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Co-curricular activities prepare students practically The academic curriculum is really much more
for the future. The normal curriculum can only go important and must continue to be given more
so far as to teach and educate students about status in schools and colleges than the co-
academic theories. But students whose only curriculum. Students are meant to be receiving an
experience of school or college is one of rigid education and gaining recognised qualifications.
academic study may not be able to apply what they Higher Education institutions place a greater
have learned in practice. If the co-curriculum was importance on the curriculum than the co-
given an equal footing in student life there will be curriculum when selecting students, and so do
an improvement in the student ability to grasp employers. Co-curricular activities are nice, but
things as a whole, because students will have they have never been shown to actually play a vital
received a more rounded education. Co-curricular role in a student¶s life. And if they distract students
activities are particularly good at providing from focusing on their academic qualifications, then
opportunities for students to work in teams, to they could be actually harmful.
exercise leadership, and to take the initiative
themselves. These experiences make students more
attractive to universities and to potential employers.
Most co-curricular activities are physically active, There is no obvious logic in having super talented
getting the student out from behind their desk and individuals, instead society should lean itself
making them try new things. This is healthy and towards making specialised individuals in their
ensures that students are exposed to practical tasks, selected fields. Most modern careers require expert
not just what is taught in class. The outcome of knowledge and skills, which can take years to
giving the co-curriculum the same status as the acquire. We should not distract a student from
curriculum will therefore be well balanced developing skills in whatever selected field he or
individuals. Future politicians, for example, will not she has chosen to specialise in. After all, when you
only thrive on law or social studies, but will also see a doctor or employ an engineer, you are not
become fluent in multiple languages, learn to tango interested in how ³well-rounded´ they are, just in
and perform several calculus operations whether they are good at their job. And the Prime
simultaneously, while also experiencing service Minister does not play soccer or tango in the House
through community work. Such are the more of the Commons, therefore they do not require such
profound benefits of the co-curriculum being skills as part of their formal education.
integrated into the syllabus.
Having a wide range of experiences prepares people Most specialist professions still provide a range of
better for the future, especially in today¶s uncertain career opportunities, without any need to
world. The broad education that the co-curriculum compromise academic education by over-emphasis
can provide is better preparation for life in a society on non-academic activities. For example, athletes
where an individual may change career several who have been injured in mishaps can continue
times in their life. Students must therefore have a their career in the same field but just in a different
fundamental grasp of multiple skills. For instance, post. No longer could they play, but they could still
athletes who had their career cut short due to coach or even give sports science lectures to
mishaps might venture into business, having had aspiring super stars. And if someone does wish to
co-curricular experience of entrepreneurship as part radically switch career in mid-life, there are plenty
of their education. Speech and debate clubs might of evening classes and continuing education
give a doctor or engineer the communication skills opportunities to allow them to retrain.
to move into broadcasting, teaching, or even
politics. Placing more emphasis on the co-
curriculum thus ensures a variety of possibilities for
young people to choose from instead of being

Students have a right to a broad education. Why Choice works two ways. If co-curricular activities
should a science student have to give up music, or a are so good, then students should have right to
social studies major not get opportunities for sport? choose whether they wish to pursue them, rather
Many children have talents in all sorts of different than forcing them to give equal importance to
areas, and it is wrong to force them to specialise too something they do not wish to do. Through
early. A career is not the only part of an adult¶s life equalising the demands of academic and co-
± school needs to make sure they have interests and curriculums there exists the possibility that a
skills that will help them in their family and leisure student may drop out because he or she may not be
lives too. Through equal balancing of academic and able to cope with the demands of both sets of
co-curriculum, however, the students have the activities. The right to an education is best exercised
chance to exercise their rights and the opportunity by giving students the choice to decide what field
to be multi-talented. Lopsided individuals are not their lives would like to be based on, and about how
the key to the future, instead by recognising each to pursue these aims.
individual by their talents there exists a higher
possibility for young people to learn and to grow in
their studies.
Many students do not take advantage of the extra- Making extra-curricular activity compulsory will
curricular opportunities they are currently offered. take the fun out of it and strip it of its benefits.
They may instead waste their time lazing around, or Successful extra-curricular groups work precisely
maybe even making trouble. These young people do because the students have voluntarily chosen to be
not know what they are missing; if they could be there. If some were forced to take part, they would
made to try other activities they would surely enjoy be less enthusiastic and spoil the activity for the
them and gain a lot of benefit. If the co-curriculum rest. And the more the activity is like ordinary
was given formal importance, with students school, the less attractive it will be to young people.
required to undertake at least one activity, then Most of the personal development benefits
more people would try new things, and discover associated with extra-curricular commitments ±
they like them. such as altruistic service, initiative-taking, and
leadership skills ± come from the voluntary nature
of the activity. If that voluntary aspect is removed,
then the benefits are lost too.
An ambitious co-curricular programme is quite Giving a greater place in education to the co-
affordable for schools and colleges of all kinds. curriculum means that many more clubs and
State schools in Singapore and many public activities will have to be organised for students.
universities in the USA are able to offer strong co- This will be very expensive as it will require more
curriculums, and elsewhere many state-funded staff and more resources to be paid for. This
institutions have thriving extra-curricular activities. explains why most schools that currently offer a
Most co-curricular pursuits are not expensive to large co-curriculum are well-funded fee-paying
run, and those activities that might be more institutions. Most ordinary schools, dependent on
expensive, such as military cadet groups and state-funding, will never be able to match this
science clubs, can often apply to outside agencies spending and could not aim to offer an ambitious
for funding. Staff often given their time free, co-curriculum. If they try, it will be at the expense
because they believe the activities are worthwhile of more important academic activities.
for the students and enjoyable for themselves to run,
and many groups can also be supported by unpaid
volunteers from the wider community.
Many towns today do not have a strong civil Giving co-curricular activities greater importance in
society, and in more rural areas there may be no education can be harmful to civil society as a
groups at all for young people to join outside whole. There are many clubs, teams and groups
school. If schools and colleges do not provide available for young people already in most areas ±

opportunities for youngsters to broaden their e.g. Scouts, religious work, music, drama, sport,
experiences, then students will not get them at all. voluntary work in the community, etc. Why should
Boosting the place of the co-curriculum in schools these be ignored and only those done in school
is one way of addressing this weakness in modern given academic credit of some kind? Often pursuits
society, as it will equip young people with the civic offered by schools end up replicating those already
spirit, initiative and organising skills to set up their available in the wider community. For example, a
own clubs, teams and activity groups when they school hockey team may deprive the local town¶s
leave education. Finally, a successful co-curriculum hockey club of young players, while school
often depends on building links between the school adventure activities might weaken the community¶s
and the wider community, bringing local Scouting and Guiding groups. So a strong co-
enthusiasts in to work with students, and sending curriculum may have the effect of killing off lots of
students out to work on community projects, help in worthwhile community-based activities because
primary schools, perform for local audiences, etc. they do not receive school credit. This would be a
shame as a strong civil society is vital to a thriving
democratic culture, but also because groups that
involve people of all ages possess great social and
educational value.


Does national service help build individual character?

Yes No

National service engenders valuable character Forced national service will breed resentment: If
traits: Young people are taught respect for young people are forced to go into the armed forces
authority, self-discipline, teamwork and leadership against their will, it will only foster resentment
skills.[1] against authority and will undermine any skills they
might learn.[3]
National service also teaches skills which means
that when people leave they will be more qualified The government would be better off running
for the job market: People could train as engineers, training schemes: This would also teach skills but
IT specialists, drivers, chefs etc. In the long-run this would save all the money that would go into the
will reduce unemployment and help the economy. bureaucracy of running national service.[4]

Nationhood: Does national service help build patriotism and nationhood?

Yes No

National service helps to promote patriotism and a Patriotism should not be based on the military. This
sense of nationhood: National pride is at an all-time can produce extreme nationalism and xenophobia
low in Britain at the moment and this gives us the which we do not want to encourage. National Pride

chance to rally around a shared cause, no matter should be engendered in other ways.
what race or culture you come from.

Security: Is national conscription important to national security?

Yes No

National conscription in peace is necessary to be There is no justification for military service as

ready for war or crisis: Conscription during Britain is not under any threat and there is no
peacetime would mean that the country was evidence that it will be in the near future: The army
prepared for emergencies when they happened, is capable of carrying out its role and the training of
rather than having to prepare after the fact. conscripts would only divert its time from more
important matters.

Duty? Does a citizen have a duty to serve their country?

Yes No

The individual has a duty to put something back A citizen only has a "duty" to obey the law. Beyond
into society and national service allows this. that any service to the community should be
Whether it be through protecting the country or voluntary. This way people will be committed to
helping with social or environmental projects, this doing a good job, which they would not be if they
encourages the idea of working as a community were working under force.
instead of merely for selfish ends.

3. Single session school

The following is an excerpt from his speech regarding single-session schools:

"Double session and even partial single-session schools limit the time and space available to
achieve educational goals.

"As a simple example, it is more challenging to timetable and conduct CCAs and other
programmes that develop character and values, when you know that you have to vacate the

classroom because it is needed by another session.

"Schools that have gone to a single-session structure have found it a better environment to
teach and develop students.

"When more curriculum time is needed for both formal and informal programs, it has allowed
some to lengthen their school day slightly, or have extended school days once or twice a week
to have mass CCAs.

"Others have also experimented with longer periods of 45 minutes instead of 30 minutes. A
longer break between lessons is valued by both students and teachers.

"It also allows for more quality teacher-student interactions and the use of more engaging
pedagogies such as group work or for students to practise presentation skills.

"Teachers find it useful too, as it allows more common time for professional development and
sharing among teachers, across all levels from P1 to P6.

"We should guard against single-session schools becoming full day schools with a heavier
workload for students. That's not the aim. It should instead allow for more time and space to
develop the child more fully.

"I see great merit in having as a norm, single session for all primary schools.

"Grace Fu's Committee will study how this can be achieved within a reasonable and achievable
timeframe. I think it will be possible for the majority of our schools.

"But, a number of more popular schools may need a little more time as they have to cater to a
large intake every year.

"Needless to say, we will also need more facilities for CCAs. MOE is already setting up two
more Adventure Centres, customised for the purposes of primary schools, to be ready by mid-
2011. But the Committee should study what other facilities are also needed.

"We will also need to ensure students have the financial resources to participate in more CCAs
and enrichment activities. To assist, MOE will increase the contributions to Edusave Accounts
for pupils from the current $180 to $200 per year for primary students, and $220 per year to
$240 for secondary students, from next year.

"We will also remove the age cap of 16 years for secondary level students to be eligible for the
contributions. This means an additional injection of $11 million by MOE. This will support a
wider range of enrichment programmes to enhance the holistic learning experiences.

"These funds must be used wisely but I would be prepared to spend more if Grace Fu's
Committee can justify and recommend better programmes."

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