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Hierarchy of Consequences

Tier 1 – Mild Consequence:

 Used daily to make sure that students are behaving appropriately.
Standing behind a student, calling on students, using stern body
language, making eye contact with students, and acknowledging
someone who is behaving properly are forms of mild consequences.
Whole class reminders may also be used.
Tier 2 – Moderate Consequence
 Used when behaviors continue occurring despite receiving mild
consequences multiple times. Moderate consequences include
redirecting students, rearranging seating chart, loss of reward. These
consequences will enforce expected behavior
Tier 3 – Moderate/Severe Consequences
 Used when behaviors continue happening despite receiving mild and
moderate consequences. Moderate/Severe consequences consist of
one on one meetings between student and teacher where a behavior
contract will be constructed as well as the contacting of a parent.
Tier 4 – Severe Consequences
 Used when nothing else seems to work and all other modes of
consequence has been exhausted. Severe consequences consist of
sending student to the office, a meeting that will involve the principle,
student, parents, and teacher. A behavior plan will also be

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