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 A strength is the ability to provide consistent, near-perfect

performance.  Your strengths are your abilities that you’ve

developed and can count on.  You can consistently demonstrate
peak performance.  Strengths are your dominant thinking, feeling,
and doing patterns that come naturally for you.  You grow stronger
when you spend time in your strengths.  A weakness drains you
and you no matter how much you work at it, you don’t really
improve.  It’s like going against the grain.  Another way to think of
this is, know what kind of bike you’ve got.  If you take your street-
bike off-road, you can make it work, but you’re not making the
most of it.  Keep in mind that one person’s strength is another’s
weakness.  For example, I know some people that can do, but can’t
teach, and others that can teach, but can’t do.

In a sense, the development and application of strengths generates a feeling

that you are fulfilling your personal destiny. Your strengths quest is a lifelong
adventure. Each of the three aspects — discovery, development, and
application — will continue throughout your life. This exciting and fulfilling
process should bring you a lifetime of great satisfaction and joy.

A talent (or gift, or aptitude) is the skill that someone has to do something

very well that people usually like and that is difficult. It is an ability that
someone is born with. People say they are "born with a talent". Someone
who has talent is called talented. Talented people may have more than one
talent. Skills people commonly value as talents are entertaining, beautiful,
or impressive for a different reason like Music, dancing, acting or sports.

A skill is the ability to carry out a task with determined results often within
a given amount of time, energy, or both. Skills can often be divided
into domain-general and domain-specific skills. For example, in the domain
of work, some general skills would include time management, teamwork
and leadership, self-motivation and others, whereas domain-specific skills
would be used only for a certain job. Skill usually requires certain
environmental stimuli and situations to assess the level of skill being shown
and used.

Knowledge is a familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or

something, such as facts, information, descriptions, or skills, which is
acquired through experience or education by perceiving, discovering,
or learning.

 A talent is a naturally recurring pattern of thought, feeling or

behavior.  It’s something you naturally do.  It’s the way that you
naturally think or naturally feel or naturally behave.  It’s your
defaults.   While you can train yourself to think, feel, or behave
another way, it can be like going against the grain and you’re no
longer leveraging your natural talent.
 A strength begins with a talent.  You discover, develop, and apply
your talents to build your strengths.   Your talents are a breeding
ground for your strengths.  By starting with talents, you can
accelerate your learning curve and get more return for the time and
energy you invest.  It’s making the most of the hand you’re dealt.

A strength begins with a talent … a naturally recurring pattern of thought,

feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied. A great number of
talents naturally exist within you, and each of them is very specific … Your
talents empower you. They make it possible for you to move to higher levels of
excellence and fulfill your potential. … A talent represents a capacity to do

 Strengths are the key to improving life. Focusing on strengths

improves engagement, job satisfaction, and quality of life. It’s how
you find your flow and get your groove on and unleash the best
version of yourself. It’s how you realize and put into practice your
authentic self. It’s ultimately about your core and most enduring
personality traits – your passions, interests, and talent.
 Talent is the multiplier. If you put the same time and energy in a
place where you have no talent, you’ll burn a lot of energy for less
return on investment. If you apply that same time and energy in a
place where you have natural talent, you’ll amplify your impact.
The Clifton StrengthsFinder assessment is a language of the 34 most
common talent themes, based on Gallup’s 40-year study of human

The basic philosophy behind StrengthsFinder is that everyone has natural

talents and that we’ll get the farthest in life if we focus on elevating our
personal strengths, rather than trying to balance out our
weaknesses. StrengthsFinder lists 34 potential strengths,  and after taking
the assessment, you’ll get to see and learn about your top five with in-depth
information and suggestions for using your strengths in your life and work.

Focusing on your strengths on a daily basis has been shown to have

profound positive effects on your personal and professional well-being, and
here are the “Top 5” reasons on how exactly those gains are achieved:

Emp Your objective is to be empathetic to others' emotions. No one can

step into the others' shoes better than you - it comes so naturally to you.
You might not agree with every perspective and emotion, but most
importantly you are able to understand what the person is going though. It
allows you to have personalized approach to everyone, to see their
differences and specialties, to include them and to treat fairly. Naturally, it
draws others to you, as you know exactly how they feel. In a team, such a
strength based on kindness can be essential for mitigating conflicts by
making sure all team members are aware of each other's emotions and

Self believer Your objective is to bring confidence. While you might not
know what the future is going to bring, it does not disturb you. Somewhere
deep in your mind and heart, you know - no matter what happens, you will
go through it. This inner confidence and self-motivation allows you to take
risks, able to meet new challenges, able to stake claims, and, most
important, able to deliver. Your confidence applies not only to abilities but
also to judgments. No matter what the situation, you seem to know what
the right decision is. In eyes of others, this creates a feeling of certainty,
which is crucial for driving decision making process in any team.

Your objective is to focus on the most important things. To keep the focus
you need something to focus on - therefore, weekly, monthly, annual goals
are your biggest friends. Goals also help you to filter out what is important
and what is not. You ask yourself every day if what you are doing brings you
closer to your destination and lack of such a destination can create real
confusion in your mind. As the result, the others see you as a very efficient
and self-regulated person. It also makes you a very valuable team member.
If anyone starts to wander around exploring side avenues, you quickly bring
them back to the main road and to the point.


Your objective is to analyze in order to find root causes. It's not that you
don't like ideas, theories, concepts, but you want to see them proven. And
what's a better way to prove something than with data? While unbearable
for some, large quantities of data make you feel like a fish in the water,
because you constantly look for patterns, connections and root causes
behind any result. You feel data helps you to be objective, unbiased and
dispassionate. As the result, others see you as logical and rigorous.
Surrounding people usually come to you to hear an unbiased perspective on
their idea. If your analysis is delivered in a kind manner, it would make you
into a great asset for any team that is full of daydreamers.

Your objective is to learn new things. Due to your love of learning people
tend to say you are a very curious person. You like to experiment with
different styles of learning as well - in the end, there is something to learn
from that as well, right? As it's the processes itself that excite you, you are
not necessarily interested in becoming a subject matter expert. Instead you
prefer learning something fast and then shift to a new thing to learn.
Thanks to this strength, you learn very fast and thrive in short projects and
dynamically changing environments. Needless to say, you will always be the
one to contribute with new knowledge to your team as well.

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