Powerful Questions To Ask Your Network Marketing Prospects

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Powerful Questions to Ask Your Network

Marketing Prospects
Don’t forget to grab my “Prospect Tracker” for free while you’re here – and never
lose track of a prospect again.  I also reveal a great lead source that will have you
prospecting today!

How to Engage Your Network Marketing Prospects and Get Them Wanting More

When I first started my network marketing

business I was so scared to make those calls.   My mind would keep going to all the
things I wanted and “needed” to say to my prospect.

My fears were, “am I going to remember everything about my product” and “am I going
to know every answer to every question they have?”.

I was stressing myself out!  And I was definitely not enjoying the journey!

With lots of practice and lots of coaching I’m now at a place that I can’t wait to make that
next call.   My curiosity about who the next person I’m going to meet fills me with

How would you like to feel that way about prospecting?  Do you want to make it a fun
part of your business?

So how do you make it fun, engage your prospect, and leave them wanting more?

Ask great questions!

I’ve been  in situations where I was the one getting prospected.  It was painful to watch
the poor distributor “work” me.    One time I was summoned to a hotel room and held
prisoner for over an hour with a women talking at me instead of to me.

I left that meeting without ever saying a word.  I was never asked what I wanted or why I
was looking.  It was definitely a bad experience and I was not the slightest bit open to her
or her opportunity.

Asking questions gets people thinking about what they want and how they are going to
get there.  It also causes them to think about how unprepared they are to fulfill their goals
and dreams.

If you engage your prospect with questions it will allow them to see they really need
something to help them.  It makes them open to listening to your solutions.

Questions to Open Your Call or Meeting

Once you establish your prospect is in fact open then use these following questions to
engage them in the conversation:

So what are you looking for exactly?

What are your dreams and goals?

Where would you like to be in say, 3 years?

What are you doing now to get yourself there?

How do you plan on accomplishing those goals, do you have a plan?


Most of the time people have no plan.  They are frustrated with their financial life and
need a solution.

Once you have LISTENED to your prospect and know what they really want…ask them
this question…..

If I had something that could get you there would you be open to taking a look?

Do you see how this approach leaves them engaged and wanting more?

People need to feel heard.  They don’t want to hear how great your company and product
is for the marketplace.  They need solutions and you are a solutions provider.

Here are some powerful words to help them “lean in” wanting more….

 I’m just curious…

 If I would you…
 Can I ask you a simple question…
 Do you mind if I share a little story with you…
 Can I get your opinion on something….

You are asking your prospect permission to continue.  You will rarely ever get a no to
questions like these and they keep your prospect engaged in the conversation.

Here are some examples with these phrases:

Do you mind if I ask you a simple question?  What are you currently doing to prepare
for retirement?

I’m just curious…have you ever considered creating residual income?

Can you share with me how much money you would consider to be serious money on 
a monthly basis?  And would that amount be worth committing 1 hour  a day for 2
years if you knew what to do?

“Your first objective to prospecting is listening.” Paula
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After the “interview” your prospect will have said “yes” a number of times and will keep
them open to watching your video or listening to your audio presentation.

This has  been an amazing strategy for me.   I go into the call simply to see if they are
open and looking and then begin to create a relationship if we’ve never met.

If my prospect starts asking a lot of questions about the company or product I use small
teasers but I never go into information overload.  That’s where I redirect the energy of the
conversation back to who they are and what they want.  Once that’s  established I use
tools to help explain my opportunity or product.

I hope these tips help to ease your mind about prospecting.

Interview them, inspire them, and then give them a tool to explain your opportunity or
product.    Rinse and repeat!

Happy Prospecting!

If this helped you please share on your favorite social media site and leave a comment below.

To Your Success!

Paula McKinney

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