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Rosemary, how are you keeping?

Thank you for your Platinum subscription in the month of April 2018. Please find below your
recipes back up including images (as attached).

I'll be sending the Pastry lesson in a separate email.

Warm Regards,


============================== ====

#Early Bird Bonus- Choc-Mud Holiday Cake  [30.03.18]
(Part 1 of 2)
By Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 35 min
Serves: 8-9

Serving Suggestion: Serve with a cup of tea/coffee, as dessert with custard or ice-cream

This one right here goes out to those who are like me- have a sweet tooth and love love
Take note this recipe is in two parts sent separately.

Get This

250 g (1 cup) margarine

100 g dark chocolate, chopped
85 g (1/4 cup) cocoa powder, sifted
450 g (2 cups) caster sugar
2 tsp vanilla essence 
430 ml hot water 
340 g (2 3/4 cups) self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs lightly beaten

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius. Lightly grease 2 9 inch
baking tins and dust them lightly with flour. Set aside.
2. Put margarine in a pot. Melt it over low heat. 
3. Add chocolate and stir until it begins to melt. Add cocoa powder, sugar, essence and the
hot water. Stir until well combined. Remove from heat and set aside, allow to cool.
4. In the meantime, sift together flour and baking powder.
5. When chocolate mixture is cooled, add flour and eggs. Mix well, taking care not to over
mix. Over mixing will result in a tough textured or crumbly cake. (you may want to use a
whisk for this to avoid lumps. If you don't have one available, just carefully mix with the
wooden spoon, breaking any lumps) 
_P.S. -The mixture will be very runny._
6. Pour mixture into prepared baking tins and bake for 35 minutes or until skewer comes out
clean when inserted. ( A skewer is a cake tester, you may also use a toothpick if you don't
have one readily available).
7. Allow to cool before attempting to remove from cake tins or decorating.

Substitutions Ideas
1.125 ml of oil may be used in place of margarine
2. Plain or cake flour may be used in place of self-raising flour. Add 1 more tsp of baking
powder to make them 2 tsp total.
3. Don't eat or have eggs? Use 1/4 cup mashed banana in place of 1 egg. Meaning it'll be 1/2
a cup mashed banana for the 2 eggs in this recipe. Please note, using banana in place of eggs
may add a mild banana taste to the cake (which isn't a bad thing!)
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© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography

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How to Ice Your Choc-Mud Holiday Cake  [30.03.18]
(Part 2 of 2)
By Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

To ice your lovely Choc-Mud Holiday Cake...

Get This

1/2 cup margarine (125 g)

1 cup icing sugar, sifted
1 tsp vanilla essence
200 g dark chocolate, chopped

Do This
1. To prepare the icing; put some water in a sauce pan and place on stove top. Bring the water
to a boil. Remove lid and keep saucepan on stove.
2. Put the chopped dark chocolate into a heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over the open
saucepan. Stir until chocolate melts.
3. Carefully remove from over the saucepan and set aside, allowing it to cool. Stir the melted
chocolate occasionally.
4. In a separate bowl, beat the butter using an electric hand/stand mixer or a wooden spoon
until light and smooth.Add the sifted icing sugar and beat until well incorporated.
5. Add the vanilla essence and beat again until blended in.Finally, add the melted chocolate
and beat until incorporated and no white streaks show. Your choc-mud icing is ready! 
6. Join the two cakes together with the icing then spread it right round the cake. Enjoy!
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© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography

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#1, Scrumptious Pan Fried Kariba Bream - 01.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 20 - 25 minutes
Serves: 5

Serving Suggestion: Serve with preferred starch or vegetables and sauce or gravy.

This is a quick alternative way to prepare your whole Kariba bream. Simplicity at its best is
what you get through this approach and still produce a delicious meal. I love the crispy crust
created on the outside and the tender flaky meat on the inside.

Get This

5 medium sized Kariba breams

1 ½ tsp salt
½ tsp ground black pepper
Oil for frying

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Descale the fish and pat dry it. 
2. Season the fish with salt and pepper, massaging the seasoning on both sides of the fish.
3. Heat oil in non-stick pan. Depending on the size of the pan, fry two fish at a time, giving 5
– 8 min on each side or until golden brown. Enjoy!

Substitution Ideas
1. Instead of pan frying, grill in the oven at 180 Degrees Celsius for 40 - 45 min (crispy crust
not guaranteed)
2. Any whole fish will do, in case of no access to Kariba bream.
3. If pepper is not your thing, feel free to omit it.

This is subscription based exclusive content and may not be illegally shared or distributed as
per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

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#2, Green Salad with a twist - 02.04.18

by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com
Takes: 10 minutes
Serves: 4

Serving Suggestion: Serve as is, as a light meal. Or to serve as an accompaniment, substitute

the fish with beans (e.g. baked beans without the sauce) and serve with preferred starch and

I love salads because of the nutritional value they add to our bodies,how simple they are to
make, the variations you can prepare, and how you can easily turn them into an
accompaniment or a light meal such as this one right here. I also love them because of how
they brighten up the plate and invite you to just dig in (remember we eat with our eyes first)!

Get This

1 x 155 g Pilchards in tomato sauce

5-6 lettuce leaves
1 large tomato
1 medium green pepper
1 medium yellow pepper
1 medium red pepper
1 medium cucumber
Salad dressing of your choice

Do This
1.Get your ingredients together.
2. Break up the lettuce into medium sized pieces. Chop or slice the rest of the vegetables
whichever way you fancy.
3. Spread them on top of the salad. Separate the pilchards from the sauce.
4. Break up the pilchards into medium sized pieces and place over the vegetables. 
5. Drizzle the salad dressing of your choice just before serving. Enjoy!

Substitution Ideas
1. In place of pilchards (fish), you may use any other fish or to make it vegan use your
favourite beans.
2. If you don't like peppers you may replace with like coloured vegetables of your choice, e.g
sweet corn for yellow pepper.

This is subscription based exclusive content and may not be illegally shared or distributed as
per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography

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Q n A #01 - 02.04.18
Thank you for the great feedback following recipe #1 - Scrumptious Pan Fried Kariba Bream.
Specific questions arose which I will go ahead and address now rather than later.  

1. When grilling fish which part of the oven do I switch on?

The top element is what is used when grilling not only fish but in general. 

2. What do I do so that the fish doesn't stick to the oven tray?

The best way to avoid this is to use heavy duty foil paper (avoid one written light weight its
not for use in the oven). Heavy duty foil paper is found in the supermarket where you find
paper towels and serviettes.

3. If I don't boil the fish, will it cook inside?

Following the recipe to the letter, yes the fish will cook inside i.e on step number 3 each side
of the fish should be cooked for 5-8 minutes or until golden brown before being flipped over.
The time the fish takes to turn golden brown depends on the heat and the size of your fish.

4. How much oil is needed? (Number 3 under "Do This")

This is a deep frying recipe. So use the same amount of oil you would when preparing fries
(fresh chips).

5. I would like egg and flour coated fish. Do I follow this same recipe?
Yes, you may follow this same recipe i.e #1 - Scrumptious Pan Fried Kariba Bream.

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#3, Shortbread caramel cookies - 04.04.18

by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 9 minutes
Makes: 45

Serving Suggestion: Enjoy as they are or with a cup of tea/coffee. You can also serve with
ice-cream as dessert.

Have you got 9 minutes for great cookies? These cookies take very little preparation and
baking time. This is one of the reasons I love cookies, quick and simple to prepare, plus that
inviting baking aroma that fills the whole house when the magic is happening in the oven.
You could even seamlessly do them while visitors wait! 

Get This

250 g (2 cups) plain flour

225 g (1 cup) salted butter/ margarine, softened 
125 g (1 cup) icing sugar
1 tsp caramel essence
1 tbsp your favourite jam

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius. Line your baking sheet
with baking/wax paper. Grease the paper lightly and set aside.
2. Put the butter/margarine and essence in mixing bowl. Sift the icing sugar into the same
bowl. Beat until blended.
3. Sift plain flour into the same mixing bowl with butter and icing sugar blended. Mix until
the mixture comes together into a ball when you squeeze it in your hands. (Use your wooden
spoon at this stage to mix)
4. Lightly flour your working area and turn the dough onto the surface. Rub your rolling pin
with a little flour and roll out the dough into your desired thickness.
5. Use your cookie cutter to cut out the cookies. Put on lined, greased baking sheet. Spoon a
pea-size amount of plum jam onto the centre of each cookie.
6. Bake in preheat oven for 9 min. Allow to cool on cooling rack. Enjoy!

Substitution Ideas
1.Brown flour may be used in place of plain flour. (Cake flour not as suitable as it may make
your cookies crumbly. Self-raising flour also not suitable in this recipe)
2. 3/4 cup oil may be used in place of butter/margarine.
3. Caster sugar may be used in place of icing sugar.

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per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Photography

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 Q n A #02 - 05.04.18
Hi guys, good day. 
A few answers to questions following recipes #2 - Green Salad with a Twist and #3 -
Shortbread Caramel Cookies. 

1. Do you have recipes for different salad dressings?

Yes there are several that I have and will be sharing them as we go. Following this question I
shared one such in video format on Tuesday i.e Ginger Lemon Vinaigrette. 

2. Can I use chicken breast instead of fish in #2 - Green Salad with a Twist?
Yes. Chicken or any other meat you prefer as a substitute for pilchards will do. However, it
mustn't be stewed.

3. Can I substitute caramel essence with vanilla essence in recipe #3 - Shortbread

Caramel Cookies?
Yes if you must. This will, however, create a different flavor thereby changing the recipe into
"Shortbread Vanilla Cookies"! :)

4. What is 3/4 (three-quarter) cup of oil in ml?

That will be between 175ml to 180ml. 

5. On the cookies ingredients you said 225g (1 cup) plain flour, 125g (1 cup) icing sugar.
Which one is correct since you are saying both are 1 cup?
Both are correct. Margarine and icing sugar weigh differently. This 1 cup measurement
assumes use of standard baking measuring cups. Baking measurement conversions are quite
specific for each ingredient. I will be coaching more on this as we go along. 
Thanks. Keep them coming. Take care.

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#4, Beef and Green bean stew - 06.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 45 - 60 minutes
Serves: 4-5

Serving Suggestion: Serve with your preferred starch and vegetables or salad.

Beef stew is one of the repetitive meals in the Zimbabwean kitchen!! It doesn't have to be
prepared in the same way everyday though! Spice things up every now and then so those we
are cooking for would never expect how tasty it would be as they take the first bite! Here's
one to try out

Get This

1 kg beef, cut into medium sized pieces

3/4 tsp salt
2 tbsp tomato paste
1 chicken stock cube
Boiling water
3 tbsp oil
2 cloves garlic
1/2 punnet green beans, chopped
1 small onion, sliced
2 large tomatoes, chopped

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Heat oil in pot. Add the beef taking care not to over crowd
the pot. Season with salt and add the tomato paste. Fry until beef begins to brown.
2. When beef is browned, add onion and fry for 2 min. Add stock cube and enough water to
just cover the meat. Bring to the boil and reduce heat to a gentle simmer.
3. Add whole garlic cloves and simmer until beef is tender and water is nearly finished.
4. Add tomatoes and allow to cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring regularly. Add green beans and
again allow to cook on gentle heat for 2-3 minutes. Taste for seasoning and adjust
accordingly. Enjoy!

Substitution Ideas
1.The beef may be substituted with chicken, pork or lamb. (Please note the cooking times for
the different meats may vary.)
2. Tomato sauce may be used in place of tomato paste. (Tomato puree will not work as it has
a runnier texture and milder taste.)
3. In place of garlic, ginger and a sprinkle of chili powder will do.
4. If you must, you may also use a beef stock cube. To substitute 
5. Water mixed with 3 tbsp Worcestershire or soy sauce may be used in place of the stock
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per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.
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#5, Baked Cinnamon Doughnuts - 09.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 10 minutes
Makes: 19

Serving Suggestion: Serve with a cup of tea or coffee. May also be served with ice-cream as

If you’ve ever hesitated making doughnuts because of the kneading involved then this recipe
here is made just for you! You don’t need to knead anything here and the best thing is that the
doughnuts are not deep fried but baked, which is a plus if you’re not so keen on oily foods.
So roll up your sleeves and give this really easy recipe a try.

Get This

200g cake flour

170g castor sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon salt
Zest of 1 lemon
¾ cup buttermilk
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 teaspoons margarine/butter, melted
1 tsp lemon essence
1 cup milk

Do This
1. Get your ingredients. Preheat oven to 180 degrees Celsius and lightly grease doughnut
tray, set aside.
2. Put sugar, salt and lemon zest into mixing bowl. Sift flour, baking powder and cinnamon
into the same mixing bowl.
3. Add the wet ingredients, i.e. buttermilk, milk, essence, eggs and butter. Beat until just
4. Fill each doughnut cup approximately 3/4 full.
5. Bake in preheat oven for 10 minutes or until skewer comes out clean when inserted. Let
cool in pan 4-5 minutes before removing.
6. Roll each doughnut in the caster sugar and enjoy!
They last a few days in an airtight container or a few weeks in the freezer, without the sugar

Substitution Ideas
1.Self raising or plain flour may be used in substitution of cake flour. You may also use
brown flour if you like but do not sift in step 2 of the instructions.
2. 1/2 cup of mashed banana may be used in place of the 2 eggs.
3. To make your own buttermilk (as requirement in this current recipe), simply put 250ml
milk in a jug/bowl. Add 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Stand for 10 min before
use. Alternatively use sour milk such as Lacto, Amasi etc.
4. Cinnamon may be omitted if you don't like it.
5. Vanilla essence may be used in place of lemon essence.
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per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

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#6, Sticky Chicken  Wings - 10.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 20 minutes
Serves: 4

Serving Suggestion: Serve with potatoes and a salad. They may also be served as they are as
a starter with bread rolls.

These chicken wings are absolutely effortless and delicious. My family enjoyed them. They
can easily be addictive, you may need to restrain yourself and practice self-control 🤪!

Get This

1 kg chicken wings
¾ tsp salt
½ tsp garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp paprika
½ tsp dried sage
Oil for frying
For the sauce
1 tbsp oil
½ tsp fresh ginger, grated
¼ cup brown sugar
¼ tsp ground black pepper
3 tbsp tomato sauce
½ cup water

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Cut the wings into three (separating the drummette, wing
and wing tip)
2. Put them in a bowl, add garlic and season with salt, paprika and sage. Give a good mix,
cover and marinate for 15 min.
3. Heat oil in pan. Fry your wings in two batches, each side cooking for 5 minutes before
flipping it over. Once chicken is cooked set aside.
4. In a separate pot, put 1 tbsp oil and add ginger. Slowly heat oil until aromatic. Add the rest
of the ingredients of the sauce.
5. Bring to a boil then reduce heat to a gentle simmer. Simmer until sauce begins to thicken
(about 5-8 min).
6. Drizzle the sauce over the chicken wings, toss to coat evenly. Enjoy!

Substitution Ideas
1. In this recipe, dried sage may be replaced with dried basil.
2. If you react to black pepper, you may omit it.
3. Drumsticks may be used in place of chicken wings. Do note they'll need a little more
cooking time.
4. Fish fillets may be used in place of the chicken all together. The cooking time for this will
be about 2.5 min on each side (depending on the size of the fillets).
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© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography

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#7, Chunky Vegetable Soup - 11.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 20 minutes
Serves: 3 - 4

Serving Suggestion: Serve with toasted French stick/ bread rolls. May also be served with
regular bread slices. Perfect as a starter, light main meal or vegetarian dish

I just love how food has the power to be tied to an event or special memory. Soups are one of
those that bring back childhood memories for me. I recall sitting at the kitchen table with my
siblings, having some freshly made tomato soup and toasted French stick 😋. Today I have
this chunky vegetable soup for you, may it also create memories for you and yours.

Get This

2 cabbage leaves, shredded

1 medium potato, cubed
2 medium carrots, cubed
2 medium baby marrow, sliced
1 chicken / vegetable stock cube
750 ml boiling water
¾ tsp salt
Sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper

Do This
1. Get ingredients together. Put stock cube in jug, add boiling water and stir until it dissolves.
Pour stock into pot.
2. Add the potatoes, carrots and cabbage. Bring to the boil then reduce to a simmer until
potatoes are cooked.
3. Add baby marrow and the sprinkle of black pepper if using. Simmer for a further 3
minutes. Your soup is ready!
4. If serving with French stick, slice it diagonally, spread some margarine or drizzle olive oil
on it.
5. Heat a pan (without oil) on the stove. When it’s hot, add the French stick slices, buttered
side down. Press gently and allow to cook for about a minute or until golden brown.
6. Serve with the soup, enjoy!

Substitution Ideas
1. If you react to black pepper, you may omit it.
2. The stock cube may be replaced with 2 tbsp soy/Worcestershire sauce and a clove of
garlic. (If you're not a fan of garlic, simply leave it out).
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per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

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#9, Semolina Coated Chicken Strips - 13.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 20 - 25 minutes
Serves: 3 - 4

Serving Suggestion: Serve with potatoes with gravy/sauce or rice and gravy/sauce with your
preferred vegetables. They may also be served with just a salad or some mixed vegetables.

This is a quick and easy recipe that won't take time at all. I love the texture that the semolina
adds to the meat- nice and crunchy! Go for it and let me know how it turns out in your

Get This

250 g chicken breast, julienned (cut into strips)

1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp paprika
3 cups semolina
1 egg + 30 ml milk
Oil for frying

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Put semolina into a wide deep plate. Add salt and paprika.
Mix until evenly combined and set aside.
2. Beat egg and milk together.
3. Take chicken strips and add to to bowl with egg and milk mixture and mix.
4. Take one strip at a time and roll in the seasoned semolina, placing in a separate wide flat
plate. Repeat process until all the chicken strips are coated.
5. Heat oil in pan and fry the strips in batches until all are done. Enjoy!

Substitution Ideas
1. Chicken may be replaced with fish, pork or minute steak.
2. Egg may be replaced with just milk or mayonnaise. If lactose intolerant you may use soy
milk or any other lactose free milk you have available.
This is subscription based exclusive content and may not be illegally shared or distributed as
per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------

#10, Pineapple Chicken Fried Rice - 16.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 20 - 25 minutes
Serves: 4 - 5

Serving Suggestion: Serve as is or with gravy and more mixed veggies on the side

This is one of my quick go to recipes when I'm hard pressed of time but still need to put
something filling and tasty on the table! For this recipe use Recipe #9: Semolina Coated
Chicken Strips for your chicken. For vegetarians you may substitute the chicken with
fish. Vegans may simply omit the meat altogether and use cooked beans of your choice or
just enjoy as is without the beans. 

Get This

250 g cooked semolina coated chicken strips (Recipe #9)

3 cups cooked rice
1 medium onion, chopped
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp garlic, finely chopped
1 cup chopped pineapple
2 medium carrots, chopped
1/2 cup fresh peas
1/2 tsp turmeric
2 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp oil

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Heat oil in pan. Add onion, turmeric and garlic. Fry until
onion is translucent.
2. Add carrots, peas and salt, fry for another 2 minutes. Add rice and mix until it has evenly
been combined with vegetables.
3. Add pineapple pieces, soy sauce and chicken strips. Fry for 2 minutes. Taste for seasoning
and adjust accordingly.
4. Garnish with fresh herb of your choice or spring onion greens finely chopped. (If using
herbs, go easy on it as it may overpower your dish)
Substitution Ideas
1. Turmeric may be substituted with curry powder.
2. Carrots and peas may be substituted with vegetables of your choice.
3. Soy sauce my be substituted with Worcestershire sauce.
4. Fresh or tinned pineapple may be used. 
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per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ --------------------------

 Q n A #3- 16-04-18
Recipe #5: Cinnamon Baked Doughnuts

1) How many cups is 200 g cake flour and 170 g caster sugar?
200 g cake flour = 2 cups
170 g caster sugar = 3/4 cup
(Please use standard baking measuring cups for accuracy)

2) Can you also omit lemon zest or it's omission will completely change the recipe?
You may omit if you wish. Its purpose however is to enhance the flavour of the doughnuts.

3) Is buttermilk our lacto or maas?

Please check the substitution ideas section of the recipe.

4) Can this recipe also work for frying the doughnuts.

No, this recipe is strictly for baking. The batter is too runny for frying.

5)Should the mixture be runny or not?

Yes, batter will be runny.

6) Where can I get a doughnut tray?

Check in kitchenware shops. I also have them in stock in limited quantities. DM me if

Recipe #6: Sticky Chicken wings

1) What is sage?
Sage is herb that is part of the mint family, also closely related to the herb rosemary. It has a
lovely musky fragrance which goes well with chicken among other things.

2) Do I find spice in the spice section?

Yes, you will find the dried version at the spices and condiments section in supermarkets. The
fresh version may sometimes be found at the fruit and veg section. However, for this recipe,
the dried version is what we used.

3) Can sage be substituted with something else or left out without completely affecting
the recipe?
Please check recipe under substitution ideas section.

Recipe #7:Chunky Vegetable soup

1) What is a French stick, where can I find it?

It's the longer version of a hot dog roll. You may find it at the bakery section in
2) Where can I find a stock cube?
Check at the spices, herbs and condiments section in supermarkets.

Recipe #8: (Video) Nhopi using butternut

1) Can I use pumpkin in place of butternut?

Yes you may, that's what is used traditionally.  Butternut may be used also if pumpkins are
inaccessible and if you're not a fan of the fibrous bits in pumpkin.  (NB- this was a
modernised version of Nhopi).

Recipe #9: Semolina Coated chicken strips

1) What can I use in place of semolina?

If gluten sensitive you may use cornflour, also known as cornstarch.

2) Where can I find semolina?

Semolina can be found at the baking ingredients or cereal sections in supermarkets.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------

 #11, Fish and Carrot Stew - 17.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 25 - 30 minutes
Serves: 4 - 5

Serving Suggestion: Serve with preferred starch and vegetables.

If you've been with me for a while now, you may recall I once mentioned that I used to have
an allergy to all things fish and seafood as a child. Ever since I stopped reacting, I love love
love my fish and seafood and I'm maximizing on all the time lost when I couldn't eat it 😜.
Cheers to this easy to follow fish and carrot stew ...

Get This

1 kg fish, gutted and de-scaled

3/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp paprika
1 cup plain flour/ cornflour
1 medium onion, chopped
3 large tomatoes, grated
2 large carrots, chopped
1/4 tsp curry powder
2 tsp tomato paste
2 tbsp tomato sauce
1 tbsp lemon juice
50 - 100 ml water
3 tbsp oil for frying
Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Cut fish into medium sized pieces and set aside.
2. Put flour, salt and paprika in a wide flat plate. Mix to ensure seasoning is evenly
distributed in the flour. 
3. Coat each fish piece with the seasoned flour and set aside.
4. Heat oil in pan. Add the fish pieces to the pan in batches. Fry until browned on each side.
Remove from pan and set aside.
5. Using same pan, add the onion, carrots and curry powder. Fry for 2 minutes. Add
tomatoes, tomato paste and tomato sauce, stir.
6. Add water and simmer for 2-3 minutes. Return the fish to the pan, gently laying it in the
tomato and carrot soup. Add lemon juice, and little more water if stew is too thick for your
7. Close pot and simmer for another 2-3 minutes. Taste for seasoning and adjust accordingly.
Substitution Ideas
1. Self-raising flour may also be used in place of plain/ cornflour.
2. More tomato sauce may be used in place of the tomato paste.
This is subscription based exclusive content and may not be illegally shared or distributed as
per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------------

 #12, Garden Salad with a Twist - 18.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 10 minutes
Serves: 4 - 5

Serving Suggestion: Serve with preferred starch and protein

A salad 🥗, after making a peanut butter sandwich, has got to be one of  the easiest things to
make 😏. 
I love how refreshing salads are and the vibrance they add to a meal. 
Here we have a garden salad with a twist. It's named so because the ingredients that make up
the salad are ideally supposed to be found in your garden! I just added grapes because I love
the sweet contrast they add to the salad. 

Get This

1 lettuce head
2 tomatoes
1 large cucumber
Handful of grapes, sliced in half
Salad dressing of your choice

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together and wash them thoroughly. 
2. Cut the lettuce, tomatoes and cucumber into your preferred sizes. Place in a bowl. Give a
gentle toss, add the grapes and toss gently again.
3. Cover and refrigerate until required. Drizzle salad dressing just before serving. (Drizzling
the dressing way before you're about to serve may cause your salad to be soggy)

Substitution Ideas
1. You may essentially add more vegetables of your choice e.g (onion, carrots, red cabbage).
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© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

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 Q n A #4- 18-04-18

Recipe #8: (Video) Butternut Nhopi

1) Can I replace fresh cream with buttermilk?

You could experiment and see if you like it. I'd recommend using the fresh cream as it is
richer. If lactose intolerant you may use soy or almond milk.

Recipe #10: Pineapple Chicken Fried Rice

1) Which other fruit can you use in place of pineapple, can the pineapple be omitted?
The recipe title is pineapple chicken fried rice! The pineapple is one of the main stars of the
dish, it shouldn't be omitted. However, if you really must, you can use raisins.

Recipe #11: Fish and Carrot stew

1) Rumbie , you said 1kg fish gutted and de-scaled. What is "gutted" and "de-scaled"?
Gutted means the fish is cleaned on the inside and the guts have been removed. De-scaled is
when you scrape off the scales on the fish.

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 #13, Banana Fritters - 19.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 10 minutes
Serves: 16

Serving Suggestion: Serve with ice-cream or custard

Dessert doesn't have to be complicated! As in this case, just grab a couple of bananas, make a
batter, cook and voila! The humble banana has been transformed into a crispy yummy

Get This

150 g (1 cup + 2 tbsp) self-raising flour

1 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
50g (4 tbsp) caster sugar
1 medium egg
100ml fresh milk
1 tsp vanilla essence
30g (2 tbsp) butter, melted
4 large bananas
oil for frying
Icing sugar or melted chocolate for drizzling

Do This
1.     Get your ingredients together. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add the
sugar then whisk until evenly incorporated (these are the dry ingredients).
2. Make a well in the middle and set aside.
3. Put the egg in a jug/small bowl. Add milk and vanilla essence. Beat until well combined.
4. Take bowl with dry ingredients. Pour egg milk mixture and the melted butter into the bowl
with dry ingredients.
5. Mix until just combined.
6. Peel each banana then cut it in half vertically. Cut the halves in half again, vertically.
7. Heat a little oil in pan. Dip each banana piece into the batter, taking care not to break it. 
8. Shake off the excess batter and fry until bubbles begin to form and the fritter is golden
brown. Flip them over and fry the other side again until golden brown. Keep in a warm place.
9. Repeat process until all the bananas are done. When all cooked, sprinkle some icing sugar
over or drizzle some chocolate. Enjoy as is or with ice-cream or custard.

Substitution Ideas
1. If you cannot use eggs, use milk only.
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per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

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#14, Simple Scrambled Eggs (made with no oil) - 20.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 5 minutes
Serves: 4-5

Serving Suggestion: Serve with sauteed (lightly fried in a little hot oil) tomato and
bread/toast or with baked beans, your preferred meat and potatoes for a super filling

Saturdays are usually a time when you want to go all out on breakfast because during the
week, there's hardly any time due to work commitments, you name it. I have this quick
simple method of preparing scrambled eggs with no oil. 

Get This
5 large eggs
50 ml milk
50 ml water
salt for seasoning
garnish of your choice

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Break eggs into bowl. Add milk and salt. Beat until well
2. Put water in pan, bring to the boil. Add the eggs and stir briskly in a circular motion until
the eggs are cooked.
3. Sprinkle your garnish just before serving. I used parsley, you may also use the green ends
of a spring onion, finely chopped.
If using parsley for garnish, use just a little bit as it can be overpowering if overdone.

Substitution Ideas
1. Soy milk may be used if you're lactose intolerant
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per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography

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#15, Pork and Okra Stir Fry - 23.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 20 -25 minutes

Serves: 4-5

Serving Suggestion: Serve with preferred starch, more vegetables and gravy.

Okra doesn't have to be stewed all the time. There are other ways in which you can prepare it,
here's one! My family absolutely enjoyed this. Go for it and let me know how it turns out in
your kitchen. 

Get This

300 g pork shoulder

½ a pkt okra, cut in half
1 large carrot, diced
1 small onion, sliced
3 tbsp brown sugar
1 tsp garlic, finely chopped
¾ tsp salt
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
Oil for frying

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Cut the pork into bite size pieces. Heat oil in pan. Add the
pork together with the garlic. Season with ½ tsp salt and fry until beginning to brown.
2. Add sugar and fry until browned. Remove from pan and set aside.
3. Add carrots to the same pan. Fry for 2 min. Add onion and okra. Season with ¼ tsp salt.
Fry for 2 minutes. 
4. Return the pork to the pan. Add Worcestershire sauce. Allow the flavours to marry for 2-3
minutes, stirring regularly. Enjoy!

Substitution Ideas
1. Pork may be substituted with minute steak or chicken.
2. For a Vegetarian or  Vegan omit the meat and enjoy the carrot and okra stir fry.
3. Use soy sauce in place of Worcestershire sauce.
4. Lemon juice may be used in place of garlic.
This is subscription based exclusive content and may not be illegally shared or distributed as
per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.
© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

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 #16, Biscuit, Yoghurt & Fruit Medley - 24.04.18
by Rumbie from ZimboKitchen.Com

Takes: 10 minutes
Serves: 4-5

Serving Suggestion: Serve as dessert

Have you got 10 minutes on your hands after a meal? Here's a quick, simple, tasty and easy
on the pocket dessert to try out. It's best to make it just before serving.

Get This

20 Tennis or Tea time biscuits

2 bananas
Handful of grapes
4 granadillas
150 ml Greek or Natural yoghurt
150 ml Strawberry yoghurt

Do This
1. Get your ingredients together. Put biscuits in ziploc bag or any plastic and seal it. 
2. Crush the biscuits gently using a rolling pin or the bottom of a glass/mug if you don't have
a rolling pin. Cut the fruits into small-medium sized pieces.
3. Get your glasses ready. Put a few scoops of the natural yoghurt at the bottom. Followed by
the crushed biscuits, followed by another layer of strawberry yoghurt. Place banana slices on
top of the yoghurt,
4. Repeat layering process until your ingredients are finished, topping off the dessert with the
granadilla and a few grapes. Enjoy!
Substitution Ideas
1.You may use yoghurt and fruits of your choice.
This is subscription based exclusive content and may not be illegally shared or distributed as
per ZimboKitchen terms and conditions agreed to by subscriber on sign-up.

© 2018, Photography by Aurther Shoko Food Photography.

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