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Alba Elvira Burgos 1º Bachillerato B

Dreams are stories and images that our minds create while we sleep. They can be entertaining, fun,
romantic, disturbing, frightening, and sometimes bizarre.

I’m going to tell you about a dream that drastically changed the way I thought about dreams. It was
going to be my First Communion in a month, and I was notably excited. Besides, my cousin was
pregnant and she was supposed to have the baby the same week.

So, one night I dreamt that we were at my First Communion, and everything had to be stopped
because my cousin was going to give birth. I didn’t know what to do, but my father and my uncle
took my cousin to the nearest hospital, and I went with them. The journey until the hospital was
significantly stressful.

Once we were at the hospital, my cousin gave birth. Afterwards all my family was at the hospital to
see my cousin’s daughter. When my cousin was discharged, we went back to the celebration and I
couldn’t have imagined a better gift for that day.

This dream was accurate about what happened in real life. I celebrated my Communion on May
17th and my cousin didn’t come to the Communion because she was in an advanced stage of the
pregnancy. And my cousin was born one day later. That’s why this dream changed my mind about
the meaning these have.

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