.

Option B: Wealth is everything in life – we can’t draw this sentence from the given sentences.

Option C: Sound mind is in a sound body – we can draw this from the given sentences.

Option D: If health is lost everything is lost – we can draw this from the given sentences.

Hence, “option B” is correct choice.

Page Number: 227

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 4

Question Body: Work is worship. True success is to labour.

Option A: Hard work brings success in life.

Option B: God helps those who do not help themselves.

Option C: Continuous labour is the key to success.

Option D: True worship is to work hard.

Correct Answer: (B)

1) “Work is worship” is a proverb. Worship signifies respect and love. Work gives a person new
face and adds meaning to the life. Without work life will be idle, dull and tedious.

2) “True success is to labour” – success always travels in the company of hard work.

Option A: Hard work brings success in life – we can draw this sentence from the given

Option B: God helps those who do not help themselves – nothing about “God” is mentioned in
the given sentence. So, we can’t draw this from the given sentences.

Option C: Continuous labour is the key to success – we can draw this sentence from the given

Option D: True worship is to work hard – we can draw this sentence from the given sentences.

Hence, “option B” is the correct choice.

Page Number: 227

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 5

Question Body: How the given block will look like after a rotation?

Option A:

Option B:
Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (C)


Page Number: 227

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 6

Question Body: Which one figure can be placed at the sign of interrogation?

Option A:

Option B:
Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (D)


Consider first row:

1) First figure is rotated 1350 in anticlockwise direction to get the second figure.

2) Second figure is rotated 1350 in anticlockwise direction to the third figure.

Same pattern is followed for figures in second and third row.

Hence, “option D” is correct choice.

Page Number: 227

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 7

Question Body: Which one figure can be placed at the sign (7) of interrogation?

Option A:
Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (A)


Consider the three figures in first row:

1) There is three shapes in the first figure.

2) One shape is added and there is four shapes in the second figure.

3) One shape is added to the second figure and there is five shapes in the third figure.

So, one shape is added to get the next figure.

Same pattern is followed for figures in second and third rows.

There is one shape in first figure and two shapes in second figure of third row.

So, the third figure should consists of three shapes.

Hence, “option A” is correct choice.

Page Number: 227

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 8

Question Body: Which arrow will hit the target T?

Option A: a

Option B: c

Option C: d

Option D: b

Correct Answer: (D)


1) When we extend the paths of the given arrows a, b, c and d, only path of arrow b will include
target T.

2) Paths of arrows a, c and d don’t touch the given target.

So, arrow b will hit the target T.

Hence, “option D” is correct choice.

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 9

Question Body: Which of the four points would fall on the triangle?

Option A:
Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (B)


All four images are same in the given options.

In question 10 to 12, select the one alternative figure which complete the figure matrix.

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 10

Question Body:
Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (A)


In each row:

1) There is three shapes of heads: triangle, circle and square

2) There is three shapes of body: line, rectangle and cylinder

3) And three types of hands and legs.

4) In the third row, square shape head, line body shape, downward hands and square shaped
legs are missing. So, that would be the missing diagram.

Hence, “option A” is correct choice

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 11
Question Body:

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (A)


1) In first row: on moving towards right the design is decreased.

2) In second row: on moving towards right the design is increased.

3) So, on moving towards right the design is either increased or decreased.

4) In third row, moving towards right the design is increased.

So, “option A” is correct choice.

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:
Passage text:

Question Name: 12

Question Body:

Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (D)


In first row:

On moving right direction:

1) Outermost shape is disappeared in second figure and remaining all shapes remain same.

2) Outmost shape in figure two is disappeared in third figure and remaining all shapes remain

3) The same logic is followed in row two and row three.

Hence, “option D” is correct choice.

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 13

Question Body: Which number can be placed at the sign of interrogation?

Option A: 12

Option B: 39

Option C: 18

Option D: 24

Correct Answer: (A)


In each row, the sum of first and second number is less than third number by 1.

Row 1: 27 22 50

Sum of first and second numbers: 27 + 22 = 49

Third number is 50.

49 is one less than 50.

Similarly, in row 2: 13 12 26

13 + 12 = 25

25 is one less than 26.

In third row: 9 2 ?
So, the missing number should be one more than sum of 9 and 2

9 + 2 = 11

Add 1 to 11 to find the missing number: 11 + 1 = 12

Hence, 12 is the required number.

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 14

Question Body: Which one number can be placed at the sign of interrogation ?

Option A: 9

Option B: 6

Option C: 3

Option D: 7

Correct Answer: (D)

In each column, the sum of first numbers is equal to sum of last two numbers.
In first column: 14 + 12 = 10 + 16 i.e. 26 = 26
In the second column: 9 + 7 = 5 +11 i.e. 16 = 16
In third column: 5 + 2 = 0 + x → x = 7

So, the required number is 7.

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 15

Question Body: Which number can be placed at the sign of interrogation?

Option A: 12

Option B: 16

Option C: 8

Option D: 4

Correct Answer: (C)

In each column, the product of the first three numbers is equal to the fourth number.
In column one: 6 × 5 × 4 = 120. 120 is the fourth number in the first column.
In column two: 6 × 7 × 3 = 126
In column three: 8 × 5 × a = 320
a = 320 ÷ 40 = 8
Hence, the missing number is 8.

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 16

Question Body: Which one letter can be placed at the sign of interrogation?
Option A: L

Option B: N

Option C: P

Option D: T

Correct Answer: (D)


1) In first row:
Two letters are missing between H and K and five letters are missing between K and Q.
2) In second row:
Three letters are missing between C and G while seven letters are missing between G and O.
3) In third row:
Four letters are missing between E and J. Hence, nine letters must be missing between J and ?
Hence, T will be the 10th letter from J.
Hence, the missing letter is “T”.

Page Number: 228

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 17.

Question Body:
Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (A)


The missing outer shape in third row is square and missing inner shape is diagonal. So, the
missing shape must be square with two diagonal lines.

Hence, “option A” is correct choice.

Page Number: 229

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 18.

Question Body:
Option A:

Option B:

Option C:

Option D:

Correct Answer: (D)


1) Non arrow lines are increasing by one in each step.

2) Three arrow lines are becoming one arrow.

3) So, in the last figure, one non arrow line is added below and three arrowing are becoming
one arrow. So, there should be two non arrow lines in below and one arrow above.

Hence, “option D” is correct choice.

Page Number: 229

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 19.

Question Body:

Option A: 12

Option B: 16
Option C: 18

Option D: 22

Correct Answer: (B)


In each row, if half of the first number is added to the double the second number, the third
number is obtained.

In row one: 6 11 25

Half of 6 is 3 and double of 11 is 22.

3 + 22 = 25

In row two: 8 6 16

Half of 8 is 4 and double of 6 is 12.

4 + 12 = 16.

Similarly, in row three: 12 5 ?

Half of 12 is 6 and double of 5 is 10.

6 + 10 = 16.

Hence, the missing number is 16.

Page Number: 229

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 20.

Question Body: Different designs can be made by placing a maximum of nine matchsticks.
Which is the design that cannot be made at all?
Option A: A

Option B: B

Option C: C

Option D: D

Correct Answer: (C)


We can make figure A, figure B and Figure D by using nine match sticks. But we can’t make
figure C using nine match sticks. We need ten match sticks to make figure C.

Hence, “option C” is correct choice.

Page Number: 229

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 21.

Question Body: How many squares are there in the figure given below?

Option A: 12

Option B: 13
Option C: 16

Option D: 17

Correct Answer: (D)


Let us give name to each intersecting point in the given figure as shown below:

Seventeen squares in the given figure: ACEG, ABIH, BCDI, DEFI, GFIH, JKLM, JRXI, RKYI,

Hence, there is seventeen squares in the given figure.

Page Number: 229

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 22.

Question Body: Which of the statement/s below is/are absurd?

(A) Cancer is caused by both active and passive smoking.

(B) Ooty is a famous hill-station visited by tourists from all over India and abroad.
(C) Alcoholic make good company and always think clearly.

(D) Students who are intelligent have to work hard to pass the examination

Option A: A, B, C

Option B: B, C

Option C: C and D

Option D: B, C and D

Correct Answer: (C)


1) When you drink alcohol it is quickly absorbed into your blood and alcohol on the blood quickly
moves to the brain. Alcohol impairs ability to think and coordinate movement. So, option C is

2) Students who are intelligent can understand the concepts easily and takes less time to learn
new things. So, they need less hard work compared to average students. So, option D is

Hence, “option C” is correct choice.

Page Number: 229

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 23.

Question Body: 1. No one call buy happiness even if he is a millionaire.

2. Life is nothing but joy and happiness.

3. Edward Jenner fir t developed vaccine from cow pox in 1796.

4. Two and two make four.

Option A: 1 and 2

Option B: 2 and 3

Option C: 1, 3 and 4
Option D: 3 and 4

Correct Answer: (C)


Page Number: 229

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 24.

Question Body: l. India became Independent in 1947.

2. All teachers in [ndia enjoy academic freedom.

3. Indian leader. are intelligent and sincere.

4 . Education in India i now looked upon as human resources deve lopmel1l

Option A: 1 and 2

Option B: 2 and 3

Option C: 1 and 4

Option D: 2 and 4

Correct Answer: (C)


Page Number: 229

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag

Passage text:

Question Name: 25.

Question Body: In questions 25 and 26 select the alternative in which the third statement is
implied in the first two statement.
Option A: All oranges are black. All figs are oranges. So all fig are black.

Option B: All dogs are mad. All sick persons are mad. So all sick persons are dogs.

Option C: No man can fly. No kite can fly. So all men are kites.

Option D: All windows are dogs. Some doors are dogs. So all windows are doors.

Correct Answer: (A)


Option A: All oranges are black. All figs are oranges. So all fig are black.

The least possible for the first two statements will be as shown:

Hence, all figs are black is true.

Option B: All dogs are mad. All sick persons are mad. So all sick persons are dogs.

The least possible for the first two statements will be as shown:

All sick persons are dogs – it is possible but not definite in least possible Venn diagram. Hence,
it is false.

Option C: No man can fly. No kite can fly. So all men are kites.

The least possible for the first two statements will be as shown:
All men are kites – it is possible but not definite in least possible Venn diagram. Hence, it is

Option D: All windows are dogs. Some doors are dogs. So all windows are doors.

The least possible for the first two statements will be as shown:

All windows are doors – it is possible but not definite in least possible Venn diagram. Hence, it is

Hence, “option A” is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text:

Question Name: 26.

Question Body: In questions 25 and 26 select the alternative in which the third statement is
implied in the first two statement.

Option A: All oranges are black. All figs are oranges. So all fig are black.

Option B: All dogs are mad. All sick persons are mad. So all sick persons are dogs.

Option C: No man can fly. No kite can fly. So all men are kites.

Option D: All windows are dogs. Some doors are dogs. So all windows are doors.

Correct Answer: (A)


Option A: All oranges are black. All figs are oranges. So all fig are black.

The least possible for the first two statements will be as shown:
Hence, all figs are black is true.

Option B: All dogs are mad. All sick persons are mad. So all sick persons are dogs.

The least possible for the first two statements will be as shown:

All sick persons are dogs – it is possible but not definite in least possible Venn diagram. Hence,
it is false.

Option C: No man can fly. No kite can fly. So all men are kites.

The least possible for the first two statements will be as shown:

All men are kites – it is possible but not definite in least possible Venn diagram. Hence, it is

Option D: All windows are dogs. Some doors are dogs. So all windows are doors.

The least possible for the first two statements will be as shown:
All windows are doors – it is possible but not definite in least possible Venn diagram. Hence, it is

Hence, “option A” is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: (Q. 27-30): A team of five members is to be formed from five boys P, Q, R, S and
T and four girls A, B, C and D. Some of the necessary conditions are-

(i) P and S are to remain together.

(ii) Q cannot remain together with B or C
(iii) R and A have to remain together
(iv) T cannot remain with A or D

Question Name: 27.

Question Body: if Q is one of the selected members, then the other members are-

Option A: APRS

Option B: ADRS

Option C: BCPT

Option D: ADRP

Correct Answer: (A)


From the given information:

1) As Q is one of the member then B or C cannot be with him.

Therefore option (C) is wrong.

P and S are to remain together. But in option B only S is takes. So, it is wrong.

P and S are to remain together. But in option D only P is takes. So, it is wrong.

2) So possible members of the group is A, D, P, R, S and T.

3) Again if R is there then A should also be there and when A and D are there, then T cannot
with them.
Hence only A, P, R and S can be possible with Q.

Hence, “option A” is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: (Q. 27-30): A team of five members is to be formed from five boys P, Q, R, S and
T and four girls A, B, C and D. Some of the necessary conditions are-

(i) P and S are to remain together

(ii) Q cannot remain together with B or C
(iii) R and A have to remain together
(iv) T cannot remain with A or D

Question Name: 28.

Question Body: If the three members are to be girls, then members of the team are-

Option A: ABCRT

Option B: ACDRS

Option C: BCDPS

Option D: ABCDR

Correct Answer: (C)


1) As P and S are to remain together, option (B) is not possible.

2) As T cannot remain with A or D, option (A) is not possible.

3) As three members are to be girls but there are four girls in option D, option (D) is not

So, the possible members are B, C, D, P and S.

Hence, “option C” is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: (Q. 27-30): A team of five members is to be formed from five boys P, Q, R, S and
T and four girls A, B, C and D. Some of the necessary conditions are-

(i) P and S are to remain together

(ii) Q cannot remain together with B or C
(iii) R and A have to remain together
(iv) T cannot remain with A or D

Question Name: 29.

Question Body: If the four members are to be boys and one member is A, then the remaining
members of the team are-

Option A: QRST

Option B: PQRS

Option C: PRST

Option D: PQST

Correct Answer: (B)


1) As T cannot remain with A or D, hence options (A), (C) and (D) are not possible.

2) So, the members are P, Q, R and S.

Hence, “option B” is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: (Q. 27-30): A team of five members is to be formed from five boys P, Q, R, S and
T and four girls A, B, C and D. Some of the necessary conditions are-

(i) P and S are to remain together

(ii) Q cannot remain together with B or C
(iii) R and A have to remain together
(iv) T cannot remain with A or D
Question Name: 30.

Question Body: If the two members are to be girls, which one of the following teams is not

Option A: BCPST

Option B: ABPRS

Option C: CDPRS

Option D: ACPRS

Correct Answer: (C)


1) R and A have to remain together, but in option C only R is taken.

Hence, CDPRS is not possible.

Hence, “option C” is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: Each of the following questions has four alternative responses. Select the correct


(I) The democracy is not suitable for India.

(II) The democracy is being misused by the corrupt business men and politicians.
(III) The poor and the illiterate people can be easily purchased.

Question Name: 31.

Question Body: India is the largest democracy of the world. After independence, there have
been a great industrial development. The production of food grains also increased. On the
contrary the purchasing power of the common man has decreased and very small proportion of
the gains of industrial and agricultural development have reached him.

Option A: I and II

Option B: II and III

Option C: I and III

Option D: l, ll and III

Correct Answer: (B)


The purchasing capacity of a common man is decreased because businessmen and politicians
are misusing democracy and gaining huge profits. Poor people and uneducated people are
exchanging their votes with money or other things because they are unware of vote power. So,
corrupted politicians are winning easily in the elections by spending money. We can’t decide
that democracy is not suitable for India but implementing all rules and regulations will be difficult
because of huge population in the country.

Hence, “option B” is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: Each of the following questions has four alternative responses. Select the correct

Question Name: 32.

Question Body: The manager ordered his secretary " If Mr. Singh comes, tell him to come to Mr.
Trehan's office at 3 p.m. I will meet him there. If Mr. Trehan come then tell him to come
tomorrow at any time according to his convenience." Which of the following conclusions is

Option A: The Manager does not want that Mr. Trehan should meet Mr. Singh.

Option B: The Manager is a suspicious person.

Option C: The Manager does not want to meet Mr. Singh.

Option D: The Manager wants to meet Mr. Trehan before he meets Mr. Singh.

Correct Answer: (D)


From the given information, it can be observed that, the manager wanted to meet Mr. Singh at
Mr. Trehan’s office, means he doesn’t mind if Mr. Singh and Mr. Trehan meet, otherwise he
wanted to meet Mr. Trehan only the next day. So, from this we can conclude that he wanted to
talk with Mr. Trehan before meeting Mr. Singh.

Hence, “option D” is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: Each of the following questions has four alternative responses. Select the correct

Question Name: 33.

Question Body: Mr. Venugopal tells Mr. Shivram. "Why you are so scared of your boss. Have
you not seen Mr. Kumaran? How boldly he faces him though it is not good for his future. That is
why he is so popular among his colleagues." The statement mean –

Option A: to intimidate Mr. Shivram.

Option B: to praise Mr. Shivram.

Option C: to compare Mr. Shivran.

Option D: to advice Mr. Shivram.

Correct Answer: (D)


Mr. Venugopal is advising Mr. Shivram that there is no need to be scared of his boss. And he is
giving one example to tell him why he shouldn’t be scared of his boss.

Hence, option D is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 34.

Question Body: Amar is the son of a renowned footballer and studying in the degree Course. He
is 5'- 7" tall and his weight is 64 kg. He is the captain in the District football team.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (A)

1) Amar is studying in the degree course. So, condition a is satisfied.
2) He is 5'- 7". So, condition d is satisfied.
3) He is 64 kg. So, condition e is satisfied.
4) He is the captain in the District football team. So, condition c is satisfied.
He is satisfying all required criteria. So, he should be selected.
Hence, option A is correct choice.

Page Number: 230

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 35.

Question Body: Samar studying in the same degree college and participates in the state level
competition and his weight is 52 kg.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (E)


Samar is satisfying conditions (a), and (f) but either condition (d) or (e) isn’t satisfied. So, he
cannot be selected.

Hence, option E is correct choice.

Page Number: 231

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 36.

Question Body: Prakash in a Class is a member of the district team. He is 5'-9" tall and his
weight is 59 kg.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (B)


1) Prakash in a Class is a member of the district team. So, condition (c) is satisfied.
2) He is 5'-9" tall so, condition (d) is satisfied and his weight is 59 kg so, condition (e) is

3) As Prakash is satisfying all the conditions except (a) so he should be referred to the
Chairman of the Selection Board.

Hence, option B is correct choice.

.Page Number: 231

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 37.

Question Body: Nikhil is studying in a degree college and is a state football player. He is 5'-8"
tall and his weight is 58 kg.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (C)


1) Nikhil is studying in degree college so, condition a is satisfied.

2) And he is a state football player.

3) He is 5'-8" tall, condition d is satisfied and his weight is 58 kg, condition is satisfied.

4) Nikhil will be asked to state whether he has participated in the school football team or not.

Hence, option C is correct choice.

.Page Number: 231

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 38.

Question Body: Sanjay is 5'-8" tall, His weight is 55 kg. He is a member of the state football
Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (E)

1) Sanjay is 5'-8" tall, condition d is satisfied and his weight is 55 kg, condition e is satisfied .

2) He is a member of the state football team. Condition f is satisfied.

Sanjay isn’t provided information about his study and whether he is participated in school game
or district level player.
Hence, option E is correct choice.

Page Number: 231

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and
(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 39.

Question Body: Shekhar is a student of a degree college, participates in the state football team.
He is 5'-4" tall.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (E)

1) Shekhar is a student of degree college, condition a is satisfied.

2) He participates in the state football team. So, condition f is satisfied means either condition d
or e is waived off .He is 5'-4" tall, he doesn’t satisfy condition d so he must satisfy condition e.

3) His weight is not provided.

So, he can’t be selected.

So, option E is correct choice.

Page Number: 231

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 40.

Question Body: Aloke, a student of degree college, was a member of the school football team.
He is 5'- 10" tall and his weight is 53 kg.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (E)


1) Aloke, a student of degree college, condition a is satisfied.

2) He was a member of the school football team, condition b is satisfied.

3) He is 5'- 10" tall, condition d is satisfied and his weight is 53 kg, condition e is not satisfied.

So, he is not selected.

Hence, option E is correct choice.

Page Number: 231

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:
(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 41.

Question Body: Ashok is the son of the reputed cricket player. He is the captain of the State
football team. His height and weight are 5'-4" and 50 kg respectively.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (E)

1) Ashok is the son of the reputed cricket player.
2) He is the captain of the State football team. So, condition f is satisfied so either condition d or
e is waived off.

3) His height and weight are 5'-4" and 50 kg respectively. He is not satisfying both conditions d
and e.
So, he is can’t be selected.

Hence, option E is correct choice.

Page Number: 231


Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 42.

Question Body: Sharma, son of a reputed sports person is studying in school and he has not
participated in any team so far. He is 5'- 7" tall and his weight is 62 kg.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (E)


1) Sharma, son of a reputed sports person is studying in school, so condition a is not satisfied.

2) he has not participated in any team so far, so condition b or c or f is not satisfied.

3) He is 5'- 7" tall, condition d is satisfied and his weight is 62 kg, condition e is satisfied.

So, he is not selected.

Hence, option E is correct choice.

Page Number: 231

Type of question: MCQ

Exercise Subtag:

Passage text: To qualify for the National Men's Team of Football, the criteria are:

(a) A candidate must be studying in the degree course;

(b) He must have participated in the school football team;

(c) In case he is a member of the District team, condition (b) can be waived;

(d) He must have a minimum height of 5'-6";

(e) His weight must be a minimum of 54 kg;

(f) In the case of a state level player condition (d) or (e) can be waived;

(g) If the candidate is a son of any reputed Sports person and does not satisfy criteria (a) and
(b), his case will be referred to the Government:

(h) In the case of a candidate satisfying all the conditions other than in (a), he will be referred to
the Chairman of the Selection Board and

(i) In the case of incomplete information about participation in game is provided by any
candidate more information will be asked for;

Question Name: 43.

Question Body: 5'- 10" tall Suresh is a graduate. His weight is 60 kg. He participated in the
school team.

Option A: if he is selected;

Option B: if he should be sent to the Chairman;

Option C: if he should be asked for more information;

Option D: if he should be referred to the Government; and

Option E: if he cannot be selected.

Correct Answer: (B)


1) 5'- 10" tall so condition d is satisfied.

2) Suresh is a graduate means condition a not satisfied.

3) His weight is 60 kg, condition e is satisfied.

4) He participated in the school team, condition b is satisfied.

He is satisfying all conditions except a. So, he will be referred to the Chairman of the Selection

Hence, option B is correct choice.

Page Number: 231

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