Philo 101 Ass. Diamos

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Name: Rika Mae Diamos Course/Year: BSN - 2B Date:11/17/20

Direction: Essay. Answer the questions briefly.

1. Explain freedom and impartiality as essential requisites for moral action.

Freedom and Impartiality is an essential requisite for moral action because it indicates that
your action is free from any bias and prejudice and you are not coerced or restrained from
doing something.

2. Why Kohlberg believes that only few people reach stage 6 in the stages of
moral development?
Kohlberg’s Stage 6 of moral development is hard to achieve and only a few people reach
this stage because at this stage you have your own set of moral principles and a conviction
to do what you think is morally right without any regard to consequences or how you can
gain something for this. As a human we like to be praised and to be thought of being good
and stage six does not hold any importance of others opinion only your own.

3. Explain why physical maturity doesn’t necessarily involve moral maturity.

Physical maturity is based solely on a person’s age or corresponds to an individual’s age
and what level of development they are, while moral maturity has to do with our moral
judgement and how we interpret moral issues and how we solve it, it is completely
independent from a person’s age.

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