Stringent: A Person On Whom Something Is Bestowed

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Stringent (adjective) Meaning: very strict or severe

Synonyms: strict, firm, rigorous

Antonyms: flexible, slack,lax
Our government has made stringent rules for the safety of women.

Conferred (verb) (trick-conference)

Meaning:1. to discuss something important in order to make a decision; exchange opinions. विचार-विमर्श करना
2. grant or bestow (a title, degree, benefit, or right).
Synonyms: accord, grant,vest
Antonyms: withhold, remove
 He had been talking with some of the other passengers and conferring with them as well.
 The jury conferred with each other to choose the winner.
 “We conferred about a plan of action”
 The ceremony in which SFU will confer the honorary degrees, will be held on the last day of the Dalai Lama's visit.
 Gandhi was conferred as the father of nation.

a person on whom something is bestowed; a person who receives something

“the conferees were who participated for india independence”

Cognitive (adjective) Meaning: the mental action of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought,
experience, and the senses अनुभूति
Synonyms: percipience, discernment, cognizance
Antonyms: heedlessness, ignorance

 A lot of cognitive ability is required to do any new work.

 A child's cognitive development is the growth in his or her ability to think and solve problems.

Note-: The word cognition is most often used in scholarly or formal writing about learning and thinking, though you can
also use it to describe what happens when you use your brain power to complete a crossword puzzle or remember math
equations for a test. Many English words that involve knowing and knowledge have cogn- in them such as cognizant
"aware of" and recognize "to know someone in the present because you knew them from the past."

Rhetoric (noun) Meaning: the act of speaking or writing formally and effectively especially as a way to persuade or
influence people

Synonyms: bombast, grandiloquence, verbiage

Antonyms: inarticulateness
The famous author hoped that his rhetoric writing would provoke people against reservation.
Sequestration (noun) सम्पत्ति की ज़ब्ती
Meaning: the action of taking legal possession of assets until a debt has been paid or other claims have been met.

 Penalties include an unlimited fine, sequestration of property and/or two years imprisonment.
 This is to prevent an insolvent from transferring assets to their spouses to avoid the consequences of
sequestration .

Synonyms: seclusion, segregation, solitude

Antonyms: togetherness
The sequestration of murderer prevented to meet his co-mates.

Influx (noun) तांता

Meaning: the arrival of large flow of people, things or emotions
Synonyms: affluence,inflow, inpouring
Antonyms: outflow, outpouring
 I felt influx happiness after I had qualified SBI PO examination .
 Neighbouring Iran said it was sealing its border with Afghanistan to prevent a possible influx of refugees.
 This melting of the ice caps causes an influx of fresh water into the salt water of the world's oceans.

Inscrutable (adjective) Meaning: impossible to understand or interpret.

Synonyms: enigmatic mysterious unexplainable incomprehensible impenetrable abstruse arcane obscure cryptic
Antonyms: obvious, unambiguous, accessible

 Many cases remain inscrutable in our country due to lack of evidences.

 There is something inscrutable about the dragon, something that cannot be understood.

Punitive (adjective) Meaning: intended to punish someone दं डात्मक

Synonyms: castigating, penal
Antonyms: nonpunitive

 The principal is taking punitive actions against the students who misbehaved with their teacher.
 Local demand could also suffer unless the government lifts punitive taxes on passenger cars.

Deter (verb)
Meaning: to prevent from happening प्रतिरोध करना
Synonyms: discourage, dissuade, inhibit
Antonyms: encourage, persuade
 Ram’s friend deter him from fighting which he would later regret.
 Share prices have dived by 40% this week amid warnings that fear of terrorism is deterring customers.
 strategists think not only about how to deter war, but about how war might occur.

Fervent (adjective)
Meaning: having or showing very strong feeling, displaying a passionate intensity उत्सकु
Synonyms: ardent, fervid, torrid
Antonyms: impassive, dispassionate
 Radha fervent attitude towards book makes everyone feels she will be a great writer.
 The previous government was one of the most fervent supporters of military action
Dissipated (verb)
Meaning: disperse or scatter.
Synonyms: dissolute, reprobate, degraded
Antonyms: pure, uncorrupt
The bond between me and my friend dissipated when I found her backbiting about me.

Subservient (adjective) अधीन, अनुसेवी (trick-subordinate)

Meaning: prepared to obey others unquestioningly.
Synonyms: submissive
Antonyms: independent
 She said: ‘We are determined to reach our goal - to empower women to live their own lives and not be subservient
to their husbands.
 It is, thus, wrong to compare a corporate board to the RBI’s and suggest that the Governor is subservient to it.

Articulated (verb)
Meaning: having or showing the ability to speak fluently
and coherently,
Synonyms: express
Antonyms: listen
Such a scenario would strengthen the case for a second
referendum, articulated most eloquently by former Prime
Minister John Major and echoed in a public demonstration in

Iterations (noun)
Meaning: the repetition of a process or utterance.
Synonyms: emphasis
Antonyms: oxymoron
The projected water demand of the energy sector makes it an
important point for the NITI Aayog to consider while
bringing out future iterations of the CWMI.

Ramifications (noun)
Meaning: a complex or unwelcome consequence of an action
or event
Synonyms: consequence result aftermath outcome effect upshot development implication
Antonyms: cause
 Her failure to win parliamentary backing for the exit deal would raise the risk of a no deal Brexit, with potentially chaotic

Concurrent (adjective) (trick- contemporary)

Meaning: existing, happening, or done at the same time.
Synonyms: simultaneous
Antonyms: asynchronous

Eminent past Governors have interpreted Section 7, the relevant one, to mean that the powers of the board and that of
the Governor are concurrent.

Meddling (verb)

Meaning interfere in something that is not one's concern.
Synonyms: intrude
Antonyms: leave
 You only have to read the memoirs of the former Governors, Y.V. Reddy and Duvvuri Subbarao, to understand the extent of
meddling by the Centre in the RBI’s affairs .
Annul (verb)
Meaning: declare invalid (an official agreement, decision, or result).
Synonyms: nullify
Antonyms: restore
Members have a period of 30 days within which they can
either suggest modifications to the regulations or annul

Caveat (noun) चेतावनी

Meaning: a warning of specific conditions, or limitations.
Synonyms: warning, alert, caveat, alarm, caution, admonition

Antonyms: carelessness

 He can exercise all powers and do all things that may be exercised and done by the RBI. This is subject to a caveat
 “a caveat against unfair practices”

Resilience (noun)
Meaning: the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties
Synonyms: flexible
Antonyms: rigidity
However, there is a lot to be done to upgrade infrastructure and
housing in coastal districts to meet higher standards of
resilience in an era of extreme weather events.

Remittance (noun) भेजी गई रक़म

Meaning: a sum of money sent, especially by mail, in payment for goods or services or as a gift.

Synonyms: payment, fee, remuneration

Antonyms: nonpayment
 Many people send remittances overseas to family and friends living in another country.
 The order will not be delivered until we receive your remittance.

Feud (noun)
Meaning: a prolonged and bitter quarrel or dispute

Synonyms: argue, bicker, quabble

Antonyms: concord, accord
This long running feud weakened the legitimacy of both parties, thus creating the space for extremism to grow.

Perennial (adjective)
Meaning: lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time
Synonyms: imperishable, abiding, perpetual
Antonyms: obsolete, outdated
It is a sign of how accustomed India has got to the perennial
Kashmir crisis that the municipal elections held in Jammu and
Kashmir recently, which saw near zero voter turnout in the Valley,
have generated such limited public discussion.

Catastrophic (adjective)
Meaning: involving or causing sudden great damage or
Synonyms: disastrous
Antonyms: beneficial
The National Cyclone Risk Mitigation Project started by the
Ministry of Home Affairs has been working to reduce the impact
of such catastrophic events on Andhra Pradesh, Odisha, West
Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Gujarat, classified as States with higher
vulnerability; most western coastal States are in the next

Conciliatory (verb)
Meaning: intended to placate or pacify; If you're in a fight with a friend and you want to end it, you should make a
conciliatory gesture, such as inviting her to a party you're having. Conciliatory describes things that make other people
less angry.

Synonyms: harmonize, reconcile, conform

Antonyms: disharmonize
 Aware of the fact, Mrs. Gandhi should have taken a conciliatory approach with Abdullah.

Benign (adjective)
Meaning: gentle or kind
Synonyms: innocuous, amiable, benevolent
Antonyms: adverse, baleful
 New Delhi is so powerful in Kashmir, it needs to appear more benign than usual.

Resurgent (adjective)
Meaning: increasing again or becoming popular again; Something resurgent comes back to life or is reinvigorated.

 An old song's popularity might be resurgent after it's featured on the soundtrack of a popular new movie.
Synonyms: renewal, resurrection
Antonyms: extinction

Incipient (adjective)
Meaning: beginning to come into existence

Synonyms: nascent, inchoate

Antonyms: mature, ripened
 Those who felt that the Abdullah Congress alliance had “robbed” the elections became the first recruits of the incipient

Disparity (adjective)
Meaning: different from each other

Synonyms: discrepancy, inconsistency

Antonyms: similarity, equality
 This power disparity not only increases the likelihood of its abuse but also generates suspicion of abuse in the minds of the
Kashmiri people.

Reckon (verb)1. expect, believe, or suppose

2. make a mathematical calculation or computation

Synonyms: compute, quantify

Antonyms: disregard, neglect
 It must reckon with the profound dissatisfaction that the Kashmiri people have expressed through this recent boycott.
 The size and rapid growth of the coronavirus outbreak was getting harder to reckon with the tepid response from
the sports world.
 I reckon that within an hour there must be photos all over the internet accepting this as art, even debating its
 This is the record of a more mature person, reckoning not with fantasies but the real difficult stuff of life.

Reckon means guess or think, as in "I reckon he's put his nose where it don't belong one too many times.” If reckon
sounds odd, that’s because it's mostly gone out of style. When used to talk about prediction, it's a little more common,
as in "Who do you reckon is going to win the Super Bowl?" Still, it sounds a little old-fashioned. Many people use the
word just for fun. Saying "I reckon" sounds more humorous than "Yes."

Hysteria (noun)
Meaning: exaggerated or uncontrollable emotion or excitement

Synonyms: frenzy, wildness

Antonyms: calmness

If folklore has a sense of joy, mass culture brings to its icons a sense of frenzy, hysteria, what one can call a
modern sense of idolatry.The narrative possesses an official character which creates a grid ofuniformity.

Iconography (noun)
Meaning: the visual images and symbols used in a work of art or the
study or interpretation of these.
Synonyms: emblem, folklore

Classical iconography was, in fact, the study of religious icons, an exploration of symbols and their meaning.
While iconography has a sense of tradition, modern society looks at its icons differently.

Mnemonic (noun,adjective)
Meaning: aiding or designed to aid the memory.
Synonyms: evocative, redolent
Antonyms: oblivious

Mystique (noun)
Meaning: a quality of mystery, glamour, or power associated with someone or something.
Synonyms: glamour, fascination
Antonyms: simplicity
Bose’s mystique derived from two sources: from the Azad Hind Fauj which was a counter to Gandhi’s
satyagraha imagination, and from the mystery of his disappearance. The fact that there is a mystery around his
death created a literal industry of inquiries by every opportunistic politician.

Perennial (adjective)
Meaning: lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time
Synonyms: eternal, abiding
Antonyms: antiquated
Hagiography (noun)
Meaning: biography that idealizes or idolizes the person (especially a person who is a saint)

Synonyms: slobbering
Antonyms: ingenuous
Accruing (verb)
Meaning: (of sums of money or benefits) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time.
Over time.
Synonyms: collect, gather
Antonyms: disperse, dissipate

Cornucopia (noun)
Meaning: A grocery store with a large selection of fruits and vegetables could be said to have a cornucopia of produce.
A cornucopia is a lot of good stuff.
Synonyms: abundance
Antonyms: deficiency
The verdict is a cornucopia of textual analysis, ancient and
modern history, India’s political history, philosophical reasoning, and
doctrinal application. It deserves a rich tribute for its transformative
Ostensibly (adverb) प्रत्यक्ष तौर पर
Meaning: as appears or is stated to be true, though not necessarily so
Synonyms: purportedly
Antonyms: obscurely
One day you go to an ice cream shop. Then the next day. And the next. You keep going, ostensibly to buy ice cream, but
there’s a deeper reason. The cute person who works there, perhaps? To ostensibly do something admits that the surface
reason might not be the only reason.

Frazzled (verb)
Meaning: completely exhausted
Synonyms: fatigue, enervation
Antonyms: rejuvenation

She was frazzled after the visit of her in-laws”

Poignant (adjective)
Meaning: evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret. Something that is poignant touches you deeply.

Synonyms: wretched, rending

Antonyms: cheerful, happy

Estranged (verb)
Meaning: (of a person) no longer close or affectionate to someone
Synonyms: alienate
Antonyms: agree, maintain
Whopping (adjective)
Meaning: very large
Synonyms: prodigious
Antonyms: little
Global retailer Walmart shelled out a
whopping $16 billion to acquire a
controlling stake in online e commerce
platform Flipkart, to take on rival
Retrospective (adjective)
Meaning: looking back on or dealing with past events or
Synonyms: retroactive
Antonyms: forward, prospective
The government has said it will review the angel tax, but it
said the same thing about the infamous retrospective
amendment in the Vodafone case. That amendment is still in
the statute books, as is Section 56(2).
Behemoth (noun)
Meaning: a huge or monstrous creature.
Synonyms: beast
Antonyms: tiny, small
The Jeff Bezos led
e tailing
behemoth, Amazon, has already
invested over $15 billion in its Indian venture and has signalled that
it will go toe totoe
with WalmartFlipkart
for as long as it takes.
Contemporaneous (adjective)
Meaning: existing at or occurring in the same period of time
Synonyms: concurrent
Antonyms: asynchronous
Former Chief Justice Misra and colleagues made numerous references
to contemporaneous decisions of constitutional courts in
considering the validity of homosexual offences in India. Their written
reasons contain important analyses describing the emerging
constitutional jurisprudence of the U.S., Canada, South Africa, the
U.K., and the European Court of Human Rights.
Oligarchy (noun)
Meaning: a small group of people having control
of a country or organization.
Synonyms: despotism
Antonyms: democracy
As we promised, nothing has damaged the social fabric of India
since 2014; you can debate demonetisation but you can’t debate the
triumph of GST; there is no corruption in high places, none, no
one is favouring the oligarchy, there’s nothing to see here, please
move on; the minorities are not cowering in their homes, no, what
you hear is exaggerated fake news, so what if it’s from all over the
country, and so what if farmers are marching, students are
Fungible (adjective)
Meaning: replaceable by another identical item; mutually
Synonyms: compatible
Antonyms: different
For businesses still coping with compliance niggles, more time has
been granted for filing this year’s annual returns; the promise of a
simpler return filing system has been dangled (by July next year); and
a single, fungible e-
cash ledger has been proposed to replace the
present system in which credits available under Central GST cannot
be set off against State GST dues
Egalitarian (adjective)
Meaning: believing in or based on the principle that all people are
equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.
Synonyms: democratic
Antonyms: snob, snoot
Its ruling party espouses a communist, egalitarian ideology while
presiding over the emergence of a hugely unequal, capitalismdriven
Tinkering (verb)
Meaning: attempt to repair or improve something in a casual or
desultory way
Synonyms: dabble
Antonyms: destroy
This approach was characterised by experimentation and local policy
tinkering, in order to establish what worked best in practice, before
adoption at the national level.
Upheavals (noun)
Meaning: a violent or sudden change or disruption to something
Synonyms: turbulence
Antonyms: blessing
Consequently, the CPC swapped the kind of abrupt, ideologically
based upheavals that characterised Mao Zedong’s mass movements
from the 1950s to the 1970s, for pragmatic solutions that worked.
Catapult (noun)
Meaning: a device that can throw objects at a high speed
Synonyms: hurtle
Antonyms: stationary
The December 1978 Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central
Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) might sound obscure,
but its global repercussions were of seismic proportions. Deng Xiaoping’s
series of economic policies, termed “reform and opening up”, went on to
catapult China from an agricultural backwater into a manufacturing
powerhouse that shapes the world’s economic architecture.
Ratification (noun)
Meaning: the action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty,
contract, or agreement, making it officially valid
Synonyms: approbate
Antonyms: disapprove
This is unlike a constitutional amendment under Article 368 that
would have required ratification by State legislatures. In other words,
if Parliament decides to go ahead with the creation of the AIJS, State
legislatures can do nothing to stop the process.
Grandeur (noun)
Meaning: splendour and impressiveness, especially of
appearance or style
Synonyms: magnificence
Antonyms: dullness
First, to be considered a sporting powerhouse, India must leave a mark at the 2020
Olympic Games to convince the world that it takes sports seriously. Second, India
has hosted only a handful of multisport events, with none really matching up to the
grandeur and scale of the Olympic Games. Hosting multisport events in the
coming years may prove to be key in cementing its prowess to pull off the mighty
Encroachment (noun)
Meaning: a gradual advance beyond usual or acceptable limits
Synonyms: intrude
Antonyms: ignore
This is also the right time: across the world, there is an increasingly
urgent debate about how to protect basic rights against encroachment
by an aggressive and intrusive state, which wields the rhetoric of national
security like a sword
Staunchest (adjective)
Meaning: very loyal and committed in attitude
Synonyms: stalwart
Antonyms: disloyal
The staunchest civil rights advocates will not deny that an individual
reasonably suspected of planning a terrorist attack should be placed
under surveillance. The debate, therefore, is not about ‘whether
surveillance at all’, but about ‘how, when, and what kind of
Impingement (verb)
Meaning: to make an impression; have an effect or impact
Synonyms: infringe
Antonyms: avoid
Any impingement upon the right to privacy must be proportionate. One of
the factors of the proportionality standard is that the government’s action must
be the least restrictive method by which a state goal is to be realised
Ineptly (adverb)
Meaning: without skill; lacking qualities (as knowledge, skill, or ability)
required to do a job
Synonyms: incompetent
Antonyms: trained, qualified
As for politicians going into the dustbin, the longer you live, the more clearly
you learn never, ever, to count on this: a politician isn’t in the trash can till he
has left us for the afterlife, and even then, the worst ones have a way of
developing this toxic, hovering half life,
like ineptly decommissioned
nuclear plants.
Albeit (conjunction)
Meaning: though
Synonyms: notwithstanding
Lies, especially political ones, also come in the shape of actions: you vote
for a programme of development and anticorruption,
but you may get a
chief minister for whom you did not vote, a man with the narrowly vicious
world view of a provincial bigot; you vote for a change from bigotry and
nepotism, but you may get a chief minister who people say they have seen
leading murderous mobs, albeit three decades ago.
Lopsided (adjective)
Meaning: with one side lower or smaller than the other.
Synonyms: asymmetrical
Antonyms: symmetrical, straight
But whatever one makes of the government’s defence, the MHA
notification lays bare the lopsided character of the surveillance
framework in India, and highlights an urgent need for comprehensive

Gamut (noun)
Meaning: a complete range or scope of something
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Synonyms: spectrum, sweep
Antonyms: limitation
Justice Amitava Roy, it is to look into the entire gamut of
reforms to the prison system.
Crux (noun)
Meaning: the decisive or most important point at issue
Synonyms: essence, gist
Antonyms: fringe
This is the crux of the debate: incarceration in any form
is uncivilised, especially when it is so long drawn
and when the objective of criminal punishment should be
one of reform rather than wreaking vengeance on a
perpetrator of crime.
Axiom (verb)
Meaning: a statement which is regarded as being
established or accepted
Synonyms: principle, aphorism
Antonyms: euphemism
In my view, any exercise to improve prison conditions
— though not directly related to a plea for mercy, such
as convicts in the Rajiv Gandhi case — must not ignore
this axiom.
Clemency (noun)
Meaning: forgiveness
Synonyms: mercy, kindness
Antonyms: cruelty
Significantly, those pleading for clemency in this
case are outnumbered, which is reflective of popular
sentiment that a gruesome crime needs to be dealt
with severely.
Rampant (adjective)
Meaning: flourishing or spreading
Synonyms: widespread, excessive
Antonyms: moderate, mild
Except in parts of Europe, where crime is still
low or at acceptable levels, overcrowding is
Strident (adjective)
Meaning: loud and harsh
Synonyms: rough, shrill
Antonyms: quiet, soft
In the U.S., for example, which has a humongous crime
problem, complicated by gun violence and a strident
racist overtone in combating crime, the prison system is
creaking under the stress of numbers.
Backlash (noun)
Meaning: a strong negative reaction by a large number of
Synonyms: adverse, resistance
Antonyms: cause
There is also an obvious fear of backlash against any
move to decriminalise what is now prohibited by statutes.
Slanderous (adjective)
Meaning: false and malicious statement
Synonyms: defamatory
Antonyms: complimentary
No legal system can allow false and
slanderous statements to be made publicly,
with impunity.
Connived (verb)
Meaning: secretly allow (something immoral, illegal, or
harmful) to occur.
Synonyms: overlook, condone
Antonyms: condemn, punish
Investigation into the 1984 riot cases has been severely
hampered by the fact that large sections of the police
connived with the rioters, who included Congress
functionaries and supporters.
Excruciating (adjective)
Meaning: intensely painful
Synonyms: agonizing, tormenting
Antonyms: slight, mild
The slow judicial process was made even more
excruciating by manipulated investigation and shoddy
prosecution. In this very case, a longtime
functionary, Jai Pal Singh, had been tried and acquitted by
a magistrate’s court as early as in 1986.
Apoplectic (adjective)
Meaning: furious
Synonyms: enraged, incandescent
Antonyms: amicable
Mr. Dorsey’s apoplectic critics wanted an immediate
apology. And they got it, too.
Gamut (noun)
Meaning: the complete range or scope of something
Synonyms: spectrum, catalogue
Antonyms: narrowness
The furious tweets spanned the whole gamut of indignation
from A to B. Mr. Dorsey was accused of being a “brahmin
racist bigot”.
Henchmen (noun)
Meaning: a faithful follower or political supporter,
especially one prepared to engage in crime or violence by
way of service.
Synonyms: adjutant
Antonyms: leader
Investigators and prosecutors seldom succeed in nailing
political leaders and their key henchmen.
Impunity (noun)
Meaning: exemption from punishment or freedom from the
injurious consequences of an action.
Synonyms: indemnity
Antonyms: liability
Impunity for participants in pogroms has been the norm, and
successful prosecution the rare exception. The last time a person
involved in the antiSikh
riots was sentenced to death was in
1996. But Kishori Lal, known as ‘the butcher of Trilokpuri’,
managed to get his death sentence commuted to life.
Resurrected (verb)
Meaning: revive or revitalize (something that is inactive,
disused, or forgotten).
Synonyms: reinvigorate
Antonyms: extinction
Of particular significance is that this case, relating to a mob
attack on shopkeepers
in Mahipalpur, was resurrected after
being closed as ‘untraced’ in 1994.
Cumbersome (adjective)
Meaning: large or heavy and therefore difficult to
carry or use
Synonyms: bulky, awkward
Antonyms: convenient, easy
Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has long been a
cumbersome and diffi cult procedure for most
collectors, with the state simply not equipped to
handle the needs of a growing populace of
Disincentive (noun)
Meaning: a factor that discourages a particular action; barrier
Synonyms: hindrance, hurdle
Antonyms: clearance, advantage
The laws that consequently govern the ownership of historical
objects, their purchase and sale have, with increasing frequency,
been a disincentive for the average collector.
Surreptitiously (adverb)
Meaning: secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing
Synonyms: covertly, secretly
Antonyms: publicly, openly
The prevalent assumption that is constantly alluded to is that
every object held by an institution or a collector must have
been surreptitiously removed from a shrine or a sacred
Infringement (noun)
Meaning: the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.;
Synonyms: transgression, contravention
Antonyms: preservation
These announcements constitute a significant departure from what has
appeared to be the position of the RBI thus far: policy decisions,
especially those relating to regulation, are the exclusive province of RBI
management. Any departure from this position amounts to an
infringement of the RBI’s autonomy.
Strident (adjective)
Meaning: presenting a point of view, especially a controversial
one, in an excessively forceful way.
Synonyms: raucous
Antonyms: dulcet
The strident demand to enhance flows to non banking
financial companies (NBFCs), which was heard ahead of the
meeting, finds no mention in the press note.
Guise (noun)
Meaning: an external appearance
Synonyms: aspect, likeness
Antonyms: reality
It is the shape and the form of defamation law
that often determines whether the balance has
been struck appropriately, or whether, in the
guise of protecting reputation, the freedom of
speech and expression has been effectively
Contingent (adjective)
Meaning: occurring or existing only if (certain
circumstances) are the case; dependent on
Synonyms: conditional
Antonyms: predictable
Contingent reserves are intended for risks related to the
RBI’s balance sheet.
Exodus (noun)
Meaning: a mass departure of people
Synonyms: departure, migration
Antonyms: influx, arrival
The exodus of migrant labour from
Gujarat highlights the indiff erence of
States to their well being and rights.
Veteran (noun)
Meaning: a person who has long experience in
particular field
Synonyms: experienced, skilled, trained
Antonyms: amateur, unskilled
A UMNO veteran,
was scripted by an unlikely
alliance between the nonagenarian Mr. Mohamad
and his former nemesis, Mr. Ibrahim.
Oblivious (adjective)
Meaning: not aware of what is happening around
Synonyms: impervious, ignorant
Antonyms: aware, conscious
The social media interrogation is oblivious to the
fact that the reporter confi rmed the information
multiple sources that included
the political leadership
and senior offi cials.
Ghastly (adjective)
Meaning: causing great horror or fear
Synonyms: terrible, horrible
Antonyms: delightful, pleasant
The ghastly Dasara disaster at Amritsar that
has left 59 people dead is a harsh reminder, if
any were needed, that government
departments,have not yet taken offi cial
protocols for safety at mass gatherings
Seamless (adjective)
Meaning: smooth or without seams
Synonyms: ordered, consistent
Antonyms: irregular, rough
A unified regulator can thus help in lowering the compliance
costs and enabling the seamless implementation of rules.
Foster (verb)
Meaning: encourage the development of something
Synonyms: promote, support
Antonyms: discourage, depress
An urgent
amendment to existing laws is a need of the
hour to save our material culture from being examined
purely from the prism of religious
sentiment and to foster
the creation of secular spaces where everyone can enjoy and
our past.
Pilfered (verb)
Meaning: steal (things of little value)
Synonyms: filch, snatch
Antonyms: give, offer
Why is there a blanket assumption that every public
holds treasures that were not pilfered or
acquired through the same channels that are available
private collectors?
Repatriate (verb)
Meaning: send (someone) back to their own country
Synonyms: renewal, renovation
Antonyms: neglect, abolition
Is the government of India ready to repatriate the several
idols in its various collections or give up the Aurel Stein
collection of Central Asian antiquities at the National
Museum, New Delhi, to the Buddhist communities of
Succour (noun)
Meaning: assistance and support in times of hardship and distress.
Synonyms: help, assistance
Antonyms: hindrance, obstruction
While the BJPled
governments at the Centre and in Assam have often given the
assurance that the extra burden of people is not solely the State’s, the Rajendra
Agrawal led
Joint Parliamentary Committee’s report is categorical: “The Assam
Government should help settle migrants especially in places which are not densely
populated, thus, causing lesser impact on the demographic changes and providing
succour to the indigenous Assamese people.”
Protracted (adjective)
Meaning: lasting for a long time or longer than expected or
Synonyms: prolonged, extended
Antonyms: short-lived
But as Asia’s strongest power and challenger to the U.S., China
will shed no tears if the U.S. reduces its military strength or calls
it a day after 18 years of a protracted and indecisive war in
Plunged (verb)
Meaning: the act or process of going to a lower level.
Synonyms: descent
Antonyms: ascent, upturn
Sensing the unrest in the State following the Supreme Court
judgment, the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Congress plunged
into the protests against the verdict, led by the Nair Service Society.
Tutelary (adjective)
Meaning: serving as a protector, guardian
Synonyms: advisory
Antonyms: unproductive
The Sabarimala temple had a humble beginning. Forest dwellers used to
flock to the spot where their tutelary deity, Ayyanar, resided. The
Malampantaram, Ullatar, Mannan and Narikkurava tribes in the forest
used to visit the shrine, nestled deep inside the forest, during Makara
Sankramana ( JanuaryFebruary).
Debilitating (verb)
Meaning: (of a disease or condition) making someone very weak and infirm.
Synonyms: enervating, enfeeble
Antonyms: strengthen
Smith advocated accessible education for the entire class of workers, which
constitutes the majority of the population. In fact, he advocated compulsory
education for them so that it offsets part of the debilitating effects from
the division of labour. Smith also believed that education would empower
the citizens to make wise decisions which contribute to the “safety of the
Heuristic (adjective)
Meaning: enabling a person to discover or learn
something for themselves
Synonyms: examining, searching
Antonyms: disinterested, incurious
With increasing specialisation, what one gets are experts who do not
understand the connections between knowledge systems and ways of knowing.
Instead of treating an approach to knowledge or a paradigm as simply a
heuristic or a framework, they begin to regard it as fixed, offering specific
solutions that cannot be argued against and carrying all truth.
Copious (adjective)
Meaning: abundant in supply or quantity
Synonyms: plentiful, profuse
Antonyms: lacking
The Yutu2,
the rover of the ongoing Change4
mission, is programmed to
explore the South PoleAitken
Basin. This vast impact region, 13 km deep
and 2,500 km wide, has copious reserves of ice. The promise of water has
persuaded international space scientists to peg the site as suitable for a
permanent lunar outpost, which is on China’s radar.
Trampled (verb)
Meaning: treat with contempt
Synonyms: encroach, infringe
Antonyms: cure, heal
It may be a consideration or basis along with and in addition to
social backwardness but it can never be the sole criterion.” He said
the Bill trampled upon the rights of people in Tamil Nadu, which
already had 69% reservation.
Misnomer (noun)
Meaning: a wrong or inaccurate name or designation.
Synonyms: misnaming, inapplicable title
Antonyms: accurate name
They gathered more than 2,000 assessments —and almost every
single measurement indicated that the Mona Lisa gaze is not straight on
but to the viewer’s right. “Thus, it is clear that the term “Mona Lisa
effect” is nothing but a misnomer.
Vantage (adjective)
Meaning: a place or position affording a good view of something.
Synonyms: standpoint, perspective
Antonyms: disapproval, disfavor
China’s leadership role of the SCO and contacts with all parties
(the U.S., the Taliban, the Afghan government, Pakistan, Russia and
the five Central Asian states) could give it a vantage in crafting a
regional solution on Afghanistan.
Impudence (noun)
Meaning: rude and not showing respect
Synonyms: impertinence, insolence
Antonyms: respect
Astonishingly, this change has been proposed despite the government’s
abject failure to enact comprehensive legislation protecting our data and
our privacy. Therefore, unless the Rajya Sabha places a constraint on the
government’s impudence, the consequences will prove devastating.
Subterfuge (noun)
Meaning: deceit used in order to achieve one's goal.
Synonyms: sophistry, trickery
Antonyms: honesty, openness
Yet, here, the Bill, which makes amendments not only to the
Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies,
Benefits and Services) Act, 2016, but also to the Indian Telegraph
Act, 1885, and the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002
(PMLA), was introduced without any prior consultation, leading to
a credible belief that the proposed changes are an act of
Pursuant (adjective)
Meaning: in accordance with (a law or a legal document or
Synonyms: agreeable, following
Antonyms: conflicting
Originally, Section 57 of the Aadhaar Act allowed both the state and
private entities to use the programme to establish an individual’s
identity pursuant to a law or a contract.
Aforesaid (adjective)
Meaning: denoting a thing or person previously mentioned
Synonyms: aforementioned
Antonyms: subsequent
Justice A.K. Sikri, in his judgment for the majority, wrote: “Even if we
presume that legislature did not intend so, the impact of the aforesaid
features would be to enable commercial exploitation of an individual
biometric and demographic information by the private entities.
Slapdash (adjective)
Meaning: done too hurriedly and carelessly
Synonyms: careless, disorganized
Antonyms: established, fixed
Allowing private corporations to access and commercially exploit the Aadhaar
architecture, as we have already seen, comes with disastrous consequences —
the evidence of reports of fraud emanating out of seeding Aadhaar with
different services is ever growing.
Hence, the amendments not only fly in the
face of the Supreme Court’s verdict but are also wholly remiss in attending to
the dangers both of slapdash data protection and of corruption and
Rattled (verb)
Meaning: make (someone) nervous, worried, or irritated
Synonyms: unnerve, perturb
Antonyms: quiet, silence
Rattled by the erosion in upper caste votes in the recent Assembly
elections in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, the BJP
government has attempted to recover this traditional vote base
through an unapologetic political manoeuvre.
Intriguing (adjective)
Meaning: holding the attention or provoking interest
Synonyms: absorbing, consuming
Antonyms: operose, tiresome
However, it is intriguing that the court passed a consequential
order to the selection committee to meet within a week and
consider Mr. Verma’s powers and authority. Until then, he has
been restrained from making any policy decisions.
Oblique (adjective)
Meaning: not expressed or done in a direct way
Synonyms: inexplicit
Antonyms: direct, explicit
The court has been mindful of the fact that an offi cer could be
stripped of his power without being formally transferred to another
position, thereby achieving the objective of interfering with the
agency’s functioning by oblique means.
Insatiable (adjective)
Meaning: impossible to satisfy
Synonyms: ravenous
Antonyms: pleased, fulfilled
India presents a classic case of proto-politics.
Nothing that is
institutional has an appeal and the insatiable clamour for
quick surprises is a constant. While on Sunday at a Bharatiya
Janata Party (BJP) event as part of its Dalit outreach, a world
record was attempted by cooking 5,000 kg of ‘khichdi’, on
Monday the Central government announced 10% reservation
for ‘economic backwards’ to reach out to upper castes.
Tantamount (adjective)
Meaning: equivalent in seriousness to
Synonyms: commensurate
Antonyms: different
At a time when a deep institutional response is warranted, going for
the easy and lazy measure of earmarking reservation amounts to
policy escapism. The trend of making public policies and institutional
response subservient to electoral exigencies as a norm is
tantamount to treating India as a proto-state.

Permeates (verb)
Meaning: spread throughout (something)
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Synonyms: impregnate
Antonyms: drain
It is this implicit faith that permeates the psyche of a
uniformed person based on the belief that his
commander is supreme and will always look after his
interests as well as those of his family.
Cobble (verb)
Meaning: roughly assemble or produce something from available
parts or elements.
Synonyms: scribble
Antonyms: destroy
Having given five months to the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to try
to cobble together a government, the surprise challenge by the
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), supported by the National
Conference (NC) and the Congress, forced him to reverse course,
and hastily dissolve an Assembly that he had kept in suspended
animation without once consulting the MLAs.
Disingenuous (adjective)
Meaning: not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one
knows less about something than one really does.
Synonyms: mendacious
Antonyms: ingenuous
The Governor’s reasons for dissolution are not only disingenuous,
they are downright dangerous.
Pretence (noun)
Meaning: an attempt to make something that is not the case
appear true.
Synonyms: dissimulation
Antonyms: honesty
Most Kashmiri commentators, in any case, argue that there has
never been more than a pretence of democracy on the part of
New Delhi when it comes to Kashmir.
Vindicates (verb)
Meaning: clear (someone) of blame or suspicion.
Synonyms: exonerate
Antonyms: incriminate
What happened last week vindicates their argument.
Sadly, it also represents a return to the dark days of
political meddling by the Centre in State politics, a
practice that had been gradually relinquished between
2002 and 2014, a period which saw three of the freest and
fairest elections in the State.
Thwarting (verb)
Meaning: oppose (a plan, attempt, or ambition) successfully.
Synonyms: forestall
Antonyms: facilitate
In this volatile situation, the impact of the events of the past six
months, from the BJP toppling its coalition government with the
PDP to the Governor thwarting the PDP-NC-
claim to forming a government, has been disastrous.
Simmer (verb)
Meaning: a state or temperature just below boiling
Synonyms: bubble
Antonyms: soothe
Though the issues were “resolved”, tensions have
continued to simmer.
Maxim (noun)
Meaning: a short statement expressing a general truth
Synonyms: aphorism
Antonyms: disbelief
In aviation, for example, there is a maxim, ‘a superior pilot
is one who uses his superior judgment to avoid situations
which require the use of his superior skills’.
Sacrosanct (adjective)
Meaning: (especially of a principle, place, or routine) regarded
as too important or valuable to be interfered with
Synonyms: inviolable
Antonyms: blasphemous
A commander’s order is sacrosanct and a soldier on the
front line follows it unflinchingly despite knowing that he
could lose his life the next moment.
Remuneration (noun)
Meaning: money paid for work or a service
Synonyms: remittance
Antonyms: nonpayment
The gender comparison is crucial too — at a time when
the women’s competition at diverse levels and different
sporting events is being sought to be placed on a par
with the men’s, in terms of infrastructural support and
remuneration, Mary Kom’s record will indeed give
heart to all women athletes.
Latched (verb)
Meaning: a device for keeping a door closed
Synonyms: sneck, clamp
Antonyms: key
The doors are latched, windows are curtained with
thick black fabric, and every nook and cranny closed.
Claustrophobic (adjective)
Meaning: fear of confined places
Synonyms: afraid
Antonyms: unafraid, fearlessness
The consequences of living in claustrophobic
spaces without men are tragic.
Grotesque (adjective)
Meaning: strange and unpleasant especially in a slightly
frightening way
Synonyms: absurd, ridiculous
Antonyms: standard, ordinary
The sisters repeatedly attack each other in grotesque
performances of frustrated desire.
Demonise (verb)
Meaning: portray as wicked and threatening
Synonyms: criticize
Antonyms: honour
Shortly after they came to power in 2014, leaders of
the Bharatiya Janata Party began to demonise one of
the finest centres of academic excellence and
enlightened debate, the Jawaharlal Nehru University (
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Clamour (noun)
Meaning: a loud or confused voice
Synonyms: ferment, outcry
Antonyms: calm, harmony
The clamour for compilation of the National
Register of Citizens (NRC) in Tripura reflects a real
problem but also exposes deep demographic fault lines
in the northeastern
State bordering Bangladesh.
Apprehensive (adjective)
Meaning: fearful that something bad or unpleasant will
Synonyms: anxious, afraid
Antonyms: confident
They were apprehensive that their identity, language,
culture and traditions were at stake.
Divesting (verb)
Meaning: deprive someone of (power, right or possession)
Synonyms: dismantle
Antonyms: give, offer
The court, while entertaining a writ petition from Mr.
Verma questioning the legality of the order divesting him
of his powers, has asked the CVC for a quick probe within
two weeks into allegations against him contained in a letter
sent by the Cabinet Secretary on August 24.
Surcharged (verb)
Meaning: a charge in addition to the usual amount paid for
Synonyms: surtax, gouge
Antonyms: under charge
Judicial intervention often serves to quieten the mood in a
surcharged atmosphere.
Adjudication (noun)
Meaning: to make a formal decision about something
Synonyms: arbitrate, determine
Antonyms: hesitate
Questions such as whether the CVC’s power of superintendence
extends to recommending stripping a Director of his powers and
functions and whether such a step requires the approval of the
committee that appoints the Director are still open for adjudication.
Protracted (adjective)
Meaning: lasting for long time or longer than expected
Synonyms: prolonged, continued
Antonyms: abbreviate, diminish
The deep demographic fault lines and the history of a
bitter insurgency ravaged
past should, however,
remind both New Delhi and Agartala that mishandling
of the citizenship issue may push Tripura into a
protracted conflict situation that will be difficult to
Reprisal (noun)
Meaning: an act of retaliation
Synonyms: vengeance
Antonyms: clemency
In 1993, over 250 people were killed in Mumbai in a
series of coordinated bomb explosions attributed to
Dawood Ibrahim, reportedly as reprisal for the
demolition of the Babri Masjid.
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Whim (noun)
Meaning: a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one
that is unusual or unexplained
Synonyms: megrim, vegary
Antonyms: certainty
It is difficult to recall any recorded instance in modern times
where a state and its various agencies were directly involved in
carrying out a terror attack of this nature. As is now known, the
Mumbai terror attack was not based on a sudden impulse or
Perpetrated (verb)
Meaning: carry out or commit (a harmful, illegal, or
immoral action)
Synonyms: inflict, wreak
Antonyms: skimp
Ten years ago on this day, Pakistan carried out one of the
most heinous of terror attacks perpetrated anywhere in
the world.
Reconnoitre (verb)
Meaning: make a military observation of (a region).
Synonyms: scrutinize
Antonyms: neglect
The targets were carefully chosen after having been
reconnoitred previously by Headley for maximum impact,
viz. the Taj and Oberoi Hotels, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj
Terminus, the Jewish centre at Nariman House, and the
Leopold Cafe, since these places were frequented by Europeans,
Indians and Jews.
Manifestation (noun)
Meaning: the action or fact of showing something.
Synonyms: exposition
Antonyms: ambiguous
The fluid, if not vague, nature of the BRI is nothing but a
manifestation of a pragmatism with Chinese characteristics
that has the capacity to constantly adjust to a fast changing
Transmute (verb)
Meaning: change in form, nature, or substance
Synonyms: metamorphose
Antonyms: stagnant
A failure to resolve the WTO Appellate Body crisis or any
consequent weakening of the multilateral dispute resolution
process could present an opportunity for purely nationalistic
initiatives to transmute and assume larger objectives.
Debilitating (adjective)
Meaning: (of a disease or condition) making someone very weak
and infirm.
Synonyms: enfeebling
Antonyms: strengthen, invigorate
Recent reports indicate that some patients in West Bengal became
resistant to the treatment protocol used for the falciparum
parasite, which causes debilitating cerebral malaria and leads to
a high number of deaths.
Foolhardy (adjective)
Meaning: recklessly bold or rash
Synonyms: impetuous
Antonyms: wise
John Chau’s killing was a tragedy but his attempt to make
contact with the Sentinelese, who he seemed to know
something about, was foolhardy and dangerous, not only to
himself but to them.
Unfettered (adjective)
Meaning: not confined or restricted
Synonyms: untrammelled
Antonyms: restricted
Handlers in Pakistan were given unfettered freedom to provide
instructions to the terrorists during the entire four day siege.

Amorphous (adjective)
Meaning: without a clearly defined shape or form
Synonyms: nebulous
Antonyms: definite
However, with the world trading system passing through a turmoil, the
possibility of regional trade agreements or amorphous legal devices
such as the BRI embracing greater trade liberalisation goals cannot be
entirely ruled out.

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