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Pranshul Goyal Gp.

44 2019CE01277

Rashmi Gp 44 2019CE10287

1/20:One of the world’s biggest issues is the sFll #ongoing war of Syria, being fought since 2011,
causing havoc all over the middle east , resulFng in loss of thousands of lives and destrucFon of
valuable assets.

2/20:This war is a great disaster for the world. OriginaFng from a civil war it has now took the form
of a #proxy war involving world’s greatest powers such as @USA , @Russia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq.

3/20:Issues of hunger, unemployment, insecurity, forceful shiUing, denial of social recogniFon faced
by the minoriFes of Syria that lead to the people joining the terrorist associaFons such as ISIS which
now poses a serious threat to the security of every naFon.

4/20:Instances of Arab providing financial support to Syrian rebels , US providing military support
and training Kurds community for fighFng against the ISIS and the extreme regulatory measures of
Assad prove that only the voices of the powerful and wealthy states were heard.

5/20:Agencies of the state tested the limits of dictatorship by #open firing at the peaceful
Arab demonstrators in 2011, the release of Jihadist prisoners, to take part in civil
uprising by the Syrian dictator which made direct involvement of world powers difficult

6/20:Mass communication mediums - tv, radio, newspapers, movies, twitter,

facebook etc have shaped the perspective of people over the years.For instance,
media's speculation about the second chemical attacks on civilians that recently
resulted in US's direct attack on Syria.

7/20:The failed calls for the formaFon of the state #Kurdistan dates back to century ago when The victorious
Western allies made provisions for Kurdish state in the Treaty of Sevres 1920 but the Treaty of Lausanne 1923
that drew the map of Turkey leU the community hopeless.

8/20:Kurds have formed the backbone of the SDF (Syrian democraFc forces) and are responsible for sweeping
back ISIS out of the approximate quarter area of Syria. In 2017, they took over Raqqa (de facto ISIS capital). All
in the hope for the formaFon of Kurdistan.
9/20:The US who had once called for #mediaFon between Turkey and Kurds seems reluctant to stand with the
Kurds on field as the American miliFa bids adieu from the area and Trump was found saying

"If Turkey goes into Syria, that’s between Turkey and Syria” at the Oval office. -nyFmes

10/20:The #invasion Of Turkey in north-eastern Syria poses a threat to Kurds who have held mulFtudes of ISIS
Terrorists and their families in the US made detenFon camp. Not only the calls for autonomy are being crushed
but they are gefng ‘backstabbed’ by their ally cum foe!

11/20:Amidst this Civil War the calls for peace, the cries of the people ,the children who have had no links to
the war but became vicFms have been lost. In these Fmes when sustainability is prime, resources(oil etc.)have
to be ‘air-stricken’ to root out the terrorism funding!

12/20:Every coin has two sides- if on one hand we argue that Kurds are fighFng in hopes for autonomy we can
also ask as to what compels a full fledged state to cede away a part of their territory and take their long
suffering minority’s demands into consideraFon?

13/20:on one hand one can state plausible reasons on how US back #stabbed the Kurd community one can
also hold the opinion that leaders can have different opinions; why should Obama’s promise be an obligaFon
for Trump to follow? Or with reference to American soldiers on ground.

14/20:To oblige to the basic human rights,keep balance in society and maintain peace,which we as an evolved
generaFon have learned, one needs to consider both the sides of the coin and devise the best soluFon possible
rather than using power to crush the one on the weaker side.

15/20:The lack of proper #umbrella organisaFon to raise their issues and stand resolute with it plus dancing
on the will of the ‘promising’ world powers has leU them hapless. Moreover, the tensions of Turkey with the
autonomous-ideology-extremist PKK worsened the scenario.

16/20:The complex dynamics of the allegiance of superpowers has resulted in loss of chances to come to a
soluFon.Moreover, their plight would’ve been onto people’s minds if they didn’t lack technical superiority(Like
usage of bots on media )and thus masses exist ,unaware of them
17/20:The world powers need to come together compromising their differences and must quest for
#ceasefire. The Kurds must have organised dealings and must check PKK extremists infiltraFons within them .
Usage of tech. can help them anain public bias in their favour.

18/20:We have seen how major decisions change with the shiU of power(like Obama and Trump adm.)
depicFng that regulaFons can be moulded on the whims of a few (power holders are decision makers). Also we
learned how world-powers influence the world human rights regulator-@UNHRC

19/20:It also helped me understand the immense importance of the values and ethics for which the Kurd
community protested and is sFll #fighFng.

20/20:Discussions in class helped me understand how the #governance of Syria acted as major factor resulFng
in years of misery. And that governance is not always by making laws , it can also be done by indirect methods
such as the release of jihadist prisoners in this case.

References: We’d like to thank the following for their contribuFons to our knowledge





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