Observation Report of Infant Age Group

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Weldiana Muthia Yasmin


Introduction to English for Children (A)

Observation Report on a Child’s Development

Check one:   Infant___    Toddler___    Preschool____     School Age____

I was observing a 9 year-old boy named Adhyaksa Iqbal Azzahir Yoka. The child I observed
was a male with black hair and black eyes. He is flat footed and walks fast with his legs. The
boy had a quiet thin body. When I first met him, I could clearly see that he was shy since I
was not familiar to him. It is a common that a child expresses such action in front of a person
they do not know. As the time went by, I was close enough with Iqbal, communicating with
him, playing with him and the result is that he seemed that he had been comfortable with my
presence around him. He reduced his being silent and shy, and he progressively interacted
with me and was more expressive. There were some activities we were doing in order to
observe the object observation (Iqbal).

First, we were introducing ourselves with expression and body language, with giving him
example first, then he followed what I had presented to him. At first, he seemed not confident
to express with body movement, expression, and loud voice. He was kind of awkward, shy
and hesitate. So, I encouraged him with excitement and positive suggestion. Guide him to be
more confident with repeating my action to be followed by him. It succeeded. He slowly
progress, doing as my instruction.

Second, I played an English song and showed him how to sing it. The song was “Head,
shoulders, knees and toes” which contains vocabulary (parts of body) so that I could get him
some of vocabularies at the same time. He could follow my instruction although in the
beginning he was confused with the lyrics and movement. But it is common for the child
learning something new. Most of all, he quickly understood what had been taught.
Third, I chose to use snakes and ladders game as a media for observing the object. The rule
was that we had to mention an English word when it was our turn. Whoever could do it can
move their piece until reach the finish. Apparently, this child won the game. He has a lot of
vocabularies and he knows them from the game on computer. This proves that English
acquisition is not only got from the class.

In the middle of our activities, his sister came and would grab his favorite thing. And he was
such a good older brother. Without any hesitation, he gave it to his sister

Next activity was cutting paper into certain form. As usual, I showed him how to do it first
and then he followed. The intention by doing this is for determining whether he could follow
some instruction. And the task was accomplished by him.

Last, for observing the physical development, I chose to do sport with him. I ask him what
kind of sport he likes. So, badminton is our decision to be played. During the play, he was
dexterious, agile, and capable of doing sport.

From those activities, it was known that Iqbal could follow some instructions, kind-hearted,
agile, etc.

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