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Feature in ‘Living in Maputo’, June 2012

By Eline Jakobs

Showing off tradition

Traditional music is alive and kicking in the modern city of Maputo. In this miniseries we
highlight a few exciting music groups which are using traditional instruments and rhythms,
with or without a contemporary twist.

Today the band Moticoma.

We talked to Toni (voice and percussion) and Doló (drummer):

When did you form your band? Why did you decide to play music together?
The band was formed in 2001, so we celebrated our 10 year anniversary last year! The main
objective of our group is to preserve traditional Mozambican rhythms and instruments; we
are inspired by traditions from all over Mozambique.
What instruments do you use, who plays what?
Zandy (Vocals, Mbira, Timbila)
Toni (vocals, percussion)
Ndzondza (percussion)
Pak (percussion)
Lithos (bass guitar)
Doló (drums)
Nicolau (saxophone)
If we are playing in a venue with enough space, we also include two dancers in the show.
Where do you get your instruments?
The Timbila and the Mbira are made by experts from the provinces (Timbila originally comes
from Inhambane and the Mbira from the centre and north of the country). Most of the
percussion we make ourselves.
Who writes the music?
Zandy writes the lyrics and the base melody, we finish the music together.
How do you describe your music to people?
It’s a bit difficult to define our style. It's a sort of fusion, we use traditional rhythms but with a
modern influence.
Who (group or individual) do you admire most in music?
Timbila Muzimba, Kapa Dez, Hugh Masakele, Alif Keita
What is the most memorable thing you have ever done as a band?
We have been on a number of tours outside the country, and won prizes in various festivals,
but the biggest experience was a tour of Denmark in 2010.
What has been your biggest challenge as a band? Have you been able to overcome that
Learning to play in different settings and countries. Our first tour (in Zimbabwe) we didn’t
know what to do, but we learned!
Where can people hear your music?
We regularly play in Gil Vicente, Café Camissa, and Associaçao dos Musicos. Or go to our
Do you have any concerts planned?
The date hasn’t been confirmed yet, but in August we will be in Gil Vicente. Keep an eye on
the cultural agenda!
What is your biggest wish for the future?
To finally make a CD and video clip and be able to offer people our music outside of the live

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