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The Prana or The Vital Life force

As marvellous as the wisdom of the body is, at the bottom there is a single
intelligence shared by the whole body. The flow of this intelligence keeps the body alive
and healthy. When the flow is ceased death results. This intelligence is called as vital life
force or prana. All the living creatures in the universe have the prana or vital life force.
Their each and every cell is filled with prana. This vital life force is called as Prana
(India), Pneuma (Greek), Ki (Japan), and Chi (China). All creatures are born with prana.
They absorb prana from the nature. The Sun, Air, Earth, and Water, all of these elements
of nature have abundant positive prana, and they radiate prana to all creatures.
Human body is composed of two parts: the visible physical body and the invisible
prana. Clairvoyants with their psychic power have noticed this prana long back. All the
religions recognise the prana as the base of the body. Now with the use of Kirlian
photography, developed by Samyon Davidovitch Kirlian, scientists are able to find this
invisible prana, take pictures and study it. The prana surrounds and interpenetrates the
physical body. It has the same shape of physical body. Through this prana, creatures
absorb the natural prana into their physical body.
It is this prana or life force, which governs the health of our body, which heals and
restores the health. Nature through this life force helps our body to heal it self. Nature is a
true healer. The ‘Vis Medicatrix Naturae’ means only nature can heal. Physicians can
only help our body by providing normal conditions within and around the body that the
healer within can do its work at optimum level.
Animals staying in forests or natural surroundings absorb healthier prana and stay
healthy and live up to their full life. Where as animals, human being staying in unnatural
surroundings have a low prana and or prone to get many diseases. They even don’t live
their full life. Human being full life is 120 years, but many people die even before 50
years because of their low prana.
Except accidents, unfavourable external conditions, congenital or heredity
conditions, many of the diseases are due to the decreased vital force of our body. The
present way of unnatural living, living away from the nature, unhealthy life style habits
are the main causes for the reduces vital force and many diseases.

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