Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology: Philippine State College of Aeronautics

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Philippine State College of Aeronautics

Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


• 1: Effectively express ideas in proper understanding of the fundamental principles, specific operation
and preventive maintenance of digital electronics for aircraft and complex computer systems.
• 8: Introduce by looking at the essential characteristics of analog and digital signals and the canonical
CLO quantization principle.
• 9: Identify and properly apply technical concepts and practical terms used in the avionics field.

• 1: Demonstrate how the aircraft digital cockpit display is transform through the year,
• 2: Demonstrate familiarization of digital electronics components and working principles.
MLO • 3: Demonstrate and properly explore the practical applications of Digital Electronic System in aircraft
cockpit display.

• 1: Creates a timeline of significant cockpit layout transformation events.

• 2: Discus and explain the fundamental working principles and application of the parts and components of

digital electronics.
• 4: Show how digital quantities are represented by the voltage levels.

Weeks Topics/Activities Allotted Hours

Presentation of Course Requirements 1.50 Hrs
1 Digital Electronics System 2.13 Hrs.
Activity 30 Min.

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

This course- Digital Techniques - intends to help students have a basic and deeper understanding
of the fundamental principles, specific operation and preventive maintenance of digital electronics
for aircraft and complex computer systems and essential characteristics of analog and digital
signals and the canonical quantization principles as it is deployed in the discussion of digital
electronics and its multi-faceted domain. While there is an inherent difficulty in considering the
ever going aspects in the field digital electronics, the writer of this Module have taken great pains
to simplify and bring the most fundamental discussion to a level that can be easily comprehended
and understood by the students.

Since this is essentially an introductory course on the subject student wanting to get a more
thorough and rigorous exposure to this topic are encouraged to consult the additional listing of
references at end of the Module for further readings.

As it is, this Module is thematically arranged and begins of more common mode of fundamental
principles and progresses to the more complicated progress concepts.

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


1.0 The Evolution of Glass Cockpit...................................................................................................5
1.1 Common Form of Display............................................................................................................6
1.1.1 Quantitative Display.............................................................................................................6
1.1.2 Qualitative Display...............................................................................................................6
1.2 Instrument Panel Layout.............................................................................................................7
1.3 Instrument Grouping...................................................................................................................7
1.4 Major Difference between Analog and Digital Cockpit ...............................................................8
1.5 Electronic Flight Instrument System............................................................................................8
1.5.1 Display Unit..........................................................................................................................9
1.5 2 Control Panels.....................................................................................................................9
1.5.3 Data Processor....................................................................................................................9
1.5.4 Electronic Flight Instrument System Architecture.............................................................10
1.5.5 Monitoring..........................................................................................................................10
1.5.6 Performance Practices......................................................................................................11
1.5.7 Comparator Monitoring......................................................................................................11
1.5.8 Display Monitoring........................................................................................................... 11
1.6 Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring (ECAM)/Engine Indicating and Alerting
System (EICAS).......................................................................................................................12
1.7 Difference of ECAM and EICAS...............................................................................................13
1.8 Safety Precautions...................................................................................................................14
1.9 Summary .................................................................................................................................14
1.10 Key Points .............................................................................................................................14
Honesty Clause..............................................................................................................................15

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


The term Digital is generally associated with a computer in the modern world of electronics because
the term Digital is derived by counting digits from the way computers perform operation. The
application of digital electronics has only been in the computer system for many years.

But digital electronics is used nowadays in many applications, such as:

 Industrial process
 Military system
 Television
 Communication system
 Medical equipment
 Navigation

Digital electronics is a branch of electronics that handles data

and codes in digital format. Digital stand for digit, there are
basically two possible conditions, 0 (low logic) and 1 (high
logic). Digital electronics systems use a digital signal consisting
of work 1’s mathematical features as true and 0's as false are
called bit and byte is called the group of bits.

Generally, digital electronic circuits are made of large

assemblies of logic gates that generate data in 1 and 0 states
for stores and processes. A modern is used to convert the
computer's digital information to analog devices, and to convert
the computer displays to digital analog signals.


With regard to aircraft instrumentation requirements, the most

significant technological change was the processing and
presentation of data in electronic display format. Instrument and
systems utilizing such format are by virtue of high level of Digital
computer integration and signal distribution via data highway or
called as Busbar systems, able to project the same quality of
operational data which would otherwise have to display by a
very large number of Analog or also called as a conventional
clockwork types instruments. Consequently, the scene was set
not only to make drastic reductions in the use of conventional

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

instruments but also to implement full automation of the

management of all aspects of aircraft in-flight operation.

Electronic instrument systems were developed in parallel with

the launch of the Boeing 757, 767 and Airbus A310 aircraft as
design projects in 1978, and these were to become the first of
new technology aircraft to enter commercial service in 1982-83.
These aircraft, together with several of their many descendant
types, are now in service worldwide, along with many smaller
types of aircraft, including helicopters, in which the above
mentioned technology has also met operational requirements.

Conventional instruments still play an important role, of course,

but the extent of their use now has a more direct relationship to
aircraft types. For example, altimeter and attitude indicators are
provided to serve as standby references in those already
referenced to a conventional airspeed indicator.




This can be regarded as the classical method of displaying

information in quantitative forms. The base of the scale refers to
the graduated line, which may be real or implied, running from
end to end of the scale and from which the pointer’s scale
marks and travel lines are defined.


These are of a special type in which the information is

presented in a symbolic or pictorial form to show the condition
of the system, whether the value of the input is increasing or
decreasing or to show the movement of flight control surfaces.

Source: Aircraft Instruments & Integrated System By: E.H.J PALLETT.pdf

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


All instruments necessary for the operation of an aircraft are mounted on panels, the number and
layout of which vary according to the number of instruments required for the respective type of
aircraft and the layout of its flight deck cockpit. Of course, a main instrument panel placed in front of
the pilot is a common feature for all types of aircraft, as the instrument displaying primary data must
be within the normal line of sight of the pilot. The panel can be mounted in a vertical position, or
sloped forward at about 15º from the vertical to minimize parallax errors, as is now more common
practice. Typically positions of the panels are: overhead, at the side and on a control pedestal
located centerlly between pilots.



Typically, panel positions are: overhead, sideways, and on a

control pedestal between pilots in the center.

1. Airspeed Indicator
2. Gyro Horizon
3. Altitude Indicator
4. Turn-and-Bank Coordinator Analog
5. Direction Indicator
6. Vertical Speed Indicator

Therefore, it is most important for these instruments to be

properly grouped in order to maintain coordination and to assist
the pilot with the minimum effort to observe them.

The blind flying panel or Basic six layouts were the first real
attempt at establishing a standard grouping method. The Gyro
Horizon occupies the top center position, and it is used as the
master instrument since it provides positive and direct
indications of attitude and changes in attitude in the pitching
and rolling planes. As Airspeed and Altitude control is directly
related to attitude, the airspeed indicator, altimeter and vertical
speed indicator flank the gyro horizon and support the pitch
attitude interpretation. As Airspeed and Altitude control is
directly related to attitude, the airspeed indicator, altimeter and
vertical speed indicator flank the gyro horizon and support the
pitch attitude interpretation.

Source: Aircraft Instruments & Integrated System By: E.H.J PALLETT.pdf

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

A review of the function of certain instruments and their relative

positions within the group resulted in the adoption of the basic
"T" arrangement as the current standard with the development
and introduction of new types of aircraft and a more
comprehensive display presentation provided by flight director
systems indicators. Now there are reduced to four key elements
of indicators;

1. Airspeed Indicator
2. Gyro Horizon Digital
3. Altimeter
4. Directional Gyro


In analog cockpit, the six-pack of gauges attitude, airspeed

indicator, altimeter, turn coordinator, heading indicator and
vertical speed indicator are the core flight instruments. En-route
charts are used to manage navigation.

The main flight tools are consolidated in a glass cockpit into a

digital primary flight display (PFD). While some of the
instruments will look familiar, others are converted from dials
into digital tape displays, such as the airspeed indicator and
altimeter. A second multifunction display (MFD) features a
moving map and other information, such as weather (if the
aircraft is equipped in this manner).


Some significant changes in the layout of flight instrumentation have been made possible by
modern technology on most aircraft currently in service. The launch of Electronic Instrument
systems was the biggest change. These systems have resulted in many complex electro-
mechanical instruments being replaced by color displays of the TV type now. In the case of display
failures, these systems also allow the exchange of images between display units.

An Electronic Flight Instrument System (EFIS) is a display system for flight deck instruments where
the display technology used is electronic rather than electromechanical. Usually, EFIS consists of a
primary flight display (PFD), a multi-function display (MFD) and a display of the engine indicator and
crew alert system (EICAS) for BOEING and ECAM for AIRBUS. While Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
displays were initially used, liquid crystal displays (LCDs) are now more common. The first

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

candidates for replacement by EFIS were the complex Electromechanical Attitude Director Indicator
(ADI) and the Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI).

Installations of EFIS vary greatly. A light aircraft may have one

display unit to display flight and navigation data on. It is likely
that a wide-body aircraft will have six or more display units. An
installation on EFIS will follow the following sequence: A wide-
body aircraft is likely to have six or more display units. An EFIS
installation will follow the sequence:

 Displays
 Controls
 Data processors

 In one unit, a basic EFIS could have all these facilities.

1.5.1 Display Units

 Primary flight display (PFD)

 Multi-function display (MFD) / Navigation display (ND)

 Engine Indications and Crew Alerting System (EICAS) for

BOEING / electronic centralized aircraft monitoring (ECAM)

1.5.2 Control Panels

Controls are provided for pilots to select the display range and
mode (e.g. map or compass rose) and enter the data (e.g.
selected heading). Where other equipment uses the pilot's
inputs, the data buses broadcast the pilot's selections so the
pilot only needs to enter the selection once. For example, on a
control unit, the pilot selects the required level-off altitude. The
EFIS repeats this selected altitude on the PFD and generates
an altitude error display by comparing it with the real altitude
(from the air data computer). This same altitude selection is
used for level-off by the automatic flight control system and for
appropriate warnings by the altitude alert system.


MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

1.5.3 Data Processors

The symbol generator produces the EFIS visual display. This

receives pilot data inputs, sensor signals and pilot made EFIS
format selections. Other names like display processing
computer, display electronics unit, etc. can go to the symbol
generator. More than generating symbols, the symbol generator
does. It has (at least) monitoring facilities, a generator for
graphics, and a display driver (this is not software hardware).
Sensor and control inputs arrive via data bus, and validity
checks are performed. The required computations are
performed, and the generator of graphics and the display driver
produce the display unit inputs.


Typically, three symbol generator (SGs) source image formats

on to four display unit (UD). Each SG is able simultaneously to
produce both PFD and ND formats. Each SG is able
simultaneously to produce both PFD and ND formats. Each DU
sources its display from a normal or alternate SG source. In
normal operation SG#1 source the images to the captains
displays and PFD #1 and ND#1, SG #2 source the images to
the first officer displays, PDF #2 and PFD#2. SG#3 is a hot
spare and can take over the function of their SG#1 or SG#2 in
the event of their failure. Each SG sources its inputs from both
left hand and right hand sensors. And Independent Integrated
Standby Instrument System (ISIS) in installed on the flight deck
to aid the crew in resolving discrepancies and to provide critical
flight information (Attitude, Altimeter, and Airspeed) in the event
of complete failure of the main display system.


Like personal computers, flight instrument systems need

facilities for power-on-self testing and continuous self-
monitoring. However, flight instrument systems need extra
monitoring capabilities:
 Input validation — verify that each sensor is providing valid


MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

 Data comparison — cross check inputs from duplicated

 Display monitoring — detect failures within the instrument


Traditional (electromechanical) displays were equipped with

synchro mechanisms that would transmit the pitch, roll and
heading actually shown on the instruments of the Captain and
First Officer to an instrument comparator. The comparator
warned about excessive variations between the displays of the
Captain and First Officer. Even a downstream failure
(downstream and upstream refer to data flow direction; from
sensor to processor to display) as a jam in, say, an ADI's rolling
mechanism would trigger a comparator warning. So the
instrument comparator provided both monitoring of the
comparator and monitoring of the display.


The comparator function is as easy as ever with EFIS. Is sensor

1 roll data (Bank angle) the same as sensor 2 roll data? If not,
on both PFDs, put a warning caption (such as CHECK ROLL).
Comparison monitors will give warnings on indications of
airspeed, pitch, roll and altitude. More comparator monitors will
be enabled as EFIS systems are more advanced.


An EFIS display does not allow for easy retransmission of what

is displayed on the display. What's needed is a new display
monitoring approach that offers security equivalent to that of the
traditional system. One solution is to keep the display unit as
simple as possible, so that errors cannot be introduced. The
display unit works, or is not working. A failure is always clearly
evident, and never devious. The monitoring function can now
be shifted upstream to the symbol generator output. Each
symbol generator contains two channels of display monitoring in
this technique. One channel, the internal one, samples the
output to the display unit from its own symbol generator and

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

calculates, for example, what roll attitude this indication should

be producing. This computed roll attitude is then compared with
the input of roll attitude to the INS or AHRS (Attitude and
Heading Reference System) symbol generator. Faulty
processing has probably created any difference, and triggers a
warning on the relevant display. On the other side of the flight
deck, the external monitoring channel performs the same check
on the symbol generator: the Captain's symbol generator
checks the First Officer's, the First Officer checks the Captain's.
Whichever generator of symbols detects a fault puts a warning
on its own display. The external monitoring channel also checks
sensor inputs for reasonableness (to the symbol generator). A
spurious input, such as a radio height greater than the
maximum radio altimeter, leads to an alert.



An Electronics Centralised Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) is a system

that monitors and relays airplane functions to the pilot. It also
generates message detailing failures and, in some cases, lists
procedures for undertaking to correct the problem.

ECAM is comparable to another system used by BOEING, the

Engine Indicating and Crew Alerting System (EICAS), which
displays data about aircraft systems as well as failures. Airbus
develops ECAM to provide not only the features of EICAS, but
also the corrective actions to be taken by the pilot, as well as
system limitations after the failures. The pilot can immediately
evaluate the situation using a color-coded schematic and
decide on the actions to be taken. It was designed to relieve
pilot stress by designing a paperless cockpit in which all
procedures are immediately available in abnormal and
emergency situations.

The Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor (ECAM) is the

Airbus version of an upgraded EICAS (Engine Indicating and
Crew Alert System). The Engine / Warning Display (E/WD) and
System Display (SD) data are presented, including:

 Primary engine indications, fuel quantity, flap and slat position

 Warning and caution alerts, or memos
 Synoptic diagrams of aircraft systems, and status messages

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

 Permanent flight data

All information regarding aircraft system failures is centralized

and memorized by the Centralized Fault Display Interface Unit
(CFDIU). Reading or printing the information about the failure is
done with any MCDU or printer in the cockpit.

There's a BITE on most aircraft system computers. The BITE

monitors operation of the system permanently. It is stored in the
BITE memory when a failure is detected, and is transmitted to
the CFDIU.

The aircraft systems are also monitored by the ECAM. The alert
data is delivered to the CFDIU. Information about the failure is
available in various reports. Depending on whether the A / C
are in flight or on the ground, the reading of the failure
information is taken from two different MCDU menus. The
SYSTEM REPORT / TEST feature is only accessible on the
ground. It allows CFDIU to dialog with a system computer. The
SYSTEM REPORT / TEST menu page presents a list of all
CFDIU-connected systems in the order of the ATA chapter. The
Post Flight Report (PFR) maintenance report may be printed on
the ground only.


Electronic Centralised Aircraft Engine Indicating and Crew
Monitoring Alerting System
Designed by AIRBUS Designed by Boeing
All data shown in checklist and Data not necessarily always
schematic format displayed
Shows corrective measures to No similar function
be taken during failures
Errors are presented to the Reading instruments is
pilot who disappear after it has presented to the pilot, who
been resolved must then interpret what it

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


Make sure that you obey all the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM) safety procedures during
some Indicating test due to weather radar operation.

Make sure that:

 All persons are more than 5 meters away from the weather radar antenna in the area made by
an arc of 135 degrees on each side of the A/C centerline,
 All objects and obstacles are more than 5 meters away from the antenna in the area made by
an arc of 90 degrees on each side of the aircraft centerline.
 Stop the fuel tanker 60 meters from the A/C nose while the weather radar operates. Do not
operate the fuel tanker/pump until you stop the operation of the weather radar.

1.9 Summary

Computers and computer systems have been incorporated in an effort to increase the safety of
operating complicated airplanes. In order to benefit from the use of computers, flight instrumentation
and engine and airframe monitoring are areas which are particularly suitable. By helping to reduce
instrument panel clutter and focusing the attention of the pilot only on matters of imminent
importance, they contribute. The term "glass cockpit" refers to the use of flat-panel display screens
in cockpit instruments.

1.10 Key Points

The current aviation industry is heavily dependent on digital circuits, including electronic games and
appliances, communication and office automation products, computers with a broad range of
capabilities, and industrial instrumentation and control systems, electro-medical equipment, and
defence and aerospace systems.

Activity No. 3 (30 minutes to answer this Activity)

1. Explain the difference between quantitative and qualitative displays, and cite examples of
aircraft instruments to which they are applied.
2. Name the flight instrument that comprise the basic T layout and state their respective positions.
Does this layout also apply to electronic displays?
3. Identify the difference between digital and analog cockpit, and explain it?
4. What are the primary units comprising an EFIS? Give every component that you have identified
a brief explanation.
5. What are the primary units comprising an EFIS? Give every component that you have identified
a brief explanation.

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

After your class schedule your appropriate response to these activity woks through
the Google Classroom platform. (Deadline of Submission to be discuss)

Honesty Clause

This honesty clause establishes a fundamental social contract within which the College community
agrees to live. This contract relies on the conviction that the personal and academic integrity of each
individual member strengthens and improves the quality of life for the entire community. It recognizes
the importance of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility and wishes these principles to
be a defining part of Philippine State College of Aeronautics

The Institute of Engineering and Technology values and fosters an environment of academic and
personal integrity, supporting the ethical standards of the engineering profession, where we design
and build for the benefit and safety of society and our environment.

I agree that the submission of any academic work shall constitute a representation on my part both
that such work has been done, and its submission is being made, in compliance with honesty and
integrity. Furthermore, my responsibility includes taking action when I have witnessed or am aware
of another’s act of academic dishonesty.

Students Name over Signature

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology

Rubrics serve as a basis for evaluating the activities provided.

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor

Content The content is The content is Content is not Content is an Incomplete content
Development comprehensive, precise comprehensive, comprehensive and incomplete the topic is not clearly pointed
and encouraging, precise and encouraging, even is not clearly out and not
clearly stated and well encouraging, clearly though the topic is not indicated and is not encouraging (1 out
supported by the stated and well well supported but encouraging (2 of the of 5 questions had
(50 pts) subject. The writing and supported by the addressed.) To have 5 questions been addressed
its purpose are very subject. The scripture the subject matter addressed) with)
clear (Exceptionally, all and its purpose are inconsistent with its
questions were clear. (4 of the 5 content and to clarify
addressed) questions were thoughts. (It
addressed in an addressed 3 out of 5
exceptional way) questions

(50-41 pts) (40-31 pts) (30-21 pts) (20-11 pts) (10-10 pts)
Organization & Paper structure and The paper structure The paper's Paper structure and Organization and
Structure organization are and organization is organization and organization is not structure are not
excellent easy to follow. very clear and easy to structure are clearly easy to follow. The suitable for the topic.
The transitions of follow. Paragraph easy to follow. transitions to Paragraph is
(20 pts) paragraphs are present transitions throughout Paragraph transitions paragraphs need confused and
and very logical and the paper are present throughout the paper improvement thought is lacking
maintain the thought and logical and are present and logical transition.
flow throughout the maintain the flow of and maintain the flow
paper. thought. of thought.

(20-17 pts) (16-13 pts) (12-9 pts) (08 -05 pts) (04 -01 pts)
Format and Paper follows the exact The paper follows Most of the guidelines Paper complies with Paper disorder
References designated guidelines most guidelines and go through paper. some guidelines. made of lacks of
and correctly includes includes incorrect Borderlines, size of Included are elements incorrect
complete references. spacing between text paper, inappropriate borderlines, paper formatting this
lines, using different ink used and 3 size, inappropriate include as such:
font sizes with 4 references are ink used and 2 borderlines, paper
(20 pts) references. included. references. size, improper ink
used, overlap text,
copied plagiarized or
prepared by another
person with 1
reference are

(20-17 pts) (16-13 pts) (12-09 pts) (08 -05 pts) (04 -01 pts)
Grammar Grammar rules, usage Grammar rules, usage Grammar rules, usage Paper made few Language utilizes
Punctuation and are fully followed, is followed and is followed and mistakes in grammar misleading
Spelling spelling is correct. spelling is correct. The spelling is correct. and spelling, conversional tone,
Language is very clear language is very clear Language is clear and language lacks made of numerous
(10 pts) and precise; sentences and precise; the precise; sentences clarification or grammatical and
consistently display structure of phrases is display varied includes some spelling errors.
strong, varied structure. consistently strong structure consistently misleading The activity was
The activity was and varied. strong. conversional tone. submitted two
submitted on time. The activity was The activity was The activity was weeks late.
submitted two days submitted four days submitted one week
late. late. late.

(10-09 pts) (08-07 pts) (06-05 pts) (04-03 pts) (02-01 pts)

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities

Philippine State College of Aeronautics
Associate in Aviation Electronics Technology


Digital Electronics, Retrieved from:

Digital Techniques Electronics Instruments Aviation Maintenance Technician Certificate Series,

retrieved from:
ttps:// Instrument-

Electronic Flight Information Systems, retrieved from:

Electronics Flight Instrument System, Retrieved from:

Electronics Flight Instrument System, Retrieved from:

(Mike Tooley 2013) Aircraft Digital Electronic and Computer Systems: Principle Operation and
Maintenance, retrieved from:

Part 66 Cat. B1 Module 5 Digital Techniques/Electronic Instrument System, Retrieved from:

(Pearson Education Limited, 1972, 1981 ) Aircraft Instruments Second Edition, Retrieved from:

MODULE 1 Digital Techniques Flexible Modalities


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