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GE 206E (13020), Tue-Thu 3:30-5:30 pm, JES A217A

Instructor: Gouri Mohan (

Office hours: Jester TBA 8:30-10:30 Mon through Thu

Purpose: This course provides students an opportunity to enhance their problem-solving skills in the
concurrent course (CH 302) through collaborative learning techniques applied to additional problems in the
subject area. This course is NOT a homework review session. Students will be given in-class work differing
from the homework assigned by the concurrent instructor. No CH302 homework problems will be solved in
class, however assistance with HW will be provided during office hours.

Course Grade: The grade in this course is determined by class attendance and participation only. Participation
includes, but is not limited to, actively contributing to the group solution for the assigned problem or problems,
presentation of the group solution to the class, individually presenting self-generated problems to a group,
participating in Blackboard online groups, etc. Failure to participate may be penalized at the discretion of the

Attendance: The GE class is designed for collaborative group work; therefore attendance and on time arrival is
required. ATTENDANCE is MANDATORY. The chart below outlines the attendance based grading policy.
Use your absences wisely; no additional absences will be approved. (Note that participation issues may further
affect your grade). Physical and/or mental absences have the following bearing on the student’s course grade:

Grade Absences
A 0-3
B 4-6
C 7-9
D 10-12
F 13 or more

Tardiness Policy: Three tardy arrivals (1-10 minutes after class commencement) will count as an absence. An
arrival 10 minutes after class commencement also counts as an absence. Also, returning late from a break will
count as a tardy. Poor participation for the class period will count as a tardy. Poor participation includes, but is
not limited to, use of cell phone or laptop in class, excessive talking, not bringing required materials, not
contributing to your group, and not contributing to the class.

Homework & Examinations: There are no out-of-class assignments and exams.

Class Materials & Electronic Device Policy: You are expected to maintain a journal of all your class work.
This journal will be collected and reviewed at the instructor’s discretion. Use of Laptops/Cell-phones/PDAs/etc
is not permitted during class. Please switch off your cell-phones before coming in. You may NOT use cell
phones as a calculator during class.
Special Accommodation: The University of Texas at Austin provides, upon request, appropriate academic
adjustments for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Division of Diversity and
Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities at 471-6259 (Video Phone 866-329-3986;
TDD 471-4241).

Study Tables: TAs will be available for questions and free tutoring at the Jester Study Tables (Jester West 2 nd
Floor) Monday through Thursday 8:30-10:30pm. You are required to check in to the engineering study tables
before Feb 11th.

Office of Student Affairs Contact Information: Please contact Livy Knox, GE Course Coordinator, at with questions or concerns about the GE course or instructor.

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