Denoy - BSSW AS 3-1

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TF 7:30 – 9:00 AM

Lesson 2: Activity 1
ADOLESCENT (10 – 19 ADULT (20 – 59 YRS.
YRS. Old) OLD)
1. Rafhaella Mae B. Vero 1. Silver Eimme 1. Rosendo Nellas
(16) Comaling (27) (70)
Hearing the word Gender is your The words that
gender immediately preference. It is your came to my mind
makes me think of expression of your are male and
feminine, masculine own sexuality or female.
and LGBTQ. identity. It might 2. Flordelina
2. Chrysanthemum differ with your Decio (67)
Otero (19) biological sex. In gender, you
Nowadays, gender and 2. Angelo can be classified
sexuality are commonly Pahamutang (20) as boy or girl
used in social and Respect. and these are
cultural aspects, rather 3. Xyrus Brix Altar the only
than the biological (20) accepted
aspect of a person. Gender is the genders in the
Gender is an definition of whether society.
individual's perception a person is a male or 3. Ismael Pernito
of himself. He may female where social (63)
classify himself as a and cultural This refers to
male or female, and that differences is male, female,
depends on his feelings, considered, gays, and
thoughts, and how he example is it could lesbians who are
sees himself. Sexuality, be gay or a lesbian. now welcomed
on the other hand, is While sexuality is in the society.
someone's thoughts how a person
and feelings. But mostly express themselves
to whom he or she is sexually.
attracted to, that is how 4. Reginaldo Capilos
he will classify himself. Jr. (20)
He could be bisexual, Gender is how you
act, think and
pan-sexual, gender- approach a certain
fluid, or queer. person with a certain
3. Queennie Abadiano mannerism, habit
Capuno (19) and behavior. It is
As I first read the also related to the
question, the first thing I level and degree of
think is about gender attraction a person
equality and with holds towards
sexuality is the sexual another person.
appearance of a With this said,
person. sexuality is purely
4. John Reshaan Baccay related to gender
(17) identities which
What comes to mind is corresponds to
the people who choose attraction. These are
to change their physical what come to mind
appearance to meet when i hear the two
their preferred gender. words.
5. Thirdy Denoy (12) 5. Mary Judith
I think of the Borden (20)
discriminated and When we say
bullied people because gender it is based on
of their preference. the feelings and
perceptions on how
you see yourself as
human such as
being a gay, lesbian
and etc. while
sexuality is an
inborn type of
human sex its either
a man or a women.
1. Rafhaella Mae B. Vero 1. Silver Eimme Comaling 1. Rosendo Nellas
(16) (27) (70)
It is my experience working Based on what I
I think its because of the
with the different sector in hear on radio
discussion we had in one of our society and one of it is
our Per. Dev. Subject that it the community of LGBTQ. and see in
was clarified to us by our 2. Angelo Pahamutang television.
(20) 2. Flordelina
instructor that Gender does The timely challenge to the Decio (67)
not include feminine and members of the LGBTQ+ Based on what I
masculine alone as Community. Respect read on social
should be given not only to media.
options. It includes the
those who belong to the 3. Ismael Pernito
LGBTQ as well. community but to all person (63)
2. Chrysanthemum Otero who is worthy to be given Based on the
for. Having a different movies I watched
gender from your sexuality showing that
Seeing how everyone should be accepted and be gender does not
labels and to classify valued because they have only refers to
themselves in terms of this rights to decide and to be male or female, it
responsible for their actions include gays and
matter nowadays is what and decisions in life. All we lesbians, too,
made me have these have to do is to support who can wear
thoughts. This generation them and respect because whatever they
we are living in the same like.
has been very open-
platform where we should
minded on particular topics help each other to the
like this. I should say this betterment of our society.
3. Xyrus Brix Altar (20)
generation raised their
Movies especially the ones
flags, people are becoming portraying other gender
vocal and claiming their roles influenced me to have
such thoughts making my
right as an individual. They
own conclusion of what is
are trying to make society gender and sexuality.
accept that they have their Another is the rampant
own individual identity and display of this in the society
and to not judge rather to
we should respect it, for
understand them better.
that is who they are. 4. Reginaldo Capilos Jr.
3. Queennie Abadiano (20)
What influenced me to
Capuno (19)
have these thoughts is my
I think the one influence me extreme understanding and
is the thoughts that the exposure to certain friends
society given to me that and family members that
affect my thinking right have these certain traits
and characters that defines
now. a certain gender
4. John Reshan Baccay orientation.
(17) 5. Mary Judith Borden
The posts I often see on
It is what I learned and
social media. observed since everytime i
5. Thirdy Denoy (13) fill up any kind of form there
is a word sex and the
Based on how my
choices is either male or
schoolmates make fun of female and also the
our gay schoolmates. members of lgbtq are
raising the gender equality
not sex equality that is why
I come up that kind of
Lesson 3: Activity 1
People agree because People disagree because
they see boys as someone crying and being
Boys should not cry.
who are strong and crying transparent to what we feel
makes them look weak. knows no gender.
People agree because People disagree because
they only expect girls to in the present time there
Girls are bad drivers while
excel in doing household are girls who are driving
boys are superb drivers.
chores and other related public transportation
things. vehicles like jeepney.
People agree because People disagree because
Boys should not be they think that when boys dolls or any toys in general
allowed to play dolls. play dolls they’re more doesn’t totally influenced
likely to become gay. people’s preferred gender.
People disagree because
People agree because
Women should be prim both women and men
they hold unto the socially
and proper. It is okay for could act and behave the
constructed view of women
men to be rowdy, they are way they want to without
being feminine and men
men anyway. the society telling them
being masculine.

The following are my personal standpoints about the abovementioned
1. Boys should not cry.
Most of the people see crying as a sign of weakness and having this
perspective that men or boys are stronger and more rational than women or
girls, they don't have a room for this thing to which I disagree because crying
should not be used as a basis to define one's masculinity or femininity and if it
is so, it's okay for the boys to cry, be weak and emotional sometimes because
we can't always expect them to be strong all the time.
2. Girls are bad drivers while boys are superb drivers.
This statement is based on the social construct of boys being more steps ahead
than girls including driving. I disagree with the statement because in this time
we can see girls excelling in car racing and getting their own driver's license.

3. Boys should not be allowed to play dolls.

I disagree with this statement because toys should not be included with our
differentiation of the things boys and girls should associate themselves with.

4. Women should be prim and proper. It is okay for men to be rowdy,

they are men anyway.
I totally disagree with this because not all women are feminine and there are
also men who are demure. The way one behaves should not be an issue or
problem as long as he/she is not meddling other people's business.
Lesson 3: Activity 2
1. Does the Philippines already accepted the different genders therein as well as their
behaviours or we are just tolerating them?
• This is to know if our country is really ready to acknowledge the presence
of people whose gender is different from the socially constructed basis and
give them the space and recognition they have been fighting for since then.
• This is within the scope of gender studies because it aims to seek on the
society’s opinion about the different genders existing in the country.

2. Should the parents or guardians of the members of LGBTQ+ community be held

accountable for their children’s preferred gender and sexuality?
• It would be significant to have this question answered to know if the parents
or guardians of the members of LGBTQ+ community are to be blamed for
tolerating their children’s behaviour when they’re still young and could still
reprimand them. Also, there are parents or guardians who loved to clothe
their young boys with dress and told him to act and behave as a girl and
laugh when he will follow them, but when the boy grew up and became gay
or whatever his preferred gender is most of them got angry and could not
accept their child’s gender.
• This is within the scope of gender studies because it aims to analyze the
responsibility of the parents or guardians of the members of LGBTQ+
community to their children with their preferred gender as well as to
determine the unfair and artificial support most of the people been giving to
the members of LGBTQ+ community.
3. Is being gay or lesbian by nature or nurtured?
• This would educate people if being gay or lesbian is genetic or it is the
person’s environment that influenced him/her to be like one.
• This is within the scope of gender studies because it aims to analyze the
reason behind the people’s preferred gender which is affecting their lives
and how people treat them.

4. Why do most people fantasize and expect men to be masculine all the time?
• This is to let the people realized that just because a man is being demure
or showing some femininity neither we can automatically tag that person as
gay nor we have the right to tell him what his gender and sexuality are.
• This is within the scope of gender studies because it aims to brighten
people’s mind about this negative and toxic perception towards men or boys
which is unfair for such people because their skills and abilities are being
disregarded only because most people focus on his behaviors rather than
his capabilities.

5. Where do people of all genders get offended; when their skills and abilities are
being invalidated because of their gender and sexuality or because people could
not accept their preference?
• This is to determine the reason behind a person’s motivation when fighting
for his/her rights with regards to such issue or what influences him/her to
raise his/her voice in relation to the said topic.
• This is within the scope of gender studies because it talks about the unfair
treatment and inequality people of all genders face.

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