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WaterWomen professional speaker directory


Ana Di Pangracio
Julia Walschebauer
Maureen Walschot

Moa Cortobius

Mary Trudeau
Sarah Elizabeth Wolfe, PhD

Elisa Lähde

Omotomilola Ikotun

Almaz Ataklt Kidanemariam

Friederike Lauruschkus
Simone Klawitter

Schuhen, Katrin Jun.-Prof. Dr.

Savitri Jetoo
Prapti Verma
Shuchi Vora

Jaladhi Vavaliya

Samruddhi Milind Patwardhan

Farah Ahmed

Fiona Regan

Elizabeth Wambui Mwangi


Marisa Monteiro Borsboom

akanbi omolara

Asmara Rahat
Rasha Abu Dayyeh

Yolanda Benitez-Gomez

Safaa A. M. Idriss

Louise Croneborg-Jones
Alexandra Said

Elizabeth A Yaari

Marcelina Felix Mushi

Sara Ahrari

Katrina Charles

Esther Shaylor
Pippa Scott

Dr Sara Moslemi Zadeh

Elizabeth W. Boyer

MT Herzog, PE, PMP, PhD

Amber M Baylor

Shanai Matteson
Erika Weinthal

Oasis Malka Love

Annie Feighery

Alexandra Campbell-Ferrari
Sara Porterfield

Jessica Corman

Bonnie Keeler
Catherine Reidy Liermann

Jennifer Veilleux
nal speaker directory

Company City/Town Country

Fundación Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (FARN) Buenos Aires Argentina

Stantec (previously MWH global) Brussels Belgium
Université catholique de Louvain Louvain-la-Neuve Belgium

UNICEF La Paz Bolivia

Envirings Inc Ottawa Canada

University of Waterloo Waterloo Canada

WSP Finland Helsinki Finland


Trier Univertsity Trier Germany

civity Management Consultants GmbH & Co. KG Berlin Germany

Berlin Germany

University of Koblenz-Landau Landau Germany

Guyana Water Inc (former). Abo Akademi University Georgetown Guyana, Finland
New Delhi India
New Delhi India

Center for water and sanitation, CEPT University Ahmedabad India

MIT World Peace University, Pune , India Pune India

IWMI New Delhi India

DCU Water Institute Dublin Ireland


Women in Water and Sanitation Association Nairobi Kenya

Erdenet Mining Corporation Erdenet city Mongolia

Holland Marine Traine Center Delft Netherlands

ofaent africa ent ibadan nigeria

Water and Sanitation Services Peshawar Peshawar Pakistan

Pharmacare PLC Ramallah Palestine

WATERLINKS Marikina Philippines

Khartoum Sudan

Self-employed Stockholm Sweden

SIWI Stockholm Sweden

SIWI Stockholm Sweden

Institute of marine sciences Zanzibar Tanzania

Simavi Haarlem The Netherlands

University of Oxford Oxford UK

Ms Birmingham United Kingdom

i-san edinburgh United Kingdom

BuroHappold Engineering London United Kingdom

Penn State University University Park, PA United States

MT3P (for obvious reasons, see name) Denver, CO United States

South Orange County Wastewater Authority Dana Point United States

Water Bar & Public Studio Minneapolis United States

Duke University Durham United States

The 17th House Jamacia United States

mWater New York City USA

The Center for Water Security and Cooperation Washington DC USA

Boulder USA

University of Nebraska-Lincoln Lincoln USA

University of Minnesota Minneapolis USA

Seattle USA

Florida International University Miami, Florida USA

Email Address LinkedIn profile or personal website
Brief summary of professional background and experience

I am a young lawyer, specialized in Environmental Law. A passionate advocate for

nature protection, conservationist and birdwatcher. I have over a decade
experience working at the civil society sector, as an environmental consultant,
lecturer and editor. I have extensive experience in forests, wetlands and protected
areas, placing FARN as an organization of reference in such matters. I work closely
with indigenous peoples and local communities particularly on water matters,
particularly wetlands, promoting safe access to land, access to information, free,
prior and informed consent, public participation and access to justice; as well as
rights-based approach to conservation and environmental territorial planning. I
advocate for water cooperation in a federal country like Argentina and integral
approaches including ecosystem approach. I have successfully advocated for
biodiversity protection at the National Parliament and Executive Power, IUCN World
Conservation Congresses and Conference of the Parties of the Convention on
Biological Diversity and Ramsar Convention. I am a well-recognized coordinator of
civil society groups and alliances, being named a member of the board of the CBD
Alliance and IUCN Argentine and South American committees. Given spaces for civil
society participation are shrinking and environmental and territories defenders are
under menace, I have increased my attention and work on these issues in the last
years working closely with those demanding for full implementation of their civic
and human rights which include environmental rights. Finally, I am invited professor
at diverse universities to lecture on biodiversity law and international
environmental law and policy; and a long-time volunteer in diverse socio-
environmental causes.
I am a young professional working since more than two years in the field of water
and environmental management. Currently I am a junior manager at MWH, a global
water and natural resources firm providing consulting services to international
financial institutions. In this position, I am responsible for coordinating the bid for
tenders in the field of water and sanitation as well as renewable energies. I manage
a small project team of 3 persons and I am responsible for preparing tender
proposals of projects ranging from 500.000 to 6 mio. EUR. Next to this, I am also
working as project management assistant, providing policy analysis and
communication support to our ongoing projects. Projects I have worked on include
the “EU-central Asia enhanced regional cooperation on environment, climate
change and water”, as well as the “Global Climate Change Initiative”. Passionate
about the subject of water cooperation and governance, I participated in 2017 in
the Water Diplomacy Program at the Swedish Institute in Alexandria, Egypt. I was
selected from over 100 applicants to take preparatory courses and an on-site
training with high-level academics, trainers as well as civil society representatives on
the development of tools to improve water governance through third party
involvement. As a result of this training, I am currently writing a policy paper on
“the Water-Energy-Food nexus as a water diplomacy tool to solve conflicts and
prevent further escalation”. Prior to my current job, I had the opportunity to work
for a year for the public sector, namely the Danish Permanent Representation to the
EU and the European External Action Service. This provided me with a better
understanding of the institutional mechanisms and tool, and their impact on the
development sector. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Business and Finance from
Maastricht University as well as master’s degree in Political Economy from the
London School of Economics.
I am currently a research fellow undertaking a PhD in political sciences, with all of
my academic background and experiences based on water politics, diplomacy and
international relations. After my master degree, I worked for a year as an intern for
the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, focusing on natural ressources and energy
issues. During my time there, I developed a strong knowledge of the role diplomacy
can play in conflict resolution and prevention. I am now working in scientific
research to be able to get a stronger knowledge on hydro-politics and water
security in order to provide efficient analysis and have a greater impact. I have
taken part to several conferences, such as the AMMWAJ Forum in Amman last year
where we focused on creating a network of young professionals in the water sector
or the Euromed conference in Tel Aviv focusing on water desalination and
cooperation. My aim is to combine diplomacy and water management, especially
transboundary waters, in order to reach a sustainable and efficient management
and reduce or resolve conflicts in regions where water is a highly securitized issue. I
specialized in desalination and water securitization around the world, with a specific
focus on the MENA region. I analyse the impact of this new technology on inter-
state cooperation and the factors implying more or less cooperation. This un-
studied issue is important in regions where water scarcity will force more and more
countries to turn to new sources of water. With the prices and the knowledge of
desalination technologies becoming more and more affordable, my expertise on the
question alongside my experience in the field of politics and diplomacy is valuable. I
am also a militant feminist and co-founder of a feminist organisation in Brussels
which aim to promote feminine viability through events and the publication and
distribution of women's work. Therefore, initiatives such as #WaterWomen means a
lot to the promotion of women in the water sector.

I've worked 6 years with projects and research related to water governance, gender,
corruption and indigenous peoples primarily in Latin America and Caribbean. I’m
currently leading the climate change work for UNICEF Bolivia with a HRBA.

I am a professional engineer and I have worked in water related fields for 30 years,
including 15 years managing municipal water infrastructure (potable, storm, waste)
and 15 years as a consultant providing policy and program advice on water and
climate adaptation issues. I also hold a PhD (Geography) for which I researched
trends in hydrologic response in rivers with urbanization and associations with
declines in fish richness. For my Master of Science degree, I documented the results
of an environmental effects monitoring program I initiated while I was a manager of
a surface water quality program with a municipal government; that study assessed
the effects of two water purification plants on the receiving water environment.
I examine the social-psychological variables of water decisions and governance
within a context of climate change, flooding and drought. Water is essential to our
existence – ecological, biological and cultural – and our ability to ‘solve’ water
problems is a litmus test for our capacity to address other environmental
challenges. See also:

I'm a landscape architect working as a business unit manager of a brand new

Resilien Landscape unit in WSP Finland. In our work we concentrate on creating
added value through naturebased solutions. I'm also a doctoral candidate in Aalto
University, Finland, where my research concentrates on stormwater management
and how it is connected to provision of ecosystem services in urban context. I have
participated several research and urban design projects dealing with urban water
issues from stratetigal level to the realisations of concrete solutions. Most recently I
have been gathering together a toolbox for integrated stormwater management
( and currently as a
concultant I'm trying to develop business cases around the same approach that
would deliver large scale benefits for the whole society.

An accomplished Legal & Regulatory Specialist with broad, multi-sector

infrastructure experience and a proven track record of operating at a senior level to
provide strategic outcomes for Governmental departments and State Commissions.
Extensive Public Private Partnership expertise applied to develop legal guidelines
and frameworks for projects in the water, infrastructure and waste management
sectors. Highly driven, with strong ability to engage and influence stakeholders at all
levels. Specialties: Infrastructure Development • Regulatory & Reform Law •
Energy Law • Water Supply and Sanitation Law • Alternative Dispute Resolution •
Change Management • Competition Law • Risk Management • Stakeholder
Engagement Strategies • Strategic Reports & Advice • Project Management •
Contract Documents and Management • Legal Opinions • Advanced Arbitration

I have masters degree(MSc.)in water and wastewater Treatement form Addis Ababa
University , Ethiopia in 2014, and worked for 3 years as lecturer in Arba Minc
University_(2011-2016), resently I am studing my second Masters in Environmental
Science at Trier University, Germany.

Being founder and Managing Partner of civity, I am consulting in the water sector in
Germany for more than 15 years. We are working on efficient infrastructur,
financing structures, price comparison and tariff models, transparency for the
customer, strategy and change management. Lately we published a study modelling
the effects of demographic change on pharmaceuticals usage and strategies along
the usage cycle to avoid pharmaceuticals in ground and surface waters..
Simone Klawitter is an international expert in water supply and sanitation. She has
over 17 years of experience focusing primarily on humanitarian – development
nexus in both rural and urban sub-sector in areas including institutional reform and
sector policy development, decentralization of governance functions, service
delivery arrangements and sustainability of services including monitoring. As
dedicated human rights advocate her work is centered around social service
delivery to the most vulnerable embedded in a systems approach. She holds a PhD
from Technical University of Berlin.

Katrin Schuhen is a junior professor for Organic and Ecological Chemistry at the
University Koblenz-Landau. She studied Chemistry at University of Heidelberg and
finished her PhD in the working group of Prof. Dr. Markus Enders in 2007. She was
employed in industry for five years. Here, she worked as a product developer for the
use of biomaterials in medical technology and as a laboratory manager in the field
of polymerization catalysts. Since 2012, she moved to Green Chemistry and is
currently working with her team on the project Wasser 3.0 (
for new materials for waste water sanitation and drinking water treatment. In 2015,
she won one of the much sought GreenTec Awards in the category Water and
Sewage, and 2016 she was honoured with the Hans Raab Umweltpreis, which
identified the project Wasser 3.0 as one of the most innovative and future-oriented

Hi, currently I work at a university researching water governance. I have formerly

worked in the water sector in Guyana South America. I was lead in a team set up by
the government of Guyana to transition the local water utility from private
management by Severn Trent to local management. I have worked on the national
water strategy, in introducing household water treatment for remote indigenous
communities and worked with teams on introducing, implementing and optimizing
new water treatment plants.
I have been working since over 3 years on Urban issues in India, more specifically in
Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, Cleanliness, and Infrastructure in urban cities. I am an
Economics graduate (University of Delhi, India) & have completed my masters in
Water Science and Governance from TERI School of Advanced Studies, India. I have
experience in Policy Research, Data Analysis, Documentation, Monitoring and
Stakeholder Engagement in Water Resource Management, Wastewater, Sanitation,
& Climate Change. I am the supporting author for the report "State of Urban Water
and Sanitation in India, 2017", published by TERI School of Advanced Studies, with
funding from USAID & Coca-Cola. Previously, I worked with GE Water and Process
on Urban Municipal and Industrial Water and Wastewater management for
sustainable cities. Currently, I am working part-time as a Research Associate in a
consultancy where I worked with institutions such as Japan Embassy, India
Sanitation Coalition, USAID, & Norwegian Embassy. I have presented my research
on “Industrial and Urban Wastewater Recycling in India” at Water & Environment
Student Talks (WEST 2017), held in University of British Columbia, Canada. I have
participated in Water Innovation Lab 2017 (India), organized by “Waterlution”,
which involved experiencing water projects and challenges first hand in India. I have
participated and provided rapporteuring services at the “Regional Partners Forum
@Quito+1 Strategies and Priorities for the Implementation of the NUA in Asia and
the Pacific” 28-29 November 2017, Bangkok, Thailand, Hosted by UNESCAP and UN-
Habitat during 2017 SDG Week. I have volunteered at the Stockholm Water Week
2017. Finally, I am a member of youth-led organization, Water Youth Network, since
2017. And I now have the Leading role in representing WYN as the Global Focal
Point at United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth for SDG 6.
As an engineer, a social scientist and a conservationist, I am uniquely placed for
work on bridging the gaps between Science and Policy in ecosystem conservation,
distribution and treatment systems, and equitable access. I am currently pursuing
my MSc. in Water Science, Policy and Management at University of Oxford, after 6+
years of relevant work experience. Prior to Oxford, I was working with WWF-India
on design, planning and advocacy for implementing IUWM in the cities of Ganges
basin. Moradabad, a city in Uttar Pradesh with a population of almost 1 million, was
the pilot project, where I led the design and planning of IUWM as well as
stakeholder engagement for the same. This city is the first urban habitation on the
banks of the river Ramganga, a key tributary of the Ganges. It is dependent on fast
depleting groundwater resources; it releases all its sewage in the river and urban
lakes; and much of the freshwater ecosystem including floodplains and wetlands
has been built upon. Moradabad currently consumes around 120% of the annual
net groundwater available. Apart from this, I also led the initiation of basin level
multi-stakeholder groups for participatory river basin management. I facilitated
workshops of 50-100 people from various stakeholder groups, including farmers,
government officials, urban citizens, business people, etc. My experience with
people's connect with rivers has always been the most humbling one. Going
forward, I am now interested in building South-South linkages for drawing lessons
from rich experiences in each of these countries in conservation and water
resources management.

Ms. Jaladhi Vavaliya has more than eight years of action research experience in
performance assessment and monitoring of urban water and sanitation system. She
is an Environmental Engineer and Planner, currently working for the Center of water
and sanitation at CEPT University. She works on aspects of data management,
analysis and visualization through online performance assessment module. Her
major task seeks to mainstream the performance assessment approach and its
framework at the state level in India. She was involved in developing a new
framework for performance assessment of city-wide sanitation incorporating onsite
sanitation systems along with conventional sewerage systems. During this time, she
has conducted various capacity building trainings for service level benchmarking
(SLB) in India and was also involved in various technical studies on non-revenue
water, water and wastewater quality testing.

I am an Urban Planner with a masters in Geography and urban planning. For three
years I have worked with a national institute and then I started teaching Geography
and Planning to graduates and post graduate students. I have experience in water
supply strategies, 24 hour water supply, water management, water financeand
water governance esp with relation to developing countries. I have also been
teaching Sustainability in urban areas.
I have been working in the field of sustainable development on water, natural
resource management forests management with rural communities for the past 14
years in Asia. I am currently working with the ‘International Water Management
Institute (IWMI)’ now in Delhi , previously based in Sri Lanka since 2013 as
‘Coordinator for Research into Impacts- Asia’ where my role was primarily to
organise policy dialogues with government officials across the region and
strengthen capacities of researchers on policy debates around water management
and its efficiencies. I have previously worked with several NGOs, research
organisations and corporations in India and Nepal on conservation of natural
resource management, water harvesting structures and technology based water
management practices in MP, Maharashtra and Rajasthan. I have also done several
assignments across the globe in consulting and led Government advisory services on
water management, farm sector and environment projects. My experience has
been particularly on implementing rural livelihood projects in tribal belts specifically
to help communities manage their natural resources (land, water and energy) and
to enhance their productivity by optimizing resources. I have implemented water
harvesting structures in rural India where I have been involved in the construction
of small check dams hence I understand the challenges associated to it while
managing the requirements of the communities. I have conducted research on
various topics that impact developing countries. I am well-informed about the
global debates around water management policies, water conflicts around
Transboundary issues related to the Ganges and Indus Basin, agricultural; climate
change /disasters; water and sanitation; technology transfer and innovations in
science and more so on governance and transparency concerns with regard to
conservation of water.

Fiona Regan is Professor in Chemical Science at Dublin City University and Director
of the DCU Water Institute. Fiona studied Environmental Science and Technology
and later completed a PhD in analytical chemisty in 1994. Following postdoctoral
research in optical sensing in DCU, in 1996 she took up a lecturing position at
Limerick Institute of Technology. In 2002 Fiona joined the School of Chemical
Sciences as a lecturer in analytical chemistry, in 2008 she became senior lecturer
and in 2009 became the Beaufort Principal Investigator in Marine and
Environmental Sensing. Fiona’s research focuses on environmental monitoring and
she has special interest in priority and emerging contaminants as well as the
establishment of decision support tools for environmental monitoring using novel
technologies and data management tools. Her work includes the areas of
separations and sensors (including microfluidics), materials for sensing and
antifouling applications on aquatic deployed systems.
I am Brazilian and I moved to Europe to pursue my PhD in Environmental
Engineering, working on biological wastewater treatment for small mountain
communities. My entire career has been centred on water and environment related
issues, with the overarching goal of identifying tools and strategies that can
safeguard the environment while improving life conditions of human communities.
In my current capacity of Associate Project Officer at UNESCO World Water
Assessment Programme (WWAP) in Perugia (Italy), I am responsible for the
production of the Synthesis Report on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6. At
WWAP, I have also coordinated a Capacity Development Training on Water and
Sustainable Development for representatives of several African countries and I
systematically contribute to the research for and dissemination of the World Water
Development Report (WWDR). I would be keen to present about WWDR 2017 (on
Wastewater management), WWDR 2018 (on Nature based solutions), the 2030
agenda, in particular SDG6 targets and indicators and the interlinkages between
SDGs. I am confident that my professional experience and my background coupled
with my great interest in participating as a speaker in the SWWW are valuable asset
to the organizers and participants of the week.

I have worked in water and sanitation sector for 20 years in different organisations.
The first 7 years in the water department of Nairobi City Council, after water
reforms of 2002, I transfered to the Nairobi water company, the utility company in
charge of wager ad sewerage service. I also worked very closely with water services
provider association which is an organization that brings water services provider
together to creat a voice for efficient water services delivery through policy,
advocacy and knowledge sharing. I represented the company in many stakeholders
meetings and projects. It during the interactions and projects I noticed a serious
gap in involvement of women in water and sanitation despite the fact women are
most affected when the service delivery is poor. It also became apparent that even
adhering to laid down laws that ensure gender balance was skewed atvthe
disadvantage of women. In 2016, with a group of other women we launched an
organisation to reinforce the tole of women in water and sanitation. We recognized
that the role of women is critical in effecient management of water services and
resource management. As the Secretary general of the association and heas if
secretariate, i am in charge of association management and activities as defned by
the five key areas 1) Knowledge management. 2) Policy 3) Communication and
network 4) Organisation support and empowerment 5) Capacity building. I am
passionate in ensuring the women voices are well projecfe, they are heard and they
are considered for policy and implementation a d supply of services.
I'm executive manager of Research Center of Erdenet Mining Company since 2016. I
gained my Philosophic Doctors degree by theme: Civil and Environmental
Engineering (Thesis: Heavy metal contamination removal by natural zeolite (based
on the mining tailings of Erdenet Mining Company )). The purpose of this research
work were to (1) reduce the ground water pollution of Erdenet region, (2) heavy
metal contamination removal from filtration water Erdenet Mining company
(EMC)‘s mining tailings by natural Urgun zeolite deposit which is huge resource and
easy to explore, (3) improve a water treatment quality. I recieved UNINET on place
scholarship in 2008. LAso participated "Water future generation" Austria-China
conference 2008 and "Water management conference 2015 -WASET". I'm working
on Water balance of mining tailings and Improvement of water quality, Erdenet
Mining Company. Several times worked with American and Jordan's scientests
(example Doctor Scott Kenner, SDSMT etc.,)

Professional trainer in the maritime and water sector , responsible to development

new training programs regarding water, marine and legal in simbiotic approach .
Being in the Delft, follow UNESCO water center , had training there in dredging and
reclamation and I am part of CEDA and PIANC . Because I do not work exclusively
with the water sector I can see many other sectors developments and innovations
that could be of use for the water sector . Technology and water are my passion and
I hope I can contribute in some way to the challenges we face with climate change
and with a need of a social mental shift for a more sustainable water world .

am a female sturdied science laboratory technology a director and water

laboratory consultants
I am working as Sr. Manager Information systems with WSSP.I have worked with
multiple organisations to provide technological support for real time decision
making And brining the improvements through cost effective innovative ways.I am
PMP Certified and have a detail knowledge of emerging technology and how it can
affect positively the water sector.
I am a Palestinian water and environmental engineer, a passionate environmental
leader with over ten years of experience in the nonprofit and private sector. I hold a
bachelor’s degree from Birzeit University in Civil Engineering focusing on Water and
Environmental studies. Currently I am working on a startup that aims to educate
and help families change water use behavior that will, as a result preserve the
limited water resources in Palestine. The startup will also help families and students
build lifelong habits that facilitate saving the environment. Throughout my work in
UNRWA, I had a chance to help implement projects that aimed to improve life
conditions in refugee camps. In the private sector, I worked at a pharmaceutical
company where I developed a water treatment system and supervised it for almost
10 years. Experience in both the private sector and nonprofit world gave me a
balanced overview that helped me develop a lot of communication and managerial
skills. I am very passionate about my work and love new challenges and

I hold a bachelors degree in Forestry and a Masters degree in Forestry and GIS for
Rural Application. I have worked as an environment and natural resources planner
for the Department of Environment and Natural Resources for more than 15 years.
As such, my area of expertise is on : environment and natural resources policy and
program development, integrated water resources management with special
emphasis on watershed management including gender and development. After
public service, I have moved to work with an NGO ( Streams of Knowledge) for more
than five years on Water, sanitation and hygiene policy and program development;
project management and facilitation More recently I worked as consultant at the
Asian Development Bank (ADB) and WaterLinks and have been involved in the
implementation and facilitation of partnership programs among water utilities
across Asia and the Pacific with focus on NRW management, asset management,
energy efficiency and climate change adaptation and building resiliency through
improving overall operational efficiencies of water utilities.

I work for Federal ministry of water resources, Irrigation and Electricity in Sudan for
ten years as water resources engineer I have MSc in IRBM, l have been involving in
many Water event such as workshops, conferences, water weeks, projects, etc at
national and international as well

With steadfast optimism, I have worked on solving water problems in southern

Africa since 2009 (6 years with the World Bank). With 15 years in the development
sector, it is the innovators, counterparts in governments, and colleagues that inspire
me and encourage me to unleash my curiosity. I currently work as a consultant in
water and climate/hydromet services as I pursue an Executive MBA at the
Stockholm School of Economics (Scholar 2017 of Dagens Industri). This has allowed
me to delve deep into one of my main passions: unleashing cheap and simple
technologies to improve water data.
I'm a programme officer at SIWI’s Transboundary Water Management team. My
bachelors is in International Relations with a focus on Human Rights and my masters
is in Global Studies with a focus on Sustainable Development and Adaptation to
Climate Change. Some of my work has aimed to highlight the specific issues of
climate change on women and girls, but also on the importance of including women
in peace processes and having an intersectional research approach.

Elizabeth A. Yaari has over 10 years of experience managing regional informal and
formal environmental peacebuilding, water diplomacy, water governance, and
capacity building processes in conflict and post-conflict environments. Elizabeth has
extensive experience supporting engagement and leadership of a broad spectrum of
stakeholders including government representatives, diplomats, development
partners, local authorities, civil society, faith based communities and academia. In
her current position at the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), Elizabeth
serves as a Programme Manager in the Transboundary Water Management
Department managing transboundary activities in Central Asia, the Lower Jordan
basin, and select African basins. In addition, Elizabeth serves as SIWI’s Gender
Equality Focal Point.

I am a professional and highly motivated individual who is determined to make a

successful career in aquatic and environmental conservation. Currently, am doing
research on social values and traditional governance of mangrove resources by Moa
and Mahandakini communities of Tanga, Tanzania as a Masters student at the
Institute of Marine Science, Zanzibar. I also have significant temporary working
experience with Sea Sense in coastal conservation and protection of endangered
species. Additionally, I have developed skills in computer knowledge, GIS, Remote
Sensing as tools in conservation and management of natural resources. I have also
gained sophisticated interpersonal and leadership skills through which gives me
confidence to present and engage with others at a number of levels. I believe in the
importance of good time management and am constantly seeking to develop and
improve conservation, management and leadership skills.
I am a civil Engineer passionate to contribute to the betterment of the world in a
sustainable manner . Areas of expertise include “Capacity Building", “Leave No One
Behind”, "Social Accountability", "WASH” and “Sustainability of WASH Services”. - I
have been country lead of WASH Alliance International programme in Bangladesh
since 2011. This alliance has 9 Dutch partners and 6 to 14 local. I have established
effective coordination mechanism not only within partners but also with external
stakeholders such as relevant government officials and departments. I have
facilitated development of Theory of Change (ToC) for this programme, including
development of monitoring indicator and assumption. I organise annual joint review
of ToC, planning and review meetings with all the partners. - As the Project
Manager of Asian Disaster Preparedness Center, I manifested extensive facilitation
skills in capacity strengthening of Iranian Government Officials and UNDP personnel
on emergency preparedness and Disaster Risk Reduction. Bangladesh National
Earthquake Contingency Plan Guidelines for "Utility Organizations" and "First
Responder Organizations". - I have also developed two tools to assess Inclusion
for WASH programme and WASH organisations under this programme (please see in 2016. I also provide regular technical
advice on social inclusion and gender to different private partners. - In my functions
as UNOPS Construction Manager of school reconstruction project in Indonesia and
Lead Civil Engineer of large petrochemical projects, I have managed costs and
resources, followed procurement plans, processes and activities. - I have
presented regularly lessons learnt from the WASH programmes at different national
level and international level (i.e. Stockholm World Water Week and WEDC)
platforms. - I have worked as team leader in WASH emergency response with
UNICEF in Iran and with International Medical Corps in Pakistan.

Environmental engineering Bachelors and PhD from UNSW, Australia. Working in

water quality, climate resilient WASH, and urban WASH. Co-Director of REACH
programme on Improving water security for the poor in Bangladesh, Ethiopia and

A water and sanitation engineer and published researcher with a proven track
record of designing and implementing innovative solutions to WASH challenges in
resource poor environments. An extensive technical background combined with
systems thinking and strong interpersonal skills to deliver successful programmes
which encompass markets and livelihoods, and bridge the divide between
humanitarian response, emergency preparedness and development.
Dr. Pippa Scott is an urban sanitation specialist. The core aspects of her work as a
WASH consultant include technical advisory and research with a specific focus on
non-sewered urban sanitation in the Global South. She has 10 years of experience
working across the very many and diverse aspects of urban sanitation, including
faecal sludge management, sanitation businesses and waste to resource. Pippa has
extensive and first-hand experience working with many of the stakeholders across
the on-site sanitation and FSM chain and can speak to this at a granular level. Most
recently Pippa has spoken on the future of urban sanitation and how, ten years on
from the International Year of Sanitation, the sector has come a long way but now is
the time to embed this knowledge within wider urban development and integrated
service provision. Further Pippa is committed to learning in the sector and continues
to work with several organisations and programmes on improving knowledge
exchange and uptake. Pippa holds a PhD from WEDC, a Masters in Manufacturing
Engineering and a Masters in Environment and Development. She is an associate of
i-San working in recent years with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Water and
Sanitation for the Urban Poor; The World Bank; ONAS; UKAid Direct; and USAID she
has previously been employed by WEDC and WSSCC.

I have contributed to masterplanning projects at district and city levels as well as

concept designs for various sites in the UK and abroad. This has involved work on a
sustainable water demand management strategy, sustainable surface water
strategy, watershed analysis and flood risk assessment and flood mitigation
strategy. I have broad experience working on projects in various sectors including
residential, commercial, educational and leisure developments, for private and
public sector clients in the UK and overseas. My experience on project level is varies
from feasibility stage, through design to completion and handover; often delivering
to a tight project programme. On the project level, I have been involved with the
administration of projects with clients, architects and multidisciplinary team in
conjunction with local authorities and statutory bodies to achieve adoption
approvals. I also has a very strong academic background in water engineering and
sustainable urban water management with a PhD in “Improving the sustainability of
greywater recycling in urban mixed-use regeneration areas”.
I am an associate professor of Water Resources at Penn State University, and
Assistant Director of Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment. As a
hydrologist, my research explores how natural and anthropogenic factors affect
status and trends of water quality. Quantifying processes that affect water
resources remains a grand challenge; requiring representation of flow paths and
elemental cycles within diverse landscapes, and characterization of spatial &
temporal variability. I approach this from an interdisciplinary perspective, and have
worked with over 350 collaborators from around the world on my publications.
Students & staff in my research group conduct projects involving field observations,
laboratory studies, systems analysis, and/or numerical modeling. Such work
provides a scientific basis for policies and management programs to mitigate the
effects of pollution; and to protect, conserve, and restore surface waters. Toward
communicating scientific information, I participate in conferences and public events
and provide scientific perspectives. I am a member of several advisory committees
of the United States Environmental Protection Agency considering air pollution,
ecosystem health, and water resources. I lead one of the 54 centers comprising the
National Institutes for Water Resources (in the United States). I serve on the Board
of Directors of the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrological
Sciences. I serve on editorial boards of the international journals Hydrological
Processes and WIRES-Water. My key interests include hydrology, water quality,
forests, freshwater, coastal waters, and the food-energy-water nexus. Potential
topics for talks include: Advancing nutrient pollution solutions at the food-energy-
water nexus; status and trends of water quality in world rivers; and/or impacts of
atmospheric deposition on human health and ecosystems.

Dr. Herzog supports 567 Federally-Recognized Tribes nationwide (USA) to build

resilience to the disproportionate effects of climate change on native lands - a grave
threat to cultural continuity. See my support website at: I presented at #WWF6 #Tribes #TEK #ClimateChange
@water2share @mt3p

I am an environmental scientist with a specialty in water quality gained through

optimization of molecular communities in wastewater treatment. I currently work at
the executive level for a wastewater utility serving approximately 500,000 people.
Strategic policy analysis forms a large portion of what I do in order to best position
the financial needs of my agency. I am also involved in outreach through leveraging
STEAM education from an augmented reality sandbox we created. I have 12 years
of professional work experience.

I am an artist, writer, single mother, and founder of Water Bar & Public Studio, an
innovative artist-led public benefit organization that serves water to build
relationships across sector, with the goal of transforming the cultures of water work
and collaboration.
Dr. Erika Weinthal is the Lee Hill Snowdon Professor of Environmental Policy at the
Nicholas School of the Environment at Duke University. She has a secondary
appointment in the Sanford School of Public Policy, Duke University and in the
Environment Program at Duke Kunshan University, China. She specializes in global
environmental politics and environmental security with a particular emphasis on
water and energy. Current areas of research include (1) global environmental
politics and governance, (2) environmental conflict and peacebuilding, (3) the
political economy of the resource curse, and (4) climate change adaptation. Dr.
Weinthal’s research spans multiple geographic regions, including the Soviet
successor states, the Middle East, South Asia, East Africa, and North America. Dr.
Weinthal is author of State Making and Environmental Cooperation: Linking
Domestic Politics and International Politics in Central Asia (MIT Press 2002), which
received the 2003 Chadwick Alger Prize and the 2003 Lynton Keith Caldwell Prize.
She has co-authored, Oil is not a Curse: Ownership Structure and Institutions in
Soviet Successor States (Cambridge University Press 2010) and has co-edited, Water
and Post-conflict Peacebuilding: Shoring Up Peace (Routledge/Earthscan Press,
2014). She is a member of the UNEP Expert Group on Conflict and Peacebuilding.
Dr. Weinthal is also a Co-Editor at Global Environmental Politics. In 2017 she was a
recipient of the Women Peacebuilders for Water Award under the auspices of
“Fondazione Milano per Expo 2015”.

See attached biography

Annie Feighery is a behavioral health scientist with a doctorate from Columbia
University. She is an internationally recognized expert in social entrepreneurship,
technological innovation for health in aid, rapid assessment in emergencies, and
market-based approaches for sustainable development. She is the mother of the 3
and the CEO and co-founder of mWater, an NGO that provides software for
sustainably managing water systems. In only 5 years, Annie lead mWater in
exponential growth, serving more than 25,000 NGOs, governments, communities,
and researchers in 144 countries. By providing an operating system that puts local
governments in charge of their data and builds a safe exit strategy into the work of
NGOs, mWater has gained the buy in of the largest WASH NGOs on the planet and a
growing number of local and national governments. 4 national governments and
742 local/district governments use mWater for their WASH management system.
99% of the mWater user base interacts with this this platform completely for free.
The organization converts up to 1% into paid users through customization and
feature requests. mWater is an NGO, but operates as a tech startup and has been
entirely revenue-based to date. This business model is among the most innovative
aspects as it provides a path for the sector of using market-based approaches to
protect against the cycles of dependency otherwise caused by the
donor/NGO/recipient relationships dominant in the industry. mWater is able to
operate with a small staff under 10 through Lean and Agile management that scales
without the need for required layers of personnel. 

I am the Co-Founder and Executive Director of The Center for Water Security and
Cooperation, a 501(c)(3) based in Washington DC focused on advancing water
security and understanding, evaluating, and innovating in water law. Before co-
founding the CWSC, I was a Fulbright Scholar in Madrid, Spain, researching water
law and watershed management in Spain and the European Union. I currently also
teach "Water Law" at the University of Maryland School of Law and American
University College of Law, as well as legal research and writing at George
Washington Law School. Our projects at the CWSC including examining the impact
of law on the affordability of water and sewer services, the impact of law on
agricultural water use, creating the first pan-African water law platform to advance
water security and creating a framework that can support countries' efforts to
advance water security.
I am a historian of the American West’s Colorado River Basin, Western American
water use and development, and global water issues. I will be completing my PhD in
History at the University of Colorado Boulder in May of 2018. My research examines
the transnational connections between the Colorado River and rivers around the
world through policy, infrastructure, and recreation. I regularly give presentations
on my work to a wide range of audiences, including professional associations,
conservation organizations, members of the interested public, and students from
the elementary school level to those in higher education. I have worked as an
outdoor educator for the past fifteen years, primarily as a river guide for the
Colorado Outward Bound School on the rivers of the Colorado Basin, and through
that experience have developed engaging experiential and place-based methods of
teaching. My mission is to bring a historical perspective to contemporary water
issues by combining rigorous research, engaging storytelling, and outreach to
diverse audiences.

As an Assistant Professor of limnology in an agriculturally driven state, I teach

students to think critically about their water resources and research how aquatic
ecosystems function. I have worked across the world, from the mountain lakes in
Patagonia to the African Great Lakes to the north temperate lakes in the US to the
streams and springs of the Sonoran and Chihuahuan deserts. My research focuses
broadly on understanding what makes waters clear, green, or brown. I am
developing the theory to understand processes that couple elemental cycles in
aquatic ecosystems, how carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus interact. I also work
with communities that rely on the streams or lakes that I study for their drinking
water and integrate their perspectives into better water management.

Dr. Bonnie Keeler is program director and lead scientist for the Natural Capital
Project — a collaborative partnership between the University of Minnesota,
Stanford University, The Nature Conservancy and World Wildlife Fund. At the
Institute on the Environment, Keeler leads a team of experts in ecology, economics,
and software development seeking to better communicate and quantify the value
of nature. Keeler’s particular expertise is in better understanding the multiple and
diverse values of clean water. She also oversees projects on the ecosystem service
benefits of urban green infrastructure, the costs and benefits of conservation and
restoration, and the sustainable management of agricultural landscapes. Keeler will
be joining the faculty of the Humphrey School of Public Affairs at the University of
Minnesota in the fall of 2018 as an Assistant Professor in Science, Technology, and
Environmental Policy.
I am an ecohydrologist with 15+ years of experience researching human
dependencies and effects on freshwater ecosystems. Since 2010 I have worked with
University of Wisconsin to lead the global mapping and quantification of inland
fishing, asking questions related to riverine ecosystem sustainability and human
dependency. Our studies are meeting a need for data-driven prioritization of
freshwater conservation dollars by international NGOs and governments, with high
profile publications in journals, books and agency reports. We developed the only
globally consistent, high resolution spatial dataset on riverine fisheries, foundational
for several papers including in Nature and Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences. Prior to that, I co-led the development of the world’s leading spatial
dataset on dams and reservoirs (GRanD) and have coauthored several publications
using those data to map global patterns of flow alteration and channel
fragmentation. More recently I am an invited contributor to the WWF’s
international Free Flowing Rivers Project, which is mapping the world’s last
remaining free-flowing rivers for use in conservation and restoration planning, with
a publication in review at Science. Prior to my work with global inland fisheries, I led
the hydrogeomorphic classification of Washington State rivers as a post-doctoral
researcher at University of Washington. The classification underpins development
of flow-ecology response curves for use in prescribing environmentally sustainable
instream flows – a critically needed tool for water management across the western
US. Earlier still, I my PhD focused on spatially quantifying dam impacts at the global
scale under varying climate scenarios and relative to different taxa. This body of
work is considered seminal in our field – serving as the primary template for
subsequent dam impact analyses to date - and has received notable attention with
over 1600 citations of our 2005 Science publication.

I hold a PhD in Geography and have worked for 15 years on water security and
watershed management in transboundary basins. I am a scientist, artist, and activist
in this space. I focus on people and communities living on the margins and examine
the intersections of power, ecosystems, policy, indigenous traditions, gendered
roles, economics, security, sovereignty, geography, and sustainability. I actively
work on the ground in the Nile and Missouri River basins. I have worked in Europe
and Asia as well as remotely researched the world's major river systems.
Everywhere I go, water demands attention and I feel honored to contribute my
skillset to be a part of tireless commitment of water professionals.
Area of expertise #1 Area of expertise #2 Area of expertise #3

Ecosystems Urban Participation

Green Growth Finance Private Sector
Transboundary Conflict Resolution Water Supply

Governance Gender WASH

Governance Modelling Urban

Governance Efficiency Information and Communications

Climate Change Urban Sustainability

Africa Sustainability Governance

Water Supply Energy Sources Youth Empowerment

Sustainability Governance Modelling

WASH Sanitation Utilities

Water Quality Sustainability Innovation

Latin America and Caribbean Governance WASH

WASH Water Supply Asia
Ecosystems Governance IWRM

WASH Urban Efficiency

Urban Governance Sustainability

South Asia Policy Information and Communications

Water Quality Innovation Technology

Agenda 2030 Water Quality Latin America and Caribbean

WASH Agenda 2030 Gender

Agenda 2030 IWRM Green Growth

Innovation Conflict Resolution Human Rights

Water Quality Water Quality Water Quality

Information and Communications Efficiency Governance

Water Quality Water Supply Youth Empowerment

Utilities Policy Participation

Gender Governance IWRM

Efficiency Transboundary Africa

Climate Change Gender Human Rights

Governance Conflict Resolution Gender

Transboundary Governance Ecosystems

Gender Sustainability WASH

WASH Water Quality Urban

Sanitation Aid and Disaster Relief WASH

Sanitation Urban Toilets

Water Supply Urban Sustainability

Water Quality Water Supply Agriculture

Conflict Resolution Water Quality Agriculture

Science Policy Water Quality

Water Quality Ecosystems Climate Change

Governance MENA Aid and Disaster Relief

Human Rights Urban Food Security

Innovation Water Quality Agenda 2030

Water Supply Sanitation Governance

North America

Water Quality Science Africa

Water Quality Agriculture Science

Water Supply Ecosystems Food Security

Human Rights Transboundary Sustainability

Area of expertise #4 Area of expertise #5

Latin America and Caribbean Governance

Transboundary Policy

Climate Change Latin America and Caribbean

Water Quality North America

Participation Sustainability

Ecosystems Green Growth

Policy Private Sector

Water Supply Hygiene

Efficiency Water Quality

Climate Change Gender

Ecosystems Science

Utilities Transboundary
Sustainability Policy
South Asia South-South

Water Quality South Asia

Water Supply South Asia

Gender Poverty Reduction

Sustainability Stewardship
Sustainability Gender

Sanitation IWRM
Water Quality Transboundary

Climate Change Sustainability

Water Quality Water Supply

Innovation Private Sector

Poverty Reduction Private Sector

Governance Gender

Agenda 2030 Transboundary

Aid and Disaster Relief Innovation


Participation Transboundary

Science Sustainability
South Asia Participation

Private Sector Micro-finance

Climate Change IWRM

Green Growth Water Supply

Sanitation Governance

Information and Communications Innovation

Human Rights Transboundary

Conflict Resolution Poverty Reduction

Technology WASH

Human Rights Policy

North America Ecosystems

Policy Sustainability
Sustainability Modelling

Africa Conflict Resolution

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