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November, 2020

“As a result, we are no longer to be children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every
wind of doctrine… we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ.” Ephesians

Dear Friends,

Ephesians chapter 4 says that we as Christians have all been given spiritual gifts to use in
service to Christ and His kingdom. Some have been given gifts to pastor, shepherd and teach young
men. Vadim Beleavschi has been truly gifted by God to serve the kingdom in this manner in the town
of Ungheni in Moldova. Vadim reports that this has been a trying year with many planned services and
events being closed due to the pandemic, but it has also opened new ways to meet with students and
families and has led people to stop and ask questions that they might not have asked before.

Vadim is very creative in how he reaches out to the community in Ungheni and develops
relationship with families and young people. This year he has continued to sponsor sporting activities,
guitar lessons and an award winning robotics program that helps give him contacts throughout the
entire city. From these activities he is able to coach and mentor kids, build relationships with their
families. Ultimately the goal is to share the gospel of Christ and invite the youth and their families into
a deeper relationship with Christ through Bible study and services at the local Church.

Floor ball team activity Robotics class

Many activities were closed this summer and Vadim had to be creative in how we met with
youth in smaller groups, on trips to the countryside and in open air activities. Since September they
have been able to re-launch many of their regular weekly activities while complying with regulations
on taking temperatures, wearing masks, and limiting the size of gatherings (very similar to the
restrictions in place in the US).
As I have shared in several other newsletters, there is a lot of suffering in Moldova as the result
of the pandemic which has caused a loss of jobs and a loss of social interaction. Seeing the needs of
the poor in their community Vadim has led the local church to increase its outreach and giving to those
in need. The local church which Vadim leads has started a grocery program to bring food to those with
the greatest needs. This is an important way for them to be a light and an agent of Christ in their
community. Vadim is an outstanding leader who has a heart for the people of his country and a desire
to share with them the love of Christ.

Vadim (far left) and members of the local church.

As we move to the Holiday season, I am reminded of the many things to be Thankful for this
year despite my personal inconveniences due to the pandemic. I like all of you was gifted with
teachers and mentors like Vadim who taught me right from wrong and helped me grow in my
knowledge of Christ. I am also thankful for my family’s health, the freedom we still have to live in a
great country, for the fact that God is in control despite the outcome of elections or pandemics, that I
get to participate with these amazing workers in the work they are doing half a world away in the
country of Moldova, and for you the supporters whose investment and prayers allow this work to

Thank you for your continued support.

Sincerely yours,

Mark Ganaway
Gospel of John Board Member

Phone 817-507-8339

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