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The Impact of Educative News Articles about

Suicide Prevention: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Benedikt Till , Ulrich S. Tran & Thomas Niederkrotenthaler

To cite this article: Benedikt Till , Ulrich S. Tran & Thomas Niederkrotenthaler (2020): The Impact
of Educative News Articles about Suicide Prevention: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Health
Communication, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2020.1813953

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Published online: 01 Sep 2020.

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The Impact of Educative News Articles about Suicide Prevention: A Randomized

Controlled Trial
Benedikt Tilla,b, Ulrich S. Tranb,c, and Thomas Niederkrotenthalera,b
Unit Suicide Research and Mental Health Promotion, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Center for Public Health, Medical University of
Vienna; bWiener Werkstaette for Suicide Research; cDepartment of Cognition, Emotion, and Methods in Psychology, School of Psychology, University
of Vienna

Media stories featuring stories of personal experiences of coping with suicidal ideation have been shown
to decrease suicide risk, but it is unclear whether more impersonal awareness materials have similar
effects. This study aimed to test the impact of impersonal educative news articles featuring interviews
with suicide prevention experts. Because the impact of news articles may be determined by the articles’
pull quotes and headlines, we also aimed to compare the impact of two versions of the same suicide
prevention news article. One version featured headlines and pull quotes highlighting the message that
suicide is preventable, whereas the other version focused on the message that suicide is prevalent. In
a web-based randomized controlled trial, n = 425 participants either read a news article featuring
a prevention expert with one of the above versions of the same text or an article unrelated to suicide.
Data on suicidal ideation, stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal individuals, policy attitudes toward
suicide prevention, help-seeking intentions, and assumptions on the prevalence of suicide-related beha­
vior were measured with questionnaires. The assumed prevalence of suicide in the population was greater
in both intervention groups than in the control group, but the articles did not have an impact on other
outcomes, and there were no differences for variations in headlines and pull quotes. Impersonal suicide
prevention articles appear safe to use and do not have an impact on suicide risk factors in general
population samples.

Evidence from more than 150 studies on the topic of media and intentions to seek help and an improvement of attitudes
suicide suggests that sensationalist portrayals of suicide in the toward professional help (King et al., 2018). Most importantly,
media trigger imitative suicides, the Werther effect a decrease of suicide risk has been found among young adults
(Niederkrotenthaler et al., 2020; Niederkrotenthaler & Stack, with current depressive symptoms and suicidal thoughts
2017; Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019b; Sisask & Värnik, 2012). (Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2020) and adults with recent self-
In order to prevent the Werther effect, media recommenda­ reported suicidal ideation or suicide attempt
tions for suicide reporting have been implemented in many (Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019a) after exposure to awareness
countries (Pirkis et al., 2006) and are recommended by the materials on coping with depression and suicidal crises.
World Health Organization (World Health Organization, So far, it is still unclear which characteristics of suicide news
2017). reports determine protective media effects (Niederkrotenthaler
More recently, evidence has emerged that some suicide & Stack, 2017; Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019b). Most evi­
portrayals in the media might help to prevent suicides. dence for a Papageno effect has been found in studies that used
Niederkrotenthaler et al. (2010) found that newspaper articles personal stories of lived experience of suicidality, i.e., stories
focusing on coping with adverse circumstances and overcom­ featuring individuals who describe how they were able to
ing suicidal crises were associated with a decrease of suicide successfully cope with their suicidal crisis (Arendt, Scherr,
rates and named this protective effect Papageno effect. In Niederkrotenthaler, Krallmann et al., 2018; Arendt et al.,
a series of subsequent randomized controlled trials on the 2016; Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019a, 2020; Till et al., 2019,
Papageno effect, a decrease of suicide risk factors has been 2015, 2017). There is also some, but more limited, evidence
found among participants who were exposed to stories of that more impersonal educative awareness material on suicide
personal coping with suicidal crises in news articles (Arendt, prevention (e.g., stories featuring information or advice given
Scherr, Niederkrotenthaler, Krallmann et al., 2018; Arendt by an expert on suicide prevention without any personal
et al., 2016; Till et al., 2019), fictional films (Till et al., 2015), experience) might be protective as well. For example, educative
and educative suicide prevention websites (Till et al., 2017). In suicide prevention news articles featuring experts with and
Australia, several studies investigated the impact of the suicide without personal experience of suicidal ideation appeared to
preventive documentary Man Up and reported an increase in be equally effective in increasing suicide prevention-related

CONTACT Benedikt Till Unit Suicide Research and Mental Health Promotion, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine,
Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
© 2020 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

knowledge and decreasing suicide risk in a sample from the Methods

general population (Till et al., 2019). In contrast, materials
featuring mental health experts without personal experience
of suicidality did not have a protective effect in vulnerable We conducted a web-based, double-blinded, randomized con­
participants compared to a control group (Niederkrotenthaler trolled trial following a strict intent-to-treat principle (Gupta,
& Till, 2019a). Previous studies also found no protective effect 2004) using Social Science Survey (
of impersonal suicide prevention messages in public service Between October 2018 and May 2019, 456 German-speaking
announcements (Ftanou et al., 2020; Klimes-Dougan et al., individuals of the general population aged 18 years or older
2016). More research on the impact of impersonal educative were recruited via public announcements at university facil­
texts is warranted. Therefore, the present study aimed to ities, e-mails, postings in social media, and snowball sampling
explore the impact of impersonal educative news articles fea­ methods. Participants were invited to participate in an online
turing an interview with a suicide prevention expert without study on the impact of health-related prevention messages
personal experience of suicidality on suicidal ideation. Further without providing any specific details or mentioning of suicide
study aims were to analyze effects on stigmatizing attitudes in the advertisements.
toward suicidal individuals, policy attitudes toward suicide
prevention, help-seeking intentions, and assumptions on the
Power analysis
prevalence of suicide-related behavior.
It has also been discussed in suicide research literature Based on previous studies on the impact of suicide preventive
that the framing in terms of core message of a news article news articles (Arendt et al., 2016; Till et al., 2019, 2017), we
may be essential for its impact (Ftanou et al., 2018; Klimes- expected a treatment effect of f = 0.15. A power analysis with
Dougan et al., 2016; Niederkrotenthaler et al., 2014). The G*Power version (Faul et al., 2007) revealed that analy­
framing and core messages in media stories are typically sis of covariance (ANCOVA) required in a design with one
represented in selected pull quotes and in headlines, and it study group factor with three groups (Intervention Group #1,
has been shown that readers of news articles devote most of Intervention Group #2, control group) and three covariates
their attention to these elements (Dor, 2003; Gibson et al., (gender, age, education) a total sample size of 432 participants
2001). Pull quotes have been found to be essential in in minimum to detect a treatment effect.
changing readers’ perceptions of social reality (Gibson
et al., 2001).
There is an ongoing discussion in suicide prevention about
the effects of highlighting prevalence data versus highlighting All participants were exposed to a health-related news article
prevention opportunities in media reports. Highlighting the that was provided online via Social Science Survey. Each article
prevalence of suicidal behavior when developing suicide comprised two pages, had a length of 500–600 words, and did
awareness material might unintentionally portray suicidal not include any pictures or graphs.
behavior as a ‘normal’ coping behavior when confronted Participants of Intervention Group #1 read an impersonal
with adverse circumstances. This could mitigate positive news article on suicide prevention that featured an interview
effects or trigger harmful effects (Niederkrotenthaler et al., with a suicide prevention expert. This article was based on an
2014). Instead, some researchers recommend that preventive interview used in a previous study (Till et al., 2019). In this
materials should put more emphasis on other aspects of interview, the expert first provides some epidemiological facts
suicide prevention such as how to get help, which may help on suicidal behavior and then advises to either seek profes­
to broaden the perspective on available opportunities in sui­ sional help or talk to family members or friends when experi­
cidal individuals and emphasize alternatives to suicide when encing suicidal thoughts. The expert then offers advice on how
dealing with adverse circumstances (Niederkrotenthaler et al., to discuss suicide with family members or friends who are
2014; Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019b). However, studies experiencing suicidal thoughts (i.e., stressing that it is impor­
testing the impact of suicide prevention messages with differ­ tant to avoid dismissing their problems and to show empathy).
ences in terms of focus on prevalence versus prevention are The interview concludes with the expert debunking some
lacking. common misconceptions about suicide such as “suicidal indi­
Therefore, the present study had two aims: 1) to assess the viduals do not communicate their intent” or “there are no
effects of impersonal educative news articles featuring an warning signs for suicide”. Several recent studies have high­
expert speaking about suicide prevention, and 2) to explore lighted the importance of providing information on how to
differences in the impact between two versions of the same discuss suicide with family members or friends and debunking
news article that differed only in terms of headline and pull common misconceptions about suicide in suicide awareness
quotes. One version focused on the message that suicidal materials (Nicholas et al., 2020, 2018). With the headline
behavior is prevalent in our society and the other version “Coping with suicidal crises” and the two pull quotes
highlighted the message that suicide is preventable. We “Conversations with family and friends can help, and ideally
hypothesized that both educative suicide prevention news arti­ you seek professional help” and “Often they are temporary
cles decrease suicidal ideation and stigmatizing attitudes crises that can be overcome with the right support”, the article
toward suicidal individuals and improve policy attitudes highlighted the message that suicide is preventable.
toward suicide prevention and help-seeking intentions com­ Participants of Intervention Group #2 read the exact same
pared with a control article. article, only the headline and the two pull quotes were

different. With the headline “Suicide: A common problem in indicating higher stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal indivi­
society” and the two pull quotes “Worldwide every 40 seconds duals (score range: 1–5).
a person dies by suicide” and “Suicide attempts are estimated to
be 10 to 30 times more frequent than suicides”, this article Policy attitudes toward suicide prevention
highlighted the prevalence of suicide in the population. We used 11 statements about the importance of suicide pre­
Participants of the control group were exposed to a news vention in society (e.g., “Suicide prevention is an important
article with similar layout and style, but unrelated to suicide or socio-political endeavor”) developed by Arendt, Scherr,
mental health (Till et al., 2019). This article featured an inter­ Niederkrotenthaler and Till (2018), which were rated on
view with a medical expert on seasonal influenza prevention a 7-point scale to assess policy attitudes toward suicide preven­
and had the headline “Shaking hands in winter is a no-no”. tion. We calculated mean scores across all 11 items of the scale
Supplemental Figure 1 shows the news articles used in this with higher scores indicating greater approval of suicide pre­
study. vention (score range: 1–7).

Help-seeking intentions
We assessed help-seeking intentions with an updated version
After informed consent was obtained, we collected partici­ (Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2020) of the General Help Seeking
pants’ sociodemographic data. Subsequently, the participants Questionnaire (Wilson et al., 2005). This self-report measure
were randomly allocated to one of the three study groups using consisted of 11 items assessing the likelihood of respondents
an automatic urn randomization function. The urn contained seeking help in the case of personal/emotional problems or
three ballots with group assignments. For each participant, suicidal thoughts from a variety of specified sources (e.g.,
Social Science Survey randomly drew one of the ballots without “parent” or “phone helpline”). Respondents rated each source
replacement. The urn was automatically refilled as soon as all on a scale from 1 (extremely unlikely) to 7 (extremely likely).
ballots were taken out. We selected an even allocation ratio of A Mokken-analysis (Sijtsma & Molenaar, 2002) of this scale
1:1:1, aiming for equal group sizes. This procedure ensured identified three subscales: Help-seeking intentions in terms of
that participants were blinded to group assignment. The personal contacts, professional help, and online resources
researchers were also blinded to group assignment until data (Kovacs, 2019). We calculated mean scores for all three sub­
collection was completed. scales with higher scores indicating greater help-seeking inten­
After reading the respective article, we asked the partici­ tions (score range: 1–7).
pants whether they have read the respective article (yes/no) and
collected data on participants’ suicidal ideation, stigmatizing Assumptions on the prevalence of suicide-related behavior
attitudes toward suicidal individuals, policy attitudes toward We assessed participants’ assumptions on the prevalence of (1)
suicide prevention, help-seeking intentions, and assumptions suicide, (2) coping with suicidal crises, and (3) help-seeking in
on the prevalence of suicide-related behavior. We also admi­ the general population with one single item, respectively. We
nistered one item for manipulation check and one item to asked the participants to estimate how frequent suicide is in
assess blinding success. All participants were debriefed and Austria, how frequently suicidal crises are successfully mastered,
received contact information of organizations offering help to and how frequently help is sought in case of suicidal ideation
individuals in suicidal crises. with a visual analogue scale ranging from 0 (very rarely) to 100
(very frequently). For each question, we used a two-sided scroll
bar (Kovacs, 2019). Higher scores indicate a greater assumed
Primary outcome measure
prevalence of suicide, coping with suicidal crises, and help-
Suicidal ideation seeking in the general population (score range: 0–100).
We assessed suicidal ideation with the Survival and Coping
Beliefs Subscale of the Reasons for Living Inventory (Linehan
Additional measures
et al., 1983). This 23-item self-report measure asks respondents
to rate their beliefs and expectations for not dying by suicide Socio-demographics
(e.g., “I still have many things left to do”) on a scale from 1 (not We asked participants to report their gender (male, female,
at all important) to 6 (extremely important). We calculated other genders), age (using an open-ended question), and high­
mean scores across all 23 items of the scale with higher scores est completed school level (no high school graduation, high
indicating higher suicidal ideation (score range: 1–6). school graduation, university/college degree).

Manipulation check
Secondary outcome measures
In order to be able to assess whether the experimental manip­
Stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal individuals ulation had been successful, we provided the headlines of all
The Stigma Subscale of the Short Stigma of Suicide Scale three articles used in this study and asked participants to
(Batterham et al., 2013), consisting of eight adjectives such as indicate the headline of the article they had read.
cowardly or shallow rated on a scale ranging from 1 (strongly
disagree) to 5 (strongly agree), was used to assess stigmatizing Blinding success
attitudes toward suicidal individuals. We calculated mean We asked respondents to indicate what group they thought
scores across all eight items of the scale with higher scores they had been allocated to (intervention group, control

group, or don’t know) in order to assess success of the

blinding (Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019a, 2020; Till
et al., 2019).

Data analysis
We examined the effect of the interventions on the outcomes
with three multivariate analyses of variance (MANOVAs), which
control for the correlations between the dependent variables
entered into the model, and subsequent univariate ANOVAs.
Based on assumed associations between the respective outcome
variables, we used suicide-related measures (i.e., suicidal idea­
tion, stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal individuals, policy
attitudes toward suicide prevention) as outcome variables in
the first MANOVA, the scores of the three subscales of the help-
seeking measure as outcome variables in the second MANOVA,
and the scores of the three measures for assumptions on the
prevalence of suicide-related behavior as outcome variables in
the third MANOVA. Study group (i.e., Intervention Group #1,
Intervention Group #2, control group) was used as fixed factor.
Consistent with previous studies (e.g., Niederkrotenthaler & Till,
2019a), we controlled for gender (with two dummy variables),
age, and educational level in the analysis. Pillai’s trace test
statistic was used for tests of significance of the multivariate
effects. Individual group differences were tested for significance
Figure 1. Study flowchart.
with Bonferroni-corrected contrast tests. Significance was set to
p < .05. We checked whether there were any differences between
(a) participants who completed the entire survey or dropped out
before completion and (b) randomized participants and indivi­ included in the statistical analysis. However, due to
duals who dropped out of the study prior to randomization a programming error, the survey ended without further
using Fisher’s exact tests and unpaired two-sample t-tests. collection of data for n = 17 participants who indicated
that they had not read the respective news article.
Ethics statement
Ethical approval of this study was obtained from the Research Descriptive statistics
Ethics Board of the Medical University of Vienna (study pro­
Of the 425 included individuals, 302 were women (71.1%), 118
tocol 1818/2018, October 29, 2018). The participants provided
were men (27.8%), and 5 indicated other genders (1.2%). Mean
informed consent online. This study was conducted in accor­
age was 34.6 (SD = 14.1), and in terms of highest completed
dance with the Declaration of Helsinki and registered with the
education, 83 participants (19.5%) had no high school diploma,
German Clinical Trial Registry ( as
174 participants (40.9%) indicated high school as highest com­
DRKS00015774 (registration date: 2018–11-07).
pleted level of education, and 168 participants (39.5%) had
completed college or university. An overview of the character­
Results istics of participants is provided in Table 1. ANOVAs and
Fisher’s exact tests revealed that there were no differences in
Figure 1 illustrates the study flowchart. Of the n = 456
terms of descriptive characteristics between the three study
individuals who accessed the survey, n = 451 individuals
groups (see Table 1). The mean values and their corresponding
provided consent and enrolled in the study. Of the n = 451
95% confidence intervals for all outcome variables as well as
enrolled participants, n = 22 individuals discontinued their
mean differences from comparisons of means with the control
participation prior to randomization, resulting in a total of
group with Bonferroni corrected contrast tests are shown in
n = 429 individuals randomly allocated either to
Table 2.
Intervention Group #1 (n = 143), Intervention Group #2
(n = 143), or the control group (n = 143). After randomi­
zation, n = 4 participants allocated to Intervention Group
Survey completers vs. dropouts
#1 revoked their consent for participation. The data of
these participants were deleted and excluded from the There were no differences between participants who completed
study. Of the n = 425 remaining participants, n = 355 the entire survey (n = 355) and those who dropped out of the
participants completed the survey. Following a strict intent- study between randomization and final survey page (n = 70)
to-treat principle (Gupta, 2004), all 425 randomized indivi­ with regards to age (t(423) = 0.44, p = .66), gender (p = .86),
duals who gave consent for participation in the study were education (p = .11), and study group (p = .87).

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for all study groups (n = 425).

Intervention Group #1: “Suicide is preventable” Intervention Group #2: Control Group
Variable (n = 139) “Suicide is prevalent in society” (n = 143) (n = 143) p
Females n (%) 102 (73.4) 100 (69.9) 100 (69.9) .78a
Males n (%) 37 (26.6) 41 (28.7) 40 (28.0) .94a
Other n (%) 0 (0) 2 (1.4) 3 (2.1) .38a
Age M (SD) 34.7 (14.0) 35.2 (14.5) 33.8 (13.7) .68b
College/University n (%) 53 (38.1) 66 (46.2) 49 (34.3) .11a
High school n (%) 58 (41.7) 56 (39.2) 60 (42.0) .88a
Below high school n (%) 28 (20.1) 21 (14.7) 34 (23.8) .14a
Note. Frequencies (n), percentages (%), means (M), and standard deviations (SD) provided for each group, as well as F and p values from ANOVAs and
p values from Fisher’s exact tests assessing group differences.
Fisher’s exact test result
ANOVA result, F = 0.38, df1 = 2, df2 = 422

Table 2. All outcome variables in each study group.

Control Intervention group #1: Intervention group #2:
group “Suicide is preventable” “Suicide is prevalent in society”
Outcome (Cronbachs alpha & Mean score Mean score Mean difference Cohen’s Mean score Mean difference Cohen’s
a a
sample size) (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) d (95% CI) (95% CI) (95% CI) d (95% CI)
Suicidal ideation
2.67 2.65 0.07 0.02 2.69 0.09 0.03
α =.96, n = 359 (2.45–2.90) (2.44–2.87) (−0.31–0.45) (−0.10–0.15) (2.46–2.92) (−0.29–0.46) (−0.10–0.16)
Stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal individuals
1.71 1.72 0.01 0.01 1.64 −0.07 −0.04
α =.90, n = 357 (1.58–1.85) (1.58–1.86) (−0.24–0.21) (−0.14–0.12) (1.52–1.76) (−0.29–0.16) (−0.16–0.09)
Policy attitudes toward suicide prevention
3.97 4.00 0.01 0.01 4.09 0.11 0.06
α =.87, n = 356 (3.83–4.12) (3.87–4.13) (−0.21–0.24) (−0.12–0.13) (3.96–4.22) (−0.12–0.33) (−0.07–0.19)
Help-seeking intentions: Personal contacts
3.80 3.61 −0.22 −0.06 3.73 −0.11 −0.03
α =.77, n = 356 (3.50–4.10) (3.32–3.90) (−0.70–0.25) (−0.19–0.07) (3.47–3.98) (−0.58–0.37) (−0.16–0.10)
Help-seeking intentions: Professional help
3.83 4.13 0.25 0.07 3.94 0.07 0.02
α =.62, n = 356 (3.56–4.09) (3.88–4.38) (−0.20–0.69) (−0.06–0.20) (3.68–4.20) (−0.38–0.51) (−0.11–0.15)
Help-seeking intentions: Online resources
2.25 2.44 0.25 0.07 2.35 0.16 0.05
α =.52, n = 356 (2.02–2.48) (2.17–2.72) (−0.19–0.69) (−0.05–0.20) (2.09–2.60) (−0.28–0.60) (−0.08–0.17)
Assumptions on the prevalence of suicide
42.90 52.42 7.84 0.15 51.76 8.70 0.16
n = 369 (39.36–46.43) (47.33–55.51) (1.16–14.51) (0.02–0.27) (47.75–55.76) (2.04–15.36) (0.04–0.29)
Assumptions on the prevalence of coping with suicidal crises
43.59 45.47 1.62 0.03 46.76 2.81 0.05
n = 369 (39.29–47.89) (41.38–49.55) (−5.60–8.83) (−0.10–0.15) (42.51–51.00) (−4.40–10.01) (−0.08–0.17)
Assumptions on the prevalence of help-seeking
31.36 30.05 −1.82 −0.04 30.50 −1.22 −0.02
n = 369 (27.35–35.36) (26.88–33.22) (−8.11–4.47) (−0.16–0.09) (26.86–34.15) (−7.50–5.05) (−0.15–0.10)
Comparison of means with the control group with Bonferroni corrected contrast tests; mean differences with significant p values (<0.05) are in bold.

Randomized vs. non-randomized participants participants (26.5%) were incorrect and 141 participants
(39.7%) responded with “don’t know”. Based on the high
There were no differences between participants who were
proportion of “don’t know” answers and the balanced pro­
randomized (n = 425) and those who dropped out of the
portion of correct and incorrect guesses, we can assume
study prior to randomization (n = 22) with regards to age (t
that blinding was successful (Niederkrotenthaler & Till,
(11) = 0.90, p = .39), gender (p = 1.00), and education (p = .49).
2019a, 2020; Till et al., 2019). In terms of the manipulation
check, 259 participants (73.0%) indicated the correct head­
line, which is comparable to previous studies (Till et al.,
Blinding and manipulation check
2019). The probability of indicating the correct headline
Of the 355 participants who completed the items for blind­ differed significantly between study groups (p < .001).
ing success and the manipulation check, 120 participants Based on Bonferroni-corrected z-values from post-hoc
(33.8%) correctly guessed their group allocation, whereas 94 tests, the probability of indicating the correct headline was

significantly higher in the control group than in the two a recent suicide attempt or recent suicidal ideation similarly
interventions groups (p < .05, respectively) and significantly has found no effects of educative awareness materials that did
lower in Intervention Group #1 than in Intervention Group not include stories of personal experiences of suicidality
#2 (p < .05). One-hundred-and-five participants in the (Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019a). In contrast, materials fea­
control group (89.0%), 90 participants in Intervention turing an individual with personal experience of suicidality had
Group #2 (75.6%), and 64 participants in Intervention a sustained effect on suicidal ideation, particularly among
Group #1 (54.2%) indicated the correct headline. recent suicide attempters (Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019a).
The findings of the present study are also consistent with
findings from recent studies on the impact of public service
Effects on outcome variables
announcements (PSAs). For example, Ftanou et al. (2020)
There were no significant multivariate effect (F(6, 696) = 0.54, reported no change in suicide risk factors in young adults
p = .78, ηp2 = .005) and no significant univariate effects of study after watching a PSA without stories of personal experience
group on suicidal ideation (F(2, 349) = 0.16, p = .85, ηp2 = .001), with suicidality. Klimes-Dougan et al. (2016) found benefits in
stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal individuals (F(2, endorsement of favorable help-seeking attitudes only among
349) = 0.40, p = .67, ηp2 = .002), and policy attitudes toward audiences exposed to PSAs with a more personal message that
suicide prevention (F(2, 349) = 1.01, p = .37, ηp2 = .006). emphasized personal benefits. Based on this evidence, it
Furthermore, there were no multivariate effect (F(6, appears that broad and basic impersonal information on sui­
696) = 1.12, p = .35, ηp2 = .010) and no significant univariate cidal crises delivered by a suicide prevention expert are safe to
effects of study group on help-seeking intentions in terms of use but may not be sufficient to reduce suicide risk in audiences
professional help (F(2, 349) = 0.94, p = .39, ηp2 = .005), personal from the general population.
contacts (F(2, 349) = 0.65, p = .52, ηp2 = .004), and online Also, both news articles on suicide prevention did not
resources (F(2, 349) = 0.97, p = .38, ηp2 = .006). In terms of decrease stigmatizing attitudes toward suicidal individuals or
assumptions on the prevalence of suicide-related behavior, improve policy attitudes toward suicide prevention. It has been
there were a significant multivariate effect (F(6, 722) = 2.34, noted in the literature that attitudes and beliefs, particularly
p < .05, ηp2 = .019) and a significant univariate effect of study political attitudes, may be too robust to change after a brief
group on assumptions on the prevalence of suicide (F(2, media intervention (e.g., Erber et al., 1995; Till et al., 2010).
362) = 6.00, p < .01, ηp2 = .032). Bonferroni corrected contrast Participants exposed to either of the two suicide prevention
tests indicated that assumptions on the prevalence of suicide news articles assumed the prevalence of suicide in the popula­
were significantly higher in Intervention Group #1 (p < .05) tion to be significantly higher than participants in the control
and Intervention Group #2 (p < .01) than in the control group, group. This effect may have been the result of a priming effect,
whereas no differences were found between the two interven­ which refers to the phenomenon that an event or issue will be
tion groups (p = 1.00). There were no significant univariate more salient than other topics when particularly highlighted in
effects in terms of assumptions on the prevalence of coping a news message (Arendt, Scherr, Niederkrotenthaler & Till,
with suicidal crises (F(2, 362) = 0.44, p = .64, ηp2 = .002) and 2018; Entman, 1993). The focus of the two intervention articles
help-seeking (F(2, 362) = 0.25, p = .78, ηp2 = .001). appears to have made readers more aware of the problem of
suicide, but variations in pull quotes and headline did not make
any difference.
Overall, no differences were found between the two versions
This study assessed the impact of two versions of an imperso­ of suicide prevention news articles used in this study.
nal educative news article about suicide prevention on suicide A potential explanation for this finding may be that there was
risk factors. Both versions, which differed only regarding their only a minimal difference between these two articles, which
pull quotes and headlines, did not decrease participants’ suici­ differed solely in terms of their headline and pull quotes, but
dal ideation or improve help-seeking intentions compared to were identical in all other aspects. In fact, the manipulation
the control group. This finding is different from one earlier check revealed that only approximately 50% of the participants
randomized controlled trial, which found a protective effect of in the Intervention Group #1 were able to correctly identify the
an impersonal suicide prevention news article on participants’ headline of their article at the end of the survey. This may
suicidal ideation (Till et al., 2019). The suicide prevention news suggest that the actual difference between the two suicide
article used in the present study was similar to the impersonal prevention news articles was barely noticeable. A stronger
article in this previous study (Till et al., 2019), but provided and more accentuated focus on the messages conveyed in
additional facts on the prevalence of suicide in the population. headlines and pull quotes appears necessary throughout the
In contrast, several earlier studies that demonstrated text in order to emphasize the intended main messages.
a Papageno effect (e.g., Arendt et al., 2016;
Niederkrotenthaler & Till, 2019a; Till et al., 2019, 2015, 2017)
used personal awareness material that highlighted a personal
story of a person describing how he or she experienced The participants’ data was only collected immediately after article
a suicidal crisis and subsequently managed to overcome the exposure, which did not allow for the assessment of effects over
crisis. The suicide prevention articles in the present study did longer time periods. Further, no baseline scores were collected
not include a personal perspective of hope, recovery, and heal­ for suicidal ideation, making it impossible to assess if the samples
ing. An earlier, smaller study conducted in individuals with differed in terms of baseline suicidal ideation. The convenience

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to suicidal individuals in a clinical setting. About 28% of the
participants had experienced suicidal thoughts in the past year, datasheet-a.pdf
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of Pragmatics, 35(5), 659–739.
lation (Centers for Disease Control, 2015), but their suicidal 00134-0
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measuring help-seeking intentions in terms of professional help controlled trial. Archives of Suicide Research, 1–16. Advance online
and online resources was relatively low (see Table 2), which is publication.
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In the present study, impersonal educative news articles featuring
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Clinical Research, 2(3), 109–112.
on participants’ suicidal ideation, stigmatizing attitudes toward 83221
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and help-seeking intentions. The messages appear to be safe to what, when, why, how? Canadian Journal of Surgery, 53(5), 345–348.
use in the general population, but do not appear to reduce suicide
risk on the short term. This is different from findings on the King, K. E., Schlichthorst, M., Spittal, M. J., Phelps, A., & Pirkis, J. (2018).
Can a documentary increase help-seeking intentions in men?
effects of media stories covering personal experiences of suicid­ A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Epidemiology and
ality, which have been found to be associated with a reduction of Community Health, 72(1), 92–98.
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Niederkrotenthaler et al., 2010; Till et al., 2019, 2015, 2017). Klimes-Dougan, B., Wright, N., & Klingbeil, D. A. (2016). Suicide pre­
Both suicide prevention articles, however, increased participants’ vention public service announcements impact help-seeking attitudes:
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