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1.) If the mean of population is 14 and the standard deviation is 2.

5, calculate z scores for the following


a.) 11.5

Z score =
11.5 - 14
= -1

b.) 18

Z score =
18 - 14
= 1.6

2.) Using the same population parameters as in Number 1, convert these z scores to raw scores.

a.) 2

Raw Score = μ+ Zσ

Raw Score = Mean + (Z score) (Standard Deviation)

Raw score = 14 + (2) (2.5)

= 14 + 5

= 19

b.) -1.4

Raw score = 14 + (-1.4) (2.5)

= 14 + -3.5

= 10.5

3. The Consideration of Future Consequences (CFC) scale is often used with students to determine how
future-oriented they are, particularly in terms of careers. Researchers believe that a high CFC score is a
positive indicator of a student’s potential. One study found a mean CFC score of 3.51, with a standard
deviation of 0.61, for the 664 students in the sample (Petrocelli, 2003).

a) If a student has a CFC score of 2.3, what is her z score? (3 pts) To what percentile does this z score
correspond? (2 pts)

z = (x – μ)

z= (2.3 – 3.51)


z= -1.21


z= 1.98




b) If a student has a CFC score of 4.7, what is his z score? (3 pts) To what percentile does this z score
correspond? (2 pts)

z = (x – μ)

z= (4.7-3.51)


z= 1.19


z= 1.95




4.) Samantha’s blood pressure is high but she exercises, her wellness score is 84 on a scale with a mean
of 93 and a standard deviation of 4.5 (high score= good health). Nicole is normal weight but high
cholesterol, wellness score of 332 on a scale with a mean of 312 and standard deviation of 20:

a.) What is the z score of Samantha and Nicole’s wellness score? (3pts each)

Z score =
Samantha and Nicole’s Wellness Score

Z score = 84-93 Z score = 332-312

4.5 20

Z score = -9__ Z score = 20

4.5 20

Z score = -2 Z score = 1

b.) Who has a better health? (1pt)

• Nicole is in better health because she is above her given mean. (without using formula)

• Sam’s z score = (84-93) / 4.5= -2.0

Nicole’s z score = (332-312) / 20= 1.0
Nicole is in better health being 1 standard deviation above the mean where Sam is 2 below the mean.
(With using formula)

c.) Convert Samantha and Nicole’s z score into percentile and find out what percentage of people are in
better health than them? (3 pts each).

Samantha’s Percentile Nicole’s Percentile

100×Pr(Z<−2) 100×Pr(Z<1)

=100×0.0228 =100×0.8413

=2.28% =84.13%

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