For The Record! We Don't Read Minds!!!

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10 Reasons Why Dating Psych Majors Are The Best

For the record! We don’t read minds!!!

(Jennifer Bagazin)

It has come to my attention that a lot of people think that dating Psychology majors are
probably the worst thing you can do to your life. Well I beg to disagree.
Here are 10 reasons why Psych majors are worth your time and effort.

1. They are really good listeners.

They are training to be counselors and therapists, after all. You can talk to them and I promise
you they will have an open mind about your problem, whatever that may be. Lupig pa’s Papa
2. They are really thoughtful.
To the point that they can sense what you’re thinking, even before you say them out loud.
They’re awesome like that. Not creepy!
3. Just because they study crazy people doesn’t make them crazy.
Despite popular belief, hanging out in mental wards and treating patients with mental
disorders does not make you crazy.
4. They are sensitive in a good way.
They have this learned gut feel to know if someone is feeling bad or if someone needs to be
comforted or someone to talk to. Connection is key to every relationship.
5. Just because they know the criteria for a psychotic disorder doesn’t mean they’re
continuously diagnosing everyone.
If they stare too long at you, it’s probably because you have something in your face, not
because they are already thinking of ways to strap you into a mental facility.
6. They are fun to be around.
And you can learn a lot from them too. From basic social norms to symptoms of psychological
disorders, they can tell you fun facts about the human behavior for trivia.
7. They give the world a different perspective.
A violent crazy person might seem dangerous to you, but Psych majors think of them as people
who are having neurological psychotic disorders. They enhance your medical vocabulary. Deal
with it!
8. You can get to know yourselves better because of them.
Try hanging out with a Psych major and you can honestly learn more about yourselves. As long
as you talk with them, of course.
9. They are not bitter.
Yes, it is conceded that there will always be a phase wherein an ex-person would hate their
former girl/boyfriends, but Psych majors tend to rationalize things and to think outside of
themselves, so their ‘bitter’ phase is shorter than normal people. Just ask your heartbroken
Psych major friend.
10. We are the best partners you will ever have.
From being thoughtful to being good listeners, we Psych majors will always think outside of
ourselves because that’s what we do. You’d be lucky if you have a Psych major as your
lifelong partner.

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