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STUDENT MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY 2 Problems in Mathematical Analysis III Integration WJ. Kaczor M. T. Nowak STUDENT MATHEMATICAL LIBRARY Volume 21 Problems in Mathematical Analysis III Integration W. J. Kaczor M.T. Nowak @AMS Editorial Board David Bressoud, Chair Daniel L. Goroff Carl Pomerance 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary OOAGT, 26442; Secondary 26A45, 26A46, 26D15, 28A12. For additional information and updates on this book, visit ‘ Library of Congress Cataloging-In-Publication Data Kaczor, W. J. (Wieslawa J.), 1949- [Zadania 2 analizy matematyczne}- English] Problems in mathematical analysis. I. Real numbers, sequences and series / W.2. Kao M_T_ Nowa, >. em. — (Student mathematical brary, ISSN 1520-9121; v. 4) Ineudes bibliographical references, ISBN 0-8218-2050-8 (softcover; alk. paper) am ibistbematial analy. . Nowak, Mi (Maria T.), 1961~ Tl Tie ‘QasooKs2513. 2000 519/076—de21 ‘99-087039 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of thin publication, and nonprofit brarieeseting fr them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such os 19 copy a chopter for use in teaching or research. Permlsson ls granted to quote biet [peages from this publication in reviews, provided the eurtomary acknowledgment of {he source Is given, ‘Republication, ayetematic copying, or multiple reproduction of any material in thle publication is permitted only under license from the American Mathematical Society Requests for mich permission should be addressed to the Acquisitions Department, ‘American Mathematical Society, 201 Chacles Street, Providence, Rhode Island 02004 2204, USA. Requets can also be made by ermall to © 2003 by the American Mathematical Society. All rights reserved. ‘The American Mathematical Society retains all rights ‘except those granted to the United States Government. Printed in the United States of America. © The paper used in this book is acid-free and falls within the guidelines ‘established to ensure permanence and durability. Visit the AMS home page at 10987654321 080706050403, Contents Preface Part 1. Problems Chapter 1. The Riemann-Steljes Integral $1.1. Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral §1.2. Functions of Bounded Variation $1.3. Further Properties of the Riemann Stieltjes Integral $1.4. Proper Integrala §1.5. Improper Integrals $1.6. Integral Inequalities $1.7, Jordan Measure Chapter 2. The Lebesgue Integral $2.1. Lebesgue Measure on the Real Line $2.2. Lebesgue Measurable Functions $23. Lebesgue Integration $24. Absolute Continuity, Differentiation and Integration claseee seer asue vi Contents §2.5. Fourier Series Part 2. Solutions Chapter 1. The Riemann-Sticltjes Integral $1.1. Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral §1.2. Functions of Bounded Variation §1.3. Further Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral §1.4. Proper Integrals §1.5. Improper Integrals $1.6. Integral Inequalities $1.7. Jordan Measure Chapter 2. The Lebesgue Integral §21. Lebesgue Measure on the Real Line $2.2. Lebesgue Measurable Functions §23. Lebesgue Integration §24. Absolute Continuity, Differentiation and Integration §2.5. Fourier Series Bibliography - Books Index or 7 4 128 43 B85 247 281 316 351 Chapter I The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.1. Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral ‘We start with some basic notations, definitions and theorems. By 8 partition P of a closed interval (a,8] we mean a finite set of points ots Eq Such that @ 529 << Sty SE ad ‘The mumber 4(P) = max{zi — 24-1 : = 1,2,...yn} is called the mesh of P. For a function a monotonically increasing on [2,] we write a(zi-1)- AE f is a real function bounded on [a,], we define the upper and lower Darboux sums of f with respect to a and relative to P, respectively, by UP. f.2) YMda, LP, f0) = where My= sup fa), m= int fle). eh) we lai) 4 Probleins. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral We also put fte- inf U(P, fa), ftie= sup L(P, f,a), la de where the infimum and the supremum are taken over all partitions P of [a,b], and call them, respectively, the upper and the lower Riemann- Stieltjes integral. If the upper and the lower Riemann-Stieltjes inte- grals are equal, we denote the common value by f° fda and call it the Ricmann-Stieltjes integral of f with respect to a over [a,b]. In this case we say that fis integrable with respect to a, in the Riemann sense, and we write f € R(a). In the special case of a(z) = 2 we get the Riemann integral. In this case the upper (lower) Darboux ‘sum corresponding to a partition P, and the upper (lower) Riemann integral are denoted, respectively, by U(P,f) (LP, f)), and fPfde (£2fdc) . The Riemann integral of f over [2,8] is denoted by J? faz. “Moreover, corresponding to every partition P of [a,) we choose points t,t2,...,%n such that a1 < tj < a, i = 1,2,...,m, and consider the sum_ SUP, fra) = > (tia. it ‘We say that liB.gStP.4a) =A ‘if, for every € > 0, there is 6 > 0 such that (P) < 6 implies that: IS(P, f,a) — A] 0 there exists a partition P such that U(P, f.a) - L(P, fa) 0 and fz itz e[-aq]n@, som {e eer Find the upper and lower Riemann integrals of f over [-a, 0]. 1.1.5. Show that the so-called Riemann function f if'z is irrational or 2 =0, Jle)=41/q e=n/, pez, qeN, and ,q are co-prime, is Riomann integrable on every interval [a0]. 1.1.6. Let f : [0,1] +R be defined by setting 1 itz=d,nen, ro-{} ca Show that p f(x)dr = 0. 1.1.7, Show that J : [0,1] + defined by See) = { is Riemann integrable on (0, 1]. it2=0, [3] otherwise 6 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.1.8. Define _f0 ifrel-19, 0 ifze[-1,0), so={? tzeo, 1 ifze [0,1]. Show that f € R(a) although wim, SUP fa) does not exist. 1.1.9. Show that if f and a have a common point of discontinuity in (oH), then Jim , S(P, f,a) does not exist. 1.1.10. Prove that if | lim | S(P, f,a) exists, then f € (a) on [a,b] and edit g Pie) = ff faa Show also that for every f continuous on [a,8}, the above equality holds. 1.1.11. Show that if f is bounded and a is continuous on (2,8), then F € R(q) if and only if lim | S(P, f,a) exists. Peo) L142, Let aey= [6 Hasece’, @ tx cass, where ¢ < d and ¢ < a(z*) 0, calculate “e + ). R20. lim tn—w) aT 8 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.1.18. Suppose that J is twice differentiable on [0,1] and f” is bounded and Riemann integrable. Show that sa (tome 27(44))- £0)- £0), 1.1.19. For n €N, define 14 1 wal tnat tn and 2 2 2 Yam Sagat eat tia ‘Show that Moreover, using the results stated in 1.1.16 and 1.1.18, show that 1 ‘lim n(ln2 Us) and tim n?(in2 1.1.20. Show that if f is Riemann integrable over [a,8), then f can be changed at a finite number of points without affecting either the integrability of f or the value of its integral. 1.1.21. Show that if f is monotonic and a is continuous on [a 8), then f € R(q). 1.1.22. Prove that if f € (a) and a is neither continuous from the left nor from the right at a point in (a8), then f is continuous at this point. 1.1.23. Let f be Riemann integrable and a continuous on [a,6). If @ is differentiable on [a,6] except for finitely many points and a’ is Riemann integrable, then / € R(a) and f S(2)dale) = f Slala!(e)dz. 1.1.24. Let f be Riemann integrable and a be continuous on [o,6] except for finitely many points. If @ is differentiable on [a,8] except 1.1. Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 9 for finitely many points and a’ is Riemann integrable, then J € R(a) and . ff Seva) = f Saal a\de + s(a)(ala*) — a(a)) +3 slealolet) — alez)) + 10a) —al0-)), a where cy, k = 1,2,...,, are points of discontinuity of a in (a,6). 1.1.25, Calculate f?,2da(z), where e+2 if -2¢2<-1, o(z)=42 if -1<2<0, 243 if O<2<2 1.1.26. Prove the First Mean Value Theorem. If J is continuous and @ Is monotonically increasing on [a0], then there is ¢ € fa, 6] such that . ff fenare) = fo(00) ~o(0). 1.1.27. Show that if f is continuous and a is strictly increasing on {2,0}, then it is possible to choose ¢ € (a, 6) such that the equality in the first mean value theorem (stated above) holds. 1.1.28. (a) Let f be continuous on [0,1]. For positive a and 6, find ‘the limit fe) af ape an [ 1.1.28. Suppose J i continuous and aris strictly increasing on fa, define (b) Caleulate rey= f" noaa. Show that for x ¢ 2,8] 10 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.1.80. Suppose J is continuous on fa, 8], @ is both continuous end strictly inereasing there, and the limit im Le+h)—~S) _ Foy #0 ae+h)—a(z) ~ da ‘exists and is continuous on (2,2). Show that [ Ler) = 10-10. 1.2. Functions of Bounded Variation Recall that the total variation V(f;a,b) of f on [a,8] is V(f;0,8) = sup {Eveo =stenat}, i where the supremum is taken over all partitions P = {20,21,.-42n} of fad). IV (F508) < +00, then fis aid to be of bounded variation on [@,0]. We also define (2) =Vifia2), aSesb Clearly, vj(a) = 0 and 2 is monotonically increasing on (a,b). The following theorem says that a function of bounded variation can be ‘exhibited as a difference of two monotonic functions. ‘Theorem 1. If f is of bounded variation on [at], then £(2) ~ f(a) = plz) - 2), where Plz) = 5(vs(z)+S(2)—F(a)) and 92) = ‘are monotonically increasing on [a, 8}. gler(@) — fz) + F(@)) ‘The functions p and q are called the positive and neptive varia- tion functions of J, respectively 1.2.1. Show that the function given by sees fee (01) a { itz=0 is diferentiable on 0,1] but not of bounded variation. Functions of Bounded Variation u 1.2.2. Show that if f has a bounded derivative on [a,0), then f is of ‘bounded variation. 1.2.8. Show that the function _ [rest ifz€ (0,1), raf’ ifz=0 is of bounded variation on (0,1) 1.2.4, Show that V(fiasb) = FB) - f(a) if and only iff is monotonically increasing on (a, 1.2.5. For a € Rand f > 0, define scot itz € (0,1, a Show that f is of bounded varition if and only ifa > 6. 1.2.6, Show that if f is of bounded variation on [a,6J, then f is bounded on (a, 0}. 1.2.7. If f and g are of bounded variation on [a,8), then so is their Product fg. Moreover, if_ inf [f(=)| > 0, then g/ is also of bounded variation on [a, 8). 1.2.8. Must the composition of two functions of bounded variation be of bounded variation? 1.2.9. If f satisfies @ Lipschitz condition and g is of bounded varia- tion, then the composite function fog is of bounded variation. 1.2.10. Show that If f Is of bounded variation on [a,0], then so Is UEP, A< p< too. 1.2.11. Prove that if f is continuous on [a,8] and |f| is of bounded variation on [a,}}, then so is J. Prove also that continuity is an covcntial hypothesis, 1.2.12. If f and g are of bounded variation on fa,6), then so is h(7) = max{f(z),9(z)}. 2 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.2.13. We say that f: A+R, ACR, satisfies a Hélder condition {also called the Lipschitz condition of order a) on A if there exist positive constants M and a such that \@)-J@)| ¢ Miz—2'|* for x2 EA. (a) Show that the function mba fre (0.1/2), 0 ifz=0 Se) is of bounded variation on [0,1/2] and does not satisfy a Hélder con- dition. (b)Setzn = $ peeps n =2,3,... .Let f be the continuous function on [0,22] defined as follows: F0)=Hen)=0, (BAH) a}, nas... and f is linear on (2n¢1s(n-+2n41)/2] and [(2n+2n41)/2,2n)- Prove that J satisfies a Hélder condition for every 0 a, and put lim V(Fia,b). Show that if V(f:e,00) < oo, then the finite limit lim. f(z) exists. Does the opposite implication hold? 1.2.15. For f defined on (a, ] and a partition P = {z0,21,.-.,2n} of [a, 6], we form the sum VP) = Sle) — send ea Prove that if f is continuous on [a,t, then iP gVUP) = V0.) that is, for any € > 0 there exists 5 > 0 such that 4(P) <6 implies V(fsa,b)— V(F,P) m > 0, x € [a0]. Show that there are two monotonically increasing functions g and h such that, oe) He)= FG) for ze lath 1.2.19. Compute the positive and negative variation functions of (0) f@)=25—[e, 2 ¢(-11), (©) fle) = co02, 2 [0,2n1, (©) S(@)=2-[z], 2 € [0,3]. 1.2.20, Assume that f is of bounded variation on fa, 6. Prove that if, J is continuous from the right (left) at zo, then vy is also continuous from the right (left) at a. 1.2.21. Show that the sct of points of discontinuity of a function fof bounded variation on [a,8] is at most countable. Moreover, if acy Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral {an} is the sequence of points of discontinuity of f, then the function (2) = f(z) ~ (2), where s(a) = 0 and (a) = (at) f(a) + Yo Mla) - Sea) + S02) - se) for a 0, ¥en <00, and deine a(t) = Semple - zn), & ‘where the function p is given by 0 it 2<0, aan {) if 220, Prove that if f is continuous on [0,1], then f féa= S colton) 1 Further Properties 1 1.8.5. Suppose that a is a continuous function of bounded variation ‘on (a,8] such that for every f continuous on [a,8], f Sle)da(2) = 0. Show that a is constant on [a, 6). 1.3.6. Let a be monotonically increasing on [0,] and such that ff saziate) = —a(0). Show that ala) = {20 =e 10/2), a(n) if re (n/2). 1.8.7. Find a function a monotonically increasing on [0,1] and such that 1 I [tenes - 40 for every J continuous on (0,1]- 1.8.8. Find a function f continuous on [a,8] and such that J Heyea(2) = 006 (0) {for every a monotonically increasing on [a,}. 1.8.9. Assume that a is of bounded variation on [a,0] and the func ‘tons fay m = 1,2, are Riemaun-Stleltjes Integrable with respect to a over [0,4]. Prove that if {fq} converges uniformly on [a,8] to f, then fis Riemann Stele inegrable and J seevtetey = Jin, f° steals. 1.3.10. Calculate 1 lim, [ no(1—27)"de. ns 4.8.11. Foro of bounded vasiation om 0,1} find lim f * a"da(a). 18 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.3.12. Suppose that {aq} is a sequence of functions whose total ‘variations are uniformly bounded on fa, 6), that is, there is a positive M such that V(an;a,6) < M for all n, Prove that if {a} is pointwise convergent to a on [a,8), then for every f continuous on (a, , 4 . sin, fsterdonte) = f° sedda(e). - Suppose that {aq} is a sequence of functions whose total variations are uniformly bounded on [a, 0}, and that {a,} is pointwise convergent to @ on (a,]. Suppose also that {fa} is a sequence of continuous functions uniformly convergent on [a,6} to f. Prove that, din, f° tterdonte)= f° eyate). 1.8.14. Prove the following Helly selection theorem. Let {an} be a sequence of functions defined on [a,4} such that |an(a)| SM and V(Gqi0,0) 0, prove that (@) it P(e) = fF" sin()a, then [F< 1/2, (b) if F(2) = [2 sin( ete, then JF) < 2/(€)- 1.3.20. Show that if the functions f,ay,02 are continuous and of ‘bounded variation on [a6], then f Le )d(ey(2)on(z)) = f S(z)ou(2)daa(2)+ f S(x)eg(z)doy(z). 1.3.21. Show that if f is continuous and of bounded variation on {a,0), then for a positive integer n, [reaver =n fuera = ser - ley"). 1.8.22. Suppose that f is continuous on [0,1]. Find the following limit: (@) im, (x 2"s(2)d2) , (6) lim, (no evms(e)de) 0 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral @ Lz" saer noe fl memde” (2) lim, (Vaio Fe) sint*(2nz)az) , © im Lo £2) sin?™(2n2)de 2 fy sin (2xz)dz* 1.8.28. Prove the following monotone convergence theorem for the Riemann integral. If {fa} is a decreasing sequence of Riemann in- tegrable functions on [a,b] which converges on [a,6] to a Riemann integrable function f, then wim, f Solz)de = f Slade. 1.3.24, Prove the following monotone convergence theorem for the lower Riemann integral. If {Jn} is a decreasing sequence of bounded functions on [a,6), and if tim, fa(2) = 0 for + € [a8], then tim, f Sn(a)dz =0. 1.8.25. Prove the following Arzelé theorem. If {Jn} is a sequence of ‘Riemann integrable functions on [a,6] which converges on [a,8} to a Riemann integrable function f, and if there is a constant M > 0 such that [fn(2)| 0 on f2ok,za4-1), f <0 on (eanss, a4) and (224-1) — Fltox) = F(taue1) — F(tzn) = 1/k, where F is an antiderivative of f. Extend the function f to [0, 1] by setting (0) = 0. Prove that f has an antiderivative on [0,1], but [f| does not. 1.4.6, Suppose f is continuous on [0,1]. Show that a af (einz)dx = 5 af S(sinz)dz. 22 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Using this equality, compute rsin™2 ttn eas, nen. LD werare . 1.4.7. Assume that f is continuous on [~a,0), > 0. Show that ® | [serie =2 [ seys, 151s even, b) [see =0, it sia c0a. 1.4.8. Let f : RR be continuous and periodic with period T > 0. Prove that for every real a, [0 owes [" reya. LA9. Let f : R—+R be continuous and periodic with period T > 0. Prove that for every a < 6, hay [stoner = 252 [peer 1.4.10. Suppose that f € C({-1,1]). Find the following limits: (0) im, 2 sone, (b) tim, 3 Jo’ H(|sinz|)dz, (©) im, fo 2/(6in(2enz))dz. 1.4.11. For f € C({a, ), find the following limits: (2) lim, J2 f(z)eos(nz)de, lim. J f(x) sin(nz)de, (b) lim, J2 1(e)sin*(nz)az. 1.4.12, Suppose f € C([0,00)) and set on= f'fotende tor m= .h. Suppose also that lim ay =. Find the limit lim. fj f(na)dz. 1.4, Proper Integrals 23 1.4.18, For a function f positive and continuous on {0,1}, compute “fe f, Taye fay 1.4.14. Show that, if fis continuous and even on {~a, q},a_> 0, then [foe- [row 1.4.16. Show that if f is nonnegative and continuous on [a,b] and ft (z)dz = 0, then f is identically zero on [a,}}. 1.4.16. Show that if f is continuous on [a,8] and for each a, 8, a < a 0, if J2*7 f(t)dt = JF f(t)dt for every x € R, then Lis periodic with period T > 0. © in (| watt 1.4.21. Find the following limits: og [ene (0) im, [" vesinzds, Ping ORL ve 1.4.22, For a function f continuous on [0,1], find te, f Sle™\ae. 1.4.23. Show that, if f is Riemann integrable on [2,8], then there is 0 € [a,8] such that [owe fro. 1.4.24. Let f be continuous on (a, 8] and let [teow =0 Show that there is @ € (a6) such that [teow =s0. 1.4.25. Let f € O((a,6)), a> 0, and let oa 1. ropes Integrals ‘Show that there is 0 € (a,b) such that [tows=010. 1.4.26. Suppose f,g € C({a,6]). Show that there is @ € (a,b) such that a0) f° sever 100) f tee. 1.4.27. Suppose f,9 € O({a,8]). Show that there is @ € (a,6) such . (0) f Steyte = 100) [oad 1.4.28. Suppose f and g are positive and continuous on [a, 8}. Show that there is @ € (a,b) such that 40) _ of) Ee itewie Teale 1.4.29, Let f be positive and continuous on [0,1]. Prove that for every n € N there is 6(n) such that * peante~ seapae Steyde— PP se)aes Find the limit im (n0(n)).. Ieee. a(n) 1.4.30. Let J € C(O, 1]). Show that there is a @ € (0,1) such that f[ fone = 10+ 470) b 1.4.31. Let f € C*((0, 1]). Show that there is a @ € (0,1) such that [ie= 10+ O47 O 1.4.82, Suppose f € C'([0, 1]) and f*(0) #0. For x € (0,1), let 6() be such that, [Hoa so2n2. tim, 22, Oe Find the limit 26. Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.4.33. Suppose f is continuous, nonnegative and strictly increasing ‘on (a,0]- For p > 0, let 6(p) denote the unique number such that (ew = 2 f teres. Find Jim 0(7)- 1.4.34. Suppose f is continuous on fa, ] and such that [ete =0 for n= 0,1)... Prove that f is kentiealy zero on [a3 1.4.35, Suppose f is continuous on fa, 8] and such that [etee =0 .+yN. Prove that f has at least N +1 zeros in fa, 8). 1.4.36. Suppose that f € C({-a,a]),a > 0. Show that @ it for n= 0,1, [2*tede=0 for = 0,1,--05 then f is odd on [—a, a], (b) if [2 iee=0 for n=0,1,...5 then f is even on [-a,0]. 1.4.87. For f continuous on R, find Bah [ue+n- sede. 1.4.38. For f continuous on R and a < 6, define e)= fre +oa. Find the derivative of g. 1.4.39. Find the following limits: 1.4, Proper Integrals 2 © fin [nae J) ae 0) tgs [” sta, iy, ©, A sin vat nia om (ef [oBBe)- where a > 1, and P and Q are 1.4.40. Find the following limits: wal ae) (©) 1 (2 [a +singter), © up (3 [era), 0 (fea). 1.4.41. Show that if fis continuous on (0,1, then : i" dia, (['werres) = ey to 1.4.42, Suppose that a real-valued fianction f(2,y) is continuous on a rectangle R= [a, 8] x [c,d]. Show that 16) ff tenes is continuous on [ed]. 1.4.43. Suppose that a real-valued function f(zr,y) defined on a reo- tangle R = [a,0] x (c,d) is Riemann integrable over [a, 6] for each v € |e,d}, and the partial derivative $f is continuous on R. Prove % [ Stea)er = Fa, a)da. 28 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.4.44, Let f be positive and continuous on {0,1}. a5 (['ueoree)” 1.4.48. Let J be positive and continuous on [0,1]. Find 1 ve vim, ([ucenree) 1.4.46, Prove that for every pote integer the equation [etheteSene et ,° Urat “* ON has a solution in the interval (N,2.V). 1.4.47. Let P be a polynomial of degree n such that ff AP tide =0 for k=1,2.. hb Prove that 1 1 2 f (P(a))Pae = (n+ 1)? ( f Pteyee) . 1.4.48. Show that if f is continuous on R = [a, 6] x [e,d}, then [ (Lense) are f (sen) a 14.49. Prove that for 0<.a-l, (a) fcmares, @ f teteaily,, 0 ff itzae, dz dz © [aa © [aa ‘9 reo Ing fa Inz 0 [ate o [wrap w [00 +omayee, 0 [oles 1.5.2. For 0 0, there is ag > a such that for az > a1 > ao, | ic sae 1.5.11. Show that the improper integral [2° f(z)dz converges if and only if for every increasing sequence {aq}, an, > , diverging to infinity the series a whe o a YL [low re 0 =0, converge, Moreover, in the case of coavergnoce, [fF Hoe= Floyds. Shen Show olso that if fis nonnegative, a suficient condition for the con- vergence of the improper integral is that there is an increasing se- quence {an}, @, > @, diverging to infinity for which the series (1) converges. 1.5.12. For positive a, study the Caeeal the integral Cae a. Does the convergence of f° f(z)dz imply that f(z) tends to zero as 2 —+ 00? 15.15. Prove that if fis uniformly continuous on [a,oe) and the improper integral f° f(2)dx converges, then Jim f(z) =0. 1.5.16. Assume that f : [0,00) + [0,00) is monotone decreasing. Prove that if S [ He)de < 00, then Jim, 2f(2) = 0. Show by example that the converse does not hold; ‘thet is, the condition Jim 2f(2) = 0 does not imply the con- vergance of f° fle)de. 1.8.17. Assume that J :[1,20) + (¢,00) is monotone increasing and ts Lie-~ ds (©) Prove that abo [A = 00. (b) Give an example of a function f satisfying the above assump- Sede Sonterstich f Fa7eyata rey re 1.5.18, Let f be a continuous function on [0,00) such that Ba, (1+ ['0) cexists as a finite limit. Prove that 1.5.19. Let f be a nonnegative and continuous function on (0,0) and [ ™ pla)dz 0 such that, [ff 20a a, and the integrals f? f(z)dz are uniformly bounded, that is, there exists C > 0 such that. sea 2) 9 is monotone and lim, 9(z) = 0. ‘Then the improper integral $C forall b>a. F(a)o(a)de converges. 34 Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.5.24, For > 0, study the convergence ofthe fllowing integrals: © [ Be, w fees, © f sin(2?)d2, @ f en), @ [ we 222d, 1.5.25. Assume that f : [a,00) + IR is continuous and periodic with period 7 > 0, and g : a,00) ~» R is monotonic and lim 9(2) = 0. Prove that if {2*7 f()dz = 0, then the integral J2° f(x)g(z)dz con- ‘verges. Moreover, prove that if f2*7 f(z)dz # 0, then the improper ‘integral IP F(@)gla)az converges if and only if ‘SE? 9(x)de converges. 1.5.26. Use the result in the previous problem to study the conver- gence of the following integrals: sin(sin 2) cos of armadiel (yy [PPD emras, 1.5.27. For a > 0, study the convergence of the integral sinz fy Heine 1.5.28, Show that if {[° xf(z)dz, a > 0, exists, then also f-° f(z)dr exists, 1.5.29. Assume that f is monotone on (0,00) and the improper in- tegral {5° f(2)dz exists. Show that Ag bY stot) Use this result to find S(a)dz. fim S° ig, a 1.5. Improper Integrals 35 1.5.30. For a > 0, set Ta) f ade, Show that F(a) is finite for all positive @. (F(a) is called Buler’s gamma function). 1.5.31. Use the result in 1.5.29 to show that for a > 0, T(o)= lim, Jati)lerna iy 1.5.82, Use the formule given in the previous problem to show that fora>0, = Tle“ (1+) > where 7 is Euler's constant (see, e.g. I, 2.1.41). 1.5.83. Show that 1.5.85, Let /(c,y) be a function defined on [a,00)A, where A CR. ‘We say that the integral {°° f(x,y)dz converges uniformly on A if, given € > 0, there is ap > a such that | [° semec— f° renee for all b> ag and y € A. Show that if there is a function (2) such that a, yeA, 1.5.39. Study the uniform convergence of the following improper in- tegrals: @ f RAE ae, a.€[an,00), a0 >0, ) [Be as, a€ 0.00), © [ete eR, sl af 1.5.40. Assume that the improper integral > f(z,y)dz converges uniformly on A. Prove that if f(x,y) converges to (2) as y — 1.5. Improper Integrals Ea ‘yo uniformly on every interval [a,b], then the integral °° (z)dz Commer a Bg [° teanae= [tors 1.5.41. Consider the example “i for 2>0, Bee for 2>0, Sule) = if meee to show that the assumption of the uniform convergence of the im- proper integral f°° /(x,y)dz cannot be dropped from the theorem of 15.40. 1.5.42. Show that sing, (0 ig, [Serer 5, ©) fm, f sing? ertan(ya)de = £ [ sinz2dx, 5 © a [EC (14 +2)" a= @ sin (See 5, © fp, ifs ysinze"**"de = 0, 1.5.43. Suppose that a real-valued function {(2,) is continuous on {a,00) x [ed] and the improper integral {2° f(2,y)dr converges uni- formly on [¢,d]. Then the function 10) = [ Heanee 1s continuous on fo, d. 1.5.44. Suppose that a real-valued function f(z,y) defined on R = [a,0o) x [c,d] is such that [> f(x,y)dz converges for every y € le,d] and $f is continuous on R. Suppose also that the integral IE E(e.u)ds converges uniformly on [c,d]. Prove that EL Hemee= [2 38. Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.5.45. Use the result in 1.5.44 to calculate ay f edz, a>0,n€N, lo a ) C= a>0,neN, © f See) rde, weR, @ [Sere oer 1.5.46. Prove that @) f ™ e-2eoslyr)dc = Vine, YER, o [ Peewee = Vie, y>0. 1.5.47. Show that if @ real-valued function f(z,y) is continuous on {a,c0) x [esd] and the improper integral [fC tease ‘converges uniformly on [,d), then L(L teane)av= [7 (f ste) ‘dz, a,b>0, oy [tes o 0, [Fete ae eso. 1.8.50. Let /(z,y) be continuous on fa,00) x[e,00) and suppose that (2) the aioe Se? f(zy)de converges uniformly on le,d}, Improper Integrals 39 (2) the inoproper integral fle,y)dy converges uniformly on each interval [a, b], (8) the improper integrals f=" [f(z x)ldx and J [f(2,9)|4y com- ‘verge for y > ¢ and x > a, respectively, (4) at Jeast one of the improper integrals Le ae (Lf weeanee) a ™ [ (LU tena) ee= [° (JP tenn) a and both integrals converge. 1.5.51. Prove that 2dg =) [Egg 1 fF f wostan = 5 [ Feae= 55 inetde ot [ame Ad IF [sete 5 [ ee aVE (The improper integrals f° cosz"dz and f° cosz"dz are called Fres- nel’s integrals.) 1.5.52. Suppose that f(z, ) is defined on (a,t) x A and for each v € A, f is Riemann integroble over each interval (a,b — 1), where 0 <7 < b—a. Suppose also that f(z,y) converges to v(x) as = yo, uniformly on each of these intervals. If the improper in- tegral f fle, y)dz converges uniformly on A (that is, given € > 0, there is such that if S(z,y)dz| bn for all 0< 1 0. 1.5.56. Prove that fGy- 1.5.57. Show that for0 0, derive the following duplication formula: P(a)P(a+1/2) ee) ove. 1.5.69. Verify the following equalities: ran ads - 1 (0) [eat ate = am bl 0. 1.5.70. Derive the following Stirling formula: im —_"! mt, Joertien 1.5.71. Show that for a > 0, Pe) (ge rot ( oF 1.5.72. Find the following limits: io, VEE (z+ 1/2) (2) Jim, “e+ () Jim 2*B(a,2), a>0. 1.6. Integral Inequalities 1.6.1. Prove the following Schwarz inequality. If f and g are Rie- mann integrable on fa, 2), then (frome) < f rene [rere ‘Moreover, if f and g are continuous on [a,6), then the equality holds! if and only if there are Ay and Az such that |Ay| + [ta] > 0 and AJ (2) = dag(z) for 2 € [a,b]. 1.6, Integral Inequalities 4“ 1.6.2, Show that if f is Riemann integrable on (a,8), then 2 2 ( "se)iese) +( f ‘eyemsts) <(b-0) f Pee. 1.6.3. Show that if f is positive and Riemann integrable on [0,6], then . oars [gore [ 75- a a al then PERT mS $(2) $M, and mz <9(e)< Ma, 2 [a,b ‘Show that 1 ie ff terateree— gigg f ree f° st < Jeb — (Mma). 1.6.5. Suppose f € C¥({a,8)), f(a) = f(6) = 0 and J? f*(z)dz = 1. Show that 7 1 [fet e)se=-} and is [v@re [ ere. 1.6.6, Find "1 t2?)%(e)de, pig [042 Pelde, where 1 ={rectom: f pewe=s}, and find a function for which the minimum is attained. cy Problems. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.6.7. Assume that J : [a,8] > [m,Af] and f? f(z\dr = 0. Prove that . [ Peeves -mao-o). 1.6.8, Show that if f is continuous on (0,1), differentiable on (0,1), J(0) =0, and 0 < f"(z) < 1 on (0,1), then (see) 2 [utente Show also that equality occurs if and only if f(2) 1.6.9. Let f € C([a,b)) be monotonically increasing on {a,}. Show that for 2 € (a,5), Af mesh froas [row 1.6.10. Prove the following Chebyshev inequality: If functions f and g are either both increasing or both decreasing on a, , then 1 lf. if Fig f tote; foes 3 freee. If one of the functions is increasing and the other decreasing, then tho above inequality revere. 1.6.11. Prove the following generalization of the Chebyshev inequal- ity: Let p be positive and Riemann integrable on (a, }). If the functions (f and g are either both increasing or both decreasing on that interval, then f Pla) f(z)dz f Pla)ola)de < f ‘P(z)dz f Pla) f(z)o(2)dz. If one of the functions is increasing and the other decreasing, then the above inequality reverses. 1.6.12. Assume that f and g are monotonically increasing on (0, a). Show that ff teraerde> [ no-aaere. fb fo 1.6. Integral Inequalities 45 1.6.13. Let q be positive and decreasing on [a,}}, a > 0. Show that Latlerds . alee ‘Badeyde < fPotayce’ 1.6.14. Show that if f is a convex function on fa, 6), then 1(5$4) (b- os f sents < OLIOG_ a). 1.6.15. Given positive real numbers = and y, let A, G and L be their arithmetic, geometric and logarithmic means, respectively (see, e., I, 2.5.41 for the definition of the logarithmic mean). Use the previous result to show that for z # y, A < G4 if both z and y are at least 2/7 and AL > G4 if both x and y are at most ¢/2, 1.6.16. Show that if f € C(|a,)) is positive and strictly concave on (a, 8}, then ff tevde> Ho-0) pax st. 1.6.17. Suppose f, g are continuously differentiable on [0,8], /", g° ‘are nonnegative on [0,6], and f is nonconstant with /(0) = 0. Then fr dcasd, . Heat < [aerr'edte+ farses ‘The equality holds if and only if a = 6 or g is a constant function. 1.6.18. Suppose f € C([0,¢), ¢ > 0, is strictly inereasing on [0,¢] and f(0) = 0. Show that for z € [0,c], re) free [°° rma ere, fb h where f-! denotes the inverse of f. 1.6.19. Use the result in the previous problem to prove the Young inequality. Under the assumption of 1.6.18, f[ * pleat + f I7'Moadt > ab for any a € [0,¢] and 6 € [0, f(¢)]- Moreover, the equality holds if and only if b= F(a). 6 Problems, 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.6.20. Show that for d,b> 0, (1+ 0) in(1 +0) ~ (140) +(e 6) > ab. 1.6.21. Prove the following converse of the Young inequality: Sup- pose that f and g are continuously differentiable and strictly increas- ing on (0,00) and such that f(0) = 9(0) = 0, g(a) 2 f(z) for z > 0. Tf for positive a and b abs [renee [es then f and g are inverse. 1.6.22. Let A={rergom ff sone =3, ff stem =3}. Find inf Peers and a function for which the minimum is attained. 1.6.23, Let A= {fF € C%((0,1)): (0) = £1) =0, (0) =a}. Find aig inf ("wae and a function for which es ‘minimum is attained. 1.6.24. Does there exist a function f continuously differentiable on [0, 2] and such that f(0) = f(2) = 1, [f"(z)| < 1 for x € [0,2] and fo #02] < 32 1.6.25. Suppose f is continuously differentiable on fa, and f(a) = (6) =0. Show that may OE GA Hi Wtedlde. ele) 1.6. Integral Inequalities ar 1.6.26. Prove the following Hélder inequality: If functions fr, fo, Jn are nonnegative and Riemann integrable on (a,b), and positi rmumbers 03,02)... satisfy Jo ay = 1, then & [TeeesI] ( ft sie)”. 1.6.27. Suppose that f and g are nonnegative and Riemann inte- ble on [a, 6]. For p # O let q be its conjugate, that is, 2+1= 1, ‘Using the previous result, prove that (a) ifp>1, then rr Me ft stoaoues (['Ptens) ([-tem:) , (b) if p <0 or 0

(£ sre)” (f[eon)”. 1.6.28. Suppose that f is continuous on (0, 1] and there is ¢ > O such that 0< f(x) < 0/3 for x € [0,1]. Show that if fj /(e)dz = a, then So Vile)de > 0. 1.6.29. Suppose that f is Riemann integrable on [a,b] and m < F(z) < M. Prove that if y is continuous and convex on [m, M], then oe f stone) s f estoy. ‘This inequality is called Jensen's inequality. 1.6.30. Prove the following generalization of the Jensen inequality stated in the last problem. Suppose that f and p are Riemann inte- grable on [a, 0], m < f(z) < M, p(x) > 0 and f p(z)dz > 0. If y is ‘continuous and convex on [m, AM], then 1 1 ro ° (abe Hk neuter) 0, we define fy by setting w0or= a [node ‘Show that . . fineness [utes 1.6.35. Prove the Minkowski inequality for integrals. Assume that sven are nonnegative and Riemann integrable on [a]. (0) Ifk > 1, then ( f (ne) e-nt tees) < (fee) 4+ ( [teu Integral Inequalities 9 {b) If0. 1, then . [oters+ntenter strate r+ f° Mey. (b) HO1 ([[ rerstere)’ < ['ceenre, A= (ff sere)’ where 50 Problems. ‘The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.6.39. Using 1.6.38, show that if g is Riemann integrable on [a,8), 0< g(2) <1 for every x € (a,b), and if f is nonnegative and decreas- ing on that interval, then for p> 1 f =r( [ fates) <[uere, a 2 (Lom). 1.6.40. Prove the following variant of Steffensen’s inequality due to R. Apéry. Let f be a nonnegative and decreasing function on [0, 0) and let g be a function defined on [0,00) such that 0 < g(z) 0) with fo” o(2)dz 1, thea * ([[serrers)’< [uerres a= (fates) . ‘Moreover, prove that if 0 < p< 1, then rb ? b (L ateytey) > [verve / fs where 1.6, Integral Inequalities 51 with A defined above. 1.6.42. Let o1 and g2 be functions integrable on [a,8) such that for every z € [a,b] [ * pute > f * sate foam fone. Show that if f is increasing on [a,2}, then ff Hoosoae = f F()ga(e)dt, and if f is decreasing on [a,6), then . f Hoa(odee [Oat 1.6.43. Use the Steffensen inequality to prove that if f is contin. uously differentiable on [a,] and m < f'(z) < M (m < M) for 2 € (2,0), then Mem < MY=LE) < yg mda 9, “Gar § SM =a and where LO = Lo) —mb— 2), M—m 1.6.44, Prove that if f is continuously differentiable on [a,8] and mS f(a) 1, then wnyayare [yore [verre s S [umerres 1.6.47. Prove this generalization of Opial’s inequality. If f is contin- ae mee oe eae then [weorruterras < 2 [yerptae. 1.6.48. Suppose f € C%([a,8)) is such that f(a) = f(b) = 0 for B= 0,1)... Prove that if Mf = may J"), then if S(a)dz| 1.7. Jordan Measure For ai < bi, = 1,2,...5p, the volume of the interval R = [a,b] x {ez bs} x---% [pb is the nurmber [FR] = (by ~a1)(b2—c2)..- (bya) In the case p = 1 or p = 2, the number [Ry is called the length and ‘the area of R, respectively. We say that two intervals are separate if they have at most boundary points in common. A union of finitely ‘many intervals is called an elementary set. Any elementary set E can be expressed (in infinitely many ways) as a union of pairwise separate Ry. Then the volume of the elementary set Eis the + +|Rea|. The volume [E| does not depend on the sup |}, ‘where the supremum is taken over all elementary sets E contained in A. The number |A]. is called the inner volume (or the Jordan inner measure) of A. If A is unbounded, its inner Jordan measure may be infinite. If A is bounded, then its outer volume (or the Jordan outer measure) is the number |A|* = inf JE], where the infimum is talen over all elementary sets E containing A. If A is unbounded, then Alt = im JAM Rel", where Ry = [-h,k] x += x [fA] CR If |Al. = TAl* = AI, we say that A has volume [A] (or is Jordan measurable and its Jordan measure is |A). In the case when |A| = (2n)I@n+ IF 1.7. Jordan Measure 53 too we assume additionally that AMR is Jordan measurable for any interval R. Moreover, we assume that: [0| = 0. 1.7.1. Show that a bounded set A is Jordan measurable if and only if, given ¢ > 0, there are two elementary sets By and Ey such that Ey CAC Ey and [Eyl - [Eyl 0 define Je = {x € [a,b], 0,(z) 2 €}, where of() denotes the oscillation of f at 2 (see, e.g. II, 1.7.12). Prove that f is Riemann integrable on [a,) if and only if el every € > 0. .n are bounded can |Al. 1.7. Jordan Measure 55 1.7.19. Show that a bounded set A is Jordan measurable if and only if there exist two sequences {B,} and {C,} of Jordan measurable sets such that By A.C Cy and tim [Bx] = lin [Cul = Al. 1.7.20. Show that the set a= {cmeriocess, O 0 is fixed. 1.7.24. The curve r = (1 + cos(30)), a > 0, consists of three con- sgruent leaves, tangent to each other at the origin. Find the area of ‘one of the leaves. 1.7.25. Find the area of the limagon r = a +6038, where positive ‘umbers a and b are given, distinguishing the cases in which a > 6, a=6,andacb. 1.7.26. Find the area of the loop of the curve 25 + y> = 5az%y?, where a > 0 is given. K, is Jordan measurable. 1.7.27. Find the area of the region that lies within the limacon r= 1+2cos@ and outside the circle r = 2. 86 Problems, 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.7.28. Suppose f is nonnegative and continuous on {a, tJ. A plane region Ay = {(z,y) € R?:a ooo, satisfies is given by where e = YE=E ig the eccentricity of the ellipse. 1.7.84. Derive the following formula for the length of a curve in the polar coordinates (r,0). If f is continuously differentiable on [a, 6}, then the length L of the curve r = f(@), a <6 < 8, is given by Le f YEON + (FO)Pas. 1.7, Jordan Measure Ea 11.7.5. Find the length of the curve with polar equation, (@) r=asin?!, 0<0<5n. 1.7.36, Find the length of the curve with polar equation o=3(r+2), isrs3. 1.7.37. Find the length of the curve tang, O 0. Then m*(AUB)=m"(A) +m"(B). 2.1.7. Show that if m(A) = 0, then for any B, ‘m*(AUB) = m*(B\ A) = m*(B). 2.1.8, Show that if A is a measurable set of finite measure, then for any BDA, m*(B\ A) = m*(B) — mA). 2.1.9. Show that if A and B are measurable, then m(AUB) + m(AMB) = m(A) + m(B). 2.1.10. Show that if m*(A) < oo and there is a measurable subset ‘Ay of A such that m(Ay)=m*(A), then A is measurable. 2.1. Lebesgue Measure on the Real Line 6 2.1.11, Let A be any set in R. Show that for each € > 0 there is an open set G such that Ac G and m(G) < m*(A)+e. Show also that there is & Gs set Az such that AC Az and m(Az) =m*(A). 2.1.12. Prove that for A CB the following statements are equivalent: (i) A is measurable. ii) Given ¢ > 0, there is an open set G > A such that m(G\A) A such that m*(U\\ A) =0. (iv) Given ¢ > 0, there is a closed set F CA such that m*(A\F) 0 there is a finite union W of open intervals such that m*(W A.A) < ¢, where W A A is the symmetric difference for W and A, that is, WA A =(W\A)U(A\W). 2.1.14. For AC R, define the Lebesgue inner measure m.(A) of A by setting m,(A) = sup(m(B) : B € 9%, BC A}, where 97 denotes the o-algebra of all measurable subsets of R. Prove: (@) IFA is measurable, then m,(A) = m*(A). (b) IFA is a subset of a bounded closed interval I, then m,(A) = [I] —m"(1\ A). (@) If m,(A) =m*(A) < oo, then A is measurable. (@) For any sets A and C, m,(AUC) +m.(ANC) > m,(A) +m.(C). (©) If Ag, n= 1,2,..., are pairwise disjoint, then nm (G») 2 Yomi. oa (6) If Mis of measure zero, then m.(A.UM) = m.(A). 62 Problems. 2: The Lebesgue Integral 2.1.15. Prove that A C I, where I is is measurable if and only if BM] =m"(A) +m"(1\ A). 2.1.16, Let A and B be given sets of finite outer measure. Show that m*(AUB) = m*(A) +m*(B) if and only if there are measurable sets Ay and By such A C Aj, BC By and m(A; By) =0. ‘2.1.17. Let A and B be given sets of finite outer measure. Show that if m*(AUB) = m*(A) +m*(B), then m,(AUB) = m,(A)+m.(B). 2.1.18. Prove that if {An} is an increasing sequence of measurable sets, then ‘a bounded and closed interval, m (G a) = fim, m(An)- ra 2.1.19. Prove that if (An} is a decreasing sequence of measurable sets and m(Ax) is finite for at least one k, then “(A eS) lim m(A,). Show also that the assumption that m(Ax) < oo for some k cannot bbe omitted. 2.1.20. For a sequence {A,,} of sets in R, we define the limit superior ‘and the limit inferior of {A.n} by setting. Tm An=(] U An ond tim An=U (An kel nek nove kel nek (a) Show that if A,,n €N, are measurable, then An) lim m(An). (b) Show that if, moreover, m(A,UAn4sU---) Tim m(Aq). 2.1.21, Wesay that a sequence {An} ofsets in R converges if Em An im An, and we denote the common value by itn An. 2.1. Lebesgue Measure on the Real Line (2) Show that # monotonic sequence of sets converges. (b) Show that, if a sequence {An} of measurable sets, An CB, where m*(B) < co, converges, then (3, An) = igo). 2.1.22. Show that the Lebesgue measure of the set A defined in 1.7.12 is equal to 1—a. 2.1.28. Let A be the set of points in [0,1] such that z is in A if and only ifthe decimal expansion of x does not require the use of the digit, 7. Show that A has Lebesgue measure zero. 2.1.24. Let BCR be the set of all numbers whose decimal expan- sions do not require the use of the digit 7 after the decimal point. Show that B hes Lebesgue measure zero. 2.1.25. Let A be the set of points in [0,1] which admit of binary expansions with zeroes in all even positions. Show that A is a nowhere dense set of Lebesgue measure zero. 2.1.26. Find the Lebesgue measure of the set of points in [0,1] which ‘admit decimal expansions containing all the digits 1,2,...,9. 2.1.27. What is the Lebesgue measure of the set of points in (0, 1] which admit decimal expansions 0.d,dzds... such that no sequence Ayn4143n4243443 Consists of three consecutive 2's? 2.1.28. Let A be the union of intervals centered at points of the Cantor set and cach of length 0.1. Find the Lebesgue measure of A. 2.1.29, Show that if A is a bounded measurable set of measure m(A) = p > 0, then for each q € (0,p) there is a measurable set BCA of measure g. 2.1.80. Show that if0 < m(A) < oo, then for each positive q 0, then there are z and yin A such that [2 — pis an irrational number. 2.1.86. Does there exist a countable collection of nowhere dense and perfect subsets of (0,1] whose union is of Lebesgue measure 1? 2.1.87. Does there exist a nowhere dense and perfect subset of [0,1] of Lebesgue measure 1? 2.1.88. Give an example of a measurable set A CR with the follow- ing property: For each interval (a), m(AN(a,6))>0 and m((R\A)N (a,A)) >0. 2.1.39. Assume that a measurable set A CR has the property thet for each 5 > 0, m(AN(-6,6)) > OandO€ A. Prove that there exists a perfect set BC A such that m(BN (—4,6)) > 0 for every 5 > 0. 2.1.40. A measurable set A CR is said to have density d at 2 if the limit mi tim MAN[e—hy2+h) te oh exists and is equal to d. If d = 1, then 2 is called a point of density of A, and if d = 0, then « is called a point of dispersion of A. Find the points of density and points of dispersion of A = (~1,0)U(0,1)U{2}. 2.1.41. Given a € (0,1), construct a set A whose density at zo € R is equal to a. 2.1.42. Let A be a measurable set such that 0 € A is # point of density of A. Prove tht there is a perfect set B.C A such that 0 is «point of density of B. 2.1.49. Ifz and y are in (0,1), we define the sum z++y(mod 1) to be E+y,ife+y I. For AC (0,1) ‘and a € [0,1), we define the translate modulo 1 of A to be the set A-+a(mod 1) = {2 + a(mod 1):2 € A}. Show that mn*(A) = m*(A + a(mod 1)). 2.1, Lebesgue Measure on the Real Line 6 2.1.44, Show that if A C (0,1) and a € (0,1), then the set A+ ‘(mod 1) is measurable if and only if A is measurable and m(A +a(mod 1)) = m(A). 2.1.45. We say that z,y € [0,1) are equivalent, and write 2 ~ y, if and only if — y is a rational. ‘This equivalence relation partitions (0,1) into an uncountable family of disjoint equivalence classes. By ‘the axiom of choice there isa set V which contains exactly one element, from each equivalence class. We call any such a set a Vitali set. Prove that a Vitali set is nonmeasurable. 2.1.46. Show that if A is a measurable subset of a Vitali set V, then m(A) =0. 2.1.47. Show, by example, that the converse of the result stated in 2.1.17 is not true; that is, there exist sets A and B such that m,(AUB) = m,(A) + m,(B) but m*(AUB) < m*(A) +m"(B). 2.1.48. Show that any set of positive outer measure contains a non- measurable subset. 2.1.49. Give an example of a sequence {An} of pairwise disjoint sets such that m(G a) < Soman). 2.1.50. Give an example of a decreasing sequence {Aa} of sets such that, m"(A1) <0 and w (Fs) 0 such that AM(A-+2) is nonempty whenever |r| < 6. 2.1.52. Let Vi, k= 0,1,..., be the sets defined in the solution to 2.1.45. Show that each of the sets An = fio Ve is nonmeasurable. 2.1.53. Suppose that A C Ris a measurable set for which there is a positive ¢ such that m(A.M1) > ell] for every interval I. Show that, the complement of A is of measure zero. 66 Problems. 2: The Lebesgue Integral 2.1.54, Prove that there is a set A CR such that each Lebesgue ‘measurable set that is included in A or in A® has Lebesgue measure 2.1.58, Prove the following Lebesgue criterion for Riemann integra- bility. A bounded function on a closed bounded interval is Riemann integrable if and only if the set of discontinuities of f has Lebesgue measure zero. 2.1.56. For f : {a,8] + R, let D denote the set of discontinuities of J and L the set of points where f has a left-hand limit. Show that, DNL is countable. Conclude the following criterion for Riemann integrability: bounded function on {a,6] is Riemann integrable if and only if the set [2,6] \I has Lebesgue measure zero. 2.1.57. Let f : [0,1] + R be continuous with /(0) = f(1) = 0. Show that the Lebesgue measure of A= (hE [0,1]: fle+h) = fle) for some 2 € [0,1}} is at least 1/2. 2.2. Lebesgue Measurable Functions An extended real-valued function f : A — IR defined on a measurable set A C Ris said to be Lebesgue measurable (or measurable for short) on A if f~*((c,00]) = {x € A: f(z) > c} is 2 Lebesgue measurable subset of A for every real number c. We have Theorem 1. The following statements are equivalent: (i) F is Lebesgue measurable on A. Gi) F-\(c,c0)) = {a € A: f(z) > c} is @ Lebesgue measurable ‘subset of A. for every real c. (ili) f-*([-c0, c)) = {2 € A: f(x) < c} és @ Lebesgue measurable ‘subset of A for every real c. (iv) f-*([-00, e]) = {2 € A: f(z) < c} is a Lebesgue measurable subset of A for every real c. ‘We will also use the following. 2.2, Lebesgue Measurable Functions 67 ‘Theorem 2. Let f and g be measurable real-valued functions defined on A, let F be a real-valued function continuous on R?, and put h(z) = F(f(2),9(2)) for x € A. Then h is measurable on A. In particular, f +9 and fg ore measurable, ‘Theorem 3. Let {fn} be « sequence of measurable functions on A; then hy(2) = sup{fa(2) : n € N} and ho(2) = lit@aofa(z) are also measurable on A. In particular, if f and g are measurable on A, then so are max{f,g} and min{f, 9} A property is said to hold almost everywhere (abbreviated a.c.) on a measurable set if the set of points where it fails to hold is a set of measure zero. In particular, we say that f = g a.. if f and g have ‘the same domain A and m({x € A: f(z) # 9(z)}) =0. Suppe Us: At, where the sets A; are measurable and pairwise . A function y defined on A by @) = Dexa, Where ¢1,02,.-+46n are real numbers, is said to be a simple function. ‘The following theorem is called the approzimation theorem for measurable functions. ‘Theorem 4. For every measurable function f defined on a measur- able set A, there is a sequence {yn} of simple functions which con- verges pointwise to f. In case f is nonnegative, the sequence {en} may be constructed 0 that it is monotonically increasing. In case £ is bounded on A, the sequence {pa} may be chosen so that the ‘convergence is uniform on A. 2.2.2, Show that if f is measurable, then so is [f]. Does the measur- ability of |f] imply the measurability of J? 2.2.2. Give examples of nonmeasurable functions f and g such that (a) {+9 is measurable, (©) fa is measurable. 2.2.8, Let f be a real-valued function defined on R. Show that the measurabilty of the et {xr f(2) = ¢} for every real cis not sufficient, for f to be measurable. 68 Problems. 2: The Lebesgue Integral 2.2.4, Let C be a dense subset of R. Show that a function f defined (on a measurable set A is measurable if and only if {x € A: f(z) > c} is measurable for every € C. 2.2.5, Show that a real-valued function f defined on a-measurable set A. is measurable if and only if f-"(G) is measurable for every open GR. 2.2.6, Show that if a real-valued function f defined on R is measur- able, then f-1(B) is measurable for every Borel set B CR. 2.2.7, Prove that continuous real-valued functions defined on mea- surable sets are measurable, 2.2.8, Suppose extended-valued functions f and g are defined on a ‘measurable set A. Prove that if f is a measurable Function and f = 9 a.e,, then g is measurable. 2.2.9, Prove that every Riemann integrable function defined on [4,0] is measurable on [a,6}. 2.2.10. Show that each function of bounded variation on {a,8] is measurable, 2.2.11, Define the Cantor function yy : [0,1] -+ [0,1] as follows: If 1 is an element of the Cantor set C and z = 5° $¢ with @y = 0 or 4, = 2, then we put le) = es that is if an is the nth ternary digit for 2, then the nth binary digit for (2) is an/2. We extend y to (0, 1] by setting v(2) = cup(y(y): yc C, y 0, there is a measurable set B.C A such that m(A\B) <¢ and f restricted to B is bounded. 2.2.22. Prove the following Egorov theorem. Let A CR be a mes: surable set of finite measure. If {fn} is a sequence of measurable functions which converges to a real-valued function f almost every- where on A, then, given ¢ > 0, there exists a measurable subset B of Acsuch that m(A\B) Osuch thet on any ‘measurable subset B of (0,1) with m({0, 1) \ B) 0 there is @ closed set F CA such that m(A\F) <¢ and f restricted to F is 2.2.28. Using the result in 2.1.98, construct a function f, measurable on R, such that for any set E of measure zero, f is not continuous at any point in R\E. 2.2.29. Let J: [0,q] + R bea measurable function. Show that there exists ¢ monotone decreasing function g on [0,a] such that for any real y, ail{z € 050]: f(2) > v}) = (2 € [0,0]: 9(e) > wh). 2.2.80. Let {fa} be & sequence of real-valued functions measurable ‘on A. We say that {fn} converges in measure to a measurable func- tion f if for every € > 0, lim m({z € A: [fa(z) — £(2)] > €}) = 0. Show that if a sequence {fa} converges in measure to f and {fn} converges in measure to g, then f= 2.0. on A. 2.3. Lebesgue Integration nm 2.2.81. Prove the following theorem of Lebesgue. If m(A) < oo and Un} converges Wo J ae. ou A, then {fa} converges ia useasure to J. 2.2.82. Show by example that the assumption m(A) < oo is essential in the Lebesgue theorem stated above. 2.2.83. Give an example of a sequence of measurable functions on the interval [0,1] that converges in measure on [0,1] but is not convergent ‘at any point of thot interval. 2.2.84, Let {fa} be the marching sequence defined in the solution to the previous problem, Find a subsequence of it that converges to ‘the zero function a.. on {0,1}. 2.2.35. Prove the following Riesz theorem. Every sequence {fn} con- vergent in measure to f on A contains a subsequence converging to fae.onA. 2.2.36. Let {fa} be a sequence of monotonically increasing functions on (a,8). Show that if the sequence converges in measure to f, then lima fo(2) = f(t) at each point 2 of continuity of J. 2.2.87, Prove the following Fréchet theorem. If f is a real-valued measurable function on A, then there is an F, set H such that m(A\H) = 0 and f restricted to H is in the first Baire class (that is, J is a pointwise limit of a sequence of continuous functions on 1). 2.2.88. Prove the following Vitali theorem. If f is a real-valued moa- surable function on A, then there is a function g in the second Baire class (that is, g is a pointwise limit of a sequence of functions in the first Baire class on A) such f = 9 ae. 2.3, Lebesgue Integration The Lebesgue integral of a simple function g(z) = gi eaxa,(z) on 1 Ais and the Ay are pairwise dijoint measurable sets, is defined as Jf etm = 5° cama. A =F 2 Problems. 2: The Lebesgue Integral If f is measurable and nonnegative on A, we define jdm = sup [ gdm, [.te=w J where the supremum is taken over all simple functions y such that O< p< f. The function f is said to be integrable (or summable) on A in the Lebesgue sense if its integral over A is finite. IE f is ‘measurable on A, then we define [san= f pram— fl ram, where {+ = max{J,0} and f- = —minfJ,0}. We say that f is integrable on A if f* and J~ are integrable on A. Let p be a positive real number. A measurable function f defined on A is said to belong to the spaco I?(A) if J, [fPdm r}) = 0 for some real number r. In this case we define the essential supremum of f by Wlleo = intr : m( {x € A: [f(e)] >r}) = 0}. Then the set E = {x € A : [f(z)| > [lflleo} is of measure zero and \F@)| < Flee outside B. Thus |f(z)| < [[flleo ae. ‘We will often use the following theorems: ‘Theorem 1 (Lebesgue's Monotone Convergence Theorem). Suppose {fn} é8 an increasing sequence of nonnegative measurable functions on A. If f(z) = lim. fu(e), 2 € A, then tim, i Sad = f fam. ‘Theorem 2 (Fatou’s Theorem). Suppose {fn} is a sequence of ‘nonnegative and measurable functions on A. Then Jf i fot stm fut, 2.3, Lebesgue Integration B ‘Theorem 3 (Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem). Suppose {fa} #2 a sequence of measurable functions on A and f(z) = lima faz), © € A. If there exists « function g integrable on A. and such that |fn(2)| < g(z), 2=1,2,...,2€A, then sin, f tata = fsa, ‘Theorem 4. If f is Riemann integrable on {a,b}, then f is Lebesgue integrable and [seus Lyle 2.8.1. Find the Lebesgue integral of the function J defined by setting _f# if zeOI\Q ro {i if zE[,11N@ Is the function Riemann integrable on [0,1]? 2.8.2. Let f be defined on [0, 1] as follows: f(z) = Oifz is an element of the Cantor set C and f(z) =n on each removed interval of length 1/3" (see, e.g., the solution to II, 1.3.1 for the definition of C). Find Joa 4m. 2.8.8. Let C denote the Cantor set, Find fq fam, where sin(rz) if 2€ (0,1/2]\C, He) = J cos(n2) if ze [1/2,1]\C, 2? if rec. 2.8.4. Prove that iff is Lebesgue integrable on A, then, given € > 0, there is 5 > Osuch that fy |fldm < ¢ whenever B C A and m(B) < & that is, the Lebesgue integral is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure. 2.8.5. Show that if f is a Lebesgue integrable function on A and An={z€A:|f(e)| 2 n}, then lim n-m(A,) =0. 2.3.6. Show that if f > 0 on a set A of positive measure and Sy fdm=0, then f = 0a. on A. m Problems. 2: The Lebesgue Integral 2.8.7. Show that if fu fdr =0 for every measurable subset B of A, (A) > 0, then f—0 a0. on A. 2.8.8, Show that if f is Lebesgue integrable on A and [ff sm] = fine, then either 20.0. on Aor f 0, define S(e) = Srnem(An), where Ay = {2 € Arne < fla) <(n+t)e}. x Prove that Ba ste)= ff fan. 2.8. Lebesgue Integration % 2.8.14. Let {fn} be a sequence of nonnegative functions converging to f on, and suppose that lim, fg fudm — fy fdm <0, Show that for each measurable set A, sia, ff tad = ff fm, 2.3.15, Suppose that {Jn} is a sequence of real-valued functions in- tegrable on a set A of finite measure. Show that if the sequence is uniformly convergent on A, then tim, f Sadr = fim, fad 2.3.16, Let {fa} be a sequence of functions converging to f on A. such that J, [falPdm < oo and J, [flPdm < 00, 1

0 there is 6 > 0 such that for every measurable subset B of A, fy lfaldm < ¢ for n = 1,2,... when- ever m(B) < 6. Show that if {fq} is a convergent sequence of equi- integrable functions on a set A. of finite measure, then tim, [ fadm= [tim fam. Be, [m= f des 2.3.21. Prove the following version of Lebesgue's dominated conver~ gence theorem. Suppose {fn} is a sequence of measurable functions converging in measure on A to f. If there exists a function g in- tegrable on A and such that |fn(z)| < g(z),n = 1,2,...,2€ A, then af tatm= f sam. 2.8.22. Show that the theorem stated in 2.3.20 remains true when convergence is replaced by convergence in measure. 2.3.28. Suppose the sequence {fn} converges in measure to fon a set A of finite measure, and [fn(z)| < C for r € A, n= 1,2,.... Show that if is continuous on {—C,C}, then Jatin. 2.8.24. Suppose that {fn} is a sequence of functions defined on a set A of finite measure that converges in measure on A to f. Show that ia, f stint = ff sng), 2.8.25. Suppose f € 1?[a,}), 1 < p< oo. Show that, given € > 0, there is () a simple function ¢ such that Ji, 1f — yam 1/2 for all step functions ¥. 2.3. Lebesgue Integral 7 2.8.27. Suppose f € L?[a,8), 1 < p < co. Show that, given ¢ > 0, there is @ continuous function such that J, Lf ~ 9!dm 0, there is acontinuous function vanishing outside a finite interval and such that [ie-aran ad}, then mm(Aa) > (AY —6P. 2.4, Absolute Conti Integration muity, Differentiation and ‘A real-valued function f defined on [a,6] is said to be absolutely con- tinuous on [a, 8] if, given € > 0, there is > 0 such that Vile -sel 0, lim, f(z) = 0 and V(f; 00,00) = lim Vf -K, 1) < 00. 2.4.19. Show that if f and g are functions on R satisfying the con ditions of the preceding problem, then [sostwes [ rosa [ roa f aoa = Jim, f(2) + Jim, o(2). 2.4.20, Let f € 1?[a,8}, 1 Zp < oo, and put f(x) = 0 for = ¢ fayt}. For h > 0, we define f, by setting 1p Wa)= 3 [Hoa Show that fi continuous and Ufallp< fp (compare with 1.634). 2.4.21. Prove that in the notation and under the assumptions of 2.4.20, Jin If. Sllp = 0. 2.4.22. Suppose that f € L'a,b] and that 2 € (0,b) is such that J(2) # 00. Then z is called a Lebesgue pornt for fif th [Wo - sere =o. 2.4. Absolute Continuity, Differentiation... 83 ‘Show that if z is a Lebesgue point for f, then the function F(z) = SE Satis differentiable at = and F*(=) — f(z). 2.4.28. Show that each point of continuity of f € L3[a,}] is a Lebes- ‘gue point for f. 2.4.24. Prove that elmost every point of [a,6] is a Lebesgue point for Fe La,t). 2.4.25. Show that almost all points of a measurable set A are points of density of A. (See 2.1.40 for the definition of a point of density.) 2.4.26. A set A CR is said to have outer density d at x if the limit, exists and is equal to d. If d = 1, then z is called a point of outer, density of A, and if d=, then z is ealled a point of outer dispersion of A. Prove the following generalization of the result in the previous problem. If A is eny set (measurable or not), then almost all points in ‘A are points ofits outer density. A necessary and sufficient condition that Abe measurable is that almost all pointe in A® are points of ‘outer dispersion of A. 2.4.27. Assume that a real-valued function f (measurable or not) is defined on [a,8]. We say that zo € [a,8) is a point of approximate continuity of f if for each € > 0, . nto + WYN {x € [ my 2h Prove that a real-valued function f is measurable on (a, 8) if and only if almost all pointa of fa,8] arc points of approximate continuity of f. 2.4.28. Show that a Lebesgue integrable function on {a,8] is approx- Imately continous at each of its Lebesgue points. Show by example ‘that the converse is not true. 2.4.29. Show that if f is measurable and bounded on [a,b], then 2 € (0,6) is a Lebesgue point for f if and only if x is a point of approximate continuity of f. 84 Problems. 2: The Lebesgue Integral 2.4.30, An alternate definition of approximate continuity is that J is approximately continuous at 2» provided there is a measurable set A such that 29 is a point of density for A and such that the restriction of f to A is continuous at zp. Show that this definition is equivalent to the one given in 2.4.27. 2.4.31, Give an example of a bounded function f : (0,1] -+ R which is mot Riemann integrable but is a derivative of some function F on (0,1). 2.4.32. Suppose J is integrable on [a,6] and for t € R define G(t) = m({z € [0,8]: f(z) < ¢)). Prove that [tee [* aco, f sacs [° aco im f td(o(o) + Jim, [aon. where [tae 2.5. Fourier Series For f € L'[{-1,7], the Fourier coefficients of fare given by = 3 [ se)evonade, doef He)sinnede. The series 300+ Dloncoone + bsinns) is the Fourier series of f, and we write S(e)~ foo + Dan cosne +b, sinnz). oi We denote by sn(2) the nth partial sum of the Fourier series of f; that is, on(2) = fo + 3 (an cose +b, sink) VEFE, then Fon cnane +b sans) = J” pasin(ns + 00), = = with some an. 2.5.2. Show that if an and by are the Fourier coeficients of f € D{-n, x], then Baye lin be 2.5.3. Suppose that f is a 27-periodic function that satisfies the Lip- ‘schitz condition of order a (U < @ < 1); that is, f(z +h) ~ f(z) = ‘O({hI*) as h + 0 uniformly with respect to z. Show that if ay, and 4, are the Fourier coefficients of f, then m= O(n-*) and by = O(n (2.5.4. Show that if f is of bounded variation on Gm =O(n-!) and by = O(n™). 2.5.5. Show that if f is a 2r-periodic function that is absolutely ‘continuous on [zyx], then = o(n-1) and by = ofr). 2.5.6. Show that if f is a 2r-periodic function and f € C*(fR), then Gq =0(n-*) and be = oln™*). 2.5.7, Show that for f € L¥{—z,], the nth partial sum of the Fourier series of f, that is, $n(z) = $a + BE (axcoske + dy sink), is given by sx], then saeay=2 [st ee. sn (et a) 2) 2.8.8. Asume that f is a periodic function on R with period 2n, and that f is integrable on [-1, r]. Show that if 5, denotes the nth partial sum of the Fourier series of f, then [ se+o+ sey) Ode Sn(z) = 86 Problems. 2: The Lebesgue Integral 2.8.9. Prove the Dini-Lipschitz test for convergence of Fourier series. Suppose f is a periodic function on R with period 27 that is integrable on [-1, 1]. If f satisfies the condition [f(o +t) — {(#o)| < Lt? for It] <6 with some positive , 6 and 0 0 and @ > 1/2, then the sories 5° aE +E converges. = on™), 2.5.84. Show that if f is 2x-periodic and satisfies the Lipschitz con- dition |f(e + h) — f(2)| < LAI? with some L > 0 and 0 x2. at 20 Problems. 2: The Lebesgue Integral 2.8.85. Suppose that f is 2x-periodic and satisfies the condition \fle+h) = f(z) < L\hl® with some positive L and a. Show that if f is of bounded variation on (0,2n}, then the series 3: /al FOE _ = 2.5.36. Give an example of a continuous and 2x-periodie function ‘whose Fourier series fails to converge on R. 2.5.37. Show that if a 2r-periodic function f is bounded on R, then lsn(z)| = O(lnn). 2.5.98. Let L, be the Lebesgue constants given by yi fea Show that Ly = felon +0(1). 2.5.39. Show that if a 2x-periodic function f is continuous on R, thea |en(2)] = ofan). 2.5.40. Assume that f is 2r-periodic on R and f € L'{-n,n}. Use the formula given in 2.5.8 to show that if ala) = 212) +202) +o teal) (which is called the nth Cesiro mean of the Fourier series for ), then ontey= Be [Aye +9 + Heo sin’ 3 2.5.41. Show that if f is 2r-periodic and m < f(z) < M for all z, then m < on(2) q >I for k= 1,2, ‘everywhere. = F(z) almost 2.5, Fourier Series 93, 2.5.55. Assume that f is 2n-periodic on R and f € 17[-n,n}, 1 < P< 0% Prove that the sequence of Cesiiro means of the Fourier series for f converges in the Z? norin to f, that is, sn ln — l= tn, (J fone) — seen)" 2.5.56. Suppose that {bn} is a monotonically decreasing sequence ‘converging to zero. Prove that }~ b, sin nz is uniformly convergent on [0,2] if end only if lim by = 0. 2.5.57. Suppose thot (bn) is @ monotonically decreasing scquence converging to zero. Prove that 3° by sin nz is the Fourier series of a a continuous function if and only‘ lim nbn = 0. 2.5.58. Suppose that {Ox} is a monotonically decreasing sequence converging to zero. Prove that 5° dy sin nz is the Fourler series of a ‘bounded function if and only if'nb, = O(1). 2.5.59. Let {dq} be a monotonically decreasing sequence converging to zer0 and such that dng1 < #2542 for n € N. Prove that oe Ft Ypencosne is the Fourier series of a function nonnegative and integrable on [Em]. Deduce that the series + cosnx fag Ton is the Fourier series of such a function. (Compare with the result in 2523) Part 2 Solutions Chapter 1 The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.1. Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral L1.1. Let € > 0 be given. By Theorem 1, to show that f € R(a) it suffices to find a partition P such that U(P, f.0) - L(P, f,a) 0 such that Ja(z) — a(c)| < «/2 if jz ~o| < 6. If we take a partition P ‘whose mesh is less than & and such that 24-1 <¢ <2; for some é, ‘then U(P, fra) ~ LP, f,a) = (zi) ~ a(2i-1) renee 28) 25 ii zy e UPL) = Soren 24) SF. oS ‘Taking a suitable sequence of partitions (compare with the solution Of the previous problem), one can show that [sew % wa [Lypeme= a Finally, we remark that if _fz itzea no={5 ifreR\Q, 1.1, Properties of the Riemann-Sticltjes Integral 99 then f is not Riemann integrable on any interval (a,b). 1.2.5. Let [a,0) be arbitrarily fixed. Observe that, given a positive integer NV, there are only finitely many rationals p/q (where p and ¢ are co-prime) in [a,} such that q 0. Then there are at most 2kw subintervals [x1—1,71] containing atleast one of the rationals mentioned above. On the other subintervals (2-1, wwe have My ~my <1/N. Consequently, UP.) — LP, f) < kw + oe. Given ¢ > 0, we take N > 2(b—a)/e. Then for any partition of mesh 6 0 be given. There is a positive integer no such that A/n ng. Choose a partition P determined by 1 SET << 0 be given. ‘There is a positive integer ng such that Ym cel? form > no. Choose partion P determine ty mm <2 o= scam cas *< tp 1 < agen << 2g = < 0 such that for any 6 > 0 there exist and 2” such that Ja’ — e] <6, fe” — e] <6, and Q) [f@)- FO>e, lolz") a(e)| >. Assume, contrary to our claim, that | Jim | 9(P, f) exists. Tt then follows that there is 6 > O such that y(P) < 6° implies that @ IS(P, fa) - S(P, f.a)| s(ti\ax a Fa for all admissible choices of t; and ¢{, Our task is now to find a partition P with points t; and ¢{ for which (2) does not hold. To this end we start with a partition P, of mesh less than 4’ and such ‘that 24-1 < ¢ < zg. Then there are 2/,2” € (24—1,2%) satisfying (1). Assume first that 2” < ¢ < 2”, and construct the partition P by adding the points 2’ and 2” to Py. Next choose #; = # in every subinterval except for [z’,z”]. Now if we take t = 2’ and ’ = c in fe,2"] then ISP, fea) ~ $1(P, f.0)] = (0) - F(2" Mala”) ~ a(2")) 21M) — Sle'Mala")— a(@)) > In the case 2” < ¢ < 2’ similar reasoning can be applied. If z,-1 < x" <2 €?. 1.1. Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 301 Hzp1 . Similar arguments apply to the case 2/,2" € (c,2x). Finally, if the ‘common point of discontinuity is a or 6, the proof runs as before. 1.1.10. We first show that, given a partition P, U(H fa) =supS(F, fra) and LF, fa) inf S(P, fra), where the supremum and the infimum are taken over all admissible choices of ti, 1 = 1,2,....m. Indeed, for € > 0, there are ¢{ and 2 im the interval [2i-1,2,] such that f(ti) < mi +/(b—a) and SG) > Mi —e/(b— a). Consequently, if S°(P, f,a) and $*(P, fa) are the corresponding sums, then LP, fa) < 8(P, fa) <é+ L(P, fa) ‘and U(P, f,a) > S"(P, fa) > U(P, fya) ~€. Now, if lim , $(P,f,a) = A, then, given € > 0, there is 6 > 0 such that u(P) < 6 implies that |5(P, f,a) ~ Al < ¢ for all admissible choices of t.. It follows from the above that; SP, fra) 2 < LP, fa) SUP, fa) < SP, fa) +e and A-2 < LP fa) SU(P Sa) 0, there is 6 > 0 such that Ue) —f2)] <€/(a(6)—a(a)) if 2" < 6. Consequently, for every partition P of mesh less than 4, we have U(P, f,a) — £(P,,a) <€ (which clearly shows that f € R(a)). Now, since $(P, f,a) and ff fda lie between U(P, f,a) and L(P, f,0), the claim follows. 102 Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 41.11, By the previous problem, if fim 5 $(P f.0) exis then J € ‘R(q) on [a, 6]. To prove the other implication, suppose that f € R(a). ‘Then, given ¢ > 0, there is a partition P” such that ve te)-$< f° Hevate) < UP. fare §, ‘Asoume that the partition Pia an array ofm points. Moreorer, let 1M = sup(If(z)|: 2 € [a,8)). By the uniform continuity of a there is 6 >0 such that Ja(z) — a(2’)| < ¢/(4Mn) for |z—2'|< 6. If Pisa partition of mesh less than 6, then the partition PU P’ contains at ‘most n —2 points more than P, and consequently, UCP, f.a)—U(PUP, f.a) < (0-2) 2M < 5. ‘Since (1) holds if we replace P’ by P’ u P, it then follows that: U(P. f.a)-€ < ff Heats) Likewise, [tert 1-42, x > 0, implies ifn ave Tat) 7 TTT)” Hence for i > 2, afm, afin + 2 an wm fn —1)/n, > yay 7 By the intermediate value property there is G € [(é—1)/n,4/n}, i> 2, such that, ve Tenia ~* it is equal to 1 war= It then follows that the li 1.1. Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 105 (@) Han = YFUA)FR/A).-. Flan), then Inn = F (In f(A/n) + In f(2/n) + ++» +10 f(n/n)) and therefore Tin a, = ele 1S e)de, 1.118. ‘The function _ fe fre On), 1 fF Ee is continuous on [0,7] and positive on (0,7). Thus it is Riemann’ integrable, and {f° f(z)dz > 0. Moreover, since op =a ont. nat im S, = f Sle)de>0. ta S= J 1.1.16. Observe first that a (: ¥() -f "stae) GE@-E Ele (()-m)e ‘where the last equality follows from the mean value theorem. If we set my = ink f(a) = 2 € [(é— 1)/m,4/n)} and My = sup{f"(z) : 2 € [(¢—1)/n, i/nl}, 106 Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral mf (E-s)ars [5 rteten (5-2) a me G t-a) de, and consequently, abmend [i recep ($-2 ash bM. Finally, since f’ is continuous on [0, 1], we obtain tan(2E0(2) - [[ none) =} [rem ~ = 10)- 0) F Now applying the proved result to f(2) = 24, we get i TE 2k pee tnt 1 1 tn (At a) oa z 1.1.17. Write Hath t (an— =) is the midpoint of (((-1)/n,i/n}, i= S(P, f), where (2) = 24z*, and consequently, the limit is 2*/(k-+1). 1.1, Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 107 1.1.18. By eae formula we have Now note that each of the integrals Lar Cat) A) vanishes and 1 mest Pa LS FD [Pee (2 my Tole Qn where m; and M; denote the greatest lower and the least upper bound Uf 7" In the ith subinerval. Since "i Riemann integrable x (0,1) the result follows. 1.1.19. Apply the results proved in 1.1.16 and 1.1.18 with f(2) = Y(.+2), 2 € (0,1). 1.1.20. It suffices to show that changing f at one point, say z/ € [a,2}, does not affect the integrability and the value of the integral. Let f denote the changed function and let m and M be its greatest lower bound and least upper bound over (a, 6}, respectively. Suppose, eg, that 2 € (a,0). Since f = f is integrable on [a, x’ — ¢].and on 108__ Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral [e! +6,0), given ¢ > O, there are partitions P; of [a,2 —e] and Py of fe +6,0) such that UPA - UPA) 0, there 4s a partition P such that U(P, f,a) — £(P, fya) < e. Consider the partition a = 29 <2 <+++ O be given. Since f € R(a), there is a partition P’ such that q) U(P', fia) — L(P’, fua) 0, there are 6 > 0 and 62 > 0 such that setd(o'te) — on) (cu — 24-1) mi Se+M2e, + ‘where M is an upper bound of |f] on [2,8]. Since & is continuous, ‘one can show that if P; is a partition (of sufficiently small mesh) that does not contain points where a does not exist, then |S(P, fra) — SP, fall HaNolet) —a(6z)) a + FONalb) — 207) + f Sa)a"(x)ax. 1.1.28. By the result in the previous problem we get a 2 a fee [ sans [ aatde + (-?-140-1= 3, 1.1.26. Clearly, m(a(b) ~ a(a)) < f[ sevete) S$ M(a(b) - a(a)), where m = inf(fl2) : x € fab)} and M = sup{s(2) : x € [o,b)}. ‘Thos nahn Since J is continuous on [a,0, the values m and M are assumed in [4,0], aud by the intermediate value property, . ff Fleideta) = Haha ~ a0) with some c € [a,6]. 1.1.27. If f is constant on [a, }}, the claim is obvious. If f is noncon- stant, set m = inf{ f(a) : 2 € [a,t]} = f(z) and M = sup(f(z):2€ [,0]} = f(x2). Then m < M, and by the continuity of f there are ‘subintervals (c;,d;} and [e2,da] such that f(x) > m for x € [e1,d;] and f(x) < M for x € [cz,d9]. Since a is strictly increasing, we seo that Rsl2)dal2) m< “alt) ale) 0 and exh =10 Hebl0 > oith <0. Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral ug Now let z and h be fixed. Suppose, for example, that h is positive. Define aft) = (Fe +h) — fla)a(t) — (a(z + A) — a(2)) f(t). ‘Then g is continuous on [2,8], and g(2) = g(x +h). If g is constant on [z,¢ +h], then $2(t) = 0 for all t € (x,2+4h). If, for example, a(t) > 9(z) for some t € (2+ h), then g attains its meximum at some cand ¢ € (z,2+h). Consequently, £2(c) = 0. On the other ‘hand, Bq = (se +) - He) (ele +) - ate LO. It then follows that Se+h)- f(a) ‘a(e+h)=a(2) with some c between z and +h. Thus for any partition {0,21 10) ~ Ho) = J Heh —Lttet ofey) ~ -1)) Leyater) — oter-2)) Loe +} of [a6] we have with some ty € (t%-1,74). On the other hand, by the first mean value theorem, f seers Lo qe YM eraten) - ater) é ‘with some 7 € [r4-1,24]. Now, the uniform continulty of 2 implies that, given € > 0, of |Ler- Leo] 8, then V(J;0,1) < +00. Let = {0,21,..-,2n} be a partition of 0,1]. Take n so large that n-¥A <2, and add to the partition P points 1 1 1 1 1 ‘Note also thet f is monotonie on exch interval [-¥8,(¢— 1/2)-/8), 3y.e+4m, and [(¢4+1/2)-V2, @-V}], j= 1,2,...)— 1. Thus yun Seals om pas Lem p< +0 It follows immediately from the definition of V(f;a,) that for 1.2. ze [a8 (1 < FOL + V(Fs4,0). 1.2.7. It follows from the preceding problem that the functions f and {g are bounded on (a, ); that is, there are positive constants C and D such that [f(2)| < C and |g(2)| < D on {a,t}. If k= fg, then for any partition of fa, we have Soha) = Ha] st S$ CY loli) - oe) + De) - Hz-1)] = = SCV (gia,6) + DV(f;a,). Now to prove the second statement, itis enough to show that if f is of bounded variation on [0,4] and _ ing, [f(2)| = ¢> 0, then 1/7 is also of bounded variation on fa,6}. For any partition of fa, we get es] 1 1 |_| fed = Sei) - 1, Sle recal" Tented |S aV Fie. ne Solutions, 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral No. Consider the functions seo? ifr € (0,1), F@)= i if2=0 and g(y) = VB, v € [0,1]. Both of them are of bounded variation on [0,1] (the derivative f’ is bounded on [0,1] and g is monotonically increasing) and the composition h(z) = 9(f(z)) is given by Ne) = ~ {sh ifx€ (0,1), ifz=0. ‘To see that h is not of bounded variation, take the partition led on << saps <3Sacaps} ‘and note that Viet) > 24 ni 1.2.9. Let g: [a,b] — [esd and f : [ed] > R. If f satisfies a Lipschitz condition, then there isa nonnegative L, called the Lipschite constant, such that [f(z) — f(v)| < Dlx — y| for all z,y € [e,d]- Thus for any partition of [a, SU Gle0) = Hlolei-ad| < EY lolen — ofes-vdl < LV (50,5). a es 1.2.10. Clearly, if f is of bounded variation on {a,8}, then so is |], and by 1.2.6, f is bounded. Since z ++ 2? satisfies a Lipschitz con- dition on any bounded interval in the domain, the assertion follows fom the remult in the preceding problem, 1.2.11. Observe first that if a = zp < 2, < --+ < a» = 6, then G20) ~ 1(¢4-a)| = I(20)|~ (ess) in the case when f(a) and J(zi-1) are both nonnegative or nonpositive. In the other case, the continuity of f implies that there is & € (xi-1, 7) such that f(€;) = 0. Then Utes) — 12:0) = Used) - 6) + 116) - Heed] Sse) - EDI + NG) - fle) = IMF@o|= NEI + FEO EOI 1,2. Functions of Bounded Variation hy ‘Consequently, Ded - Fea s Vsa,0). ‘The following example shows that continuity is an essential assump- tion: _ fi itzefayng, ro={t, fre fH \Q 1.2.12, Since He) = max fe) ofe) = WED = se Se) +a), the result follows from the facts that a linear combination of two functions of bounded variation is alo of bounded variation and that the absolute value of a function of bounded variation is of bounded variation (sce 1.2.10). 1.2.13. (a) Since for a > 0, fim £2)= 10) 2h a we see that f does not satisfy any Hélder condition. Clearly, f is ‘monotonically increasing ou [0, 1/2], and so V(f;0,1/2) = 1/(In2). (b) We show that f satisfies the Hélder condition with every 0 b. Tt thon fll that Ute) ~ se < 142) ~ S(en)] + Lflensa) - 121 Cle ~ 29° + Cloass — 2° $< 2Cmax(le— nls bones — 21) S2C}n- 2". ‘To see that f is not of bounded variation, take the partition Oty < EE ogy 0, thete is M > a ouch that Vifiayz) —V fiz!) = V(fia'2) <6 whenever 2 > 2! > Mf. Thus 4@)- f@) < Vifiz",2) <6, which together with the Cauchy theorem shows that lim f(z) exists ‘and is finite. ~ ‘To see that the other implication does not hold, consider the function f(z) = !*i24l, 2 > 1. Clearly, Jim, f(2) = 0 and ion) eine (Ledeen) vurammediered (La bend ets) aoe 1.2.15. Let € > 0 be arbitrarily chosen. It follows from the definition of the total variation V(f;a,6) that there is @ partition, say 2” = 424, 27,---12%m}, such that VUP) > VUFia,8)— 5. ‘Since f is uniformly continuous on [a, 4]. we select 6 > 0 so small that if |e —2| <6, then Ves £. 1.2. Functions of Bounded Variation 19 From a partition P of mesh less than 6 we form a partition P; by adjoining all points of P*, Then V(FP)SV(LFi) and V(f,P*)S VF). Moreover, VULPYSV(LP) +5. because P, is obtained from P by adding at most m new points and therefore V(f, P) increases by at most 2m(¢/(4m)). Consequently, VSP) 2 VRP) -§ > VPS > VFia,8) — 1.2.16. Since f is continuous, there are pointe in fzy—1,24] at which f ‘assumes the values M, and my. It is also clear that | f(z4)—f(zs-1)| < M; —m,. Thus for any partition P, V(fia,b) 2 W(F,P) 2 VU). It follows from the previouo problem that, given ¢ > 0, there ia 5 > 0 such that V(f;a,8) — V(f,P) 0. Let F(z) = Inz, 2 € [m,M}. Then F satisfies a Lipschitz condition, because Fis bounded on {m, M]. It follows from the result in 1.29 that Fof = In fis of bounded variation on (a, 6]. By Theorem 1 Inf=p-a, where p and q are monotonically increasing on fa, 4]. Hence one can ‘take g =e? and h = ef. 1.2.19. (a) We have S(a)+2 if e[-1,0), vga) = 9 2— f(z) itz € (0, v3/3), Fa) +2498 itz [v3/3,1). ‘Thus Sa) +2 ifze[-1,0. (a) = 42 itz € (0, v3/3), Ha)+2+ 93 ite e [v3/3,1], and 0 ifre[-1,0), U2) = 4-S(2) if ee (0, v3/3), 28 itze [V3/3.1]. (b) Te easy to check that aya) {1-8 xe (x), WV cose +3 itz € [r,2n], ‘0 ite (On), We) =) coon 41 ite fn2zh a) = 1 -cosz fre [0.x], 2 fae [r,2r]. 1.2. Functions of Bounded Variation rh () We have ‘2 ifze oa), _Jite ifze[t.2), =o itzep3), 6 ife=3, and pe)=2 and gz) =f). 1.2.20. Let 20 € [a,b) and lim, f(z) = f(a) = J(20). It suces to show that lim, V(Ji0,2) = O, Given > 0. there is ¢> 29 such that [f(2)— (eo) <€/2if zp <2 <6. It follows from the defini of the total variation that there isa partition 2 <2) < +++ ) = d > 0, then by the definition of one-sided limits there is 6 > 0 such that He) < fle) +4 for 2€ (20-620) and Sle) > He8)-$ for 2€ (ez +8). ‘Then, if y € [F(aq) + 4/3, Flat) — 4/3] \ {F(z0)} C [F22), f(z0)] \ {s(a0)} with 2 € (zo — 620) and x2 € (20,20 + 6), there is no 2 € (21,22) such that f(2) = y, a contradiction. If f(zg) = f(2a) # ‘S(zo), analogous reasoning can be applied. Since the derivative f' enjoys the intermediate value property (eee, e.g. I, 2.2.31), the other statement follows immediately. 1.2.25. For 2 € [a,0), let P = {29,21,..-y2a} be a partition of 2}. Since f” is continuous on [a,6), the results in 1.2.16 and in 1.1.26 imply that vy(2) = dim om Ulex) — Fen) = BE | "ro “ponae Suen - 2) 7 = lim iP), Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.2.26. Clearly, there is M > 0 such that [f(2)] 0, there is a subsequence {ng} such that V (fayia,b) < L-+e. Thus for any partition a= my <0 0, there is no sch that ¥ boal 0 such that there is 100 ap with 18 < no in (2 8,+8). Consequently, for e-5 0, there are 24,24 such that Bet <2

lanl — ‘Taking the partition toa 0 Bal > Steal + ad) —e. “heaton o> 0 ys VU:0.1) > Sul + a. Leting 0 ge the died inal. 1.3. Further Properties of the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.8.1, We have a(z) = ax(2) ~ aa(z), where ov={0 ET ae oter={ ‘Thus, by the result in 1.1.24, we get Lower f doy(a) — ~ ff stele) = (-1)-1-2.20 6 2. Integrating by parts and Theorem 3 give It Keowneds| =|” stare (®222)| ts [° sansare| af Isard < VOR 0 ifze[-1,2), 2 ifre (2,3) 1.3. Further Properties ... 127 1.3.3. Since f is continuous on [a,)}, there is M > 0 such that UG) $M, € [a,0}, Assume first Unt eis monotonically increase ing on (a,4). For a partition P: a= 29 <1 <+++< aq =, let & be defined by the first mean value theorem, that is, Oy [E serdatay = Heated ~ ale»). It follows from 1.2.26 that f is of bounded variation on [a,8. Let 8 = B,—f, be a decomposition of f into a difference of two increasing functions. Since f and g are continuous, we can apply the result in 1.1.10. It then follows that ff serotesaaey 5 iPad F(G:)a(G)(a(z4) — a(zi-1)), ‘where the are as in (1). Consequently, ff Heateiete) = ae) ff pertey = 8, 2S Mente) ~ Ble) = i AGN OA() ~ Bitz) DHE Baled) ~ baleen) ~ 02 = he o(2)40(2) — i ‘(2)aba(z) = i ‘a(2)46(2). 1.3.4. Since $ cy is convergent, given ¢ > 0, there is NV such that a B ace nen 28. Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral If we set y aule)= Seaele—an) and o9(0) = a(2) —ar(=), & then by the result in 1.1.2, 1 ow [ $day = S>enS (en). Moreover, V(ex:0,3)= So en 0, there is no such that (0) — P(@)) < § for n> 9. By Theorem 1 in Section 1.1, there is a partition P such that UP, fogs?) — ECP Sos) < §- ‘Moreover, we have UP. L.0) $ UP, SoosB) +E and TAP, L,9) 2 LAP, frosP)— §- ‘Thus we see that f € R(p). Now observe that for n > no, | f scerray- f° sein [ vate) selene) sf aainey <§ 1.3.10. Observe that for € [0,1] we have im nz(1—z)* = 0, but the convergence is not uniform on [0,1] and'the result in the previous problem cannot be applied. We have rc yrds = tim B=} dy [/ne0-27ee= bm z 1.8.11, As in the foregoing problem, we cannot apply the result in 13.9 because {2"} does not converge uniformly on [0, 1} Let @ = p—q, where p and q are monotonically increasing on [0,1], For € € (0,1), we have os f° 2%ép(2) < (He) v0) — 0 1 J Pee) <0) -11-9). 132 Solutions. 1: ‘The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral ‘Moreover, if 1/(n?) <, then + m + m fe ote [2 (2) 20 -3) («0 ‘Consequently, letting n —+ oo gives "dp(z) < p(1)—p(1—e). vta)=0") Jim. fete) < Since € € (0,1) can be arbitrarily small, 1 tim, [/2°apt=) = nn) ~ nt"). tim, J, ‘The same reasoning can be applied to q. Thus tien [ * 8da(z) = a(t) ~ a(t"). an 1.8.12. By assumption, for any partition a = x9 < x1 < +++ < 2m = 6, we have Ylan(zn)~ on(o4-a)l la le = +S islensllaler) — of24-1) ~ ants) + an(2e-1)] fe +d LL ca - see)aete) iC (S(ex) ~ {(@))dan(2) 1.3. Further Properties ... 133 Now, by the continuity of f. given e > 0, there is 6 > 0 such that if he weal of Ue purtition is eas Una 6, then [f(2) ~ f(x] <2 /(9M) for x € frx-14 Cousequently, by Theorem 3, S| [* e)- Hem date af. (2) — Hex))da( 2) . <3 51 (eter) = seanante)| <£. E|f ae oy tol <§ ‘Moreover, if n is sufficiently large and the partition is fixed, we see that LVeewdlla(es) — aee-1) ~ onze) +an(te-adl X §- ist 1.3.13. We have if Salz)dan(2) f F(z)da(z)) ff tnterionte)~ ferent] < + . f° redone) — ff sere) By the result in the previous problem, given ¢ > 0, there is no such | [ rerdonte)~ f° tera forn > no. Moreover, by assumption there is a postive M such that V(auia,8) < M for all n, Thus the uniform convergence of {x} implies that, for sufficiently large m, if Salz)dan (2) — f seo < f Une)» FM (2) sup WaC2) — S(2)|V(ansa,t) < 557M. S ap, Wale) LaIV( ) < aay 0, we can choose a partition a = zo {0a(0) — M). It then follows that f S(z)da(z) = f()(a(6)—k), where m 0, there is a 5 > O such that if 26,215.05 En =O} 8 8 partition whose mesh is less than 6, then ay | tortouteoaten — S(P, fer2)| 1, then by the result in the preceding problem, we get [reacor= [verauer-+ [vera = [c@raver>+2 fuera fuera. Now the partial integration formule (Theorem 1) and the proved equality yield [eeraer=vor—cor- f reac = FOr = (Fyn - which gives the other equality. 1.8.22, (a) We have 4 ap n f aflelde = f Slade"). Clearly, if ze (0,1), if 221, So, by the results in 1.3.12 and 1.1.13, we get 5 1 aim, [ seamen = [ repdaten = 500. (b) As in (a), we obtain in, ( f * eyes) {€) Using (0), we get ; 0 dim 2" = a(2) = { i, [ fede) = 10. im 2 Meld mez*slelde _ fd) we flametds tb a flametae e” 1.3, Further Properties .. 139 (@ Put Fale) =2n [° vs nth lo Since yrisin?*(2nt) tends to zero uniformly on [0,z], 0 0, there is a continuous function g such that 0 < 9(2) < f(z) and [teres [i nee+e ‘There exists a partition @ = a» 0 be given. ‘Then for each n there is a continuous function gq such that 0 < gn < fy and Q f Sola)ds If we set fn = min{gr,92,-.-dn}, then 0 < fin < dn < Jay and the ‘iy are continuous on [a, 6]. Since the sequence {Jn} is decreasing, son} $ ia. es 7 € [, n(e)de+ ae. OS fan = min{fi, fay---» fa}—min{ar,; 1.3. Further Properties .. var Hence og f rcerte— f ntodde <> fH) ates @ Since {fn} is a sequence of continuous funetions on [2,6] monoton- ically decreasing to zero, by Dini’s theorem (see, e.g, 113.116), it converges uniformly on {a,b} to zero. Therefore lim [2 ha(z)dx = 0 (00, 0 1.8.0). Combined with (2), thin implies the decired reault. 1.3.24. [W. A. J, Luxemburg, Amer. Math, Monthly, 78(1971), 970- 975]. The proof runs as in the previous problem where the integrals Ji fae and f° faz should be replaced by ffde and J°f,dz, re- pectively, except for Ue fact Ua dae lower Riau i subadditive (as observed in the cited paper). So, the inequality, os f tierce [tatewere(s hhas to be proved in a different way. To this end we note that for each m, 1=1,2,.. os = H+ (On) S + (0x {G4,---490} 94) < 91+ Flomax G1---19} 9+ a 05 on Shut Sex (Gio --sBn} — 90 % Moreover, sing axon ta} man fres fa) = fe wwe wt [reorder fomstate).. ase atayde fated, 12 Solutions. 4: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral ‘and consequently, Af omstated natal} —atedae sf rterae~ ff aterae < ‘whore the last inequality follows froun (1) in the eolution to the pre- vious problem. It then follows that ff sserdes f’ntee +5 ‘which gives the desired inequality. Luxemburg, Amer. Math. Monthly, 78(1971), 970- of generality we can assume that 0 < fn(z) 1, Integration by parts gives ‘we get from (8) that, Qnt1 (2n—1)ll x _ n+l tnt med Gal 23> Gata 2 vet Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral This completes the proof of (1). Formula (2) can be proved analo- Integrating by parts, we get [fwste=2-2 (@) Substituting ¢ = x — 2 gives een [ Ea dz. fo Trea ~ So Tease sate (e) We have fins [tate f? ( = [itt edttans)~ na 5 Consequently, one can show by induction that Tan = (-1)" (- (1-}4}-- tm Wee r sinz -f' sin (2) fy tinzrowe”~ J, aa(g—z) +e08(G—a)" 4 cos sing vi [== ds = Eb (@) Observe that nf sin fF __ewz ly Sm eteote fy aint z-beome 1.4, Proper Integrals us It then follows that ' ae [Stent 1.4.2, Using the substitution z = cost and 1.4.1 (b), we get : a (en) —ppaee [Ose fo 2y a= ff sin? - er (On the other han, f “a-2tyte x (ja [ " hae So () (gy. =F 1.4.3. Assume, for example, that /(2$) =a. We have Ses) = Fes) = Jim, FU@) = FG), On the other hand, using ! Hospital's rule, we get tim, FE)— FO) _ hn Fe. tim, f(z) =a. eat sah Eo ty aaah 1.4, Define F(z) = 22 cos }-2 fF teos ht for x # Oand F(0) = 0. (2) for € R. Thus F is an antiderivative of f in the 0. e# 0, then an antiderivative G of f would equal F(z) +o for 2 > 0 and F(z) + ¢ for 2 < 0, with some constants ‘¢1 and ¢2. Moreover, since G must be continuous at zero, c, = c2- Consequently, G'(0) = 0. This proves that an antiderivative of f exists if and only if ¢ = 0. 1.4.8. We will show that assin if re feasta-th ° i 2=0 has the desired properties. Indeed, since fis continuous on (0, 1], Pl224-1) — Flea) = af Senate =z sinedt = 2, hate Similarly, F(tan+1) ~ F(tax) = 6 Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Now we put Fle) = ‘enee Z Es a, Calculation shows that F(a)= 5 a (008 3 +1) « poe a ‘Then F(z) = f(z) for = € (0,1}. Moreover, for 2 € [raeeis 224th, a < 72 1, and Ce) =-2(14-4 if 2 € [oansn,za4) Since lim, G(2) = ~0o, there is no function G ‘uch that G'(2) = [f(2)| on the closed interval (0,1). 1.4.6. The substitution #— — x gives r= ff s1(inzyae= [ (r-nstingie=n f° sindat—1. 1.4, Proper Integrals ur So na . sia Uap’ aerrars* zt __ sins at fe. iL awrrae” . — Bh aoa rome +a | pam arcome™ AE [Pan eteate,, 2Jo sin z+ cos a a 14.7, (a) We have [serte= f° sone [° peyie=2 f° rere (b) We have [tenae= [i -n-ante+ [renee =0. 1.4.8, Since f is a periodic function, we obtain [Otome [ rerees fF roraes fF" ne—mae = freraes f° nerds fP rere 1.4.9. We have [toade=* [” rete HEC pererns (Ose), were (0) = [(0=0)/7]. By the eal In ee previous problem, ff toayae= tno) [" peraes 2 [sear I ake) f 7 heasuoor Te is clear that lim, &(n)/n = (b—a)/T and iy” T FL nn | SF ae VCO a0 us Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral LL Henayes, 1.4.10. (8) We have tin, 2 [° stoinzyde = im * ysin(na)) de where the last equality follows from 1.4.9. (b) Asin (a), we get f ‘Sisinz)de. Jo if M\sinal)dz = ff 2inlomayie= hy |" s4tsina\te tS (©) Note that and [FO sttinante= [Pspeinnye sont f" astainsys Since (usnyee a [ Safina) de = 2k f[ ‘Sf (sinz)de+ ie 2f(einz)dz, we se that ane [Peiinz\ae fo = (1424-04 (n= 1) (ains)detn f"sflina)de, cd consequent, iim, f af (sin(2na)) de = Lf Slsinz)dz. 1.4.11. (2) We will show that 5 dia, ff se)coseaye = fim, [”s2)snlna)de = 0. Since J is uniformly continuous on [4,8], given ¢ > 0, there is 5 > 0 ‘such that |f(¢) — f(s)| < if |t— 9] <6. Taking a partition a = x» < 1.4, Proper Integrals 149 1 < +++ < 2m = of mosh less than 5, we get f Sle) cos(nc)ie = J [E Heostnayte l didens = a+ f* Hla) — \dz oy +f oe F(zx)) e0s(n2) ) and +e(b-a) . = “ | Lf stapecnayt <-steu| f™ costae L Zveolif, <2Mm+e(b-a), where M = max{{f(z)] +2 € [0,8]}- So, lim, f— f(2)cos(nz)dz = 0. “The proof ofthe other equality is anslog®us (b) By (a) we have im, [ Ja) sin?%(uz)de = in, f Je) =f * payae. pet pen f storie 25° t Sle)de a WAS [teen ag + ay $o+- + Oy steht 1 =cos(2nz) ad 1.4.12, We have ff ose = 1 I(na)de =a lo (sce, og. 1, 2.3.2). 150 Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.4.13. We have * f(z) = [ wf) fo Hays Fa ay™ i) ad +f Tathiaa® - Sian S(2) b Tee fay 2 f(l-2) f@)+I0- ad + 1 =} 1.4.14, We have f[f foiae= Dat “hes fou Le £10 y ° 10) =f iteee [Pe G f S(e)de. 1.4.18. If there is zp € [a,6] such that f(0) > 0, then by the conti- ruity of f, f(z) > 0 on some interval [2,6] < {2,6}. Consequently, [reer f° rere >0, 1.4.16. Let a < 29 < 29 +h < 6. By assumption and by the first ‘mean value theorem, eth o= £ Sla)de = f(20+0h)h, with some @ € [0,1]. Thus f(xo + 0h) = 0. Since h > 0 can be arbitrarily chosen, we see that f(z0) = 0. 1.4.17. Taking g = f, we get J2(f(z))%dz = 0, and by the result in 14.15, 4(2) a contradiction. 1 Proper Integrals 151 1.4.18, Observe first that if f is Riemann integrable over [a,8}, then . ia, f ag foile= f S(e)de. Indeed, | [free f° se where M = sup{l{(2)|: 2 € [a8]}- For a eufctently large postive integer n, define nf(ati)(e—a) if se [aa+1/n}, a(z) = zp. Consequently, for sufficiently large 7, one 2 an(14 MeE=2) <3 ade 2¢ for t € (0,7/2]. Hence 712 maine ml? ant = -f) os [Penimas [etna Fae, ‘and consequently, a Ran, Am, , ° ‘dt = 0. (b) Fix a sufficiently small ¢ > 0. Then { {/2} is uniformly convergent to 1 on [¢, 7]. So, by the result in 1.3.9, tim, [” vesinads = f" sinzde = 1 +0086. Moreover, f Yasinzdr sand wre tlie sigh pol site OF He oe —— eat ae ate af Vive éo=0. Moreover, for n €N, <[ sin”? € oe Vita” < Jira Passage to the limit as € tends to zero yields 7 7? sin" “ah vie 1.4.22, Lat O.< #< 1. Then [ Heye= and, by the fist mean value theorem, [Oo Hen =fE\L—«), where 0S E<(1-e). dz =0. Tus at, [ Hende= 100-0. Moreore, [nore] cate, were a =son{ (fe) 2€ baa): Consequently, wef ” sleds = $0). 1.4, Proper Integrals 155 1.4.25, Problems 1.425 - 1.430 have been borrowed from {7}. Since rey=fnoa-f row is continuous on [a,b] and F(a) = ~F(), by the intermediate value property, there is @€ [2,8] such that F(@) = 0. 1.4.24, Put Fey=e [soa By assumption, F(a) = F(b) = 0. It follows from the mean value theorem that there is @ ¢ (a,8) such that ° Fon ete) f sa=0. 1.4.28. Consider 2 [ ‘Heat. By assumption, F(a) = F(t) = 0. It then follows, by the mean value theorem, that there is @€ (a,8) such that F(z)= FO =-% [ soar+ ZO) =0. 1.4.26. It is enough to apply the generalized mean value theorem to ‘the functions Fe)= [soa and Gta) = f° (oat 14.27, Define Fe)~ [som a atta. Since F(a) = F(Q) = 0, there is 6 ¢ (a,b) such that F*(0) = 0. 1.4.28, Consider Feyae f gout fate and apply the mean value theorem. 156, Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1.4.29. Set io Fte)= [" soa and observe that: F()=0 aod FQ)=2 sot. ‘Since F is continuous on [0, 1}, there is 6(n) such that a) A 2 sere f° soyaes ff tof Moreover, by the first mean value theorem, 2 ff sepde = rnp steno) + HC), where 0 < &(n) < O(n) and 1 - 0(n) < €2(n)) < 1. Finally, n(n) = ——b afer Sy Sade FEN + Hel) >=" FO) + TOY 1.4.30. We have ‘ . ff sone =(e- nse [ens ene. Hence, by the first mean value theorem, 4 1 ff see = 10-90 f'e— 0a. fb fb 1.4.31. As in the proof of the previous problem, we have. 1 1 f[ feorae=s0)- [ e-nstoae ° 2 1 A 2 -10-§F¥ re + [re which combined with the first mean value theorem gives the desired result. 1.4.82. Setting Feay= [ oe, 1.4. Proper Integrals 157 wwe get F"(0) = (0) # 0, and by Taylor's formula with the Peano forin for the remainder (see, e.g I, 23.1), F(z) = F() + P(e + SPO? +0(24). Likewise, HO)2 = F*(O)2 = 21 F"(0) + F"(0)0 + f0))- By assumption, FOr + BF"(Os? + oa2) = a(F(0) + F400 + 00), which yields 1.4.83. Let ¢ be a given number such that 0 < ¢ < (b—a)/2. Since f is strictly increasing, f(b—e)/f(b—2e) > 1. Hence there isa positive integer po such that for p> po, fb-2)\"_b-a (#23) > on evenly, (- ay > 86-2097, Since f (ste)Pas > £. U@—-ayras, we see that, 1 gaya > 2 a fuer a> tf e-ay de = SURREY 5 (r—29)7. Hence 8(p) must satisfy 0(p) > 6— 2e, for p> po, which means that lim 019) = 6. 1.484. Cleary, ff Perrede=0 158 Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral fr evry polynomial P. By the approximation thorem of Weir- straas (see, ¢.g., IT, 3.1.33), there is a sequence of polynomials {P,} uniformly convergent on [a, 8] to f. Thus by the result in 1.3.9, f[ Peed im, [ Psoteds=o, which gives f(z) in [a,b]. 1.4.3, By assumption [ * Playstayde =0 for any polynomial P of degree less than or equal to N. Suppose, contrary to our claim, that a < 21 <2 <+-+ Oin each of the intervals (@,21), (21,22),---1 (2m, 6)- Theref ie P(e)f(2)dz > 0, although P is a polynomial of degree less than or equal to N, contradiction. 1.4.86. Suppose that f € C({-2,0}). (2) Note first that, by assumption, [ses scares f° sejeacs f° S(-2)(—2)de =2[" sahsPde=0. Moreover, [ters scanatertten [sent eas - £ f(-2)(-z)""dz = 0, 1, Proper Integrals 189 ‘Thus, we see that [ders scayeree=0 for 22012004 aud the desied result allows fom 1.4.84 (b) The proof runs. as in (a). 1.4.37. By the first mean value theorem we get fooern—seyar= [reve f° see = fi seenes [rene = -hf(o+Oh) + hfb+ Oh), where 0,0’ € [0,1]. It then follows from the continuity of f that pat tf (len) = sa))ar = $0) = 10). so [10m 9 (2) = fo+2)— f(a+z). 1.4.39. Using I'Hospital’s rule, we obtain @ ‘Thus () © @ 160. 1.4.40. Using Hospital's rule, we get @) 0, (ge vere) = 29. 0) nleLerens) = Him +sinz)" because tints) © - en (2 [rotten = a1 wa (3f aa) = Ry AP @ ing [a= Hunfea ; 2re™ ea =, & ae © mm (ges) 1.4.41. If A =|f(zo)| = max{I{(z)| : x € (0,1), then for p > 0, (f ieee)” <(f*) we ‘On the other hand, the continuity of f implies that, given € > 0, there is an interval (a, 6 ¢ [0,1] such that |f(z)| > A ~ ¢/2 for 2 € [a]. Consequently, ve » (f wer)” "> (f ['uer) > ([fa-ear) = (A-£/2)(B-a)¥? > A-e€ for sufficiently large p. 1.4. Proper Integrals 161 1.4.42. Let yo € fed] and e > 0 be chosen arbitrarily. Since f is uniformly continuous on R, there is 8 > O euch that Menu) — Sen) < if (i,m), (z2,¥2) € Rand (zy = Sy =n}? <6. So, for ly- ol <4, He) Hos f° View) Sesnlie 0, there is 5 > 0 such that for 6 (a,b) and [hl <6, [Lewrm Seen] < pS. Hence by the mean value theorem we get if Sey +h) N= LEW 4g _ [% Le yyae| sf |Fheesn on Yeaa|te 0. ray= [et(14§ +oe “+ Gay) then, by the above inequality, If we set rane fe eh he ge > (tes a) > (On the other hand, FW) = fe( (+e it Gi ct amex lf" dt =N. Since F is continuous, a a result follows from the intermediate value property. 1.4.47. Put POA) = 092 + On 2 bo 09. 1.4. Proper Integrals 163 By assumption, f (P(@))Pdz = 09 vi Ple)de. fo lo On the other hand, 7 cA Snm Jf AP eMe= eet Set ‘and, by assumption, Gay act aFkHi nk Observe now that Gn Sant ) ayevitneet where @ is a polynomial of degree at most n. Since Q(k) = 0 for ‘k=1,2,...,n, there is a constant C such that Q(k) = C(k—1)(k—2)...(&—n). Putting k= 0 in (2) we ove that + f Pladde = 80 4 hg Mea. No, tpyng (0 by +1 aad sek tng = we oan 0 = (-1)"(n+1)C. So, 1 ay = (n+ 1)? f Pla)dz, which implies the desired equality 1.4.48. 1 1y) = JP flesu)dz, thon by 1.4.42, Iy) is continuous on led}. ‘Thus the integral on the left-hand side of the equality to be proved exists. Moreover, if ate)= ftandy ana me)~ f° (f° evan) a then g/(2) = Te) for z € [c,d], and by 1.4.42, the function Fta.2)= [env is continuous with respect to 2. It is clear that 2E(z, 2) = f(z,2) is continuous on R. Hence by 1.4.43, h'(z) = I(z). 80 h'(z) = g'(2) = 164 Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral 1(2) for z € le,d)}, and therefore h(z) = 9{2)+C. Since h(e) = g(e) = 0, we ace that C'= 0, which ends the proof. 2gE = b— a, the proper -L (La)=- f(s) integral exist. ‘By 1.4.48, [ae 1.5. Improper Integrals 1.5.1. (a) We have c 1 ge “of 1 sin 2 + coe! a’ aoe 1 de cos?(2z) (ares : ra separate) i , i+iP =2nv2 (b) Observe first that a 7 an [FO eleinayde = [" tneontn/2—a)yts = "tfcoes. ft if ((n(sin:z) — In2)dx. 1.5. Improper Integrals ‘Consequently, f[ (sinz)dz = Fina. lo (©) We prove by induction that nt [20-26 aoyere For n =O and @ > —1 we have A 1 o fo-se-4- atl Assuming the equality to hold for n, we integrate by parts and get f eha-ayer= f a Aae= n+l f'n, ett, as [2a -z)Mde - +0! “rilet?)..atn+iyatnt2) (4) Integrating by parts gives —Ina)Ndr afc Inz)""Mde = nlp. Since 1 = 1, we see that J, = n!. {@) The substitution t = 1 —2/n gives, (= z/ny" pot i-ty tele -[ (ete eee Yat Aja aleg4gt 106 Solutions. 1: The Riomann-Steltjes Integral (0 Iategrating by pats times, we gt er a Pye [et sten a [ew ate a MO=D f pnigr - Gah In*~? ede =)" aap oe a {e) In =1, then JQ? Gigs = 1/2. If m > 1, then the substitution z= tant gives [p= [oceans ae where the last equality follows from 1.4.1(b)- (h) The substitution ¢ = 2— V2™=T yields fim [top (i) Observe first that - [tee [ elena aerate totic enna ‘Furthermore, reo ing £ mat “Latent [ee - In(e?/t)_(_a? [asa a+ [ite (3) 2ine— Int, [rea fa Zine zine, , Pra” 1.5. Improper Integrals 167 () We have nz tatty , Grae ree 1 f* Ina 1 f*_int , Teepe ts), Trop mle, 1 (int =a tal, Tre” ‘where the last equality follows from (g). Substituting ¢ = tans gives eo Int f weet ff cot 2imtansyte -[' 1+ 00822 = 2 In(tanz)dz Ye cos2eln(tenz)de, because {j°/"In(tanz)dr = 0 (see the solution to (b)). Finally, inte- zation by parts gives ff covreitancyze a0 [1 888 Adee 2. (K) Using the substitution t = a — 2, we see that Te [Pincrteosyte= ft —contt, So, by the symmetry of sine and by (b), n(1 — cos? 2)de 2 [ n(oinayéc 2 [ ntsinz)de = -2n102. ( Substituting 2 = tant and (b) give i} 1)_de rt Lele s)ies e-f ™ 1.5.2. Observe that falz)=— 168: Solutions, 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral Since for j r ( fants) \% . “Low-E ff stoe=-[(E-[Nae- f (E-[ee eof G-Ee--[6-D= wal 1.5.3, Suppose, for example, that J is monotonically increasing on (0,1). Then [OO nejaes LALA 4s 1S) Pal) < f* redae ‘which implies the desired result. 1.5.4. Without loss of generality we can assume thet f is monotoni- cally decreasing and lim f(2) is finite. Then tees HULA) 103) ‘Thus lim, Se fla)de exists as a finite limit. 1.5.5. Consider ‘Then f is monotonically decreasing on (0,1), the limit ig LDF LG) 4 FES ) Lo, but the improper integral fg’ f(x)dr does not exist. 1.5.6. (2) Taking f(z) =In-z, we soe that im Mtn tet tst 1.5. Improper Integrals tea (b) Taking f(2) = Insin 22), © € (0,1), and using 1.5.1 (b), we get (©) Set ; =15 (ut) (:&e4) . Hence by 158 nd 15:10, ; myon= [['Gnsyee— ("inaér) =2- 1.5.7. We first observe that the Cauchy theorem (see, II, 1.1.37) implies the following criterion for convergence of improper integrals: For g : (a,t] ++ R, the improper integral J g(x)dz converges if and only if, givene > 0, there is 6 > Osuch that | 2? o(2)da| 0, f Psoa> on if a<0. Likewise, if f is positive on (0,0) and increasing, then ° se)et2 if a0, L ‘ 08> (tere if <0. 170 Solutions. 1: The Riemann-Stieltjes Integral It follows from the above inequalities that lim, f(c}z"*" = 0. Anal- ‘ogous reasoning can be applied in the case when f is negative on (0,20). 1.5.8. (a) We have az _ iy, [ viag = Big, tnine—taln = () Since sie 21 ie sie the integral converges. (6) The substitution —Inz = t gives f[ (clnaytde = [ trentat = [ teva a tevtat, lo lo h e Since pect a the lst integral converges for all real a. Moreover, since im PEt ape oh the integral fj t°e*dt converges if and only if the integral fp t%dt converges, that is, ifand only if a > —1. (a) As in (¢), Lat It is easy to check that if a > 1, then the last integral diverges to infinity for any b. Since for a <1 * eter tatat = (1a! [ rtertat, f ana it follows from the solution to (c) that our integral converges if end only fa <1 and <1. (@) The divergence of the integral follows from the inequality Laser H(t-aNegp, 1.5. Improper Integrals am 1.5.9. Since f(t) + 1/(f(#) 2 2, we see that [Honea [ sa 22 ou. Letting z.-+ 00, we got the desired result 1.5.10, ‘The assertion follows immediately from the definition of an improper integral and the Cauchy theorem given in If, 1.1.37. 1.5.11. Suppose that the integral f° f(z)d2 converges and {an}, n> o, tan inrensing sequence diverging to ify. Then Lf Se)ae = jm nf Sa)de = tm a . _ fae Pe L Sea. On the other hand, if the last series converges for every increasing se quence {aq} diverging to infinity, then the limit tim fz f(t)dt exists and is equal to the sum of this series. If f is nonnegative, then the function F(z) = f° J(t)dt is mono- tonically increasing. Moreover, if there is an increasing sequence {an}. q > a, diverging to infinity for which the series (1) converges, then F is bounded above by the sum of this series. So, the limit tim F(z) exists, 1.5.12, By the result in the previous problem, the integral converges if and only if @ pete ae a te oe ea - eee Now observe that Crretiaras Moreover, we have Urbs fo 1+0 sin?

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