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Introduction, Job Description and Reflective Writing

Reflectiond of the day:-

On the First Day of Our Online Induction Training starts with the name of Allah
Almighty through the recitation of Holy Quran by CP (Ghulam Taqi Shah)
As usual after recitation Naat-E-Rasool was Perfomed by CP (Asif Ali).

On the first day,

 We Became familiar with each other
 We Recognized different parts of the Training Manual
 M T Described the roles and responsibilities of Junior Elementary School Teachers
 MT Explained the roles/ functions/ mission of the School Education & Literacy
Department, Govt. of Sindh and its attached departments.
. We learned about the Portfolio in the teaching learning process.
 We knew that how to build up reflective writing skills and exercise on daily basis.

 MT , introduced himself and lay down consultation with selected CPS regarding
ground rules for conducting and attending online session

 Admin and MT will upload and conduct online Pre-test of the participants, CP
will attempt test online.

 MT will uploaded and introduce the training manual by sharing it on the screen,
and ensure every participant received it.

 MT uploaded and share Handout with CPs and asked them to read it and
 MT shared the following worksheet with the CPs and and ask the CPs to
brainstorm the topic, and interact with selected CPs , with the help of the
following online questions:
1. What do you know about the structural components of the Education
2. Which are allied wings of the department? And what are their functions
and objectives?

 MT collected individual responses from the CPs, and highlight the key points.
A. School Education & Literacy Department.
B. Provincial Institute of Teacher Education (PITE).
C. Reform Support Unit (RSU).
D. Sindh Teacher Education Development Authority (STEDA).
E. Directorate of Curriculum Assessment and Research (DCAR)
F. Directorate of School Education (DSE)
G. Sindh Text Book Board (STBB)

 MT opened the PPT, and ask the CPs to brainstorm the topic, and interact with
selected CPs, to highlight different structural components of the Portfolio, with the
help of the following questions
1. What is e- portfolio?
2. Why we use e-portfolio?
3. How you can maintain your e-portfolio in the school?

 MT will brain storm about importance of Reflective writing in teaching learning

process, with the help of the following questions?
 What is reflective writing?
 How to reflect in academic situation?

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