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Personal Commitment Plan

To commit myself to become a responsible Filipino is a great task to

accomplish. Even though I’m in legal age as a citizen of the Republic of the
Philippines, it is still hard to observe or practice the characteristics of a
responsible Filipino. But it does not mean that I cannot be one. From my
perspective, being a responsible Filipino is to become a good Filipino, because
to take responsibility with sincerity is by doing the good, and it is for the good
faith of mine and to my fellow citizens that I’m required to be a responsible
Filipino. In short terms, I believe that being a responsible Filipino is to commit
myself to become a “virtuous” person.

My personal commitment plan will focus on improving my prudence- a

essential virtue to assume responsible citizenship- in order to develop myself to
assume responsibility with humility and integrity on every actions I will make.
These are the factors or things I need to obtain to proceed with my plan. First, I
need to get education, I’m not referring to the education of getting a bachelor
degree and the like, I’m referring to the liberal arts education, and again I don’t
refer to it as a program for bachelor degree. This education consists of trivium
and quadrivium. If I succeed obtaining the discipline in this education I believe
that I will become a better man. Because in desiring to do so, it can help me to
obtain a responsible citizen should have, namely, literacy. For now, I completed
my basic schooling in senior high school, and currently trying my best to do my
extended schooling in college. Second, I must know the constitution and the law
that I was subjected to. Third, I must know my rights as written in the
constitution (bill of rights) as well the obligations and duties I must perform as a
citizen of my country. Lastly, I need to apply and practice the discipline I obtain
from the previous steps in doing the good. That is what true education is. To
apply all I had learned and to continue to do it while achieving personal and
community goals leading to nation-building.

I believe after doing the plan I stated I can become more prudent on my
actions and decisions that concerns responsible citizenship. It can help me to do
assume full responsibility in doing my duties, obligations, and personal actions
while maintaining my beliefs and the Filipino values. The path to virtue will
enable me to face critical moments such as practicing my suffrage, issues of
morality, and injustices that will always befall to a Filipino citizen. May this
commitment be right and if it has flaws I will give it a proper remedy.

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