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Submitted by:

Tesalonica Santiago

Submitted to:


Master of Arts in Education
II.Cover letter

This portfolio contain the lessons ,and summaries of what we tackle in Gender and society.Its show the
importance of having a knowledge and understanding about the oneself and how the society can make an
impact to ech of one of us.The table of contents have 4 listed lesson that we have discussed.The summary
contains the learning experiences and knowledge that was gained from the discussion.

III.Table of contents
Lesson 12:Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination
Lesson 13:LGBT psychology
Lesson 14:Men and Masculinity

 Lesson 12:Stereotype, Prejudice and Discrimination
 Summary
Stereotypes are simple generalizations about groups of people that can be based on race, ethnicity,
age, gender, sexual orientation and any other characteristic that an individual have and shared with
others. They may be positive but are often negative . In either case, the stereotype is a generalization
that doesn’t take individual differences into account.Prejudice refers to biased thinking, beliefs,
thoughts, feelings, and attitudes someone holds about a group. A prejudice is not based on
experience; instead, it is a prejudgment, originating outside actual experience.Discrimination consists
of actions against a group of people. Discrimination can be based on age, religion, health, and other
indicators; race-based laws against discrimination strive to address this set of social problems.
 Reflection
Understanding the difference and correlation of those three help us recognize what is the cause of
the problem in our society for us to be able to change and can benefit us to make a better way of
living in our society.Our difference by means of culture,gennder,races can make a ethical diversity
that can help us be more understanding and creative.

 Lesson 13:LGBT psychology

 Summary
It covers different aspects such as identity development including the 'coming out' process,
parenting and family practices and supports for LGBTQ individuals, as well as issues of prejudice and
discrimination involving the LGBTQ community .The overall goal of LGBTQ psychology is to raise
awareness of LGBTQ issues as a key issue in scholarly work and psychological research.
 Reflection
Respecting one's other sexuality and identity is a way to understanding and accept them.They only want to be
respected and voice out their ideas without hurting and be misunderstood by our society.It show that our
society can do more in developing the people by means of accepting and embracing each on of us.
 Lesson 14:Men and Masculinity
 Summary
Being a man in this society require masculinity to showcase the gender roles of a man.This
standard vary from different places but then it always have their relatedness and that is to show
the predominating male that they believe to possess and sometime leads to abuse their
 Reflection
Society made the inequality and the idea that men should show masculinity to show off the
dominant side of men that cause the stereotype between the two (men &women)and the
thought that they are above and more superior than the women and the other gender but then
sometimes this mindset leads them to their downfall as they walk at the wrong path.

 Summary

Any harmful act that is perpetrated against a persons’ will and that is based on socially-
ascribed (gender) differences between males and females. Gender-based violence have a
big impact with the health, dignity, security and autonomy of its victims, yet it remains
shrouded in a culture of silence. Victims of violence can suffer sexual and reproductive
health consequences, including forced and unwanted pregnancies, unsafe abortions,
traumatic fistula, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, and even death.

 Reflection
This lesson it an eye opener for me that there are doems of violence that is set aside by our society
because sometimes they are considered as a norms but the we should make a stand to make a
difference and chance how we view different gender because at the end of the they we are all the
same,we wish to be respected and accepted by our family and the society where we belong.

V.General Reflection
Those lesson that have been discussed show how we should view everyone,we should see the great things and
not only our differences with one another,we should learn to respect and accept no matter how they are high
and mighty or different from our culture but then we will never forget the right from wrong and the fact that
our every action have a corresponding consequences.

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