Case Study

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Ilokano; More Than Just An Ethnic Group

Angela Mae A. Dimayacyac

Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics


At the northern part of the Philippines, particularly in Region 1, are found one of the

dominant ethnic groups in the country, the Ilokanos. They are scattered on some parts of the

Tarlac province and comprises 90% of the provinces from Pangasinan to Ilocos Norte. The

territory stands at the northwestern coast of Luzon and faces the South China Sea which makes

fishing one of their source of livelihood. Aside from fishing, the region is also famous for planting

tobacco and is the main source of raw materials used in manufacturing cigarettes. Ilokanos are

widely known for being stingy but according to them it’s just their way of being thrifty or good-

spenders but still the connotation exists for people who came from the north.


Spain applied the term barangay to the settlements in the Ilocos region upon contact, the

Ilocano people called their towns, íli, and a smaller group of houses, purók. These residents of

the íli were organized in a class society. At the top of the class system was a chief

or agtúray or ári and his family. The ári earned his position due to strength, wealth and/or

wisdom. Ilocano’s way of life in terms of social organization in the present, is just like other tribal

groups in the country, Ilocanos fondly favor affiliation to social organizations. They consider

joining social assemblies as a noble obligation to their community.

Most Ilocanos speak Ilocano, which is part of the Northern Philippine subgroup of

the Austronesian family of languages. They also speak Tagalog, and English as second

languages. Ilocano’s dialect is known to be emanated from the northern part of the Philippines.

But as years gone by, it go through the streets of all prvinces and even made famous

In terms of religion, most Ilocanos are Roman Catholics, and Aglipayans, which originated

in Ilocos Norte. Catholicism is a religion that dominates the hearts of Ilocanos. Although there

are other religious congregations that exist in their ares, majority still accept catholic beliefs as

their pathways to the kingdom of God.

Ilocano’s also tend to love arts and literature. Some of their finest examples are their very

own painter, Juan Luna, the actor/singer Guji Lorenzana and the writer Isagani Cruz. Ilocano

literature or Iloko literature pertains to the literary works of writers of Ilocano ancestry regardless

of the language used - be it Ilocano, English, Spanish or other foreign and Philippine languages.

In Ilocano language, the terms "Iloko" and "Ilocano" are different. Generally, "Iloko" is the

language while "Ilocano" refers to the people or the ethnicity of the people who speak the Iloko

language. Ilocano literature in the Philippines is one of several regional Philippine literatures. It

is one of the most active tributaries to the general Philippine literature, next to Tagalog (Filipino)

and Philippine Literature in English. Traditional Ilocano handicrafts, like the “inabel” fabrics &

“burnay” jars are folk arts that continue to tell its tales for many hundred years now. They are

not only relevant to the northern region but also to the development of art & culture in the


Ilocanos are known to be hardworking people. These characteristics paved the way to boost

their economic system especially during the reign of Marcoses where development in

infrastructure and in agricultural sector were intensified.

One of the known traits of Ilokanos is courage and bravery. As being demonstrated by some

of our national heroes and heroines that came from the place. But the word “stingy” or closed

fisted individuals is also associated to them and that shows their values, beliefs and traditions.

Three (3) things I learned from having this case study about Ilokanos are being stingy or

closed-fisted is a trait that can be viewed positively. Second, Ilokanos are loyal supporters of the

Marcos family. Lastly, Iloko is the dialect that Ilokanos speak.

It is interesting to know that Ilokanos are not ashamed of being stingy at all. They are proud

that they are spending their hard-earned money wisely. And, they are now slowly undergoing

transition of getting their source of livelihood from tobacco due to the governments efforts on

anti-smoking campaigns. That is the 2 thing about that caught my interest about them.

Lastly, I realized that Ilokanos are a very proud group of people. They take pride on giving

their best in everything that they do wherever they are whether locally or internationally. They

carry the good traits that they are known for as they work hard to achieve their goals.


First and for most, my Lolo Alfredo Tagaza who is pure Ilokano.

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