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CASES/Dental Stories

Case #3 - Williams and Daily

Williams and Daily hand-picked The Diamond Group to guide their marketing
strategy and strategic planning. The result has been a radical uptick in website
visitors, patients, and revenue.

Williams and Daily Dentistry is a celebrated, award-winning dentist office in

Raleigh, North Carolina. While the dental practice was winning with patients, the
office looking to grow even bigger.The family and cosmetic dentists needed a
way to consolidate, organize, and streamline their marketing efforts. They also
needed help creating and executing an inbound marketing strategy that would
attract patients to the practice.

Keeping up with their patient’s dental health
was no problem. However, keeping up
with marketing the practice and continually
attracting new patients to meet the practice
growth goals was difficult to develop and
maintain. The dentists desired to work
with inbound marketing experts who could
create the marketing strategy and delivery
consistently more website visitors and patients.

Blogging became the key component of

their marketing strategy. Blogging widened
the dentists SEO footprint allowing them to
rank for more keywords across the web.
Sharing content on their blog also allowed the
dentists to execute on their core value of
helping others in need.
Winning the SEO Game
If you’ve been blogging for any length of time, you know that not all blogs are a
home run. In fact very few see success. Success in blogging comes from your
posts having all the correct keywords and backlinks. All those blog posts add up
incrementally one backlink at a time. These backlinks lead to more credibility,
and this increased credibility leads to more website traffic. It’s a circle that
continuously repeats.

What happens if you swallow mouthwash?

Our research team discovered that many people swallow mouthwash and are
concerned about the outcome. The answer to this question fit perfectly into the
dentists strategic marketing plan.

When you search for this phrase on Google today, the top organic results are:
1. Poison Control Center
2. Crest
3. Williams and Daily’s Blog
Interestingly, the blog wasn’t an overnight hit. Like most things Google, it took
time to build. Now, this single blog article generates 50 visits a day to the
dentists website. This year almost 20,000 people will learn what to do if you
swallow mouthwash because of this single blog article. And the best
part?20,000 more will learn about it next year, and the next year, and the next
year. This is the power of inbound marketing.
And another hit … then another
What are alternatives to flossing?

Ranked #1 in organic search and sends 14,000 visitors annually to the dentist

Early warning signs for oral cancer.

This blog ranks #9 in organic search and sends thousands more visitors to their
website each year.

The Results

460% Increase in Website Users in 9 Months!

With the implementation of an inbound marketing strategy and research driven
blogging, website visitors have increased by 460%. Unlike paid advertising, this
organic traffic will not vanish when the paid advertising stops.

Organic traffic now makes up 85% of the websites total traffic.

CASES/Dental Stories

Case #4 - Laster Orthodontics

Laster Orthodontics

Laster Orthodontics had an existing WordPress website that served the practice
well in its inception, but it had been awhile since a website redesign had
occurred. The extended time between updates was a dragging force on the
practice’s digital presence. One of the biggest complaints was that the existing
WordPress website was slow. Mobile usage was also a concern as the website
was not mobile-friendly. The website also wasn’t performing well in search

Laster Orthodontics wanted to see increased organic visitor traffic, on a website

that fully represented the brand, with a digital marketing strategy backbone they
could count on.

Discovery: Existing Website Challenges

During our discovery phase, a marketing and technical audit of the
orthodontist’s existing website was performed. From the audit, we were able to
confirm many of the issues the orthodontist was experiencing and identify many
of the root causes.
Here are some of the items we discovered:
• Unsupported WordPress Theme
• No SSL Certificate
• 29.6 Second Load Time (ouch)
• Not Mobile-Friendly
• Missing Personas
Overall the website received a performance score of 9 out of 30.

The Perfect Solution(s)

After our digital audit and website evaluation, we proposed a two phase growth-
driven design solution. We would solve the big problems (load speed, technical
errors) in phase one, and then work on the brand messaging and SEO in phase
Phase 1: Migrate the Website to HubSpot from WordPress
The website migration to HubSpot CMS not only improved website speed but
fixed a number of other issues:
Secured by an SSL certificate the website was no longer exposed to security
vulnerabilities The website was now mobile-friendly
It came packed with other HubSpot features like SEO, blogging, and pillar
content planning
The results of the migration alone were impressive and delivered some much
needed quick wins for the orthodontist. We were all celebrating our successes
and excited for Phase 2 of the project.

Phase 2: A Marvelous Custom Website Design

Website Design
We'd gone through the processes of persona development, brand audit, data-
gathering, research, brainstorming, sketching, creating wireframes, and content
writing. This is the part we've all been waiting for - the website design! It's
where a custom website really comes to life, and the client gets their first peek
at what the heck our agency has been up to.
We made sure that each web page had search engine optimized copy,
headings, and meta descriptions to keep Laster's SEO on the rise. We also
upped the orthodontists user experience by adding in important new web pages
that would help new and returning web visitors find the information they were
seeking about Laster Orthodontics.

Website Development and Launch

The client immediately fell in love with our "Marvelous" campaign design and we
quickly moved into website development and launch.

We were excited to move the orthodontist away from WordPress and into a
state of the art content management and website hosting platform. The
HubSpot CMS offers flexible staging, a seamless integration with HubSpot's
marketing, sales and service software, an intuitive user interface, and a secure
hosting environment. We strongly advocated for building the website on the
HubSpot CMS because it's the best long-term solution for the practice, and
delivers the best user experience for the orthodontist's personas.

Together, we create life changing smiles.

At Laster Orthodontics, we believe marvelous is an everyday thing. Dr. Laster

combines high-end technology with superior patient service to deliver life
changing smiles for children and adults. From braces to Laster Perfect Smile
clear aligner systems, Laster Orthodontics is committed to giving you a perfect
smile that we will help you maintain for a lifetime!

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