Ibn Qayyim Against Astrology

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IBN QAYYIM ALJAWZIVYYAH: A FOURTEENTH CENTURY DEFENSE AGAINST ASTROLOGICAL DIVINATION AND ALCHEMICAL TRANSMUTATION Joux W. Livixesrox: Sasrane Umer ‘This article in a review of the argumenis of the konball thealogian Ibo Qayyim sl-Jaw- frticle takes ae ite pornt of departure Professor Armand Abel's argument (La place det scicoces oecultes dana In WteadeDec, in Claseiinmse et déchineullerel dans Chislair de | Talo, ited by R. Brunschwig and G. E. Vor. Gruncbaum, Paria, 187) that the Sunni raligtoun institution protected, and inceed sanctioned, the riaing tide of cocultiam which, accerding ta Abel. undated the lands of Iain isthe twelfth snd thirteenth centuries of the Christina ra. Ten Qayyim, one of the grvat spelenmen of the Sunni tradition, devoted aver two Ihundred pages in bia Aijiak Dar al-a°tdak in harshly denouncing divinntory practices, sspicially astrology and alchemy, which docs not at all tally with the conclusions draws by Professor Abel. Some of Ibn Qaryim's arguments appear to be original, while rome, aceurding to his own adrnision, definitely are wot, The author af the prevent article deals ‘with Ibm Quyyim's refutations of sacrology and alchemy and hse tried to show from what eruroes the theoto AN ATTTIUDE SHARED WY 4 GREAT MANY WRETERS ‘on Islamic intelicetual decline, regardless of their hhistorieal perspeotive, is tht when the “rational” (ie, the Greck) sciences! gave way (0 religious otalitarianism, cecult aciences—whieh had also entered Islam in the train of its Hellenic inherit- ance—flourished in their place. This theme forms the substance of Armand Abel's contribution (“La place des sciences oncultes dans la déca- dene”) to an international symposium of Islamic scholars which met in Bordeaux in 1056 to discuss the decline of Islamic civilization? I shall leave aside the problems evoked by Professor Abel's article, and the symposium a3 a whole? I shall “The rational sciences were enlied by Muslim weitere calwhin alaqlépyah or ‘ulin alncd'il: sciences in- herited by Inlst, particularly from the Greeks. A second caterory of the sciences distingwiabed by Muslims was the ‘wham al-arab (sciences of the Arabs} or ‘uliim ale shari'ah (cienees of religious law), S00 The al-Nadim, Fekrisi al-Ulire, od. G. Piigel, Leipsig, 871-72; Miubazmmed iho Absiad sl-Khwavieni, Mayarth al- Ulam, ed. G. Van Vloten, Leiden, 1895; Abt Nasr al-Fietbt, im, Cairo, WG}; ADM ‘AIL iba Siu, ive Roa il T-Hlikmah wa E-Tabi'lyyat, Cairo, 108, * Clanatciame et déclin cultarel dans Pato def Telam, organised by R. Branachwig snd G. B. vos Grunebaum. Paris, 1987. ‘For example, the vague meaning of “decadence” ‘may have learned hit arguments. rather examine Abel's depiction of the rise of the coeult seiencos in Tslam, for I believe him to have overstated the case in putting forth the example of AbO. -’Abbiis Abmad ibn ‘Abdullth al-Qurasht al-Bani as proof of oceultism’s grand success in the thirteenth eentury Avec cslui-

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