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Illegal cheap labor of immigrants

For decades, illegal immigration has been a product of our insatiable

appetite for cheap, fearful labor. These workers harvest agricultural products, build
subdivisions, work in slaughterhouses and poultry operations, among other sectors.
Companies recruit workers who are in the country without permission.
Such workers also pay FICA taxes for Social Security they will never draw,
while also paying sales, federal income and other taxes. One complaint over the
population in the country illegally is whether they “pay their way.” The evidence is
mixed. A 2016 study by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and
Medicine found that first-generation immigrants cost government more than the
native-born, especially in education. But the next generation is “among the
strongest economic and fiscal contributors in the U.S. population.”
Economists cannot answer the question is whether immigrants here without
permission lower wages for native-born workers. Common sense would say the
least skilled and educated native workers would be affected — but few American
citizens want to, say, pick apples.
The main problem of immigration is not only incomplete payment of taxes,
but also the displacement of native US citizens.
It will take a lot of time and knowledge for the US government to fix the
problem with illegal labor. The main task is to legalize migrants for paying taxes
and for official employment.

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