Activities Guide and Evaluation Rubric Task 3 - Writing Task Forum

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Activities guide and evaluation rubric

Task 3 – Writing task forum

Yomaira Patricia Martinez Rincones

Environmental engineering


Carlos Andrés camacho

Task 3 – Writing task forum
Stage 1: Going on a trip 1
Go to unit 1.4. Going on a trip in the Knowledge environment and
develop all the activities. You just have to upload the following
activities in the forum.

a. Post the indicated activities (pronunciation –do not record

yourself, just write the exercise in the forum- and Writing) from
the unit in the forum

Unscramble the following sentences and conjugate the verb in the simple past tense. Write your
sentences in the clipboard and save them on a text document. Then record your answers on an
audio file and send it to your instructor by mail.


take Karen a to Henry trip and Ft. Lauderdale

Nota: Los ejercicios en línea del entorno de conocimiento no se guardan en la plataforma. Para los ejercicios que tiene que hacer
para cada etapa, usted debe publicar las respuestas de los ejercicios indicados en el foro o tomar pantallazos. No enviar las
respuestas al correo del tutor. Solo publicar en el foro las actividades que la guía indica.
Answer: a) Karen and Henry took a trip to Ft. Lauderdale.


b) Henry and Karen took a trip to Ft. Lauderdale.

1. Charles bed last night go late to

2. Mike see on Tina movie and Wednesday a

3. buy pair I a mall jeans week at of the last

4. lie tan in out sun we and get the a

5. beach Mott along walk the family the

6. dinner you a wonderful cook

7. hotel stay an they expensive in

8. field soccer in children the play the

9. very it last be night cold

10. train miss the Tito


1) charles went to late bed last night

2) mike and tina watched a movie on wednesday

3) i bought a pair of jeans last week at the mall

4) we lie get and tanned in the sun out

5) the family walked along mott the beach

6) you cooked a dinner wonderful

7) they stayed in an hotel expensive

8) the children played soccer in the field

9) it was very cold last night

10) tito missed the train


This is an off-line non-synchronic exercise.

Rewrite the following passage in the past-tense of the underlined verbs. Be aware of irregular
verbs and write them correctly in the past tense

Hi Mum,

John and I are having a wonderful time here in Ireland. Every day we get up early and go for a long
walk in the country. When we return we usually have a very big Irish breakfast which normally
consists of two eggs, three slices of bacon, toast and jam. We usually order a cup of coffee after
breakfast: Colombian coffee, of course.

After breakfast we sometimes go swimming in the river. We often meet children who like to swim
there. They are very nice. At night we nearly always drink a few pints of Guinness in the pub´s bar
before we go to bed. We always sleep well after that, I can assure you.


Hi Mum

John and I had a great time in Ireland. Every day we got up early and took a long walk around the
country. When we returned, we usually had a big Irish breakfast that usually consisted of two
eggs, three slices of bacon, toast and jam. Usually, we asked for a cup of coffee after breakfast:
Colombian coffee, of course.

After breakfast we sometimes go swimming in the river. We often met children who liked to swim
there. They were very nice. At night, we almost always drank a few pints of Guinness in the pub
bar before going to bed. We always slept well after that, I assure you.

b. Write a short note in the forum telling what you did last

- Use time markers (see unit 1.4)

- Text length: 70 words
- Write about: Where did you go?, How long did you stay there?, Who did you go with?,
How much did you pay for that?, Which place did you like the most?
- You can use the following guide:

Last holiday I went to Saint Martha. I stayed there three days and went with my husband,
daughter, father in law, brother in law and wife´s father in law. I liked it because it was cheap, I
just payed $1.500.000. I liked it because there were a lot of places to visit, for example, I went to
the big beach and I liked it a lot.

I came back seven weeks ago because I started working last Monday.

Stage 2: What's the weather like? 1.3

Go to unit 1.3. What’s the weather like? in the Knowledge
environment and develop all the activities. You just have to upload
the following activity in the forum.

a. Post the indicated activity from the unit in the forum.

Problem 1: What should children do when there is a thunderstorm?

Solution: When there is a thunderstorm, it is important that children do not leave.

Problem 2: What should people do when it's sunny?

Solution: when it is sunny, it is important that people hydrate.

Problem 3: What should you do when there is wind?

solution: when there is wind, it is important that you take care of yourself

Problem 4: What should city officials do when a hurricane approaches?

Solution: When a hurricane is approaching, it is important that city officials alert citizens

Problem 5: What should we do when there is a blizzard?

Solution: when there is a blizzard, it is important that we do not leave home

Problem 6: What should schools do when it is very hot?

Solution: when it is very hot, it is important that schools suspend classes

Problem 7: What should they do when it's cold?

Solution: when it is cold, it is important that they warm up

b. Describe the weather in the place you visited and use the following

Example: Description: The weather in Bogotá changes every day. In the

morning it is usually cloudy, but it becomes sunny at noon.
What do you recommend to do in your city? (See the Subjunctive in unit
1.3) Example: Recommendation: It is recommended that people wear
an umbrella in Bogotá.
Description: The weather in saint martha is generally sunny and breezy

Recommendation: It is recommended that people wear a sun block and


Stage 3: You should keep your passport! Go to unit

1.2. You should keep your passport! in the
Knowledge environment and develop all the activities.
You just have
to upload the
activities in
the forum.
a. Post the activities from the unit in the forum
Practice 5:
Think about 3 things you should do and 3 things you shouldn’t do when planning a
trip abroad. Write 6 sentences with these ideas using modal verbs of advice. Write your
sentences on the clipboard and save them on a text document. Then record your
sentences and send this audio to your instructor by mail. Be prepared to discuss this
topic in a chat room session.
-We should plan our trip
-We should think about the expenses.
-We should arrive at the airport one hour before.
-We shouldn’t carry too much luggage
-We shouldn’t forget to change our money before traveling
-We shouldn’t reserve the visits we will do online
Write a paragraph giving advice about the best place to spend a summer vacation. Use
modal verbs of advice and the vocabulary you learned in this week. Pay special attention
to the following:
When using the simple present tense: Third person singular verb endings.

When using modal verbs of advice: should/shouldn´t, ought to and had better/had better
not + simple form of verb.
Correct: she should/ought to/had better start packing
Incorrect: she should/ought to/had better to start packing
Correct: she shouldn´t/had better not forget her passport at home
Incorrect: she shouldn´t/ had better not to forget her passport at home
-The best place to spend summer vacations is in Saint Martha. We should make a budget
before traveling, we should also make reservations for hotel or apartment where we will
stay. We should not eat in the restaurants near the rodadero they are very expensive and
the food is bad.
b. Read the following recommendations and write some
recommendations according to your travel experience:
a. What should people do in the place you visited last vacation?
Example: People should go to Monserrate in Bogotá.
b. What shouldn’t people do in the place you visited last
Example: People shouldn’t go to Monserrate by cable railway in

-What should people do in the place you visited last vacation?

People should go to big beach in Saint Martha

-What shouldn’t people do in the place you visited last vacation?

People shouldn’t eat outside in Saint Martha.

Stage 4: Consolidate an infographic, brochure or poster

According to the previous writing exercises, you will design a brochure,

infographic or poster where you

Use the following tool to design your final product:
Set the sharing permissions as public: “anyone can view the sharing

Stage 5: Upload the final product in the Monitoring environment.

 Complete the checklist:


Did I develop the activities of the unit 1.4? x

Stage 1 Did I post the Speaking and Writing activities from the unit 1.4 in the forum? x
Did I write a short note in the forum telling what I did last x
Did I develop the activities of the unit 1.3? x
Did I post the Speaking activity from the unit 1.3 in the forum? x
Did I describe the weather in my city using the vocabulary given in the unit x
Stage 2

Did I give recommendations related to the place I visited using the given x
structure in the unit 1.3?
Did I post my description and recommendations in the forum? x
Did I develop the activities of the unit 1.2? x
Did I post the Practice 5 and writing activity from the unit 1.2 in the forum? x
Stage 3

Did I give recommendations related to what people should and shouldn’t do x

in the place I visited?
Did I post my recommendations in the forum? x
Did I design an infographic, brochure or poster? x
Did I tell an experience of a trip in a maximum length of 100 words and x
taking into account what I did in stage 1?
Stage 4

Did I give 10 tips or recommendations related to what to do in the place I x

visited, and taking into account what I did in stage 2?
Did I give advice related to what to should and shouldn’t do in the place I x
visited, and taking into account what I did in stage 3?
Did I use real pictures? x
Don’t forget to add this chart at the end of the Word document.

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