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Pre-Calculus Midterm Quiz 1 3.

A magician standing on a platform subtends an angle of 15 at a

point on the ground. The angle of elevation of the platform from the
same point is 45. The magician is 180 cm high. Find the height of
Name: ______________________________________ SCORE: ___________ the platform from the ground.

Instructions: Answer all the problem with complete solution and with an
illustration. Box your final answer with the proper unit. Each questions are
15 points each

1. A ship bears S 3435’ E from a ship A and is 3 miles distant from A. A

sails 2 miles west while B sails 3 miles south. What is the distance
between A and B in their new positions and what is the bearing of B
from A?

4. A ship started sailing S 4235’ W at the rate of 5kph. After 2 hours,

ship B started at the same port going N 4620’ W at the rate of
7kph. After how many hours will the second ship be exactly north of
ship A?

2. Three circles of radii 27, 38, and 42cm respectively are tangent to
each other. Find the median to the longest side of the triangle
formed by joining the centers.

5. A tower and a monument stand on a level plane. The angles of

depression of the top and bottom of the monument viewed from
the top of the tower are 13 and 35respectively. The height of the
tower is 50m. Find the height of the monument.

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