JOB - Production - Business

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Santiago Fuentes
Sibila Coronado
Andres Bradford
Manuela Corrales
➤ Is normally used for the production of a single and customized
product for a specific client. Each individual product has to be
completed before the next product is started and at one time there is
only one product being made.
➤ It is typically performed by skilled experts, and usually allows for
considerable flexibility and customization in the finished product.
➤ Job production creates specialized products that tends to be
motivating for workers because they produce the whole product and
take pride in it.
➤ This production method is often associated with the top-end of the
market, where it emphasizes on quality while the producer can share
premium charges.
➤ This type of products are usually decided by the client how they
wanted or how is going to be it emphasizes on their likes and
dislikes for example: dressmakers or architects which makes
personalized products. To do this
process require lots of planning which can lead to a longer
development phase.
➤ This kind of method requires separate jobs for production. The
machines used in many cases are adjusted in a way to suit a
particular job, where at the end are bringing together as parts and
components to assemble a single piece
➤ -
➤ The products are usually high quality (mark up is likely to be hight )
➤ Producer meets individual customer needs.
➤ Unique products are made.
➤ Greater job Satisfaction ( the production method is likely to motivate
skilled workers feeling pride to work on their own projects)
➤ flexible production methods
➤ A relationship can be develop with trend setters or role models
➤ Cost of producing is higher because of the skilled workforce and
specific materials
➤ It is very labour intensive
➤ Production can take a lot of time because of much consultation the
➤ possibly the product could fail because of lack of knowledge of the
client and can lead to bad image of the business
➤ requires alto of investment
➤ the economies of large scale production may not be obtained
because product is done in short runs
➤ the demand is irregular for some products.
IB Business and Management Operations Management Production Methods.
(2016). IB Business and Management. Retrieved 27 April 2016, from
Production and operations: job production | Business | tutor2u. (2016). Retrieved 27 April 2016, from
Types of Production: with it’s Characteristics and Limitations. (2014). The Next Generation Library. Retrieved 27 April 2016,
U.S. Department of Labor -- ODEP - Office of Disability Employment Policy -
Customized Employment. (2016). Retrieved 27 April 2016, from

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