ELL211 (2020) Homework 3: Objective

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state excess carrier concentrations are "n # "p # 5 $ 1014 cm% 3, determ

minority carrier lifetime. (b) Derive the expressions for the excess carrie
tion and excess carrier recombination rate as a function6of. 3time.Ambipolar (c) Dete
times at which the excess carrier concentration is equal to (i) one-fourth
(iii) three-fourths, and (iv) 95% of the steady-state value.
6.16 In Determine
a GaAs material at T # 300
the steady-state K, thedependence
spatial doping concentrations
of the excessare Nd #conc
carrier 8
Consider a # 2 $semiconductor
1015 cm% 3. Thethat thermal equilibriumand
is homogeneous recombination rate is
infinite in extent.
ELL211 (2020) Homework 3
zero applied10electric
cm% 3 fis%eld.
. (a) What is the minoritycrystal,carrier lifetime? (b)excess
A uniform ge
4 1
For a one-dimensional assume that carriers
rate for excess carriers results in an excess carrier recombination rate of
generated at x21! 0% 3only, as indicated in Figure 6.6. The excess carriers being ge
10 cm s% 1. What is the steady-state excess carrier concentration? (c)
x ! 0 will begin diffusing in both the "x and #x directions. Calculate the steady-st
excess 2carrier lifetime?
∼ 35,000
1. The mobility of electrons in the material InAs iscarrier cm /V·s
concentration as aatfunction
300K of compared
x. to a
mobility of 1400 cm2/V·s for silicon. Calculate the 6.17 (a) Consider a silicon sample at T # 300 K doped with 1016 cm% 3 donor
scattering times% in the two semiconductors.
■ Solution !p0 # 5 $ 10 7 s. A light source turns on at t # 0 producing excess carri
The electron masses are 0.02 m0 and 0.26 m0 for InAs and Si, respectively.
uniform generation ratefor
of gexcess
" # 5 $minority
1020 cmcarrier s . electrons
At t # 5 $is 10 givens, by
% 3 % 1 % 7
The ambipolar transport equation
turns off.
(6.55), and is written as (i) Derive the expression(s) for the excess carrier concentratio
2. A semiconductor material has electron and hole mobilities n and
of time overp,therespectively.
range 0 ' t ' When (. (ii) Whatthe is the value of the excess co
when the light
conductivity is considered as a function of the hole concentration pD0,n show $ 2
source(!n) turns
that off. (b)
$(!n) Repeat part
!n (a) _ for
$(!n)the case when the
__ " " n the
E_ minimum
" g% # _ #n0 !minority
turns off at
$/& t # 2 $x210% 6 s. (c) Sketch
$ $x the excess $t carrier concen
$% &'" '# (
value of conductivity, min, can be written as 𝜎!"# = !versus '" )'#
time for parts (a) and (b).
From our assumptions, we have E ! 0, g % ! 0 for x ! 0, and $(!n)!$t ! 0 for ste
6.18 A semiconductor is uniformly doped with 1017 cm% 3 acceptor atoms and
Assuming a one-dimensional crystal, Equation (6.55) reduces to
lowing properties: Dn # 27 cm2/s, Dp # 12 cm2/s, !n0 # 5 $ 10% 7 s, and
*+ (1 ,-
3. The electron concentration in a semiconductor is given by An10 external − 𝑥/𝐿)𝑐𝑚
source has been d (!n) !nfor twhere
2 turned0<x<L,
on ! 0 producing a uniform co
2Dn __ # _ ! 0
L =10 µm. The electron mobility and diffusion coefficient are carriers
excess µ=1000 at acm /V-sdx
generation and
2rateD ofn#g=25.9
n0" # 10 21
cm% 3 s% 1. The source tur
2 t # 0 current
cm /s. An electric field is applied such that the total electron and back density
on at timeist #a constant
2 $ 10 s.over
% 6
(a) Derive
the the expressions for
given range of x and is Jn=-80 A/cm2. Determine Dividing bycarrier
the diffusion
the required coeffi
electric field cient, Equation
a function of(6.62)
distance time for may0 be ' twritten
' (. (b) as Determine
excess carrier concentration at (i) t # 0, (ii) t # 2 $ 10 % 6
s, and (iii) t #
function. (b) Repeat part (a) if Jn = -20 A/cm2. d2(!n)
__ __!n __ (!n) of
d2function !n
the excess carrier concentration
# !as a # 2 !0 time.
dx2 Dn #n0 dx2 Ldoped
6.19 Consider a bar of p-type silicon that is uniformly n
Illumination to a value of Na #
4. Consider the n-type semiconductor shown in Figure below. at T Illumination
# 300 K. produces a
2The applied electric field is zero. A light source is inciden
where we have defined Ln ! Dn #n0. The parameter Ln has the unit of length and is
constant excess-carrier generation rate, G in the region Lthe< semiconductor
x < +L. Assume as shownthatinthe Figure P6.19. The steady-state concentra
minority carrier electron diffusion length. The general solution to Equation (6.63) i
minority carrier lifetime is infinite and assume that the excess
generated at x # 0 is "p(0) # "n(0) # 2 $ 1014 cm% 3. Assume th
carrier hole concentration is zero at x = -3L and at x = +3L. Find !n(x) ! Ae#x!Ln " Bex!Ln
the steady state excess minority carrier concentration versus carrier
As the minority r, for electrons diffuse away from x ! 0, they will recombine wi
the case of low injection and for zero applied electric field.
jority carrier holes. The minority carrier electron concentration will then decay towa
Light "3L "L p0type L 3L
both x ! "& and x ! #&. These boundary conditions
x mean that B " 0 for x ' 0 a
5. Consider a bar of p-type silicon that is uniformly
fordoped to asolution
x ( 0. The value to Equation (6.63) may then be written as
x #P6.26
0 | Figure for Problem x 6.26.
Na=2 x 1016 cm-3 at T=300K. The applied electric field is zero. A
light source is incident at the end of the semiconductor. The steady state!n(x) concentration
Figure P6.19e#x!L
! !n(0) nof excess
| Figure 0
x )Problems
*. ,-
charges is 𝛿𝑝(0) = 𝛿𝑛(0) = 2 × 10 𝑐𝑚 . Determine the steady state6.19
minority carrier lifetime
electron is
and 6.21.infi
and holeassume
nite and conc.that the excess minority carri
centration is zero at x ! "3L and at x ! #3L. Find the steady-state excess m
as a function of x. Also calculate the steady state electron and hole current densities
rier concentration versus x, for as a function
the case of low injection and for zero applied
$ $
of x. (𝜇# = 1200𝑐𝑚 /𝑉 − 𝑠, 𝜇/ = 400𝑐𝑚 /𝑉 − 𝑠; 𝜏#0 =6.27 An n-type semiconductor at T ! 300 K is used in the Haynes–Shockley e
10,+ 𝑠; 𝜏/0 = 5 × 10,1 𝑠 The length of the sampleg% is 0.4 cm and the applied voltage is V1 ! 8V. Th
and B are separated by 0.25 cm. The peak of the pulse arrives at contact B
carrier injection at contact A. The width of the pulse is "t ! 9.35 !s. Det
6. Consider an n-type silicon sample. Excess carriers are hole mobility and diffusion coefficient. Compare the results with the Eins
generated at x=0 such as shown in the Figure. A constant 6.28 Consider the function f(x, t) ! (4#Dt)"1! 2 exp ("x2/4Dt). (a) Show that th
nea29583_ch06_192-240.indd 235
is a solution to the differential equation D($2f /$x2) ! $f"$t. (b) Show that
electric field E0 is applied in the +x direction. Show that the of the function f(x, t) over x from "% to #% is unity for all values of time
steady-state excess carrier concentration is given by 𝛿𝑝(𝑥) = that this function approaches x ! 0a $ function xas t approaches zero.
𝐴𝑒𝑥𝑝(𝑠, 𝑥) for x>0 and 𝛿𝑝(𝑥) = 𝐴𝑒𝑥𝑝(𝑠) 𝑥) for x<0 where 6.29 The basic equation in the Haynes–Shockley experiment is given by Equa
* ' 3 4 (a) Plot $p(x, t) versus x for various values of t and for E0 ! 0 as well as
Figure 6.6 | Steady-state generation
𝑠± = 3 =𝛽 ∓ @1 + 𝛽$ B and 𝛽 = #$5# ' (b) Plot $p(x, t) versus t for various values of x and for E0 ! 0 as well as
# " rate at x ! 0.
Section 6.4 Quasi-Fermi Energy Levels
6.30 An n-type silicon semiconductor, doped at Nd ! 4 & 1016 cm"3, is steadil
such that g ' ! 2 & 1021 cm"3 s"1. Assume %n0 ! 10"6 s and %p0 ! 5 & 10"
(a) Determine the thermal-equilibrium value of EF " EFi. (b) Calculate th
Fermi levels for electrons and holes with respect to EFi. (c) What is the di
eV) between EFn and EF ?
nea29583_ch06_192-240.indd 209
6.31 Consider a p-type silicon semiconductor at T ! 300 K doped at Na ! 5 &
(a) Determine the position of the Fermi level with respect to the intrinsic
(b) Excess carriers are generated such that the excess carrier concentratio
cent of the thermal-equilibrium majority carrier concentration. Determine
Fermi levels with respect to the intrinsic Fermi level. (c) Plot the Fermi le
quasi-Fermi levels with respect to the intrinsic level.
6.32 Consider n-type silicon doped at Nd ! 5 & 1015 cm"3. It is found that EFn
1.02 & 10"3 eV. (a) What is the excess carrier concentration? (b) Determ
(c) Calculate EFi " EFp .
6.33 A p-type silicon sample is doped at Na ! 6 & 1015 cm"3. It is determined
EFi ! 0.270 eV. (a) Determine the excess carrier concentration. (b) Find E
(c) (i) Derive the expression for EF " EFp . (ii) Find EF " EFp .

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