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1. A. Complete the composition with the correct words or phrases.

Panglima Awang (1) ______ (was/is) a commander in the kingdom of Melaca. He was a strong
and intelligent man. He carried out his duties for the Sultan of Melaka until a war (2) _____________
(break/broke) out between Melaka and the Portuguese. Melaka (3) ____________ (lost/lose) the war.

Panglima Awang was then taken as a slave by Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer. He
(4) ____________ (bringing/brought) Awang to sail around the world. Awang learned (5) ____________
(many/much) nautical skills and he also learned to speak Latin. Magellan then (6) _______________
(make/made) him his interpreter. He asked Awang to talk to the villagers from the Spice Island.

Towards the end of the expedition, the Portuguese explorers (7) ____________ (fight/fought) with
a tribe from the Philippines. Magellan was killed. Panglima Awang (8) _______________
(manages/managed) to escape. He was believed to have sailed back to his home in Melaka.

B. Copy the composition again.














1. A. Complete the composition with the correct words or phrases.
Jeremy and his sister Julie (1) _________ (is/are) visiting their grandparents next week. They
plan to take a bus. Their father buys the tickets online. He (2) _____________ (surfs/surf) the Internet
and visits a website.

On the website, there are lists of bus destinations and timetables. Firstly, (3)
_________________(they/their) father chooses the destination and the time of departure. Secondly, he
keys in the number of tickets. Thirdly, he pays for the tickets with his credit card. After that, he is given a
few (4) ________________ (page/pages) of information. He (5) _________________(save/saves) the
information in a file. Finally, he prints out the pages of information.

On the day of the departure, Jeremy and Julie’s father (6) __________(show/shows) the ticket
agent the printed information. The ticket agent (7) _______________ (check/checks) the information on
his computer and prints out the bus tickets. Then, Jeremy’s father (8) ___________(hand/hands) a ticket
each to Jeremy and Julie.

B. Copy the composition again.














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