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Each character in this tale is Dans ce conte musical, chaque Cada una de las personas esta represented by a different musical _personnage est caractérisé par representada por un theme and, in performances with un motive et instrument instrumento distinto en la orchestra, by a different different: oiseau - fidte,la cane -—-_orquesta: el pdjaro por la flauta, instrument:the bird by the flute, hautbois, le chat - clarinette,le _el pato por el oboe, el gato por ‘the duck by the oboe, the cat by _grand-pére - basson, le loup ~ el clarinete, el abuelito por el the clarinet, the grandfather by trois cors, Petit-Pierre - quatuor _fagote, el lobo por las tres the bassoon, the wolf by three & cordes,fusils & balles - timbales _trompas, Pedro por el cuarteto horns, Peter by the string quartet, _ et grosse caisse. de cuerda, los tiros de los the rifle shots by the kettle drum cazadores por los timbales y el and the big drum. bombo. Allegro The bird Loiseau El pajaro The duck La cane El pato ay ar. ae > The cat - Le chat Peon clogansa El gato (Clarinet - Clarinette - Clarinets) Andante Grandfather Grand-pére El abuelito nf" etante aed {Bassoon - Basson -Fagote) Andante molto > The wolf Le loup @ El lobo ™P (3 Horns - 3 Cors - 3 Trompas) y (MPORTANT NOTICE The wrautored copying otha whol or any pat of is pubiesion egal] Peter and the Wolf Pedro y el Lobo - Pierre et le Loup Serge Prokofieff, op. 67 Early one morning Pater opened the gate and went out into the big green meadow. Gee ee Un beau matin Pierre ovr a arrive et sor dan la grande pale vert, fone toed “empranco por laraiana Pedro abri la puerta y sla vasto 7 verde prado, Andantino (= 82) s © Copyright 1942 by Hawkes and Son (London) Led. On the branch of a big eree sata litle Sur une des branches d'un grand arbre En la rama de un grande arbol estaba, bird, Peter’ friend."All is quiot.” ‘était assis un peti oiseau, ami de antado un pajarita,amigo de Pedro. chirped the bird gall. Plerre. Le peti olseau pépia galment: “Todo quieto” iba piando alegremente, “Tout est tranquil. Rien & signaler” & ee [@ Andantino, come prima Soon a duck came waddling around. ‘Ace moment précis, un canard arriva, Luego salié el pato. Qué suerte que She was glad that Peter had not closed le nez au vent. II état fort heureux que ‘Pedro hubiera dejado abierta la puerta, the gate,and decided to take a nice Pierre n’ait pas fermé la barridre, et pens6; y decidié darse una zambullida swim in the deep pond in the meadow, décida de s'offrir un dalicieux bain dans en la balsa del prado. la mare de la prairie. 6] Listesso tempo (: J) 2 a Seaing the duck the lle bir few ‘Apercevant le canard pete seas [Aver el pao, psarito de un velo down upon the gat setlednexe tool verse guzn,se pos pris de a ‘ino aposarse junto a en I lrba, har and shrugged his shoulder. ‘mare et haus fénéquement les ncongiéndose da hombros pauls = 2 $3 = "What kind of bird ae youslFyou cant” "Quel drBle dots es-tu, tof aul ne "Que case de plo crs, ue no fy sld he To the the duc replied, sais pas vole, deiLA guollecanard__sabes vol pregunta. Repl ol "Wat kd fir are you you cant répondic"Quel dre sea extol pata" Qué case de pro ers, que no sin" and dvd ule sls pas nager™ et plongea Sabes mada ei Inco the pond dana, yzambulse “They argued and argued he duck simsning Inthe pondthe lise bird hopping slong the shore. Es deaterene et dscuttrene 3 Tn le eanaréplongeant dane mare ee pe oleau sella le ang du bord ‘Ai ban escatendoyel pate naan na bales y el pjriza steno por los bores, 1] Pit: mosso . A : Pasta Susceny something caught Peters attention: Tout coup qusgue chose aia Fatanion de re: De pronto lame a atc a Pedr: He noted seat craig rough he rast : Ces cha romp ese erbes da pré taba veo un gto arasotnose por ent erba [fH] Moderato s00 2 AA ‘oon eleganea ‘The a choughe"The ir sy arguing a, Le chat pene“ un oe en ccna en fatraper” eel rel prt ot rio SceviontoA wr eco Seay he rp tomar on a te pv Ertrehmnane eg vere ea sh pts de bur (2) YicieSerb hurts co nin pce Look out” shouted Petr and the bird immediately ~Accanon!” ria cr, et irmélacamene tens "Cuidado! ics Pedro el palarito U5] autegro, ma non troppo d= 12-160 few up nc the eee. envola dns Faroe se volo al bol ened, $4 333 oe esas EY ae i i Tes gad gabe con eat po Cpe ce ett fe pe i te Yel eo ego ra ona gus ele cro eat “The ea erale around the [4] Moderato Le chat tourmse en rond autour ‘Arrasrdndoseen torn al sree and though,“ fe worth climbing up £0 high! By the cme | get tare dhe bird wl have own away {de Fare ot paneie “Con vue apie de grimpar as hau! La temps dy arrver et cet ouead {bol posite at:"Valdr pena de trpar fan a0! A sempo que yo lagu el pjero a abr old Grandfather cme out He was angry ele grandpre rina est fiché Sao abueln Estab enoado porqu ‘enue Pater a gone tothe Ge ce que Pare sol alé una pra Pedro babi aldo al prac." gar smeadovle 3 dangerous pace. 2 "Ces un endo dargareue Sun loge plgroso Sil labo sal el boeque, ‘wo shuld come out ofthe forest sorta e fort ue fora” ‘gut ba a carol chic” ‘hen what would you do?” 15] Povo pitt andante a Peter paid no atention to hit Prerre accords aucine aenson ane Pedro no le hizo case lave grandaehers words Boys such a8 he ross de son granépire Des arcane CChices como él no le wenen Bre not aad of wove fel quell ne erignne pas es loupe miedo al abo. f YY gia a Andantiny, vome pris ‘But graniather took Peter by the hand, Mais grand:pre prt Pere par main, le Pedro el bua cogs d, mano y 58 Icdiimtene ndieded te oe." Condlstamacn er casjore: hrs aan cen hp 18) Andante tete, ao beat 2 [No sooner had Peer gone,thana big A pene Pierre dtl par qn Apes se tabla marchado Pedro cue rey wol came ou ofthe forest. forme loup gre soruedele ford. un enorme obo grit sal del bosque 16 Andante moito (4: 0) ——— Ina owing the et climbed up [nun clin Cele chat rimpa dine arbre. Al momento ato se encaramé al the wee srt [20] Nervoso Jo Ks “The duck qutcked and in her “out cancannanet dans ne fol excation, El patograanabay de pro azarado scerene jumped out of tbe pond. __le canard un bod, sors de a are ses de tak ‘ut no tee how hard asl, paure canard Por mas que procurats the dack rad to run she couldn expe the walt ia bea courr ‘corrr ol pobre patosno podiaexcapt al lobo (22 He was getting nearer Ine pow éhapper ‘Weasile ba a aleana soup 5 Va caching up with her ILappeochal. até. abt att ¢ ra and then he gothetand with one gulp e¢toutrond d'une goude al slo tone ado de un solo bocado svalowed her to engl, 23] Meno mosso Andante: 10) Bp doloroso 20 ‘And now.this shaw things stood: the Mrintanant, voi! a atone chat Y asl eraban scons entonces ‘ab was ting one branch (aia sur une branche sto senade en una ara. Allegretto d= ne & se bied on anther oiea sur une ute cl paprto en oe not to close to the at pas trop pres du chat Peet el pe a and the wo walked round ad se loup tornait en rond autour de 1 lobo pascindose on deredor y ound de wee looking them with Tarbre,jetant sur eux des yeuxabominables, _anzindlesvoraces mia. weedy oes 27] Moderato : 100 nf In the manos Peter withour he Pendant ce temps, Perens le moindre Mienoas tanto Pedra, sn2somo de lige fear stood behind the closed Sxour se teal dere la baciare mledo, esa davis doa val atoto _Bte watching all that was ging on ferme suivane les évdnement, ‘cnc ba sucedendo, = tee WEN 28] Andantino, come prima 2 P fea “TET Tt 2 2 He ran home, tok strong rope and cmbed up the high stone wal. One ofthe branches ofthe tee, IN eourut a maison en rein avec une forte corde e sss sur le haut mur depres. Une des branches de farbre Ent coriendo en cas, eomé ura sole cuera y suis encima dela murala de plera. Ura de la ars deli Eplegato mp ospres ee oF 7 sdf vl ang ocd ov TOUSTRIEAS SDSS vee ean Sap pifeat sempre; “Grabhing hold ofthe branch ‘Actrapane fs branes 29) ‘Agarindose 2 ar 1 P > of, —_—— = w = Petey nbed over on othe we Pere mpd Frbre Petros encrams con ™ Meno mosso Pete ell er Poter sid to the birdy down and Ex Plere dc Fosea:*Pque,tournique, Pedro lef alpjarito:"Ba y veto ‘ire around the Wolfs Read ony tke vole en rond autour de atte loupe revoloteando en torn i bers dal fare Unt he doesn teh you" Prend garde cependant qui ne ¥atape” lobe per ten eléndo que no pile” [BO] Vivo id = sen 3 gs = 2 | feivcas0 econ brio “The bird aknost touched the wolf head with Fs Wings, while he Wo sapped angry at hin from ei sd and ae. a a Loan on ri png &soucher par ca wba a aber del desea wrice oop capendat—_leborcon ur as ents un Abele loup hppa nese Se ron ba pond Svea ar Seeduoe vonibopadtarean [Bi] Andante motto «= +, _—mareatssime sf te 2B 4 B2lVivods12 5... = : | Figiacos © con dri How the bird id worry se wolf How CombienFoteau carabus fe loupl Et Co le fstab ef parla! Cudneo hevanted to cach him! Buc the bed” combiene loup surat youl sense! Ie ublee gustado ataparol Por a was cleyerer. and the wo snply Mas ssau Gn pls mal ce paleo era ms eto 0 lobo no ona could do amhing about it pourat rian y fare. mis remo que sires. [33] Andante = _ 2 Newe Prades hso and, Fenda ca amps ere ma fit un lars tao Pdr prepara a Carly eng Sow nccprodmertiic ion asendre, confer bfindwconcaao, [34] attogrocd. 0 ag b a The Th ‘ugh the wolby the all and pulled _—_atrapa le oup parle queue era de lr pasar por cla dl obo y emp ‘th al is mee ‘ounes ss Fores stra hia © con toc frm. %6 Foaling Nirsofcaugethe wef began Se sentant pila loup se mit sizer Al rene pago al obo emperor ‘jump wily. yng co go ove, suvagement pod so dépiger esesperadarence par vrs se das. Moderato (meno mosso) ‘disperaio pire * sae Rear tied the other end ofthe rope the tree, es Mas Pierre sie nous Tarbre autre exit dea corde, [BG] Per Pedro ats ro cabo den cuerdn ene rb, and the wolf's jumping ony made the rope rund hia igen. ‘esses du loup ne sant que rererrerlenoaud qi hi prenit queue, Yreuano rs sataba el lobo ms le apretaba la cerda en cl, ese hen the huneer came out ofthe woods Cesealors sue les chasers sortrene du ols Csimen tos earaoce sland borque [38] Allegro moderato id : 110) a a be +e folowing the wols rlland shooting a they went suivant les trace lou, et trae fore coup de feu en marchane. Sigendo as huss dl lobo y dzparando de er en cnn, eee i oy cay trate = fs: P z ry ba = us Psa ot Ws Rares deferral cis Paro Fero arama os! Den hat rds hows "Netinepa ecu tclo ghtr No tena apoyo ceatdeyel Noviapweis he memapeelelipAderret sutra, orapranoyra ba ahr heen T'Zumperer ts brn sodepe” punning org" 5] T Andantod-w gf 30 a3] St Moderatows-100 tas ‘And there Eemaineran. Y entonees. sragine the trimphant procession: imagine a procession tromphale: fgorene el corte ean a ben ritmato Pr a * peter atthe head, Pere ont Pedroamaben, | [a] |Banargen bn nate te him the hunters lading the wo As ule les chasers po deere de los cazadoretevando Ly 3 [47] Poco piis mosso (Allegro moderato) = 10) gen brio ' ‘And winding up the procession came _—Efermantlecorige,grand-pre tle YY carando el corso abuso y srandithor andthe cat Grancacior chat Grand-are dadelnale ace sans gato. El abuelRo iba meneando Ia toned his herd dacontrtadhe"Weli” arrée"Blenbien mals Pere ave eabera sin cas diendo"Bueno, he i"and Peer had eaughe the ps pri le lou, qo trae arrive” peri Pedro no lograenrampar a wo what thn” lobo, qu sce” a-——- ft [4B] Sostenutod:100 ata 4 lV oF Sh eau = sf = ‘Above hem flew Birdie chirping merry: Audessus deux lo pati oseau olit en Por encima de ellos iba revoloeande el “Mywhat fie ones we are,Petar and péplane plein de jic:"Seigneur! quel types pajario,piando slegremente"Lo Look whac we have caught!” ‘courageux nous sommes, Pierre et mi valent que somos Pedro y ya.Ved lo \Voyez done quel gbler nous avons pris!” que hemos cxzado!” BI] Poco pit mossoid . un = 1 eae BM pe ft tg # Fe ‘And Tone would sen carfulhzone Ets quelgu'uhécoute de routes sos relles, si uno escuchaba muy atercamente ‘ould hea the dik qiacleng inthe i pourrsentandrelecarardeancannant pod orl patogrmrando en panza ‘woe bel; becaure the won hier du loupe le lou. da sa. 4a lobo puds co as pris Se lo habia hurry swallowed her ive précipraton.avacarlle canard wane eragndo vr. a 35 EB) Andante cd: PP doloroso 5a) Tree >? paceclerando. Allegro d:126 j Reproduced and eno bay gy) Halstan& CL Aram, Boks, Rogan

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