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Class Assignments
1. Individual Assignment = 30%
2. Group Assignment = 30%
3. Final Project = 40%


(Individual Counseling Sessions Tapes and Verbatim)
 Basic components of this class involves practical involvement in individual counseling role play.
 This assignment will provides opportunities for students to:
o Practice their basic individual counselling skills learned in the class sessions
o experience a counseling process (from start to finish) that usually experienced by a counselor
and a client
 Instructions, you were asked to:
o Select a partner among students in the class, which will be your individual counseling
session partner for the whole semester.
o Conduct three (3) individual counseling sessions with your selected partner.
o Video Record each of your individual counseling sessions for 15-20 minutes per session.
o Tapes must visibly show both therapist and client, must be clearly audible, and be cued to the
beginning of the session
o Generate a verbatim transcript (only you utterance as a counselor) and need to copy your
conversation as a counselor on the Behavior Checklist Summary Form(Appendix A)
o Behavior Checklist Summary Form must be submitted together with the video recording
session through UUM OL on the following DUE DATES:
 First session: 10th October 2020 (Saturday)
 Second Session: 7th November 2020 (Saturday)
 Third Session: 21st November 2020 (Saturday)
 Scoring Procedures
o Each recording session will be evaluated by the instructor.

o Students will be given feedback on the quality of individual counseling skills demonstrated in
the recorded session to serve as a guide to improve the quality of counseling skills in the
next individual counseling session.
o Each recorded session will carry 15% marks.
o Final marks of this assignment will be counted only on the second and third sessions


(Counselling Intervention Case Study)
 Instructions, you were asked to:
o Students will be divided into groups and each group needs to find one individual counseling
case from any sources.
o You will review and write your theoretical analysis of the problem using your chosen theory
(or theories).
o Identify the presenting issues and why the person is experiencing difficulties. Provide a
description of the methods you would use to help this person.
o Explain your theoretical approach, the techniques you would probably use and the outcome
you anticipate. Members of the group will be asked to prepare an intervention plan based on
individual counseling theory and model selected.
o Identify any ethical issues that the case presents and how you would be sure that your
approach to the situation was appropriate.
o Describe any problems that this case might present for you personally (i.e.,
countertransference or any other personal issue that may interfere with your ability to be an
effective counselor).
 Scoring Procedures
o Additional instructions and a grading rubric are attached. Please refer toAppendix B (Rubric
for Counselling Intervention Case Study).
o DUE DATE FOR ONLINE SUBMISSION : 24 October 2020 (Saturday)


(Reflection onPersonal Individual Counselling Sessions)

 It is helpful to learn about counseling skills through personal experience as a client.
 Instructions, you were asked to:
o You would need to document at least two sessions of individual counselling with a qualified
counselor from counseling or a related field. You may want to involve in more than two
sessions if it is necessary to assit you in reflecting your individual counselling experiences
o you will have to document the dates and place of your counseling sessions and identify what
counselor at what counseling center you worked with. Please print out the Individual
Counseling Session Declaration Form (Refer Appendix C) together with you and get the
signature from the counselor for each of your counseling session.
o You must be willing and ready to actively engage in the counseling sessions, perhaps either
to overcome significant difficulties you are facing or to accomplish significant personal
o You will have to be ready to take personal responsibility for making excellent use of your
counseling time vs. attending counseling with the expectation that the counselor can take the
greatest portion of the responsibility for your use of counseling.
o Write an essay/extensive self-reflective journal entry detailing:
 what you learned about yourself from the experience
 what you learned about counseling,
 what you worked on /or how you changed,
 what you liked or didn’t like and why,
 what would have made the experience more effective for you.
 what skills that you find so helpful for you that was used by your counsellor
 what are the counselling process that you are aware off, occurs in your counseling
 what are the intervention that used by your counsellor during the sessions
 what would you do differently if you work with your future client that have the same
issue that you brought to the counselling session
 in what ways this final project assignment has helped you to growth personally as well
as professionally
 This paper should be 30-40 typed double space pages with 12 point Times font and normal margins
and should comply with the additional guidance for writing provided in this syllabus.

 Incorporating yourself in your essays and other written assignments
o Make your essay truly yours, within assignment parameters. Strive to use your words,
meaning the words or ways of explaining that are most meaningful to you. It’s OK if you use
some of my words or those of other counselors and authors, but I want your essay to be truly
o Use of examples – In developing your ideas, use clear examples to illustrate your points. Tie
your examples into the point you are making.
 Creativity and depth of thinking
o Write your essay to reflect your own uniqueness and ideas. Do not make your essays mere
summaries. Rather, focus on a clear position that you take on the issue.
Strive for depth in expanding your thoughts.
 DUE DATES FOR ONLINE SUBMISSION: 5th December 2020 (Saturday)

 Scoring procedures
 Your reflections will be evaluated based on the Appendix D (Rubric for Reflection on Individual
Counselling Sessions).

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