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Project Paper

Faculty of Administrative Science & Policy Studies

Universiti Teknologi MARA



A Study on the Students Perception towards the Effectiveness of

Stress Management Technique among students:

A case study at UiTM Melaka, Kampus Alor Gajah (KAG)

Name of Students

Nurul Aliya binti Azmi 2006137275

Nur Syafirah binti Mohamad Nor 2006105007

Nur Azimah binti Yahaya 2006104999

Nur Atiqah binti Jaafar 2006104977

Nur Hanim binti Mohd Hairuddin 2006142399

[ July 09 / Nov 09 ]

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Assalamualaikum waramatullahhiwabarakatuh.
With the name of Allah with His Generous and His Faithful, thanks to God
because of His Bless that we has accomplished our research proposal.

Acknowledgements and thanks must go to a numbers people that have helped

with the business plan. All the members of the group, friends and our lecturer, Madam
Siti Melinda Binti Haris have been very helpful in completing the research proposal.

We have been fortunate to have the opportunity to do the research proposal

together with a diverse, help each other and thanks must go for group’s supportive,
cooperation, effort, patience and insights into much of the subject matter in this research

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We hereby declare that the work contained in this research proposal is our own except
those which have been duly identified and acknowledged. If we are later found to have
committed plagiarism or other forms of academic dishonesty, action can be taken
against us under the Academic Regulations of UiTM’s.

Signed by:

Name: Nurul Aliya binti Azmi

Name: Nur Syafirah binti Mohamad Nor

Name: Nur Azimah binti Yahaya

Name: Nur Atiqah binti Jaafar

Name: Nur Hanim binti Mohd Hairuddin

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Table of contents


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Introduction 4
1.2 Problem statement 5
1.3 Research questions 7
1.4 Research objectives 7
1.5 Scope of the study 7
1.6 Significance of the study 8
1.7 Definition of terms/concepts 9

Chapter 2: Literature Review & Conceptual Framework

2.1 Introduction 10
2.2 Literature review 11-15
2.3 Conceptual framework 16-19

Chapter 3: Research Design and Methodology

3.1 Research design 20

3.2 Unit of analysis 21
3.3 Sample size 21
3.4 Sampling technique 21
3.5 Measurement/Instrumentation 22
3.6 Data collection 23
3.7 Data analysis 24

Chapter 4: Research Findings

4.1 Introduction 26
4.2 Respondents profile 27
4.3 Findings by objectives
4.3.1 Objective 1: To identify the level of effectiveness of stress management
Among students 32
4.3.2 Objective 2: To identify the technique used by the students to cope with
stress 41
4.3.3 Objective 3: To identify the level of awareness among students toward
Stress management 43
4.3.4 Objective 4: To recommend most effective technique to be applied by
Students to manage
Chapter 5: Conclusion & Recommendations

5.1 Conclusion 61
5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 To the UiTM 64
5.2.2 To the students 65

Appendix A [questionnaire]

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Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Introduction

Generally stress is an adaptive response to a situation that is perceived as

challenging or threatening to the person’s wellbeing. As we shall see, stress is the
person’s reaction to a situation, not the situation itself. Moreover, we experience stress
when something is perceived to interfere with our wellbeing- that is, with our need

We often hear about stress as a negative consequence of modern living. People

are stressed from overwork, job security, information overload and the increasing pace
of life. Stress is present in everyone’s lives. It is the type of stress and how it is managed
which make the differences in creating positive or negative consequences.

People can learn to recognize the symptoms of stress and how to manage it
productively. Thus in our research, we found that there are differences between
individuals who know about how to deal with stress and with those who does not know
what to do when they face stress.

Stress is a part of day-to-day living of every individual. The college students may
experience stress in meeting the academic demands, people on the job, business men
may suffer stress to reach office in time and to complete the projects on time and even
the house hold ladies may experience stress in managing the home affairs and to look
for the maid servant. The reasons for the stress differ from person to person. The stress
people experience should not be necessarily treated as harmful. An optimum amount of
stress can always act as an energizer or motivator and propel people to apply the efforts
and complete the work. But a high level of Stress can be a serious threat to the
personality traits of the Individual and can cause physiological and social problems.

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1.2 Problem statement

Based on our conducted research towards UiTM students to know how they deal
with their stress. It is also to investigate and research on how stress management plays
an important role in an individual’s life; how it influences the individuals and affects the
choices they make in their everyday life. Our study also covers on how a stress
management structure works like and how it is organized. This study also emphasizes
on how even in today’s generation where there is the presence effectiveness of stress
management, the individuals apply to overcome the stresses in their daily lives.

Virtually no one feels free from stress and each of us defines stress somewhat
differently (Youngs, 1986). Studying can be as stressful as working. However, stress in
learning is also a subjective phenomenon. For some students, making a presentation in
front of the class is not stressful while, for others, it is the end of the world. Some
students consider quizzes as good challenges to their potential while others find them
hard to handle. In other words, how one labels, interprets, thinks about and reacts to
events in one's life has a lot to do with determining whether those events are stressful
(Corey & Corey, 1997).

Moreover, students who prepare themselves for such events are most likely to
experience less stress than those who fail to do so. The list of stressors is endless.
Research conducted by Ida Hartina Ahmed Tharbe (2003) using the Social
Readjustment Rating Scale (Holmes & Rahe, 1967) on 58 subjects dentified several
changes in lifestyle as the cause of stress for students. Among the changes are: the
change in eating habit (66 %), change in sleeping and living habit (64 %), change in
social activities and change in financial status (50%).

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Cases that we found from internet are like below:

The case that we found in Malaysia:

Impact Getting ‘A’-18/01/2008, Utusan Malaysia Online. One Indian girl,

Subashini a/p Sivakumar, found dead with the rope around her neck hanging in her
room, the reason of her death is because she failed to get straight 4A’s in UPSR, 2007.
It shows that if students target is not relevant with her ability, it will cause stress and lead
to the unreasonable action.

Commit suicide- Society must aware towards the environment-2006,

Utusan Malaysia Online. One Chinese boy, 20 years old, University Science
Malaysia(USM) student found death hanging on the fan. It is because he feel depressed
and cannot cope with the new environment in campus. People around him make him
give up and does not have self confident anymore.

Student disappointed with the SPM result-14 March 2006, Mesra Forum.
One malay girl from Kangar jump over from the third floor because of the bad SPM
result. She always think about the result and after that she cannot accept and having
depressed. But her father had advise her to do not always think about the result.

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1.3 Research questions

We will distribute our questionnaires to the respondents and these are some questions
that will be asked. The questions are only as draft to guide us before we prepare a well-
prepared questionnaire to be given to the respondents.

i. What is the level of effectiveness of stress management among students?

ii. How do the students cope with stress?
iii. Do the students aware about stress management?
iv. What are the effective techniques applied by the students?

1.4 Research objectives

1. To identify the level of effectiveness of stress managements among students.
2. To identify the technique used by the students to cope with stress.
3. To identify the level of awareness among students toward stress management.
4. To recommend most effective technique to be applied by students to manage

1.5 Scope of the study

The study itself reflects about the stress and how the Higher Learning Institution
students deal with stress in their daily lives. By knowing how they cope with the stress
will be as our sources in our research study. Our respondents towards our research
study will be the UiTM Kampus Alor Gajah students.

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1.6 Significance of the study

1.6.1 To the UiTM

UiTM’s Vision is to establish UiTM as a premier university of outstanding
scholarship and academic excellence capable of providing leadership to Bumiputeras’
dynamic involvement in all professional fields of world-class standards can be achieved.
Academically became more productive when the students effectively use the stress
management approaches.

The significance of this study may lead to UiTM to provide quality and innovative
programmes of study relevant with the policies of national development. Thus, when
stress management is effective on the students, it creates maximum opportunities for
UiTM itself to pursue professional programmes, research work and community service
based on moral values and professional ethics. (

1.6.2 To the students

It is important to know about stress management especially when the
globalization has take place nowadays. For UiTM students to be excellent, they will have
to know how to deal about themselves so that they can get along with the flow and being
calm whatever happens. Our research to make a deeper study in stress management,
getting knowledge about stress management and able to distinguish the differences of
people who apply the stress management and with those who does not apply it is also a
significance in the research for us.

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1.7 Definition of terms/concepts

1.7.1 Stress is a state of tension experienced by individuals facing extraordinary

demands, constraint, or opportunities.

1.7.2 Stress management is the ability to help oneself and others prevent or cope with
stress and maintain personal wellness.

1.7.3 Attitudes are predispositions to respond in a positive or negative way to someone

or something in your environment.

1.7.4 Effectiveness is an output of specific review/analyses that measure the quality of

the achievement of a specific educational goal or the degree to which a higher
education institution can be expected to achieve specific requirements.

1.7.5. Higher Learning Institution refers to a level of education that is provided by

universities, vocational universities, community colleges, liberal arts colleges,
institutes of technology and other collegiate level institutions, such as vocational
schools, trade schools and career colleges, that award academic degrees or
professional certifications.

1.7.6 UiTM is a higher learning institution in Malaysia establish for Bumiputera only
and it stands for University Technology MARA.

1.7.7 Students refer to people or whoever enrolled classes in any institution in purpose
to enhance their knowledge.

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2.1 Introduction

The most commonly accepted definition of stress (mainly attributed to Richard S

Lazarus) is that stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives
that “demands exceed the personal and social resources the individual is able to
mobilize.” In short, it's what we feel when we think we've lost control of events.

Hans Selye was one of the founding fathers of stress research. His view in 1956
was that “stress is not necessarily something bad – it all depends on how you take it.
The stress of exhilarating, creative successful work is beneficial, while that of failure,
humiliation or infection is detrimental.” Selye believed that the biochemical effects of
stress would be experienced irrespective of whether the situation was positive or

Since then, a great deal of further research has been conducted, and ideas have
moved on. Stress is now viewed as a "bad thing", with a range of harmful biochemical
and long-term effects. These effects have rarely been observed in positive situations.

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2.2 Literature Review

2.2.1 Stress Management

According to Hans Selye, the discoverer of stress research defines it as ‘the

nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it’. Nonspecific response
can best be understood by first considering specific responses. Selye sees each
demand made upon the body as unique, that is, specific. Stress is an adaptive response
to a situation that is perceived as challenging or threatening to the person’s wellbeing.
Stress also is the person’s reaction to a situation, not the situation itself. Moreover, we
experience stress when something is perceived to interfere with our wellbeing which is
with our need fulfillment.

Stress is triggered not by the external problems faced by individuals, but by the
way they cope with those problems. Thus, most people can cope with a variety of
pressures in their life, and many seem to thrive on ‘pressure’, especially on work.
However, once individuals fail to deal adequately with pressure, then symptoms of stress

Virtually no one feels free from stress and each of us defines stress somewhat
differently. Studying can be as stressful as working. However, stress in learning is also a
subjective phenomenon. For some students, making a presentation in front of the class
is not stressful while, for others, it is the end of the world. Some students consider
quizzes as good challenges to their potential while others find them hard to handle. In
other words, how one labels, interprets, thinks about and reacts to events in one's life
has a lot to do with determining whether those events are stressful.2

When you are stressed, your body responds as though you are in danger. It
makes hormones that speed up your heart, make you breathe faster, and give you a
burst of energy. This is called the fight-or-flight stress response. Some stress is normal
and even useful. Stress can help if you need to work hard or react quickly.

Steven McShane, Tony Travaglione, Organizational Behaviour on The Pacific Rim,
Corey & Corey,1997

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For example, it can help you win a race or finish an important job on time. But if
stress happens too often or lasts too long, it can have bad effects. It can be linked to
headaches, an upset stomach, back pain, and trouble sleeping. It can weaken your
immune system, making it harder to fight off disease. If you already have a health
problem, stress may make it worse. It can make you moody, tense, or depressed. Your
relationships may suffer, and you may not do well at work or school.3

There are some agreement among the researchers and the managers that
excessive stress can diminish the health and quality of work life of employees. Less
agreement exists regarding the effects of stress on the organizational effectiveness.
While some researchers note that the different stressors can at times under certain
circumstances, result in higher performance and lower absenteeism.

The reality is that stess is neither good or bad. There are optimal levels of stress
at work and in life. This issues is not one of presence or absence, but rather of the
nature, intensity and duration of stress and the resources available to respond to it.
Acording to Stephen B. Robbins, stress is the dynamic condition in which an individual is
confronted with an opportunity, constraint, or demand related to what he or she desires
and for which the outcome is perceived to be both uncertain and important.

Stress also known as a state of tension experienced by individual facing

extraordinary demands, constraint or opportunities.

Symptoms of stress are typically analyzed under three headings which are
physiological, psychological, and behavioral. The first symptoms are physiological. In
addition, to short-term reactions such as increased heart beat, tensed muscles, and
extra adrenalin secretion which are a human being’s instinctive reaction to danger, the
chronic effect of stress are associated with such unhealthy conditions as coronary heart
disease, high blood pressure, indigestion, gastric ulcers, back paint and even cancer.
Stress is also likely to be manifested in least serious infections, allergies, and psycho


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Psychological is a symptoms of stress tend to become manifest in anxiety states

and depression in a chronic situation. In least serious cases, stress emerges in the form
of tension, irritability, boredom, and job dissatisfaction. The last symptoms are
behavioural. It is ultimately the psychological and physiological symptoms that lead to
generalized changes in behaviour such as loss of appetite, increased cigarette smoking
and alcohol consumption, and sleeplessness. In college behavior, may take the forms of
increase absences, committing more errors than normal, and taking longer over tasks.4

Stress management is the ability to help oneself and others prevent of cope with
stress and maintain personal wellness. It is a technique to maintain the level of stress
that is best for an individual. By takes an active approach to deal with stress that is
influencing behavior they can manage their stress.5 There are several ways in coping
with the stress such as relaxation technique, time management, physical exercise and
social support technique. Subsequently, awareness is the process by which you observe
your thoughts and become aware of what is going through your head. Awareness helps
you to understand the negative thinking, unpleasant memories and misinterpretation of
situations that may interfere with your performance and damage your self-confidence.

2.2.2 Stress Management Technique

G. A. Cole, Management Theory and Practice, 2004
Wood, Wallace, Zeffane, Schermerhorn, Hunt and Osborn, Organisational Behaviour
An Asia-Pacific Perspective,1998

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Relaxation technique In the deep relaxation condition, one feels physically

relaxed, somewhat detached from the immediate environment, and usually even
detached from body sensations. It involves a feeling of voluntary and comfortable
abandonment of one’s conscious control and stewardship over major body functions. A
relaxation technique also is any method, process, procedure, or activity that helps a
person to relax and to attain a state of increased calmness; or otherwise reduce levels of
anxiety, stress or tension. Relaxation techniques are often employed as one element of
a wider stress management program and can decrease muscle tension, lower the blood
pressure and slow heart and breathe rates, among other health benefits. Relaxation
technique such as progressive relaxation, yoga and Transcendental Meditation rely on
the idea that relaxation of the major voluntary muscle reduce anxiety levels.

Time management is good time-management skills are critical for effective

stress control. In particular, learning to prioritize tasks and avoid over-commitment are
critical measures to make sure that you're not overscheduled. Always using a calendar
or planner, and checking it faithfully before committing to anything, is one way to develop
time-management skills. . An inability to manage tie can result in over commitment, a
lack of planning and missed deadlines. Strictly speaking, one does not manage time as
such, in that time moves at its own rate and is not subject to any effort to manipulate it.
Time management specialists have developed a number of useful techniques for gaining
control over one’s work life which are time log, structuring time and make a list. First is to
develop a time log. By jotting down the events that occur in typical day with the time
required for each activity, it is possible to learn where one’s time is being spent. Second
is structuring time. One can gain greater control over one’s life by structuring the day so
that time wasters are blocked or eliminated. Lastly is making a list where we need to
prepare a list of ‘things to do’.

Physical exercise not only promotes overall fitness, but it helps to manage
emotional stress and tension as well. Medical science has shown that the physiological

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and biochemical changes resulting from exercise act positively to reduce the effets of
stress (Hunsaker,1986)For one thing, exercise can emotionally remove one temporarily
from a stressful environment or situation. Being fit and healthy also increases your ability
to deal with stress as it arises.

The exercise program at the Boston Federal Reserve Bank is not really that
unusual these days as method of decreasing stress in harried managers, or just about
any employee. Excellent scenes of such a facility at the Cardio-fitness center in the
McGraw-Hill building in New York are included in the CRM/McGraw-Hill film, Stress.
Over one half with probably respond that they do. According to sale management
consultant, Gerard Fisher, reported several years ago, (U.S. News and world Report,
Nov. 6, 1978) that among the fortune 500 companies, its common to find such things as
exercise rooms, meditation periods, and biofeedback machines. Biofeedback machines
can be kept right on a manager’s desk to allow testing of stress levels right after various
activities, sale meeting, or talking on the phone with angry customers. After learning
what events cause the most stress, the manager can device way of calming down, like
lying back in the chair for a moment and closing his or her eyes. The manager can also
begin to design ways to reduce those kinds of stress in the future.6

Social support technique refers People with strong social support systems
experience fewer physical and emotional symptoms of stress than their less-connected
counterparts. Loved ones, friends, business associates, neighbors, and even pets are all
part of our social networks. Cultivating and developing a social support network is
healthy for both body and mind.

Refer to the case of The Best Gif for a Secretary: An Electrocardiogram. This
case dramatizes what happens to many other types of employees, in addition to the
secretaries, who find themselves stuck in dead end jobs or working for Type A bosses
with constant time deadlines. Secretaries, however, do quite often become the
scapegoats for stress-carrying managers to dump their hostilities on and delegate their
problems too. Multitude seminars for “Handling Secretarial Stress,’’ are increasingly
being offered throughout the country.

Phillip L. Hunsaker, Curtis W. Cook, Managing Organizational Behavior, 1986

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2.3 Conceptual Framework

Independent variables

Relaxation technique

Time management
Dependent variables
Effectiveness of stress

Physical exercise

Social support technique refers

2.3.1 Independent Variable Relaxation technique
Deep relaxation is a highly specific neurological state of the body. An individual
cannot reach this state merely sitting or lying down quietly. It requires a specific mental
approach. In the deep relaxation condition, one feels physically relaxed, somewhat

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detached from the immediate environment, and usually even detached from body
sensations. It involves a feeling of voluntary and comfortable abandonment of one’s
conscious control and stewardship over major body functions. One’s mental activity in
the deep relaxation state can range from controlled concentration on positive images or
messages, to drifting free association, to the “neutral silence” characteristic of
meditation. Deep relaxation is profoundly restful condition. People who enter this state
for 15 to 20 minutes open their eyes later feeling a pronounced sense of peacefulness
and release from all tension. Most people also report feelings of optimistic cheerfulness,
kindliness toward and acceptance of others and general good humor. Physiologists also
report dramatic changes in certain key body measurements such as heart rate,
breathing rate, blood pressure, and skin temperature. (Callahan,1986) Time management

Time management is good time-management skills are critical for effective stress
control. In particular, learning to prioritize tasks and avoid over-commitment are critical
measures to make sure that you're not overscheduled. Always using a calendar or
planner, and checking it faithfully before committing to anything, is one way to develop
time-management skills. An inability to manage tie can result in over commitment, a lack
of planning and missed deadlines. Strictly speaking, one does not manage time as such,
in that time moves at its own rate and is not subject to any effort to manipulate it. Time
management specialists have developed a number of useful techniques for gaining
control over one’s work life which are time log, structuring time and make a list. First is to
develop a time log. By jotting down the events that occur in typical day with the time
required for each activity, it is possible to learn where one’s time is being spent. Second
is structuring time. One can gain greater control over one’s life by structuring the day so
that time wasters are blocked or eliminated. Lastly is make a list where we need to
prepare a list of ‘things to do’. Physical exercise

One of the reasons why exercise is so popular today is that it is an effective
means of emotion-focused coping. Jogging, aerobics, swimming, tennis, and walking are
just a few of the types of exercise that employees ranging from entry-level of ages use to
cope with stressors in an emotion-focused way. Regular exercise can reduce stress,

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improve cardiovascular functioning, and enhance well-being. Many physicians believe

that the single most important indicator of health is cardiovascular activities such as
jogging, walking, bicycling and swimming. In a study of the effects of exercise, middle-
aged men were divided into two groups, exercisers who completed a jogging program
and exercisers. Both groups were tested before and after experiencing three emotions:
anxiety, depression and hostility. The exercisers showed significantly greater reductions
in all three stress emotions as compared to the non-exercise group. Social support technique

People naturally seek help from others-social support- when they are having
problems or feeling stressed. The social support of friends, relatives, co-workers, or
other people who care about you and are available to disscuss problems, give advise, or
just be with you can be an effective means of emotion-focused coping. Both the number
of people you can turn to and the quality of the relationship you have with those people
are important in helping to alleviate stress7

2.3.2 Dependent Variable Effectiveness of Stress Management

Stress, or the bodily reactions and response to emergency or difficult situations,

is a natural instinct that is embedded within all individuals in this world. A small dose of
stress not only helps the body in functioning perfectly, but also enables an individual to

Jennifer M. George, Gareth R. Jones: Understanding and Managing Organizational
Behavior, Fourth Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, New Jersey: 2005

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be most creative and efficient at work when in stress. However, when stress becomes
too much, the body reacts in an extremely negative manner, leading to numerous
disorders and diseases, besides disrupting normal functioning and activities of life.

To help counter such effects of stress, Stress Management Therapy exists.

Stress Management Therapy refers to the techniques employed by psychiatrists,
doctors, and therapists, besides others, who help stressed individuals to relieve their
stress, tensions, and resume their lives in a normal, stress-free way. Extreme bodily
reactions to extreme levels of stress can not only hamper one’s professional life, but also
disrupt the social and personal life of an individual. Besides, personal problems, extreme
stress also different physiological and psychological disorders in the body such as
anxiety, chronic headaches, depression, withdrawal symptoms, nausea, phobias, blood
pressure, heart impairments, and many more.


3.1 Research design

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Research design is the framework or blueprint for conducting the research

project. It specified the detail procedures necessary for obtaining the information needed
to answer research questions and solve the research problems.

Due to the nature of the study is quantitative research. By using these data, it
can help us in providing the number of UiTM’s students that may involve in our research
and also provide us with the insight and more understanding of the phenomena.
Quantitative data are those data that take numerical values such as monthly income,
age, number of students in class and also the distances. The data that can considered
as quantitative data is through questionnaires given to the students.

In addition, the data or information that we are collected can be divided into two
which is primary data and secondary data. Primary data is the data that originated by a
researcher for the specific purpose of addressing the problem at hand and the primary
data that we use in this research project is through questionnaire. On the other hand, the
secondary data is the data that already collected for other purposes than the problem in
hand. In this research project, the secondary data that involve is such as journals,
books, reports and newspapers. The sources of the data that we gather are from the
library and also from the internet web site.

3.2 Unit of analysis

The unit of analysis that we use in our research project are based on UiTM
students is individual in order to gathered data from them.

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3.3 Sample size

A sample is a sub-group of the target population that the researcher plans to

study for the purpose of making generalizations about the target population. However,
the population is a group of individuals that comprise the same characteristics.

Based on our research project, the population that we use is 6420 students of
UiTM Malacca. But, the sample size that we use is 100 KAG students as it consists of
5% of the whole student in UiTM. Our sample is all the students in UiTM from various
faculties here, which are Faculty of Communication and Media Studies, Faculty of
Education, Faculty of Office Management, Faculty of Hotel Management & Tourism,
Faculty of Business Studies, Faculty of Accounting, Faculty of Administrative Science &
Policy Studies, Faculty of Art & Design and Faculty of Information Technology &

3.4 Sampling technique

Sampling is the process of selecting the right individuals, objects or events of

study. The sampling technique we use in our research project is simple random
sampling. Non-probability sampling is the selection of participant because they are
available, convent or represent some characteristic that we want to study. The type of
non-probability sampling that we use in this research is convenient sampling.
Convenient sampling is the collection of information from members of the population
who are conveniently available to provide it. It means we distribute the questionnaire to
100 respondents who are available to provide the information for our research.

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3.5 Measurement/Instrumentation
Instrument is a tool for measuring, observing or documenting quantitative data.
Objectives Concepts/constructs Measurement
To study the level of effectiveness Effectiveness is a measure of the extent The level of stress among students.
1 of stress managements among to which an organization achieves the
students. purpose for which it exists.

2 To identify the technique used by The ways that students can be use is The method use by the students in managing
the students to cope with stress relaxation technique, physical technique, the stress
time management and social support.

3 To identify the level of awareness Definition level of awareness the state or The level of awareness among students
among students towards stress level of consciousness where sense data towards stress management
management can be confirmed by an observer and the
awareness of one type of idea naturally
fosters an awareness of another idea

To recommend most effecting The technique used by students in order The factors that contributes to the stress
4. technique to be applied by student to handle stress.
to manage.

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3.6 Data collection

Data collection is the process for collecting research data or information. Besides
that, in research it is also involve the collection of the new data. Usually, the collection of
research data is based on the nature of the research. For example, in our research
project we collect the data based on the students that have been involve in stress and
how they manage the stress.

We collect the data using survey research which is the instrument is based on
questionnaires. We have designed the questionnaires based on our title of the research
project. The questionnaires are designed to get feedback from the students regarding
the on the Students Perception Towards the Effectiveness on Stress Management
among the students. The questionnaires will be distributed to 100 students in UiTM
Malacca from various faculties and their feedback will be as they prove to our research.
The data that we collected is considered as a primary data because we design the
question that will be distributed to the students. It means we use the questionnaires for a
specific purpose in addressing the problem at hand.

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3.7 Data analysis

Objectives Variable/s Measurement Scale Statistics

To study the level of Definition of stress Level of stress 5 Likert scale Frequency,
effectiveness of management ability percentage
stress management to help oneself and
others prevent or
cope with stress
and maintain
personal wellness.

To identify the Relaxation Methods use by the Nominal Frequency,

technique used by technique, Time students in percentage
the students to cope management managing the stress
with stress. technique, Physical
exercise, and
Social support
To identify the level Definition of Level of awareness Nominal Frequency,
of awareness among awareness is the towards stress percentage
students towards state or level of management
stress management. consciousness
where sense data
can be confirmed
by an observer and
the awareness of
one type of idea
naturally fosters an
awareness of
another idea

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To recommend most Definition of Numbers of students Nominal Frequency,

effective technique students who apply stress percentage
to be applied by performance is the management.
student to manage student
achievement in
academic aspects.

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Chapter 4: Research Findings

4.1 Introduction

This chapter will discuss about our findings base on the questionnaires that we
have distribute among the students in UiTM Campus Alor Gajah. Our findings were base
on the research objective of our research. The research was about A Study on the
Students Perception toward the Effectiveness of Stress Management Technique among
Students. The research findings are conducted in order to ensure that all the objectives
of our research is achieve.

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4.2 Respondent Profile

4.2.1 Respondent Profile base on Gender

Frequency Table

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Male 44 54.3 54.3 54.3
Female 37 45.7 45.7 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0







Male Female

Based on the table above show the gender of our respondents that is the student
in UiTM Campus Alor gajah Malacca. It shows that 54.3% of our male respondents was
are 44 students. On the other hand, 45.7% is the female that is 37 students.

4.2.2 Respondent Profile Base on Faculty

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Frequency Table

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid Accounting 15 18.5 18.5 18.5
Education 2 2.5 2.5 21.0
Science & 12 14.8 14.8 35.8
Policy Studies
7 8.6 8.6 44.4
Art & Design 6 7.4 7.4 51.9
Techonology & 5 6.2 6.2 58.0
Management & 5 6.2 6.2 64.2
& Media 23 28.4 28.4 92.6
6 7.4 7.4 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0

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Ac Ed Ho
co uc tel




un ati




s in

tin on
























ie n










Based on the bar chart below indicate our respondents according to their faculty in UiTM
Campus Malacca. It can be seen that the highest respondents based on the faculty were
from Faculty of Communication and Media Studies that is 28.4% or 23 students.
Following with it is Faculty of Accounting that is 18.5% or 15 students, Faculty of
Administration Science and Policy Studies 14.8% that is 12 students, Faculty of
Business Studies 8.6% that is 7 students. Both Faculty of art and Design and Faculty of
office Management each indicate 7.4% that is 6 students for each faculty. For Faculty of
Information Technology and Mathematic and Faculty of Hotel Management and Tourism
each get 6.2% that is 5 students. The lowest percentage respondents come from The
Faculty of Education that is 2.5% or just 2 students of our respondents.

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4.2.3 Respondent Profile base on Part

Frequency Table


Frequen Valid Cumulativ

cy Percent Percent e Percent
Valid 1 27 33.3 33.3 33.3
2 5 6.2 6.2 39.5
3 11 13.6 13.6 53.1
4 10 12.3 12.3 65.4
5 11 13.6 13.6 79.0
6 17 21.0 21.0 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0







1 2 3 4 5 6

Based on the table and bar chart above shows the percentages and frequency of
our respondents based on their part from Part 1 to Part 6. It can be seen that from the
bar chart that the highest percentages of our respondents come from Part 1 that is 27%
or 33 students followed with Part 6 that is Part 6 for 21.0% or 17 students. The students
from Part 3 and Part 5 each indicate 13.6% or 11 students. Respondents from Part 4
indicate 12.3% or 10 students and the lowest percentage of our respondents based on
part comes from Part 2 that is 6.2% or 5 students.

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4.2.4 Respondent Profile base on CGPA

Frequency Table


Frequen Valid Cumulativ

cy Percent Percent e Percent
Valid 2.00 -
20 24.7 24.7 24.7
34 42.0 42.0 66.7
Availabl 27 33.3 33.3 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0






2.00-3.00 Above3.00 Not Available

Based on the table and bar chart indicate of our respondent’s base on their
CGPA. The highest percentages of their CGPA above3.00 was 42.0% or 34 students
followed with 33.3% were not available that were the students from Part 1 that is newly
students. The lowest percentages of the CGPA were 24.7% that is 20 students on the
2.00-3.00 of their CGPA.

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4.3 Findings by Objectives

4.3.1 Objective 1: To identify the level of effectiveness of stress management

among students. I think stress management is very effective to be practiced by


Frequency table

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
disagree 2 2.5 2.5 2.5

2 2.5 2.5 4.9

Neither agree
nor disagree
15 18.5 18.5 23.5

37 45.7 45.7 69.1

agree 25 30.9 30.9 100.0


81 100.0 100.0

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Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
I think stress management is very effective to be practiced by

The table shows that 45.7 percent of the students agree that the stress
management is very effective to be practiced by students with 37 out of 81 respondents.
Thus, the strongly agree also get high percent which is 30.9 percent with 25 frequency.
The strongly disagree and disagree get the similar percent, which is only 2.5 percent.
Both strongly disagree and disagree have same frequency which is 2. It shows that
majority of the students agree the stress management to be practiced by students. If I'm under stressful condition, I would definitely practice stress

management technique
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Frequency table

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
2 2.5 2.5 2.5
Disagree 4 4.9 4.9 7.4
agree nor 36 44.4 44.4 51.9
Agree 31 38.3 38.3 90.1
8 9.9 9.9 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0

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Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
If I'm under stressful condition, I would definitely practice
stress management technique

Next, the higher percent which is 44.4 percent with 36 frequency shows that
certain students neither agree nor disagree practice stress management technique when
they under stressful conditions. But the percentage of agree and strongly agree when
practice stress management technique if they under stressful condition shows higher,
which is 38.3 percent with 31 respondents and 9.9 percent with 8 respondents compare
to strongly disagree and disagree which is only 2.5 percent and 4.9 percent. Only 2
respondents strongly disagree and 4 respondents disagree. It can be explain that most
of the students definitely agree practice stress management technique if they under
stressful condition.

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Project Paper In my opinion, stress management technique cannot help in reducing

stress among students

Frequency Table

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
13 16.0 16.0 16.0
Disagree 27 33.3 33.3 49.4
agree nor 30 37.0 37.0 86.4
Agree 8 9.9 9.9 96.3
3 3.7 3.7 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0

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Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
In my opinion, stress management technique cannot help in
reducing stress among students.

The frequency table proves that neither agree nor disagree stated that the
highest percent which is 37.0 percent with 30 frequency. The percent also shows that
the students agree that the stress management technique cannot help in reducing stress
among students. The strongly agree stated only 3.7 percent with 3 frequency and 9.9
percent agree with only 8 frequency. In contrast, most of students disagree with 33.3
percent which is 27 respondents and strongly disagree 16 percent with 13 respondents.
It shows that the stress management technique help in reducing stress among students.
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Project Paper Even though I get enough sleep but I still having stress especially during

Frequency Table

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
2 2.5 2.5 2.5
11 13.6 13.6 16.0
Neither agree
nor disagree 19 23.5 23.5 39.5

29 35.8 35.8 75.3
20 24.7 24.7 100.0
81 100.0 100.0

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Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
EventhoughI get enoughsleepbut I still havingstress

This table explains that 29 respondents with 35.8 percent of the students agree
even though they get enough sleep but they still have stress especially during
examination. The second highest is 24.7 percent with 20 respondents strongly agree
having stress especially during examination even though they get enough sleep. The
neither agree nor disagree find 23.5 percent with 19 respondents. Only 2 respondents
strongly disagree with 2.5 percent and 11 respondents disagree with 13.6 percent. It
shows that majority of the students agree that even though they get enough sleep but
they still having stress especially during examination.

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Project Paper I definitely know the benefit of practicing stress management

Frequency Table

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
4 4.9 4.9 4.9
Disagree 13 16.0 16.0 21.0
agree nor 31 38.3 38.3 59.3
Agree 24 29.6 29.6 88.9
9 11.1 11.1 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


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Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Stronglyagree
disagree nor disagree
I definitelyknowthebenefit of practicingstressmanagement

Based on the table, the highest percent which is 38.3 percent is neither agrees
nor disagrees with 31 respondents. The second highest is 29.6 percent with 24
respondents agree and strongly agree get less percents which is 11.1 percent with 9
respondents. Then, only 4 respondents strongly disagree with 4.9 percent and 13
respondents disagree with 16 percent. It shows that most of the students definitely know
the benefit of practicing stress management.
4.3.2Objective 2:
To identify the technique used by the students to cope with stress Technique used by students

Frequency Table
Technique used by students

Freque Perce Valid

ncy nt Percent Cumulative Percent
Valid Relaxation
37 45.7 45.7 45.7
9 11.1 11.1 56.8
Physical exercise 9 11.1 11.1 67.9
Social support 26 32.1 32.1 100.0
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Total 81 100.0 100.0


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Technique used by students






Relaxation Time Management Physical exercise Social support
technique technique
Technique used by students

Based on the table and bar chart above, it is shows the techniques use by
students to cope with stress. The techniques are relaxation technique, time
management, physical exercise and social support technique. The highest technique
use by students is relaxation technique which indicates 45.7% that equal to 27 students.
The second highest technique use by students is social support technique which is
32.1% that equal to 26 students. The lowest technique use by students are time
management and physical exercise which is 11.1% each that equal to 9 students.

4.3.3 Objective 3:
To identify the level of awareness among students toward
stress management

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Project Paper I definitely know about stress management technique

Frequency Table

I definitely know about stress management technique.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
6 7.4 7.4 7.4
15 18.5 18.5 25.9
Neither agree
nor disagree 31 38.3 38.3 64.2

22 27.2 27.2 91.4
Strongly agree
7 8.6 8.6 100.0
81 100.0 100.0


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I definitely know about stress management technique.





Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
I definitely know about stress management technique.

Based on the bar chart below shows the percentages of respondents definitely know
about stress management technique. It can be seen that 38.3% of the respondent
which represent 31 students neither agree nor disagree know about stress management
but we can see that the respondent that agree on definitely know about stress
management technique indicate 27.2% with 22 number of student. The bar skewed and
shows that most of the respondents are agreed on they definitely know about stress
management technique. The third highest showed in the bar chart is there is 18.5% of
students know about stress management technique which it consist of 15 number of
student. Next is there is 7 students strongly agree know about the stress management
technique which it indicates 8.6% as showed in the bar chart. Only 7.4% that strongly
disagree on definitely know about the stress management technique. I practice stress management technique whenever I’m in
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Frequency Table

I practice stress management technique whenever I'm in stress

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
7 8.6 8.6 8.6
Disagree 10 12.3 12.3 21.0
agree nor 36 44.4 44.4 65.4
Agree 25 30.9 30.9 96.3
3 3.7 3.7 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


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I practice stress management technique whenever I'min stress






Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
I practice stress management technique whenever I'min

The bar chart shows that students practice stress management technique whenever
they’re in stress. The highest is 44% with 36 number of students neither agree nor
disagree in practicing stress management whenever they’re in stress. We can see that
30.9% which 25 students agree and the third highest is disagree with 10 students
indicates 12.3% as showed in the bar chart in students practice stress management
technique whenever they’re in stress. Next is 7 students strongly disagree in practice
stress management technique when they’re in stress indicates 8.6%. Lastly, only 3
students strongly agree in practice stress management technique which it presents 3.7%
in the bar chart above. Stress management techniques give benefits to reduce my stress

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Frequency Table

Stress management techniques give benefits to reduce my stress

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
2 2.5 2.5 2.5
Disagree 8 9.9 9.9 12.3
agree nor 28 34.6 34.6 46.9
Agree 36 44.4 44.4 91.4
7 8.6 8.6 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


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Stress management techniques give benefits to reduce my







Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
Stress management techniques give benefits to reduce my

Bar chart above shows 36 students agree that stress management techniques give
benefits to reduce their stress indicates 44.4%. The second highest in the bar chart is
students neither agree nor disagree the stress management techniques give benefits to
refuse their stress indicates 34.6% which it represent of 28 students. There are 8
students who disagree that stress management techniques give benefits with
percentage 9.9%. We can see that 7 students indicates 8.6% as showed in the bar chart
strongly agree that stress management techniques give benefits to reduce their stress.
The least with 2.5% represents 2 students strongly disagree that stress management
techniques give benefits to reduce their stress. Stress management influence my education achievement

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Frequency Table

Stress management influence my education achievement

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
4 4.9 4.9 4.9
Disagree 13 16.0 16.0 21.0
Neither agree
nor disagree 26 32.1 32.1 53.1

Agree 26 32.1 32.1 85.2

12 14.8 14.8 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


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Stress management influence my education achievement





Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
Stress management influence my education achievement

The bar chart above shows that stress management influence their education
achievement. There are 26 students presented by 32.1% agree and in the same time
neither agree nor disagree that stress management influence their education
achievement. The third highest in the bar chart is disagree that stress management
influence their education achievement with 16% which represent 13 students. Fourth
highest is 12 students presented by 14.8% strongly agree that stress management
influence their education achievement. Sometimes students do not recognize the important of stress management

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Frequency Table

Sometimes students do not recognize the important of stress management

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
6 7.4 7.4 7.4
Disagree 18 22.2 22.2 29.6
Neither agree
nor disagree 31 38.3 38.3 67.9

Agree 21 25.9 25.9 93.8

Strongly agree 5 6.2 6.2 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0

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Sometimes students do not recognize the important of stress






Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
Sometimes students do not recognize the important of stress

The bar chart shows that sometimes students do not recognize the important of stress
management. As shown by the bar chart above, 38.3% represent 31 students neither
agree nor disagree but we can see that the second highest in the bar with 25.9%
represent 21 students agree that sometimes student do not recognize the important of
the stress management. The third highest in the bar chart is 18 student with percentage
22.2 disagree that sometimes student do not recognize the important of stress
management. The fourth highest is strongly disagree on sometimes student do not
recognize the important of stress management indicates 7.4% which it represents 6
students. The lowest bar in the bar chart above with 6.2% presents 5 students strongly
disagree that sometime student do not recognize the important of stress management. Students do not know whether they are having stress or not

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Frequency Table

Students do not know whether they are having stress or not

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Strongly
6 7.4 7.4 7.4
Disagree 18 22.2 22.2 29.6
Neither agree
nor disagree 22 27.2 27.2 56.8

Agree 24 29.6 29.6 86.4

Strongly agree 11 13.6 13.6 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


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Strongly Disagree Neither agree Agree Strongly agree
disagree nor disagree
Students do not know whether they are having stress or not

The bar chart above shows that students do not know whether they are having stress or
not. The highest bar as shown in the bar chart with percentage 29.6 represents 24
students that agree students do not know whether they are having stress or not.
Followed by 27.2% which consist of 22 students that neither agree nor disagree on
students o not know whether they are having stress or not. The third highest is students
disagree which it indicates 22.2% in the bar chart that represent 18 students about
students do not know whether they are having stress or not. Next, is followed by strongly
agree by 11 students that presents 13.6% on students do not know whether they are
having stress or not. The lowest bar in the bar chart above is strongly disagree by 6
students that presents 7.4% in the chart about students do not know whether they are
having stress or not.

4.3.4 Objective 4: To recommend the most effective technique to be applied by

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Students to manage Yoga or meditation

Frequency Table

Yoga or meditation

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Agree 8 9.9 9.9 9.9
Disagree 73 90.1 90.1 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


Yoga or meditation






Agree Disagree
Yoga or meditation Get enough sleep

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Frequency table
Get enough sleep

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Agree 42 51.9 51.9 51.9
Disagree 39 48.1 48.1 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


Get enough sleep







Agree Disagree
Get enough sleep Arrange the schedule

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Frequency table
Arrange the schedule

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Agree 25 30.9 30.9 30.9
Disagree 56 69.1 69.1 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


Arrange the schedule








Agree Disagree
Arrange theschedule Hanging out with friends or family members

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Frequency table

Hanging out with friends or family members

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Agree 52 64.2 64.2 64.2
Disagree 29 35.8 35.8 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


Hangingout withfriendsorfamilymembers








Agree Disagree
Hangingout withfriendsor familymembers Exercise or swimming or jogging

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Frequency table
Exercise or swimming or jogging

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Agree 23 28.4 28.4 28.4
Disagree 58 71.6 71.6 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0


Exercise or swimming or jogging





Agree Disagree
Exercise or swimming or jogging Music Therapy

Frequency table
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Music therapy

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent
Valid Agree 43 53.1 53.1 53.1
Disagree 38 46.9 46.9 100.0
Total 81 100.0 100.0









Agree Disagree

Based on the frequency table above, it show the most effective technique that
need to be used by the students to cope with stress. It can been seen that 52 students
which is 64.2% of UiTM Melaka, Campus Alor Gajah agreed that hanging out with
friends or family members are the most effective technique that need to be used in order
to cope with stress. The second technique that been choose by the students is music
therapy which is 53.1% with 43 students agreed with that technique. The last technique
that less give effective to them is yoga or meditation which is 9.9% with 8 out of 81
students agreed.


5.1 Conclusion

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After we have distributed 100 questionnaires to our respondents that is the

students from UiTM Campus Alor Gajah, Malacca, we manage to collected 81
questionnaires back and the rest 19 questionnaires could not be use because the data
assume as invalid. It is because most of our respondents could not understanding the
instruction of the questionnaires. As a result, we only select the 81 valid questionnaires
data to be analyze in our research about the student’s perception towards the
effectiveness of stress management technique among students.

The first objective is to identify the level of effectiveness of stress management

among students. Majority of students agree the stress management is very effective be
practiced by students. It is because by practice stress management they can know how
to face the problem occurred rightly and do the task properly without any pressure.
Without practiced stress management they do not know how to handle the problem and
it can caused error in the task. Followed by those respondents that disagree the stress
management is very effective to be practiced by students. Regularly, students that do
not practice stress management effectively will have the problem and do not know how
to overcome it. These types of students maybe do not familiar with stress management
and think that if they practice stress management, it can makes the problem become
worst and waste their time.

Besides that, the research is achieved its objective because the majority of the
students practiced stress management technique if they under stressful condition. It is
because they know how to face the problem by using the best stress management
technique like relaxation technique, time management, physical exercise, and social
support. It will help them to handle the problem that they have. The activities that they
will do must be a good example because the wrong technique will not help to reduce
stress. Then, iIf the stress management technique do not adapt by students, it can
caused the students face problem to perform their task appropriately. Students must
know which technique that they comfortable and suit to apply in order to settle down
their problems. Without the correct and suitable technique, it can give bad impact to

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The next point is even though they get enough sleep but still having stress
especially during examination. It is because maybe they think the way or the technique
used is not effective. Study in stress usually influence the understanding towards the
subject and it is not good to practiced although they have finish study and get enough
sleep. So that, the students must arrange their schedule effectively in order to ensure
the good performance during the examination. The majority of students also know the
benefit of practicing the stress management. It is important because if they do not
practice stress management it will influence their education achievement itself.

The second objective of our research is to identify the technique used by the
students to cope with stress. Majority of UiTM Campus Alor Gajah, Malacca students
choose to use relaxation technique in order to cope with stress. They choose relaxation
technique because they can apply this technique easily whenever they get stress.
Examples of relaxation technique are like meditation, music therapy, reading, sleep,
watching TV or movies and shopping. It is shows that the relaxation technique is the
most effective ways choose by students to cope with stress.

Besides that, UiTM Malacca students also choose social support technique as
the second preferable technique because it makes them feel better and more
comfortable. This is because when they meet friends and family members, they can
share their problems with others. They also can try to solve the problems together and
can less their burden. Time management also one of the technique that have been
choose by the students in order to cope with stress. Examples of time management are
do schedule, do the important thing first, structuring time and make a list. If they make
the schedule, they are able to manage their time properly without wasting their time.
When the students choose time management as the technique to cope with stress, they
will know what is priority. It means that they will do the important things first follow by the
others matters.

Another technique that choose by UiTM Malacca students is physical exercise.

They choose physical exercise technique because by doing that exercise they can get
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more healthy mind and body. Examples of physical exercise are like jogging, swimming,
workout in gym, skating and boxing.

Another objective is to identify the level of awareness among students towards

stress management. Most of the students agree that they definitely know about the
stress management techniques. It is because some of them have acknowledged about
the stress management techniques like how to relax and to whom they should talk to.
For the students who disagree about they definitely know about stress management
technique is because some of them do not know how to calm or control themselves from
being stress. It is found that these students usually will have emotion unstable like
having bad temper, yell towards others and get involve with fight. These explained well
towards the student who practice stress management whereby when they know that
they are under stress and know how to handle it, they will practice it and it really works
for them. On the other hand, for those who does not know or aware about the stress
management usually will face more problems and be very stressful. As in our
research, most of our respondents agree that stress management techniques give
benefits in reducing their stress. They apply the techniques which they feel easy to apply
and which they feel better and comfortable with. Some of the respondents, who do not
apply stress management, do not sure if stress management benefit can really reduce
their stress. Many students agree about stress management can influence their
academic and believed by practicing stress management frequently can improve their
academic achievement. We can see that the awareness among students is high and can
be seen that they know when and how to apply. Many students proved that by knowing
about stress management, they manage to control themselves whenever they are in

The last objective of our research is to recommend the most effective technique
to be applied by students to manage. It can be conclude that the most effective
technique that needs to be used by the students to cope with stress is hanging out with
friends or family members. This is because, with this technique, the students can be
more relax and can set their mind free. Other than that, they can have a fun with their
friends or family members and can forget their problems when they hang out.
5.2 Recommendations
5.2.1 To the UiTM
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The students said that they will become very stressful or hypertension if they do
not practice the stress management to cope with stress. So, the administration of UiTM
need to implement a programs or activities to the students so that they will not thinking
about their problems or anything that can lead them to become stress. For example like
encourage students to meet the counselor and share their problems. By sharing the
problems, it will reduce the stress of the students and also can encourage closer
relationship between the students and UiTM.

Besides that, UiTM are also recommended to arrange the students’ schedule to
be more relaxed and not too pack for the students. It is to ensure that the students have
their own time to release themselves from getting stress and manage their time to do
assignment, hanging around with friends, take a rest and other activities.

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5.2.2 To the students

If the students do not practice the stress management, their emotion will not stable.
In order to cope with stress, it is recommended to the students can doing the physical
exercise technique such as jogging, swimming and more. If they use this technique, they
can set their mind free and make them become healthier. Besides that, the students also
recommended to meet the counselor to advice them in order to reduce their stress. They
can meet the counselor if they have any problems regarding their studies. By meet the
counselor, they may know how to manage their studies in order to be success in their
education and get better achievement.

Headache and fall ill is one of the effects that will happen to the students if they do
not practice the stress management to cope with their stress. So, in order to reduce
their stress, students need to have enough sleep because it is the easier and simplest
way to cope with stress. On the other hand, some of the students said that they will
commit to suicide if they cannot cope with stress. This is not a good way to solve the
problems. So, they need to practice the social support technique where they need to talk
and share the problems with their friends and family members in order to solve their
stress. Other than that, they can hang out with their friends and also family members. It
will create more problems if the students do not practice the stress management in order
to cope with stress. In order to reduce the stress, the students need to practice the time
management technique. For example, they need to make a list or do a schedule on any
activities that they want to do according to the priority of that activities. They also need to
do the important thing first so that there will no problems occur.

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