Yes, Because I

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Yes , because it helps the employees to be inspired to work efficient and effective ,it provides them the
feeling of being acknowledge by their contribution within the company and most importantly is that it
reduces prohibit cost emerging as a result of dissatisfied employees because of the feeling of
security.Positive working environments often include clear communication between various members of
an organization and this includes communication between employees and upper management, and
between coworkers themselves. When you have the opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback,
it can help you feel valued in the workplace. It also gives you an opportunity to grow by getting open,
constructive feedback.

2.Equal opportunity employment means not discriminating against employees or job applicants and that
the employers cannot use certain characteristics as reasons to hire or reject candidates or make other
employment decisions because of their age, race, gender, religion, nationality and similar protected
characteristics.Job discrimination is actually a form of discrimination based on race, gender, religion,
national origin, physical or mental disability, age, sexual orientation, and gender identity by employers
,but in today world this form of discrimination is being discard. For example, under several EEO laws,
you cannot reject a candidate simply because they’re Jewish or Christian, African or Caucasian, or
because they’re pregnant. Similarly, you cannot advertise jobs asking for candidates of a certain age,
and you cannot promote men over women – you can only base this decision on each person’s proven
capabilities, performance and other objective criteria, rather than biases against protected groups.The
affirmative action is a policy in which an individual's color, race, sex, religion or national origin are taken
into account to increase opportunities provided to an underrepresented part of society. The policy
focuses on demographics who have historically had low representation in positions of leadership,
professional roles, and academics. It is often considered a means of countering historical discrimination
against particular groups.Businesses and government entities implement affirmative action programs to
increase the number of people from certain groups within companies, institutions, and other areas of

3.For the individual to survive his daily lives,and to provide to his family and to contribute to his
society.To gather independece and maintain the productivity and development that result to the
progress of your life and sense of value as an individual.

4.It is of our basic right in our society to be practice, the idea that everyone should be treated fairly
when they’re considered for various employment decisions,is helps to make sure nobody will face
rejection or difficulties because they’re in a protected group.This means, for example, that anyone
competing for a position at a company should have the same chances of succeeding if they’re right for
the job.

5 importance of work Values

1.Values help organizations determine a range of acceptable behaviors, defining for leaders and
employees alike which actions are encouraged and which are unacceptable.

2.Values tell staff what is good for the organization and what is unhealthy. For example, in our own
organization we have defined “receptivity to feedback” as a value that is core to our identity.
3.Our collective clarity about this value allows us to more willingly cut ties with contractors or
employees who have been unreceptive to feedback even if there are other things we like about them.
As a result, we are surrounded by people who are not only easier to work with, but who are also
committed to improvement and personal growth.

4.When organizations explicitly define their true values, they provide immediate clarity for decision

5.They provide a reference point in the hiring processes, performance reviews, and any disciplinary
actions. An organization’s values create helpful boundaries that show staff and clients where the
organization will go and where it won’t go.

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