Qde Midterm Exam

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I. Write your answer in a “word document” and answer concisely, legibly and

1. Distinguished “Document” from “Questioned Document”?

2. What did you know about Document?
3. What did you learn about Document?
4. What did you know about Questioned Document?
5. What did you learn about Questioned Document?
6. Choose one (1) of the classes of Questioned Document and explain?
7. What are the Methods of conducting examination and explain each of
8. Do we require tools and equipment in conducting examination? Yes or no ?
Explain your answer..
9. In your own opinion, what is the most ideal material to execute a document
10.Mr. X, a friend of Mr. Y, Mr. Y entrusted Mr. X a certain document to
request a money from the bank, allowing her Ill Brother Mr. Z, to withdraw.
While Mr. X was handed by Mr. Y, the certain document, Mr. X directly
proceed to the said bank. When Mr. X suddenly had been tempted by the
amount of money stated by the document, Mr. X abruptly edited and
printed his name in the document, instead Mr. Z who is the brother of Mr.
Y, as a beneficiary and receiver of the amount of money stated in the

a. Can you classify simulated document as a questioned document? If yes,

why ?
b. What class of questioned document can you classify the simulation made
by the conduct of Mr. X? Explain.

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