Bookkeepigng Portfolio001

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TRAINERS METHODOLOGY LEVEL 1 PORTFOLIO PREPARED BY: ANGELES, MARY JOY M. - 70s ‘Document No. BPPNGH — para | memnovetors Accounting Services soomeemencw PLAN TRAINING SESSION TA GATHERING INSTRUMENT FOR TRAINEE’S CHARACTERISTICS spplicant: Mary Joy M. Angeles Date: May 25, 2019 Bookkeeping NCIIL Please answer the following instrument according to the characteristics described below. the letter of your choice that best describes you as a learner. Blank spaces are provided for that need your response. eae ‘Characteristics of learners Average grade in: ‘Average grade in English Math. 195 and above a 95 and above 90 10.94 b. 901094 851089 ec. 851089 4 80 10 84 80 to 84 a 751079 fe. 751079 Ethnicity/culture: Hfugao Igorot Thanag, Gaddang Muslim Ibaloy Others( please specify) Tagalog Highest Educational Attainment: High School Level High School Graduate College Level College Graduate with units in Master's degree £ Masteral Graduate ‘g. With units in Doctoral Level ate Developed Dacument a. BPPNH TRAINERS May 2015 0% memiovotoey) | DseReviet iv 209 [esd ing Services | ome™mencr [oasinsine | WARY JOY M ANGELES REVISION # 0 Characteristics of learners B Doctoral Graduate b mene ery e| a b © 4 “Your age: 26 "TM Certificates ‘Number of years as a competency trainer Male Female Disebilities(fany) Existing Health Conditions (Existing illness if any) None Asthma Heart disease Anemia Hypertension Diabetes | Others(please specify TQ certified TM graduate ‘TM trainer ‘TM lead trainer List down trainings related to TM Bookkeeping NC Ill a b. National Certificates acquired and NC evel | Other courses related to TM | BOOKKEEPING NCI Units in education Master’s degree units in education Others(please speci ‘Visual - The visual leamer takes mental pictures of information given, so in order for this kind of leamer to retain information, oral or written, presentations of new | information must contain diagrams and drawings, preferably in color. The visual learner cant concentrate with a lot of activity around him and will focus better and learn faster in a quiet study environment. | Kinesthetic - described as the students in the classroom, | ‘who have problems sitting still and who often bounce their | legs while tapping their fingers on the desks. They are often | referred to as hyperactive students with concentration | issues Auditory: a leamer who has the ability to remember | speeches and lectures in detail but has a hard time with vitten text. Having to read long texts is pointless and will | TRAINERS ay 2019 on meropoiocy1 | se Revised: 2019 [sued be “poomrcsPine Now" ‘Date Developed ‘Document, BPPNCTT NTTA i Developed by [MARY JOY M. ANGELES AEVSION NO (Characteristics of learners not be retained by the auditory leamer unless it is read aloud, d._ Activist - Learns by having a go | €. Reflector - Leams most from activities where they can | ‘watch, listen and then review what has happened | £ Theorist - Leams most when ideas are linked to existing | theories and concepts. | 8 Pragmatist - Leams most from learning activities that are | directly relevant to their situation. inancially challenged b. Working student ©. Solo parent Date Developed ‘Document Na, BPPRET- TRAINERS May 2019 oon meTnovotocy1 | PateRevsed:suy 2019 isuedi: NTTA Developed by FORM 1.1 SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECK ‘communication ‘Communicate information about workplace processes ‘workplace discussions ‘and communicate issues arising in the workplace de team leadership Assign responsibilities sperformance expectations for team members [practice negotiation skills ss related to work activities Taentify the problem mine fundamental causes of the problem Determine corrective action Provide recommendation/sto manager tical concepts and techniques ‘mathematical tools and techniques to solve problem ‘mathematical procedure/solution Date Developed ‘Bacument NO. BPPNCI May 2019 oon, Date Revised: uy 2019 sued by NITA Developed by [MARY JOY M. ANGELES REVISION # 1 appropriate technology ‘relevant technology /enhance relevant technology Ek ‘ate Developed: May 2013 ‘ate Revised: July 2019, ‘Document Na BPPRHT oo, ‘sued by NTA REVISION # OL 1.1 SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECK work ‘quality improvement ‘operations [prepare for task to be taken undertaken jinto computer _ ‘formation using computer relationship with clients and customers ‘a clean and hygienic environment ‘customer requirements ‘credibility with customers/clients _ Date: sy 25-, 0 ‘Date Developed: TRAINERS May 2013 MeTHopoLoGy) | 02 Revised: sul 2019 “BoornesPinG Nem” |-Seieped bys MARY JOY M. ANGELES ‘Document No. BPPNGI oon issued by wa REVISION #1 1.1 SELF-ASSESSMENT CHECK x Balances from the Ledger ze Trial Balance Financial Statement Financial Statement Control System Policy Compliance Policy Compliance Report Date: tr} af 200 Date: troy 25,2019 TRAINERS METHODOLOGY! “BOOKKEEPING NCU” ‘ate Developed May 2019 ‘ate Revised: uly 2019, ‘Document No, BPPNCHT ona issued by NTA | Developed by: [MARY JOY M. ANGELES REVISION # OL COMPETENCIES 1.2 EVIDENCES/PROOF OF CURRENT spoonxeerne nem” | Sezioped by [MAR JOY M. ANGELES Proofffvidence ‘Means of validating ‘Written Test/ Certificate of | Sumbit an Authenticated copy of any employment! Certificate of of the following: certificate of ‘completion employee! certificate of completion Written Test/ Certificate of | Sumbit an Authenticated copy of any employment/ Certificate of of the following: certificate of ‘completion employee’ certificate of completion “Writien Test/ Certificate of | Sumbit an Authenticated copy of any | employment/ Certificate of of the following: certificate of ‘completion employee! certificate of completion | “Written Test/ Certificate of | Sumbit an Authenticated copy of any employment/ Certificate of of the following: certificate of ‘completion employee! certificate of completion Written Test/ Certificate of | Sumbit an Authenticated copy of any ‘employment/ Certificate of of the following: certificate of completion employee! certificate of completion ° ‘Date Developed Docent Wa, BPPNH TRAINERS Wer yaw {Sane ——| remopotocy) | bseReved:niy2019 [esd a ITA SUMMARY OF CURRENT COMPETENCIES US REQUIRED COMPETENCIES en 111 Prepare chart of Zr Prepare Ledger 22 Transfer Jounal 23 Summarize 3.1 List of Account Titles 3.2 Transfer Balances from the Ledger 3.3 Summarize Trial Balance 41 Prepare a TRAINERS ‘METHODOLOGY! “BOORKEEPING NCU” | Date Revsed: sul 2019 oon, [MARY JOY M. ANGELES 1.2 Analyze documents 13 Prepare journal ‘Document No. BPPNCI issued by

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